Libraries aim to provide high-quality readers’ advisory services, but sometimes lack the staff, hours, or expertise to deliver these services when and where patrons need help. BookChat provides reading suggestions and advice on the spot, powered by the experts at NoveList.
Fast and easy real-time help
BookChat Specialists provide quick, on-demand answers. Perfect for those patrons who are in a hurry.
Comprehensive expertise
BookChat has your back when readers have questions about unfamiliar topics. The experts at NoveList (who you know and trust) are familiar with all genres and types of books.
Extended availability
BookChat hours of operation are during days and times when patrons need it most (evenings and weekends). BookChat is also available to users within the library or those accessing the library remotely.
Low-pressure interactions
BookChat is a quick, text-based way to get help. This is especially appealing to patrons who don’t like to ask for help or prefer engaging online.
Extra help, affordably
BookChat provides extra help when you need it; it's that reassurance that there is backup at the click of a button.
To purchase BookChat, you must have an active NoveList Plus subscription. Contact NoveList for more information.