Religion and Social Change, 1723-1921 |
Title |
Author |
Year Published |
Language |
General Subject |
Things for Adult Bible Classes to Do |
Moninger, Herbert; 1876-1911. |
1911 |
English |
Religious education of adults |
A Bible
School Vision |
Welshimer, P. H. (Pearl Howard);
1873-1957. |
1852 |
English |
Sunday schools |
A Brief
Study of Christian Science |
Sandt, Geo. W. (George
Washington); 1854-1931. |
1911 |
English |
Christian Science |
A Call
for a Convention to Effect a National Organization for the Improvement of
Religious and Moral Education Through the Sunday School and Other Agencies:
To Be Held in Chicago in February or March, 1903. |
1902 |
English |
Christian education |
A Call
Upon the Unemployed Talent of the Church: A Sermon in Behalf of the American
Sunday School Union |
Potts, George; 1802-1864. |
1853 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Century's Change in Religion |
Harris, George; 1844-1922. |
1914 |
English |
Church history |
Commentary on Hegel's Logic |
McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis;
1866-1925. |
1910 |
English |
Logic |
Cosmic View of Religion |
Halstead, William Riley;
1848-1931. |
1913 |
English |
Religion |
A Creed
for Christian Socialists: With Expositions |
Stubbs, Charles William;
1845-1912. |
1897 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion |
Farrar, Adam Storey; 1826-1905. |
1862 |
English |
Free thought |
Critical Study of Current Theories of Moral Education |
Hart, Joseph Kinmont; 1876-1949. |
1910 |
English |
Moral education |
Defence of "the Eclipse of Faith" |
Rogers, Henry; 1806-1877. |
1854 |
English |
Skepticism |
Defence of Liberal Christianity |
Norton, Andrews; 1786-1853. |
1812 |
English |
Liberalism (Religion) |
Defence of Philosophic Doubt: Being an Essay on the Foundations of Belief |
Balfour, Arthur James Balfour;
1st Earl of; 1848-1930. |
1879 |
English |
Belief and doubt |
Discourse on the Latest Form of Infidelity |
Norton, Andrews; 1786-1853. |
1839 |
English |
Skepticism |
Doubter's Doubts About Science and Religion |
Anderson, Robert; Sir;
1841-1918. |
1894 |
English |
Religion and science |
A Few
Plain Words in Respect to the American Sunday School Union |
Westbrook, R. B. Rev. |
1855 |
English |
American Sunday-School Union |
Generation of Religious Progress: Issued in Commemoration of the Twenty-First
Anniversary of the Union of Ethical Societies |
1916 |
English |
Religious thought |
A Hand
Book of the History, Organization, and Methods of Work of the Young Men's
Christian Associations |
1892 |
English |
Young Mens Christian Associations |
History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa |
Alexander, Archibald; 1772-1851. |
1849 |
English |
Liberia |
History of Education in Modern Times |
Graves, Frank Pierrepont;
1869-1943. |
1913 |
English |
Education |
History of Freedom of Thought |
Bury, J. B. (John Bagnell);
1861-1927. |
1913 |
English |
Free thought |
History of Psychology, Ancient and Patristic |
Brett, George Sidney; 1879-1944. |
1912 |
English |
Psychology |
History of the Adult School Movement |
Rowntree, John Wilhelm;
1868-1905. |
1903 |
English |
Adult education |
History of the American Sunday School Union |
Rice, Edwin Wilbur; 1831-1929. |
1899 |
English |
American Sunday-School Union |
History of the Warfare of Science With Theology: In Christendom |
White, Andrew Dickson;
1832-1918. |
1896 |
English |
Religion and science |
A Lay
Thesis on Bible Wines |
Emerson, Edward R. (Edward
Randolph); b. 1856. |
1902 |
English |
Temperance |
Lecture on the Vatican Decrees and the Political Tendencies of the Roman
Church |
Bateman, Warner M. |
1877 |
English |
Church and state |
A Letter
of Inquiry to Ministers of the Gospel of All Denominations on Slavery |
Lord, Nathan; 1793-1870. |
1854 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Letter to Andrews Norton on Miracles as the Foundation of Religious Faith |
Hildreth, Richard; 1807-1865. |
1840 |
English |
Rationalism |
A Lone
Woman in Africa: Six Years on the Kroo Coast |
McAllister, Agnes. |
1896 |
English |
Women missionaries |
Looking Glass for Ladies, or, The Formation and Excellence of the Female
Character, an Address Delivered at Hartford on Sunday Evening, August 24,
1845 |
Hawes, Joel; 1789-1867. |
1845 |
English |
Women |
National Church |
Huntington, William Reed;
1838-1909. |
1897 |
English |
Christian union |
A New
Life in Education |
Durell, Fletcher; 1859-1946. |
1894 |
English |
Education |
Philosophical and a Chemical Digest of the Mosaic Creation: In Two Popular
Lectures: Being a Synopsis of the Subject, as Condensed From the Writer's
Criticisms on the First Chapter of Genesis |
Quarterman, James |
1868 |
English |
Creation |
Physician to the Soul |
Dresser, Horatio W. (Horatio
Willis); b. 1866. |
1908 |
English |
Mental healing |
A Plan
for Better Religious Instruction in the Southern Methodist Church |
Cuninggim, J. L. |
1901 |
English |
Christian education of adults |
Practical Directory for Young Christian Females: Being a Series of Letters
From a Brother to a Younger Sister, Designed Principally for Sabbath School
Teachers and Their Elder Pupils |
Newcomb, Harvey; 1803-1863. |
1833 |
English |
Young women |
A Reply
to "the Academy's" Review of "the Wine Question in the Light
of the New Dispensation" |
Ellis, John; 1815-1896. |
1883 |
English |
Temperance |
Review of the "Spiritual Manifestations" |
Beecher, Charles; 1815-1900. |
1853 |
English |
Spiritualism |
A Review
of the Rev. Moses Stuart's Pamphlet on Slavery Entitled Conscience and the
Constitution |
Clark, Rufus W. (Rufus
Wheelwright); 1813-1886. |
1850 |
English |
Slavery |
A Review
of the Systems of Ethics: Founded on the Theory of Evolution |
Williams, C. M. (Cora May) |
1893 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
A Short
History of the International Lesson System |
Rice, Edwin Wilbur; 1831-1929. |
1902 |
English |
International Sunday School
Lessons |
Spiritual Pilgrimage |
Campbell, R. J. (Reginald John);
1867-1956. |
1916 |
English |
Campbell, R. J |
Statement Concerning the First Year's Active Work of the League, and Its
Purposes for the Immediate Future |
1891 |
English |
Church and education |
A Study
in Pedagogy: For People Who Are Not Professional Teachers |
Vincent, John Heyl; 1832-1920. |
1890 |
English |
Education |
Syllabus of Religious Education |
Hodge, Richard Morse. |
1904 |
English |
Christian education |
Woman's Life Work: Labors and Experiences of Laura S. Haviland. |
Haviland, Laura S. (Laura
Smith); 1808-1898. |
1889 |
English |
Underground railroad |
Woman's Pulpit |
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart;
1844-1911 |
1870 |
English |
Women clergy |
A World
Expectant: The Study of a Great Possibility |
Wodehouse, E. A. (Ernest
Armine); 1879-1936. |
1916 |
English |
Religions (Proposed, universal,
etc.) |
of Slavery: The Right of the Government Under the War Power., The |
1862 |
English |
War and emergency powers |
for Princes, The |
Norlie, Olaf Morgan; 1876-1962. |
1917 |
English |
Religious education |
With Grief |
Shaw, George. |
1906 |
English |
Servant of Jehovah |
Actes Du
IIIme Congrès International Du Christianisme Libèral Et Progressif, Genève
1905 |
1906 |
French |
Liberalism (Religion) |
Actes Du
Ive Congrès International D'histoire Des Religions: Tenu À Leide Du 9e-13e
Septembre 1912. |
1913 |
French |
Religion |
Acts of
Saint Mary Magdalene Considered in a Series of Discourses as Illustrating
Certain Important Points ofDoctrine, The |
Stretton, Henry; 1814 or
15-1890. |
1848 |
English |
Women in the Bible |
Acts of
the Anti-Slavery Apostles |
Pillsbury, Parker; 1809-1898. |
1883 |
English |
Slavery |
Adam and
the Adamite, or, The Harmony of Scripture and Ethnology |
M'Causland, Dominick; 1806-1873. |
1872 |
English |
Monogenism and polygenism |
Address |
Stebbins, Rufus P. (Rufus
Phineas); 1810-1885. |
1857 |
English |
Peace |
at the Annual Meeting of the New West Education Commission |
Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank
Wakeley); 1856-1921. |
1890 |
English |
Mormonism |
Bible Class: Its Organization and Work, The |
Pearce, W. C. (William Cliff);
b. 1864. |
1910 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of the Christian Soul: Being Chapters in the Psychology of Religion |
Saunders, Kenneth J. (Kenneth
James); 1883-1937. |
1916 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Folksongs: A Study in Racial and National Music |
Krehbiel, Henry Edward;
1854-1923. |
1914 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
Death, What?: A Scholarly Exposition of a Vitally Interesting Question That
Has Deeply Agitated Thinking Men and Women From Time Immemorial |
Peters, Madison Clinton;
1859-1918. |
1908 |
English |
Future life |
Age of
Unreason: Being a Reply to Thomas Paine, Robert Ingersoll, Felix Adler, O.B.
Frothingham, and Other American Rationalists, The |
Brann, Henry A. (Henry
Athanasius); 1837-1921. |
1881 |
English |
Rationalism |
Gospel: A Review of Huxley on the Bible: With Related Essays, The |
Parker, Henry W. (Henry
Webster); 1822-1903. |
1895 |
English |
Agnosticism |
Agnosticism |
Flint, Robert; 1838-1910. |
1903 |
English |
Agnosticism |
and Religion: Being an Examination of Spencer's Religion of the Unknowable:
Preceded by a History of Agnosticism. |
Lucas, George J. |
1895 |
English |
Agnosticism |
of Hume and Huxley: With a Notice of the Scottish School |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1884 |
English |
Agnosticism |
of Evolution & Christianity |
Phillips, Samuel L. (Samuel
Louis); b. 1838. |
1904 |
English |
Evolution |
of Science and Revelation, The |
Wythe, J. H. (Joseph Henry);
1822-1901. |
1872 |
English |
Religion and science |
Aids to
Reflection in the Formation of a Manly Character on the Several Grounds of
Prudence, Morality and Religion |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor;
1772-1834. |
1873 |
English |
and the Rise of the Christian Schools |
West, Andrew Fleming; 1853-1943. |
1892 |
English |
Education, Medieval |
or Americans? |
Grose, Howard B. (Howard
Benjamin); 1851-1939. |
1906 |
English |
Immigrants |
Kritische Geschichte Der Religionen |
Meiners, C. (Christoph);
1747-1810. |
1806 |
German |
Religions |
Am I
Jew or Gentile?: Read and See |
Davies, Thomas A. (Thomas
Alfred); 1809-1899. |
1889 |
English |
Bible and science |
the Community of True Inspiration |
Shambaugh, Bertha M. H. (Bertha
Maud Horack); 1871-1953. |
1908 |
English |
Amana Society |
or Rome, Which? |
Christian, John T. (John Tyler);
1854-1925. |
1895 |
English |
Church and state |
Communities and Co-Operative Colonies |
Hinds, William Alfred;
1833-1910. |
1908 |
English |
Communism |
Methodist Ladies' Centenary Association: Its Connectional Character |
Smart, J. S. (James S.) |
1866 |
English |
Women in church work |
Slavery Distinguished From the Slavery of English-Theorists: And Justified by
the Law of Nature |
Seabury, Samuel; 180l-1872. |
1861 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Social and Religious Conditions |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1912 |
English |
Social problems |
Address on the Humanities and Mathematics |
Shepardson, Daniel. |
1856 |
English |
Education, Humanistic |
Address on Woman's Work in the Church:before the Presbytery of New Albany |
Heckman, George C. 1825-1902. |
1875 |
English |
Women in church work |
Agnostic's Apology: And Other Essays |
Stephen, Leslie; Sir; 1832-1904. |
1893 |
English |
Agnosticism |
Agnostic's Progress |
Palmer, William Scott; b. 1848. |
1906 |
English |
Belief and doubt |
Anatomy of Atheism: As Demonstrated in the Light of the Constitution and Laws
of Nature |
Moore, H. H. (Homer H.) |
1890 |
English |
Atheism |
Appeal to the Methodist Episcopal Church: Concerning What Its Next General
Conference Should Do on the Question of Slavery |
Stevens, Abel; 1815-1897. |
1859 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Appeal to the Women of the Nominally Free States |
[Grimkè, Angelina Emily];
1805-1879. |
1838 |
English |
Slavery in the United States |
Episcopalian Demand for Christian Schools |
McMillan, Thomas; C.S.P. |
1903 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Epistle to the Clergy of the Southern States |
Grimkè, Sarah Moore; 1792-1873. |
1836 |
English |
Slavery in the United States |
Essay on Liberty and Slavery |
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor;
1809-1877. |
1856 |
English |
Slavery |
An Essay
on Transcendentalism |
Ellis, Charles M. (Charles
Mayo); 1818-1878. |
1842 |
English |
Transcendentalism (New England) |
Inquiry Into the Scriptural Views of Slavery |
Barnes, Albert; 1798-1870. |
1846 |
English |
Slavery in the Bible |
An Open
Letter to His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons: Apropos of His Interview on the
Separation of Church and State in France |
Sabatier, Paul; 1858-1928. |
1908 |
English |
Church and state |
Outline of the Future Religion of the World: With a Consideration of the
Facts and Doctrines on Which It Will Probably Be Based |
Smith, R. Morris; (Richard
Morris); 1827-1896. |
1884 |
English |
Religions (Proposed, universal,
etc.) |
Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant |
Moore, Edward Caldwell;
1857-1943. |
1912 |
English |
Religious thought |
Outline Study of Man, or, The Body and Mind in One System: With Illustrative
Diagrams, and a Method for Blackboard Teaching |
Hopkins, Mark; 1802-1887. |
1887 |
English |
Psychology |
in the Progress of Nature and Grace: Four Sermons Preached Before the
University of Cambridge (Being the Hulsean Lectures for 1867), to Which Are
Added Two Sermons Preached Before the British Association in 1866 and 1867 |
Pritchard, C. (Charles);
1808-1893. |
1868 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Revelation and Science Established in a Series of Lectures, The |
Nolan, Frederick; 1784-1864. |
1833 |
English |
Religion and science |
of the Phenomena of the Human Mind |
Mill, James; 1773-1836. |
1869 |
English |
Psychology |
of Negation, The |
Saltus, Edgar; 1855-1921. |
1886 |
English |
Skepticism |
of Scepticism: An Examination Into the Causes of the Progress Which
Scepticism Is Making in England, The |
Girdlestone, Robert Baker;
1836-1923. |
1863 |
English |
Skepticism |
Liberalism |
1908 |
English |
Liberalism (Religion) |
of the American Peace Society: Proceedings at the Annual Meeting. |
1856 |
English |
Peace |
Report 1915 |
1915 |
English |
World Peace Foundation |
Report 1916 |
1917 |
English |
World Peace Foundation |
Sermon Before the American Sunday School Union, The |
Eastburn, Manton; 1801-1872. |
1857 |
English |
Sunday schools |
to Hugh Miller and Theoretic Geologists |
Davies, Thomas A. (Thomas
Alfred); 1809-1899. |
1860 |
English |
Religion and science |
History, and Narrative of the Flood: As Set Forth in the Early Portions of
the Book of Genesis, The |
Rendell, E. D. (Elias De La
Roche) |
1864 |
English |
Bible and science |
Girardeau vs. Woodrow |
Martin, James L. |
1888 |
English |
Evolution |
Struggle and Triumph in the Methodist Episcopal Church, The |
Matlack, Lucius C. |
1881 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
to the Christian Women of the South |
Grimkè, Angelina Emily;
1805-1879. |
1836 |
English |
Slavery in the United States |
Christianity: Moral Aspects of Social Questions |
Gladden, Washington; 1836-1918. |
1886 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
or, Studies of the Cosmogony and Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures |
Dawson, John William; Sir;
1820-1899. |
1860 |
English |
Creation |
and the Throne, The |
Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy);
1838-1922. |
1874 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Faith, or, The Grounds of Certainty in Science and Religion, The |
Harrison, Alex. J. (Alexander
James) |
1894 |
English |
Faith |
Through Christ: A Study of the Doctrine of Redemption in the Light of the
Theory of Evolution, The |
Griffith-Jones, E. (Ebenezer);
1860-1942. |
1900 |
English |
Redemption |
of Education: A Study in the History of Pedagogy |
Browning, Oscar; 1837-1923. |
1888 |
English |
Education |
of Religious and Scientific Thought |
Hutton, Richard Holt; 1826-1897. |
1899 |
English |
Christianity |
Athanasius |
Görres, Joseph von; 1776-1848. |
1838 |
German |
Church and state |
in Philosophy, and Other Essays |
Hedge, Frederic Henry;
1805-1890. |
1884 |
English |
Atheism |
Dr. Tyndall's Atomic Theory of the Universe |
Watts, Robert. |
1874 |
English |
Religion and science |
Comte and Positivism |
Mill, John Stuart; 1806-1873. |
1865 |
English |
Positivism |
Für Die Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands: In Folge Der Beschlüsse Der
Reichsversammlung in Frankfurt |
Hoffmann, C. Mitglied der
Reichsversammlung. |
1849 |
German |
Church and state |
The Fundamental Verity |
Smith, Orlando J. (Orlando Jay);
1842-1908. |
1904 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Liberty of Conscience |
Vedder, Henry C. (Henry Clay);
1853-1935. |
1884 |
English |
Liberty of conscience |
and Slavery, 1840-1845, The |
Putnam, Mary Burnham. |
1913 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
of the Evolutionary Theory on the Conception of God: A Study in Contemporary
Interpretations of God inTerms of the Doctrine of Evolution, The |
Kawaguchi, Ukichi; b. 1884. |
1916 |
English |
Evolution |
of the Theory of Evolution on Christian Doctrine, The |
Betts, J. A. (John Arthur) |
1897 |
English |
Evolution |
of the Darwinian Theory of Evolution on Moral and Religious Progress, The |
Weiss, F. E. (Frederick Ernest);
1865-1953. |
1909 |
English |
Evolution |
Der Theologischen Facultäten Der Landesuniversität Jena Und Der Universitäten
Zu Berlin, Göttingen Und Heidelberg: Über Das Rescript Des Herzoglichen
Consistoriums Zu Altenburg Vom 13. Nov. 1838 (Den Kirchlichen Separatismu... |
1839 |
German |
Church and state |
Department of the Church School, The |
Athearn, Walter S. (Walter
Scott); 1872-1934. |
1913 |
English |
Religious education of preschool
children |
Angest: En Simpel Psychologisk-paapegende Overveielse I Retning Af Det
Dogmatiske Problem Om Arvesynden |
Kierkegaard, Søren; 1813-1855. |
1844 |
Danish |
Sin, Original |
Zur Kenntnis Des Islamischen Vereinswesens Auf Grund Von Bastì Madad
Et-Taufìq |
Thorning, Hermann; b. 1889. |
1913 |
German |
Guilds |
Über Den Evangelischen Religionsunterricht an Höheren Lehranstalten |
Ubbelohde, Wilh. |
1877 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
the Surface, or, Physical Truths, Especially Geological, Shown to Be Latent
in Many Parts of the Holy Scriptures |
Duke, Edward. |
1881 |
English |
Bible and geology |
of the Gospel Toward the Poor: A Discourse, The |
Fuller, Richard; 1804-1876. |
1848 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
Days for Working People |
Blaikie, William Garden;
1820-1899. |
1865 |
English |
Working class |
Caesar and Jesus |
Herron, George Davis; 1862-1925. |
1899 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Und Natur in Der Harmonie Ihrer Offenbarungen |
Zollmann, Theodor. |
1869 |
German |
Bible and science |
Und Naturwissenschaft |
Schmitt, Alois; Dr. |
1910 |
German |
Bible and science |
Und Wissenschaft: Grundsätze Und Deren Anwendung Auf Die Probleme Der
Biblischen Urgeschichte, Hexaèmeron, Sintflut, Völkertafel, Sprachverwirrung:
Zugleich Als Antwort Auf Den Artikel "Grundsätzliches Zur Katholischen
Schrifta" |
Schöpfer, Aemilian. |
1896 |
German |
Bible and science |
Und Religionsunterricht: Sechs Thesen |
Kautzsch, E. (Emil); 1841-1910. |
1900 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
and Astronomy: An Exposition of the Biblical Cosmology and Its Relations to
Natural Science, The |
Kurtz, J. H. (Johann Heinrich);
1809-1890. |
1857 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Other Ancient Literature in the Nineteenth Century, The |
Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy);
1838-1922. |
1889 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Science, or, The World Problem, The |
Lewis, Tayler; 1802-1877. |
1856 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Science, The |
Brunton, T. Lauder; (Thomas
Lauder); Sir; 1844-1916. |
1881 |
English |
Evolution |
and Slavery: In Which the Abrahamic and Mosaic Discipline Is Considered in
Connection With the Most Ancient Forms of Slavery, and the Pauline Code on
Slavery as Related to Roman Slavery and the Discipline of the Apostolic
Churches, The |
Elliott, Charles; 1792-1869. |
1857 |
English |
Slavery in the Bible |
and Social Reform, or, The Scriptures as a Means of Civilization, The |
Tyler, Ransom H. (Ransom
Hebbard); 1813-1881. |
1860 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and the Common Schools, or, The Question Settled, The |
Smythe, W. Herbert. |
1870 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
and the Sunday School, The |
1878 |
English |
Sunday schools |
and Woman Suffrace, The |
Hooker, John; 1816-1901. |
1874 |
English |
Woman (Theology) |
and Woman: A Critical and Comprehensive Examination of the Teaching of the
Scriptures Concerning the Position and Sphere of Woman, The |
Hayden, M. P. |
1902 |
English |
Women's rights |
Argument for Socialism, The |
Wilson, J. Stitt; (Jackson
Stitt); 1868- |
1911 |
English |
Socialism and Christianity |
Doctrine of the Middle Life as Opposed to Swedenborgianism and Spiritism, The |
Graves, J. R. (James Robinson);
1820-1893. |
1873 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Bible in
Public Schools: Address Upon a Resolution to Petition the Board of Education
to Exclude the Bible From Public Schools, The |
Kilgore, Damon Y. |
1875 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
in the Common Schools: Superior Court of Cincinnati in General Term,
February, 1870: John D. Minor Et Als. Versus the Board of Education of the
City of Cincinnati Et Als., The |
Storer, Bellamy; 1798-1875. |
1870 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
in the Common Schools: Superior Court of Cincinnati. In General Term,
February, 1870: John D. Minor Et Als. Versus the Board of Education of the
City of Cincinnati Et Als., The |
Hagans, M. B. |
1870 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Bible in
the Public Schools: Opinions of Individuals and of the Press, and Judicial
Decisions., The |
1870 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
in the Public Schools: Proceedings and Addresses at the Mass Meeting, Pike's
Music Hall, Cincinnati, Tuesday Evening, September 28, 1869: With a Sketch of
the Anti-Bible Movement., The |
1869 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Bible in
the Schools, The |
Bennett, John R. Judge. |
1889 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
in the Workshop, or, Christianity the Friend of Labor, The |
Mears, John W. (John William);
1825-1881. |
1857 |
English |
Work |
Bible of
Nature: Five Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College on the Foundation
of the Late William Bross, The |
Thomson, J. Arthur; (John
Arthur); 1861-1933. |
1908 |
English |
Biology |
Bible on
Women's Public Speaking, The |
Eaton, T. T. (Thomas Treadwell);
1845-1907. |
1895 |
English |
Women in church work |
Rule of Temperance: Total Abstinence From All Intoxicating Drink, The |
Duffield, George; 1794-1868. |
1868 |
English |
Temperance |
School Today, The |
Hardin, J. H. (John Huffman);
1848-1909. |
1907 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Teachings in Nature |
Macmillan, Hugh; 1833-1903. |
1867 |
English |
Bible and science |
Theology and Modern Thought |
Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy);
1838-1922. |
1882 |
English |
Religion and science |
True, or, The Cosmogony of Moses Compared With the Facts of Science:
Containing the Origin and Correlative Position of the Different Races of Men,
and a Description of Our Earth as It Was, as It Is, and as It Must Be, The |
Fly, Elijah M. |
1871 |
English |
Bible and science |
View of Slavery: A Discourse |
Raphall, Morris J. (Morris
Jacob); 1798-1868. |
1861 |
English |
Slavery |
Science, and Faith |
Zahm, John Augustine; 1851-1921. |
1894 |
English |
Bible and science |
A Scientific Revelation, The |
Adams, Charles C. (Charles
Coffin); 1810-1888. |
1882 |
English |
Bible and science |
Filipina: Primera Piedra Para Un Gènesis Cientìfico Expuesto Segùn Las
Rectificaciones de Jesùs |
Aglìpay y Labayàn, Gregorio;
1860-1940. |
1908 |
Spanish |
Creation |
and Index to the Works of Theodore Parker |
1913 |
English |
Parker, Theodore |
With Preludes on Current Events |
Cook, Joseph; 1838-1901. |
1877 |
English |
Biology |
Church: A Discourse, The |
Judd, Sylvester; 1813-1853. |
1854 |
English |
Christian education of children |
Potter Memorial House: History of Its Origin, Design, and Operations,
Illustrating Woman's Spiritual Mission in the Christian Church., The |
1868 |
English |
Women in church work |
in the Tower: A Record of Stirring Events Affecting the Church and
Nonconformists From the Restorationto the Revolution, The |
Luckock, Herbert Mortimer;
1833-1909. |
1887 |
English |
Church and state |
and White in the Southern States: A Study of the Race Problem in the United
States From a South African Point of View |
Evans, Maurice Smethurst;
1854-1920. |
1915 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
Lights, or, The Relations of Natural Science, Archaeology, and History to the
Bible |
Fraser, William. |
1874 |
English |
Bible and science |
in Das Leben Der Gegenwart Und in Die Hoffnung Der Zukunft: Aus Dem
Verhältniss Der Naturwissenschaft Zur Religion Und Erziehung: Allen
Gebildeten, Insbesondere Aeltern, Lehrern Und Erziehern |
Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig;
(Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig); 1793-1879. |
1864 |
German |
Religion and science |
Body and
Soul: An Enquiry Into the Effect of Religion Upon Health: With a Description
of Christian Works of Healing From the New Testament to the Present Day |
Dearmer, Percy; 1867-1936. |
1909 |
English |
Mental healing |
Sunday School Song Book: For Use in Sunday Schools, Prayer and Social
Meetings, The |
1894 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Alcott's Fruitlands |
1915 |
English |
Alcott, Amos Bronson |
Farm: Its Members, Scholars, and Visitors |
Swift, Lindsay; 1856-1921. |
1900 |
English |
Brook Farm |
En de Economie |
Diepenhorst, P. A. |
1904 |
Dutch |
Economics |
Een Strijder Voor de Anti-Revolutionaire Beginselen, Toegelicht Vooral Uit
Zijne Worsteling Voor de Vrijmaking Der Kerk |
Proosdij, C. van; (Cornelius
van); 1859-1915. |
1899 |
Dutch |
Church and state |
Beschouwing Over Kerk En Staat |
Schoch, Samuel. |
1902 |
Dutch |
Church and state |
Et Son Idèal Thèocratique |
Monod, Lèopold; 1844-1922. |
1909 |
French |
Theocracy |
Meeting Manual: A Practical Book for the Camp Ground, in Two Parts |
Gorham, B. Weed; (Barlow Weed);
1814-1889. |
1854 |
English |
Camp-meetings |
Can the
Old Faith Live With the New?, or, The Problem of Evolution and Revelation |
Matheson, George; 1842-1906. |
1889 |
English |
Evolution |
Can We
Believe in Miracles? |
Warington, George; 1840-1874. |
1871 |
English |
Miracles |
City of God, or, The Churches Seen in the Light of the Democratic Ideal, The |
Heath, Richard; 1831-1912. |
1905 |
English |
Church and state |
Care of
Dependent, Neglected, and Wayward Children: Being a Report of the Second
Section of the InternationalCongress of Charities, Correction and
Philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893, The |
1894 |
English |
Child welfare |
Case of
Henry Ward Beecher: Opening Address, The |
Tracy, Benjamin F. (Benjamin
Franklin); 1830-1915. |
1875 |
English |
Beecher, Henry Ward |
Church and Christian State: A Series of Essays on the Relation of the Church
to the Civil Power |
Hergenròther, Joseph; 1824-1890. |
1876 |
English |
Church and state |
Churchmen in Science. First Series: Sketches of the Lives of Catholic
Ecclesiastics Who Were Among the Great Founders in Science |
Walsh, James Joseph; 1865-1942. |
1910 |
English |
Catholic scientists |
Voices, or, A Part of the Work of the Women of the Universalist Church: From
Its Centenary to the Present Time. |
1886 |
English |
Universalism |
Forming in School |
Ellis, F. H. |
1907 |
English |
Moral education |
Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry, The |
Finney, Charles Grandison;
1792-1875. |
1869 |
English |
Freemasonry |
and the Clergy: Being a Review |
Ruffner, William Henry;
1824-1908. |
1853 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
School Movement in Colonial Pennsylvania, 1754-1763: A History of the
Educational Struggle Between theColonial Authorities and the German
Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, The |
Weber, Samuel Edwin; 1875-1961. |
1905 |
English |
Charity-schools |
Kingsley and the Christian Social Movement; Microfrom |
Stubbs, Charles William;
1845-1912. |
1899 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Among Women |
1875 |
English |
Women in Christianity |
for Christ: Thoughts for Christian Parents on the Consecration of the Home
Life, The |
Murray, Andrew; 1828-1917. |
1887 |
English |
Religious education |
and His Times |
Benson, Edward White; 1829-1896. |
1889 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Science: Jesus Christ Regarded as the Centre of Science |
Smith, Francis H. (Francis
Henry); 1829-1928. |
1906 |
English |
Bible and science |
in the Social Order |
Clow, W. M. (William Maccallum);
1853-1930. |
1913 |
English |
Church and social problems |
or Napoleon - Which?: A Study of the Cure for World Militarism and the
Church's Scandal of Division |
Ainslie, Peter; 1867-1934. |
1915 |
English |
Peace |
En Leven: Toespraken Over Opvoeding En Vereenigingsleven |
Berkhof, Louis; 1873-1957. |
1912 |
Dutch |
Religious education |
Democracy: A History of Its Suppression and Revival, The |
Leavitt, John McDowell; 1824- |
1896 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
Economics |
Richmond, Wilfrid; 1848 or
9-1938. |
1888 |
English |
Economics |
Education |
O'Connell, C. J. (Cornelius
Joseph); 1852-1920. |
1906 |
English |
Christian education |
Education in the First Centuries (A.D. 33-A.D. 476) |
Magevney, Eugene; S. J. |
1900 |
English |
Christian education |
Education the Remedy for the Growing Ungodliness of the Times |
Dix, Morgan; 1827-1908. |
1866 |
English |
Christian education |
Ethic of War, The |
Forsyth, Peter Taylor;
1848-1921. |
1916 |
English |
War |
Evolutionism, and Its Influence on Religious Thought: A Paper |
Martin, Daniel S. (Daniel
Strobel) |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
Faith in an Age of Science |
Rice, William North; 1845-1928. |
1903 |
English |
Religion and science |
Faith Under Modern Searchlights, The |
Johnson, William Hallock;
1865-1963. |
1916 |
English |
Modernism |
Free Schools: The Subject Discussed at Rochester, N.y. |
McQuaid, B. J. (Bernard John);
1823-1909. |
1872 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Idea of Education as Distinguished From the Secular Idea of Education, The |
Robins, Henry E. (Henry
Ephraim); 1827-1917. |
1895 |
English |
Christian education |
Ministry and the Social Order: Lectures Delivered in the Course in Pastoral
Functions at Yale Divinity School, 1908-1909, The |
1909 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Miracles and the Conclusions of Science, The |
Thomson, W. D. (William Duncan) |
1888 |
English |
Miracles |
Non-Resistance: In All Its Important Bearings |
Ballou, Adin; 1803-1890. |
1846 |
English |
Evil, Non-resistance to |
Nurture |
Bushnell, Horace; 1802-1876. |
1883 |
English |
Christian education of children |
Pedagogy, or, The Instruction and Moral Training of Youth |
Halpin, P. A. (Patrick Albert);
1847-1920. |
1909 |
English |
Moral education |
Religion as a Healing Power: A Defense and Exposition of the Emmanuel
Movement, The |
Worcester, Elwood; 1862-1940. |
1909 |
English |
Emmanuel movement |
Science and Its Problems |
Bates, J. H. |
1898 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science and Legislation: Together With Testimonies, Editorial Comments and
Appendix. |
Kimball, Edward A. (Edward
Ancel); 1845-1909. |
1906 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science Before the Bar of Reason |
Lambert, L. A. (Louis Aloisius);
1835-1910. |
1908 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science So-called: An Exposition and an Estimate |
Sheldon, Henry C. (Henry Clay);
1845-1928. |
1913 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science Unchristian |
Simpson, A. B. (Albert B.) |
1907 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science Unmasked |
Hogg, W. T. (Wilson Thomas);
1852-1920. |
1892 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science: As a Religious Belief and a Therapeutic Agent |
Flower, B. O. (Benjamin Orange);
1858-1918. |
1909 |
English |
Christian Science |
Science: The Faith and Its Founder |
Powell, Lyman P. (Lyman
Pierson); b. 1866. |
1907 |
English |
Christian Science |
Service and the Modern World |
Macfarland, Charles S. (Charles
Stedman); b. 1866. |
1915 |
English |
Church and the world |
Socialism |
Kaufmann, Moritz; 1839-1920. |
1888 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
Socialism in England |
Woodworth, Arthur V. |
1903 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
Socialism: What and Why... |
Sprague, Philo W. (Philo
Woodruff); 1852-1927. |
1891 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
Society, The |
Herron, George Davis; 1862-1925. |
1894 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Sociology |
Stuckenberg, J. H. W. (John
Henry Wilbrandt); 1835-1903. |
1880 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
State: A Political Vision of Christ: A Course of Six Lectures, The |
Herron, George Davis; 1862-1925. |
1895 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
State: The State, Democracy and Christianity, The |
Batten, Samuel Zane; 1859-1925. |
1909 |
English |
State, The |
Truth and Modern Opinion: Seven Sermons Preached in New York by Clergymen of
the Protestant Episcopal Church. |
1885 |
English |
Religion and science |
Unity of Capital and Labor, The |
Cadman, H. W. (Harry W.) |
1888 |
English |
Capitalism |
Way: For Advanced Scholars in Sunday Schools and Bible Classes, The |
Smith, Benton. |
1868 |
English |
Sunday schools |
and Agnosticism: A Controversy: Consisting of Papers |
1889 |
English |
Agnosticism |
and Agnosticism: Reviews of Some Recent Attacks on the Christian Faith |
Wace, Henry; 1836-1924. |
1905 |
English |
Agnosticism |
and Economic Science |
Cunningham, W. (William);
1849-1919. |
1914 |
English |
Economics |
and Emancipation, or, The Teachings and the Influence of the Bible Against
Slavery |
Thompson, Joseph Parrish;
1819-1879. |
1863 |
English |
Slavery |
and Evolution: Modern Problems of the Faith |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
and Politics |
Cunningham, W. (William);
1849-1919. |
1915 |
English |
Christianity and politics |
and Social Problems |
Abbott, Lyman; 1835-1922. |
1896 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Social Questions |
Cunningham, W. (William);
1849-1919. |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Socialism |
Gladden, Washington; 1836-1918. |
1905 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
and Socialism: The Twenty-Third Fernley Lecture |
Nicholas, William; 1838-1912. |
1908 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
and the Labor Movement |
Balch, William Monroe. |
1912 |
English |
Church and labor |
and the Modern Mind |
McComb, Samuel. |
1910 |
English |
Christianity |
and the Social Crisis |
Rauschenbusch, Walter;
1861-1918. |
1908 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and the Social Order |
Campbell, R. J. (Reginald John);
1867-1956. |
1907 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and the Social Rage |
Berle, A. A. (Adolf Augustus);
1866-1960. |
1914 |
English |
Church and the world |
and the Social State |
Lorimer, George C. (George
Claude); 1838-1904. |
1898 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
in Relation to Science and Morals |
MacColl, Malcolm; 1831-1907. |
1890 |
English |
Religion and science |
the Social Order |
Rauschenbusch, Walter;
1861-1918. |
1912 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Relation to Evolution: A Question of Gain or Loss, The |
Johnson, Franklin; 1836-1916. |
1904 |
English |
Evolution |
Cure for Care |
Pearse, Mark Guy; 1842-1930. |
1900 |
English |
Anxiety |
Social Remedies |
Montgomery, Harry Earl. |
1911 |
English |
Social problems |
Temptation and Ours |
Hall, A. C. A. (Arthur Crawshay
Alliston); 1847-1930. |
1897 |
English |
Temptation |
and Human Society: Speeches and Discussions Together With the Papers
Published for the Consideration ofthe Congress, The |
1908 |
English |
Church and social problems |
and Its Social Mission, The |
Lang, John Marshall; 1834-1909. |
1902 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Labor, The |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Nation: The Bishop Paddock Lectures for 1914-15 |
Temple, William; 1881-1944. |
1915 |
English |
Church and state |
and Popular Education, The |
Adams, Herbert Baxter;
1850-1901. |
1900 |
English |
Church and education |
and State in Early Maryland |
Petrie, George; 1866-1947. |
1892 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in England Before the Conquest |
Collins, William Edward;
1867-1911. |
1903 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in France, 1300-1907 |
Galton, Arthur; 1852-1921. |
1907 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in New England |
Lauer, Paul E. (Paul Erasmus) |
1892 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in North Carolina |
Weeks, Stephen Beauregard;
1865-1918. |
1893 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in Scotland: A Narrative of the Struggle for Independence From 1560
to 1843: The Third Series of Chalmers Lectures |
Brown, Thomas; 1811-1893. |
1892 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in the United States, or, The American Idea of Religious Liberty
and Its Practical Effects: With Official Documents |
Schaff, Philip; 1819-1893. |
1888 |
English |
Church and state |
and State in the United States: With an Appendix on the German Population |
Thompson, Joseph Parrish;
1819-1879. |
1873 |
English |
Church and state |
and State Two Hundred Years Ago: A History of Ecclesiastical Affairs in
England From 1660 to 1663 |
Stoughton, John; 1807-1897. |
1862 |
English |
Church and state |
and State Under the Tudors |
Child, Gilbert William; 1832 or
3-1896. |
1890 |
English |
Church and state |
and State: A Historical Handbook |
Innes, A. Taylor; (Alexander
Taylor); 1833-1912. |
1890 |
English |
Church and state |
and State: Their Relations Historically Developed |
Geffcken, F. Heinrich;
(Friedrich Heinrich); 1830-1896. |
1877 |
English |
Church and state |
and State: Thoughts Applicable to Present Conditions |
Ridding, George; 1828-1904. |
1912 |
English |
Church and state |
and the College: A Discourse Delivered at the Thirteenth Anniversary of the
Society for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the
West, in the First Congregational Church, Bridgeport, Ct., November 11, 1856,
The |
Kirk, Edward Norris; 1802-1874. |
1856 |
English |
Church and education in the United
States |
and the Hour: Reflections of a Socialist Churchwoman, The |
Scudder, Vida Dutton; 1861-1954. |
1917 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and the Labor Conflict, The |
Womer, Parley Paul; 1870-1957. |
1913 |
English |
Labor movement |
and the Labor Movement, The |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1910 |
English |
Church and labor |
and the Rebellion: A Consideration of the Rebellion Against the Government of
the United States and theAgency of the Church, North and South, in Relation
Thereto, The |
Stanton, R. L. (Robert
Livingston); 1810-1885. |
1864 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
and the Social Problem: A Study in Applied Christianity, The |
Plantz, Samuel; 1859-1924. |
1906 |
English |
Church and social problems |
and the Social Question, The |
Backus, E. Burdette; (Edwin
Burdette). |
1912 |
English |
Church and social problem |
Essential to the Republic: A Sermon in Behalf of the American Home Missionary
Society, The |
Kirk, Edward Norris; 1802-1874. |
1848 |
English |
Church and state |
Establishments Considered: Especially in Reference to the Church of England |
Ingham, Richard; 1810-1873. |
1875 |
English |
Church and state |
School, The |
Athearn, Walter S. (Walter
Scott); 1872-1934. |
1914 |
English |
Christian education |
and the Wage Earners: A Study of the Cause and Cure of Their Separation, The |
Thompson, C. Bertrand; (Clarence
Bertrand); b. 1882. |
1909 |
English |
Labor movement |
in the Modern State |
Figgis, John Neville; 1866-1919. |
1914 |
English |
Church and state |
Creed, or the Crown's Creed?: A Letter to the Most Rev. Archbishop Manning,
Etc., Etc., The |
Ffoulkes, Edmund S. (Edmund
Salisbury); 1819-1894. |
1869 |
English |
Church and state |
Church and Its Social Mission: A Series of Studies in the Social Extension of
the City Church, The |
Trawick, A. M. (Arcadius
McSwain); b. 1869. |
1913 |
English |
Church and social problems |
and Religious Forces |
Halstead, William Riley;
1848-1931. |
1890 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
of Christian Science as So Styled: And Its Peculiar Philosophy, The |
Jewell, Frederick S. (Frederick
Swartz); 1821-1903. |
1897 |
English |
Christian Science |
Psychologists: Selections Illustrating Psychology From Anaxagoras to Wundt,
The |
1912 |
English |
Psychology |
a Source of Danger to the American Republic, The |
Jamieson, W. F. (William F.) |
1873 |
English |
Church and state |
and Popular Education, The |
Fowler, William Chauncey;
1793-1881. |
1868 |
English |
Church and education |
Papers on Analytical Psychology |
Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav);
1875-1961. |
1916 |
English |
Psychoanalysis |
Religion, The |
Van Ness, Thomas; b. 1859. |
1892 |
English |
Religion and science |
Societies of the United States: From Personal Visit and Observation:
Including Detailed Accounts of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana,
Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian and Other Existing Societies: Their
Religious, The |
Nordhoff, Charles; 1830-1901. |
1874 |
English |
Collective settlements |
of Consciousness, The |
Holt, Edwin B. (Edwin Bissell);
1873-1946. |
1914 |
English |
Consciousness |
Lectures on Philosophy: Comprising Outlines of All the Lectures at the
Concord Summer School of Philosophy in 1882, With an Historical Sketch |
1883 |
English |
Transcendentalism (New England) |
on the Spiritual Life |
Ravignan; père de. |
1873 |
English |
Church work with women |
of Truth, The |
Capron, F. Hugh; (Frederick
Hugh); 1857-1955. |
1903 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Law, or, Principles of Human Conduct |
Humphrey, William; 1839-1910. |
1903 |
English |
Christian ethics |
and the Constitution: With Remarks on the Recent Speech of the Hon. Daniel
Webster in the Senate of the United States on the Subject of Slavery |
Stuart, Moses; 1780-1852. |
1850 |
English |
Slavery |
With Preludes on Current Events |
Cook, Joseph; 1838-1901. |
1879 |
English |
Conscience |
on Casuistry, Delivered in the University of Cambridge, The |
Maurice, Frederick Denison;
1805-1872. |
1868 |
English |
Conscience |
Being, Immortality; Divine Healing and Christian Science |
Burgess, O. O. |
1899 |
English |
Christian Science |
Womanhood: A Sermon Preached in the First Congregational Church, Portland,
Oregon |
Marvin, Frederic Rowland;
1847-1918. |
1903 |
English |
Women |
the Great and Christianity: Three Phases: The Historical, the Legendary, and
the Spurious |
Coleman, Christopher Bush;
1875-1944. |
1914 |
English |
Church and state |
Powers of the General Conference: With a Special Application to the Subject
of Slaveholding, The |
Harris, William L. (William
Logan); 1817-1887. |
1860 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
for Liberty of Conscience in England, The |
St. John, Wallace; b. 1868. |
1900 |
English |
Liberty of conscience |
Creation: An Application of the Evolutionary Philosophy to the Christian
Religion, The |
Adams, Myron; 1841-1895. |
1889 |
English |
Evolution |
of Thomas Carlyle & Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872 |
Carlyle, Thomas; 1795-1881. |
1883 |
English |
Authors, English |
Is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments: Comprising the Writings of Hammond,
Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartwright on This
Important Subject |
Elliott, E. N. |
1860 |
English |
Slavery in the United States |
Church and the Rural Problem: The Carew Lectures at Hartford Theological
Seminary, 1909, The |
Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon
Leech); 1868-1935. |
1911 |
English |
Rural churches |
de Morale |
Payot, Jules; 1859-1940. |
1904 |
French |
Moral education |
of Study and Syllabus in Elementary Science, Applied Geometry, Bookkeeping
for the Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of New York |
1911 |
English |
Science |
of Study and Syllabus in English for the Elementary Schools of the
Archdiocese of New York |
1911 |
English |
English language |
of Study and Syllabus in Religion for the Elementary Schools of the
Archdiocese of New York |
1911 |
English |
Christian education |
(Omphalos): An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot |
Gosse, Philip Henry; 1810-1888. |
1857 |
English |
Creation |
and the Early Developments of Society, The |
Chapin, James H. (James Henry);
1832-1892. |
1880 |
English |
Religion and science |
and the Scripture: The Revelation of God, The |
Monell, Gilbert Chichester;
1816-1881. |
1882 |
English |
Religion and science |
or Evolution?: A Philosophical Inquiry |
Curtis, George Ticknor;
1812-1894. |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
Story, The |
Gladstone, W. E. (William
Ewart); 1809-1898. |
1896 |
English |
Creation |
or, The Biblical Cosmogony in the Light of Modern Science |
Guyot, Arnold; 1807-1884. |
1887 |
English |
Bible and science |
Time and Eternity: A Book Devoted to the Unfolding of the Great Fundamental
Truths as Found in Science, Nature and Revelation... |
Secrist, J. S. (Jacob S.); b.
1861. |
1911 |
English |
Bible and science |
Testimony to Its God: The Accordance of Science, Philosophy, and Revelation:
A Manual of the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, With Especial
Reference to the Progress of Science, and Advance of Knowledge |
Ragg, Thomas; 1808-1881. |
1867 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Science the Warrant of Faith, The |
Cooke, Josiah Parsons;
1827-1894. |
1893 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Christendom: Its Foundations Contrasted With Its Superstructure, The |
Greg, William R. (William
Rathbone); 1809-1881. |
1877 |
English |
Free thought |
in Morals: An Examination of Rational Ethics in the Light of Modern Science,
The |
Bixby, James Thompson;
1843-1921. |
1891 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
Examination of Some Passages in Gen. 1: With Remarks on Difficulties That
Attend Some of the Present Modes of Geological Reasoning |
Stuart, Moses; 1780-1852. |
1836 |
English |
Bible and geology |
Race Question, or, Where and How Shall the Color Line Be Drawn, The |
Brown, William Montgomery;
1855-1937. |
1907 |
English |
Race relations |
of Personality, The |
Randall, J. Herman; (John
Herman); 1871-1946. |
1912 |
English |
Personality |
of Religion: Elements of Religious Education, The |
Wilm, Emil Carl; 1877-1932. |
1912 |
English |
Religious education |
Coin |
Haweis, H. R. (Hugh Reginald);
1839-1901. |
1876 |
English |
Social problems |
D. Fr.
Strauss' Alter Und Neuer Glaube Und Seine Literarischen Ergebnisse: Zwei
Kritische Abhandlungen |
Rauwenhoff, L. W. E. (Lodewijk
Willem Ernst) |
1873 |
German |
Rationalism |
of Modern Society, The |
Wilkinson, William Cleaver;
1833-1920. |
1869 |
English |
Dancing |
O'Connell Upon American Slavery: With Other Irish Testimonies. |
O'Connell, Daniel; 1775-1847. |
1860 |
English |
Slavery |
vs. Darwinism |
Riley, W. B. (William Bell);
1861-1947. |
1918 |
English |
Bible and science |
Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1899 |
English |
Evolution |
Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism |
Gray, Asa; 1810-1888. |
1889 |
English |
Evolution |
Darwinism |
Benson, Lawrence S. (Lawrence
Sluter) |
1876 |
English |
Evolution |
Das Alte
Testament Im Christlichen Religionsunterrichte |
Meltzer, Hermann. |
1899 |
German |
Christian education |
Das Alte
Testament Im Evangelischen Religionsunterricht |
Boehm, Friedrich. |
1895 |
German |
Christian education |
Christus-Problem: Grundlinien Zu Einer Sozial-Theologie |
Kalthoff, Albert; 1850-1906. |
1903 |
German |
Sociology, Christian |
Diakonissenhaus Für Die Provinz Sachsen Zu Halle A. Saale, 1857-1907: Eine
Denkschrift Zu Der Am 3. Juli Stattfindenden Jubelfeier Der Anstalt |
Jordan; Pastor. |
1907 |
German |
Deaconesses |
Gewissen: Die Entwickelung Seiner Namen Und Seines Begriffes: Geschichtliche
Untersuchung Zur Lehre Von Der Begründung Der Sittlichen Erkenntniss |
Kähler, Martin; 1835-1912. |
1878 |
German |
Conscience |
Neue Testament Und Der Römische Staat: Rede Zur Feier Des Geburtstages Sr.
Majestät Des Kaisers Am 27. Januar 1892 in Der Aula Der
Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strassburg |
Holtzmann, Heinrich Julius;
1832-1910. |
1892 |
German |
Church and state |
Das Neue
Wissen Und Der Neue Glaube: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von D.F. Strauss'
Neuester Schrift, "Der Alte Und Der Neue Glaube" |
Frohschammer, J. (Jakob);
1821-1893. |
1873 |
German |
Rationalism |
Princip Des Katholicismus Und Die Wissenschaft: Grundsätzliche Erörtungen Aus
Anlass Einer Tagesfrage |
Hertling, Georg; Graf von;
1843-1919. |
1899 |
German |
Education, Higher |
Psychologische Wesen Der Religion Und Die Religionen: Rede Zur Feier Des
Geburtstages Sr. Majestät Des Kaisers Am 27. Januar 1906 in Der Aula Der
Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strassburg |
Mayer, E. W. (Emil Walter); b.
1854. |
1906 |
German |
Psychology, Religious |
Schulwesen Des Mittelalters Und Dessen Reform Im Sechszehnten Jahrhundert:
Mit Einem Abdruck Von Bugenhagens Schulordnung Der Stadt Lübeck |
Heppe, H. (Heinrich); 1820-1879. |
1860 |
German |
Education, Medieval |
Wesen Der Religion |
Bousset, Wilhelm; 1865-1920. |
1906 |
German |
Religions |
Das Ziel
Des Evangelischen Religionsunterrichtes Am Gymnasium Und Realgymnasium:mit
Besonderem Eingehen Auf Die Biblische Lektüre |
Stoewer, Rudolf. |
1891 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Data of
Ethics, The |
Spencer, Herbert; 1820-1903. |
1879 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
at School, The |
Todd, John; 1800-1873. |
1854 |
English |
Women |
of Affliction: A Memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Experience
of Miss Mary Rankin, The |
Rankin, Mary; b. 1821. |
1871 |
English |
Women, Methodist |
of America, or, Women of the Century |
Hanaford, Phebe A. (Phebe Ann);
1829-1921. |
1883 |
English |
Women |
Dawn of
a New Religious Era, and Other Essays, The |
Carus, Paul; 1852-1919. |
1916 |
English |
Religious thought |
Evolutieleer En Het Godsdienstig Geloof |
Groenewegen, H. Ij. |
1909 |
Dutch |
Evolution |
De La
Division Du Travail Social: Ètude Sur L'organisation Des Sociètès Supèrieures |
Durkheim, Emile; 1858-1917. |
1893 |
French |
Division of labor |
De La
Vèritè Dans L'histoire Du Christianisme: Lettres D'un Làque Sur Jèsus |
Ruelle, Ch. (Charles);
1810-1879. |
1866 |
French |
Church and state |
L'autoritè Impèriale En Matière Religieuse À Byzance |
Gasquet, A. (Amèdèe); 1852-1914. |
1879 |
French |
Church and state |
L'èducation |
Dupanloup, Fèlix; 1802-1878. |
1872 |
French |
Education |
Sacra Traditione Contra Novam Haeresim Evolutionismi |
Billot, Louis; 1846-1931. |
1904 |
Latin |
Evolution |
and Her Vocation, The |
Thoburn, J. M. (James Mills);
1836-1922. |
1893 |
English |
Deaconesses |
and Her Work, The |
Mergner, Julie. |
1911 |
English |
Deaconesses |
in Europe: And Their Lessons for America |
Robinson, Jane M. Bancroft;
(Jane Marie Bancroft); 1847-1932. |
1890 |
English |
Deaconesses |
in the Church of England: A Short Essay on the Order as Existing in the
Primitive Church and on Their Present Position and Work |
Howson, J. S. (John Saul);
1816-1885. |
1880 |
English |
Deaconesses |
Land Between This World and the Next: With Illustrative Narrations, The |
Owen, Robert Dale; 1801-1877. |
1871 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Between the Church and Science, or, The Ancient Hebraic Idea of the Six Days
of Creation: With an Essayon the Literary Character of Tayler Lewis., The |
1860 |
English |
Bible and science |
or, Moral Philosopher: Being an Impartial Inquiry After Moral and Theological
Truths, The |
1819 |
English |
Free thought |
History or Myth, The |
Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy);
1838-1922. |
1907 |
English |
Deluge |
Democracy |
Flack, A. G. |
1910 |
English |
Democracy |
Über Das Verhältniss Des Staates Zu Den Sätzen Der Päpstlichen Constitution
Vom 18. Juli 1870: Gewidmet Den Regierungen Deutschlands Und Oesterreichs |
Schulte, Joh. Friedrich von;
(Johann Friedrich); 1827-1914. |
1871 |
German |
Church and state |
Alte Und Der Neue Glaube: Ein Bekenntniss |
Strauss, David Friedrich;
1808-1874. |
1874 |
German |
Rationalism |
Alte Und Der Neue Glaube: Ein Bekenntniss Von David Friedrich Strauss |
Huber, Johannes; 1830-1879. |
1873 |
German |
Rationalism |
Atheismus |
Schaarschmidt, C. von; (Carl);
1822-1909. |
1800 |
German |
Atheism |
Deismus in Der Religions-Und Offenbarungskritik Des Hermann Samuel Reimarus |
Engert, Joseph; b. 1882. |
1916 |
German |
Deism |
Dienst Der Frau in Den Ersten Jahrhunderten Der Christlichen Kirche |
Zscharnack, Leopold; b. 1877. |
1902 |
German |
Women in Christianity |
Dienst Der Frau in Der Christlichen Kirche: Geschichtlicher Ueberblick Mit
Einer Sammlung Von Urkunden |
Goltz, Eduard; Freiherr von der;
b. 1870. |
1914 |
German |
Women in Christianity |
Dienst Der Frauen in Der Kirche |
Wichern, Johann Hinrich;
1808-1881. |
1880 |
German |
Women in Christianity |
Einfluss Des Humanismus Und Der Reformation Auf Das Gleichzeitige Erziehungs-
Und Schulwesen: Bis in Die Ersten Jahrzehnte Nach Melanchthons Tod |
Roth, F. (Friedrich); 1854-1932. |
1898 |
German |
Education |
Entwicklungsgedanke Und Das Christentum |
Beth, Karl. |
1909 |
German |
Evolution |
Glaube Der Modernen Wissenschaft Gegenüber |
Sègur; Mgr. de; (Louis Gaston);
1820-1881. |
1874 |
German |
Religion and science |
Kampf Um Die Religion |
Schmidt, Wilhelm; 1839-1912. |
1911 |
English |
Religion and science |
Kampf Um Die Seele: Vorträge Über Die Brennenden Fragen Der Modernen
Psychologie |
Gutberlet, Constantin;
1837-1928. |
1903 |
German |
Psychology |
Katechismus Als Pädagogisches Problem |
Eberhard, O. (Otto); b. 1875. |
1912 |
German |
Catechetics |
Modernismus |
Holl, Karl; 1866-1926. |
1908 |
German |
Modernism |
Neue Glaube Des D.F. Strauss Ein Naturwissenschaftlicher Aberglaube |
Zirngiebl, Eberhard. |
1873 |
German |
Rationalism |
Rationalismus |
Rückert, Leopold Immanuel;
1797-1871. |
1859 |
German |
Rationalism |
Religiöse Wille: Ein Beitrag Zur Psychologie Und Praxis Der Religion |
Pfennigsdorf, E. (Emil);
1868-1952. |
1910 |
German |
Psychology, Religious |
Social Aussatz: Ein Wort Über Prostitution Und Magdalenenasyle |
Dalton, Hermann; 1833-1913. |
1884 |
German |
Prostitution |
Staat Und Das Allgemeine Concil |
1873 |
German |
Church and state |
Staat Und Die Katholische Kirche Im Grossherzogthum Baden: Seit Dem Jahre
1860 |
Friedberg, Emil. |
1874 |
German |
Church and state |
Zeitgeist Und Die Kirche |
German, Christian. |
1861 |
German |
Nationalism |
Religions Comparèes Au Point de Vue Sociologique |
La Grasserie, Raoul de;
1839-1913. |
1899 |
French |
Religion and sociology |
of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, The |
Darwin, Charles; 1809-1882. |
1871 |
English |
Evolution (Biology) |
Erasmus: Concerning the Aim and Method of Education |
Woodward, William Harrison;
1856-1941. |
1904 |
English |
Education |
and Purpose: An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Evolution |
Hobhouse, L. T. (Leonard
Trelawney); 1864-1929. |
1913 |
English |
Evolution |
Hypothesis, Is It Sufficient?, The |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1876 |
English |
Evolution |
of European Polity, The |
Sidgwick, Henry; 1838-1900. |
1913 |
English |
Political science |
of Religion: A Study in Anthropology and Social Psychology, The |
King, Irving; b. 1874. |
1910 |
English |
Religion, Primitive |
of Religious Liberty in Connecticut, The |
Greene, M. Louise; (Maria
Louise) |
1905 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
of the Sunday School, 1780-1905: The Official Report of the Eleventh
International Sunday School Convention, Toronto, Canada, June 23-27, 1905.,
The |
1905 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of the Young People's Movement, The |
Erb, Frank Otis; 1878-1950. |
1917 |
English |
Church societies |
What It Can Do and What It Cannot Do |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1883 |
English |
Evolution |
Concerning Two New Sciences |
Galilei, Galileo; 1564-1642. |
1914 |
English |
Mechanics |
in France: Mainly on Topics Concerning Education and the Church |
Wordsworth, Christopher;
1807-1885. |
1845 |
English |
Education |
Arbeiterfrage Und Das Christenthum |
Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel;
Freiherr von; 1811-1877. |
1864 |
German |
Socialism, Christian |
Beteiligung Der Christen Am Öffentlichen Leben in Vorconstantinischer Zeit:
Ein Beitrag Zur Ältesten Kirchengeschichte |
Bigelmair, Andreas; 1873-1962. |
1902 |
German |
Church and state |
Biblischen Frauen Des Alten Testamentes |
Zschokke, Hermann; 1838-1920. |
1882 |
German |
Women in the Bible |
Bürgerliche Und Politische Gleichberechtigung Aller Confessionen: Die
Unbeschränkte Freiheit Der Sektenbildung Und Die Trennung Der Kirche Vom
Staat |
Ullmann, Karl; 1796-1865. |
1848 |
German |
Freedom of religion |
Causalbetrachtung in Den Geisteswissenschaften |
Ritschl, Otto; 1860- |
1901 |
German |
Psychology |
Darwin'schen Theorien Und Ihre Stellung Zur Philosophie, Religion Und Moral |
Schmid, Rudolf; 1828-1907. |
1876 |
German |
Evolution |
Dotationsansprüche Und Der Nothstand Der Evangelischen Kirche Im Königreich
Preussen |
Gerlach, Hermann; 1841-1901. |
1874 |
German |
Church and state |
Entstehung Der Welt: Eine Kritische Beleuchtung Der Angaben Des Alten
Testamentes Gegenüber Der Wissenschaft |
Jedlicska, Johann. |
1903 |
German |
Bible and science |
Erkenntniss Des Christenthumes Vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Standpuncte: Ein
Beitrag Zur Dogmatischen Reform Der Protestantischen Kirche |
Bonorden, H. F. (Hermann
Friedrich) |
1876 |
German |
Religion and science |
Erziehung Des Weiblichen Geschlechts in Indien Und Anderen Heidenländern: Ein
Aufruf an Die Christlichen Frauen Deutschlands Und Der Schweiz |
Hoffmann, Wilhelm; 1806-1873. |
1853 |
German |
Women |
Erziehung in Der Religion Jesu Im Unterschiede Zu Der Im Dogmatischen
Christentume: Ein Beitrag Zur Abhilfe Eines Unerträglichen Notstandes in
Unserer Jugenderziehung |
Lietz, Hermann. |
1896 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Freiheit Und Unabhängigkeit Der Kirche |
Schneemann, G. (Gerhard);
1829-1885. |
1867 |
German |
Church and state |
Fròmmigkeit Des Grafen Ludwig Von Zinzendorf: Ein Psychoanalytischer Beitrag
Zur Kenntnis Der Religiòsen Sublimierungsprozesse Und Zur Erklàrung Des
Pietismus |
Pfister, Oskar Robert; b. 1873. |
1910 |
English |
Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig |
Geistliche Gestalt Eines Evangelischen Lehrers: Nach Dem Sinn Und Exempel Der
Alten |
Arnold, Gottfried; 1666-1714. |
1723 |
German |
Psychology, Religious |
Gewerbliche Stellung Der Frau Im Mittelalterlichen Köln |
Behaghel, Wilhelm. |
1910 |
German |
Women |
Harmonie Der Ergebnisse Der Naturforschung Mit Den Forderungen Des
Menschlichen Gemüthes, Oder, Die Persönliche Unsterblichkeit Als Folge Der
Atomistischen Verfassung Der Natur |
Drossbach, Maximilian. |
1858 |
German |
Atomism |
Kirchliche Frage Und Ihre Protestantische Lösung: Im Zusammenhange Mit Den
Nationalen Bestrebungen Und Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Die Neuesten
Schriften J.J.J. Von Döllinger's Und Bischof Von Ketteler's |
Schenkel, Daniel; 1813-1885. |
1862 |
German |
Church and state |
Konfessionelle Schule: Ein Vortrag |
Graeber, H. J. |
1876 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Konzilspolitik Karls V. in Den Jahren 1538-1543 |
Korte, August; b. 1872. |
1905 |
German |
Church and state |
Lehre Von Der Übernatürlichen Geburt Christi: Christologische Studie |
Lobstein, P. (Paul); 1850-1922. |
1896 |
German |
Virgin birth |
Moderne Gemeinschaftsbewegung |
Schian, Martin; b. 1869. |
1909 |
German |
Gemeinschaftsbewegung |
Modernen Weltanschauungen Und Ihre Praktischen Konsequenzen: Vorträge Über
Fragen Der Gegenwart Aus Kirche, Schule, Staat Und Gesellschaft Im Winter
1880 Zu Leipzig Gehalten |
Luthardt, Chr. Ernst; (Christoph
Ernst); 1823-1902. |
1880 |
German |
Education |
Notwendigkeit Des Religionsunterrichts in Der Staatsschule: Ein Vortrag |
Dickmann, Fritz. |
1906 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Orthodox-Orientalischen Partikularkirchen in Den Ländern Der Ungarischen
Krone: Eine Rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlung |
Radics, Emilian Edler von. |
1886 |
German |
Church and state |
Pädagogik Schleiermachers Im Lichte Seiner Und Unserer Zeit |
Diebow, Paul; b. 1861. |
1894 |
German |
Education |
Pädagogische Entwicklung Des Christlichen Lebens |
Beck, J. T. (Johann Tobias);
1804-1878. |
1883 |
German |
Moral education |
Psychologie Des Aristoteles: Insbesondere Seine Lehre Vom Nous Poieìtikos |
Brentano, Franz Clemens;
1838-1917. |
1867 |
German |
Psychology |
Rechtliche Stellung Der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands: In Ihrer
Geschichtlichen Entwickelung Bis Zur Gegenwart |
Rieker, Karl; 1857-1927. |
1893 |
German |
Church and state |
Religion Als Wille Zum Ewigen Leben: Eine Vortrag |
Weber, Alfred; 1835-1914. |
1888 |
German |
Psychology, Religious |
Religion Der Geheimen Gesellschaften |
Fritschel, Gottfried; 1836-1889. |
1890 |
German |
Secret societies |
Religion Und Die Soziale Entwickelung: Vortrag Auf Dem Ersten
Religionswissenschaftlichen Kongress in Stockholm |
Söderblom, Nathan; 1866-1931. |
1898 |
German |
Religion and sociology |
Religion, Ihre Psychischen Formen Und Ihre Zentralidee: Ein Beitrag Zur
Lösung Der Frage Nach Dem Wesen Der Religion |
Girgensohn, Karl; 1875-1925. |
1903 |
German |
Religion |
Religiöse Kindererziehung Im Deutschen Reiche: Eine Interkonfessionelle
Staatskirchenrechtliche Studie |
Güttler, Wilhelm. |
1908 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Römische Frage Unter Pippin Und Karl Dem Groszen: Eine Geschichtliche
Monographie |
Martens, Wilhelm. |
1881 |
German |
Church and state |
Schöpfungsgeschichte Nach Naturwissenschaft Und Bibel: Eine Beitrag Zur
Verständigung |
Schultz, Fr. W. (Friedrich
Wilhelm); 1828-1888. |
1865 |
German |
Bible and science |
Schöpfungsgeschichte Und Die Lehre Vom Paradies: Ein Urgeschichtlicher
Versuch |
Keerl, Philipp Friedrich. |
1861 |
German |
Creation |
Schottische Kirche: Ihr Inneres Leben Und Ihr Verhältniss Zum Staat: Von Der
Reformation Bis Auf Die Gegenwart: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des
Protestantismus |
Köstlin, Julius; 1826-1902. |
1852 |
German |
Church and state |
Staats-Und Soziallehre Des Hl. Augustinus |
Schilling, Otto; 1874-1956. |
1910 |
German |
Church and state |
Staats-Und Sozial-Lehren Der Französischen Jansenisten Im 17. Jahrhundert |
Honigsheim, Paul; 1885-1963. |
1914 |
German |
Jansenists |
Stellung Der Philanthropisten Zum Religionsunterricht |
Bahlcke, H. |
1900 |
German |
Christian education |
Stellung Des Urchristentums Zum Staat |
Weinel, Heinrich; 1874-1936. |
1908 |
German |
Church and state |
Stellung Des Weibes Zu Jahwe-Religion Und-Kult |
Löhr, Max; 1864-1931. |
1908 |
German |
Women in Judaism |
Summa Theologica Des Antonin Von Florenz Und Die Schätzung Des Weibes Im
Hexenhammer |
Crohns, Hjalmar; 1862-1946. |
1903 |
German |
Women in literature |
Trennung Von Kirche Und Staat: Ein Vortrag |
Hauck, Albert; 1845-1918. |
1912 |
German |
Church and state |
Trennung Von Staat Und Kirche: Der Staatliche Religionsunterricht Und Die
Theologischen Fakultäten |
Troeltsch, Ernst; 1865-1923. |
1907 |
German |
Church and state |
Unfreie Und Die Freie Kirche: In Ihren Beziehungen Zur Sclaverei, Zur
Glaubens- Und Gewissenstyrannei Und Zum Dämonismus |
Buchmann, J. (Jacob); b. 1805 or
6. |
1873 |
German |
Slavery and the church |
Unvereinbarkeit Der Neuen Päpstlichen Glaubensdekrete Mit Der Bayerischen
Staatsverfassung |
Berchtold, Joseph; 1833-1895. |
1871 |
German |
Church and state |
Unzulänglichkeit Der Gegenwärtigen Kirchlichen Unterweisung: Eine Denkschrift
Für Geistliche, Lehrer Und Laien |
Schnedermann, Georg; b. 1852. |
1898 |
German |
Christian education |
Verhandlungen Pius IV. Mit Den Katholischen Mächten Über Die Neuberufung Des
Tridentiner Concils Im Jahre 1560 Bis Zum Erlass Der Indiktionsbulle Vom 29.
Nov. Desselben Jahres: Historische Abhandlung |
Voss, Wilhelm. |
1887 |
German |
Church and state |
of the Religious Consciousness, The |
King, Irving; b. 1874. |
1905 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Biological and Geological: Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1894 |
English |
Biology |
in America |
Arnold, Matthew; 1822-1888. |
1885 |
English |
Democracy |
on Christian Nurture |
Bushnell, Horace; 1802-1876. |
1847 |
English |
Christian education |
in France |
Sabatier, Paul; 1858-1928. |
1906 |
English |
Church and state |
Physiologico-Theologicae: De Humanae Generationis Oeconomia: De Embryologia
Sacra : De Abortu Medicali Et de Embryotomia: De Colenda Castitate |
A. E. (Alphons Eschbach);
1839-1923. |
1884 |
English |
Sex |
Academies in England: Their Rise and Progress and Their Place Among the
Educational Systems of the Country |
Parker, Irene. |
1914 |
English |
Education |
Principles of the Presbyterian Church in the United States: Commonly Called
the Southern Presbyterian Church, as Set Forth in the Formal Declarations,
and Illustrated by Extracts From Proceedings of the General Assembly From 1,
The |
1871 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
or, The Comparative Age of the World: Showing That the Human Race Is in the
Infancy of Its Being, and Demonstrating a Reasonable and Rational World, and
Its Immense Future Duration |
Abbey, R. (Richard); 1805-1891. |
1866 |
English |
Religion and science |
Law as to Wines: Established by the Testimony of Sages, Physicians, and
Legislators Against the Use ofFermented and Intoxicating Wines: Confirmed by
Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Methods of Preparing Unfermented Wines for
Festal…, The |
Samson, G. W. (George
Whitefield); 1819-1896. |
1884 |
English |
Temperance |
Order of Human Society: Being the L.P. Stone Lectures for 1891, The |
Thompson, Robert Ellis;
1844-1924. |
1891 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Pedigree of Man, or, The Testimony of Evolution and Psychology to the
Fatherhood of God, The |
Hudson, Thomson Jay; 1834-1903. |
1899 |
English |
Religion and science |
Society, or, The Church's Care of Large Populations: Six Lectures on Pastoral
Theology, The |
Jacob, Edgar; b. 1844. |
1903 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Man: An Interpretation of Spiritual Law in Its Relation to Mundane
Phenomena and to the Ruling Incentives and Moral Duties of Man, Together With
an Allegory Dealing With Cosmic Evolution and Certain Social and Religious
Problems |
Roberts, W. K. (William Kemuel);
b. 1856. |
1903 |
English |
Occultism |
Science Aid Faith in Regard to Creation? |
Cotterill, Henry; 1812-1886. |
1883 |
English |
Creation |
Woman Represent God?: An Inquiry Into the True Character of the Movement for
the Emancipation of Woman |
Easton, Peter Z. (Peter
Zaccheus); 1846-1915. |
1895 |
English |
Women's rights |
Fact and Experience |
Rawlinson, A. E. J. (Alfred
Edward John); 1884-1960. |
1915 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Doom of
Dogma and the Dawn of Truth, The |
Frank, Henry; 1854-1933. |
1901 |
English |
Rationalism |
Abbott and Christian Evolution: I., the Irresistible Conflict Between Two
World Theories. |
Savage, Minot J. (Minot Judson);
1841-1918. |
1892 |
English |
Evolution |
Girardeau's Anti-Evolution: The Logic of His Reply |
Martin, James L. |
1889 |
English |
Evolution |
Martin Luther Als Erzieher Der Jugend: Seine Grundsätze Über Die Kunderzucht
Und Seine Erziehungsweise Im Eignen Hause Aus Seinen Schriften |
Lindemann, J. C. W. (Johann
Christoph Wilhelm); 1827-1879. |
1866 |
German |
Education |
Martin Luthers Pädagogische Schriften Und Äusserungen |
Luther, Martin; 1483-1546. |
1888 |
German |
Education |
Duty of
the General Assembly to All the Churches Under Its Care: A Vindication of the
Minority in Opposition to the Resolutions on the State of the Country, The |
Hornblower, William H. (William
Henry); 1820-1883. |
1861 |
English |
Church and state |
of Religion: An Essay in English Culture History, The |
Robertson, J. M. (John
Mackinnon); 1856-1933. |
1897 |
English |
Rationalism |
Narratives of Genesis: A Brief Introduction to the Study of Genesis I.-XI.,
The |
Ryle, Herbert Edward; 1856-1925. |
1892 |
English |
Bible and science |
New England Schools |
Small, Walter Herbert;
1856-1909. |
1914 |
English |
Education |
Religious Education: Considered as the Divinely Appointed Way to the
Regenerate Life |
Eliot, William Greenleaf;
1811-1887. |
1868 |
English |
Christian education of children |
and the Word, or, Geology for Bible Students, The |
Pattison, Samuel Rowles;
1809-1901. |
1858 |
English |
Creation |
Institutions: Being Part VI of the Principles of Sociology |
Spencer, Herbert; 1820-1903. |
1885 |
English |
Priests |
Morals: Four Lectures |
Richmond, Wilfrid; 1848 or
9-1938. |
1890 |
English |
Economics |
of Jesus, or, Work and Wages in the Kingdom of God: A Study of the Money
Parables, The |
Griffith-Jones, E. (Ebenezer);
1860-1942. |
1905 |
English |
Kingdom of God |
Bible Case: The Decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, The |
1890 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
and the Higher Life |
Spalding, John Lancaster;
1840-1916. |
1897 |
English |
Education |
Demanded by the People of the U. States: A Discourse, The |
Wayland, Francis; 1796-1865. |
1855 |
English |
Education |
for Life |
Armstrong, S. C. (Samuel
Chapman); 1839-1893. |
1913 |
English |
Education |
in the Two Andovers: Address at the Dedication of the Punchard Free School,
Tuesday, September 2nd, 1856 |
Fuller, Samuel; 1802-1895. |
1856 |
English |
Education |
of a Ministry, the Proper Work and Care of the Churches: A Discourse, The |
Shedd, William Greenough Thayer;
1820-1894. |
1855 |
English |
Theological seminaries |
of Our Girls: An Address, Delivered at Tilden Ladies' Seminary, West Lebanon,
N.H. June 21, 1877, The |
Eaton, John; 1829-1906. |
1877 |
English |
Women |
of the Negro Prior to 1861: A History of the Education of the Colored People
of the United States From the Beginning of Slavery to the Civil War, The |
Woodson, Carter Godwin;
1875-1950. |
1915 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
of Woman, The |
Gerhart, Emanuel V. (Emanuel
Vogel); 1817-1904. |
1864 |
English |
Women |
of Women in China, The |
Burton, Margaret E. (Margaret
Ernestine); b. 1885. |
1911 |
English |
Women |
Conquest of the Far East, The |
Lewis, Robert E. (Robert
Ellsworth); b. 1869. |
1903 |
English |
Education |
A Study of the Why and How of Adult Class Work |
Pounds, John E. (John Edward);
1864-1925. |
1912 |
English |
Religious education of adults |
Forms of the Religious Life: A Study in Religious Sociology, The |
Durkheim, Emile; 1858-1917. |
1915 |
English |
Religion, Primitive |
D'instruction Morale Et Civique: Degrès Moyen Et Supèrieur: La Famille Et
L'ècole, La Sociètè Et La Patrie, La Nature Humaine Et La Morale, La Sociètè
Politique |
Compayrè, Gabriel; 1843-1913. |
1882 |
French |
Moral education |
of the Science of Religion |
Tiele, C. P. (Cornelis Petrus);
1830-1902. |
1897 |
English |
Religion |
of Women Not a Scriptural Question., The |
1891 |
English |
Women in church work |
and Jehovistic Theory Minutely Examined: With Some Remarks on Scripture and
Science: Having EspecialReference to the Fourth Part of "the Pentateuch,
Etc., Critically Examined by the Right Rev. J.W. Colenso, D.D., Bishop of
Nat…, The |
Biley, Edward. |
1865 |
English |
Documentary hypothesis
(Pentateuchal criticism) |
or, Concerning Education: Extracts: Containing the Principal Elements of
Pedagogy Found in the First Three Books |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques;
1712-1778. |
1893 |
English |
Education |
Missionary Women |
Gracey, J. T. Mrs. |
1898 |
English |
Women Missionaries |
Movement in a New England Town: A Systematic Account of Experiments and
Reflections Designed to Determine the Proper Relationship Between the
Minister and the Doctor in the Light of Modern Needs, The |
Powell, Lyman P. (Lyman
Pierson); b. 1866. |
1909 |
English |
Emmanuel movement |
Psychology, or, The Science of Mind From Experience |
Hickok, Laurens P. (Laurens
Perseus); 1798-1888. |
1884 |
English |
Psychology |
and Establishment of the Church of England, The |
Brewer, J. S. (John Sherren);
1810-1879. |
1885 |
English |
Church and state |
Efficient and Final Cause |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1883 |
English |
Force and energy |
and Christendom |
Manning, Henry Edward;
1808-1892. |
1867 |
English |
Church and state |
and Rome: A History of the Relations Between the Papacy and the English State
and Church From the Norman Conquest to the Revolution of 1688 |
Ingram, T. Dunbar; (Thomas
Dunbar); 1826-1901. |
1892 |
English |
Church and state |
Secularism: A Confession of Belief |
Holyoake, George Jacob;
1817-1906. |
1896 |
English |
Secularism |
Und Offenbarung |
Simon, Theodor. |
1907 |
German |
Religion and science |
of Creation: The Scripture Doctrine Contrasted With the Geological Theory,
The |
Lord, Eleazar; 1788-1871. |
1851 |
English |
Bible and geology |
Equality |
Bellamy, Edward; 1850-1898. |
1897 |
English |
Utopias |
Haeckel, Der Monistische Philosoph: Eine Kritische Antwort Auf Seine
"Welträthsel" |
Hönigswald, Richard; 1875-1947. |
1900 |
German |
Monism |
Serfs Et Mainmortables |
Allard, Paul; 1841-1916. |
1894 |
French |
Slavery |
Sur La Psychologie Des Actions Humaines D'après Les Systèmes D'aristote Et de
Saint Thomas D'aquin |
Lecoultre, Henri; 1853-1892. |
1883 |
French |
Psychology |
Sur L'immortalitè Au Point de Vue Du Naturalisme Èvolutioniste: Confèrences |
Sabatier, Armand; 1834-1910. |
1895 |
French |
Immortality |
on the Creative Imagination |
Ribot, Th. (Thèodule);
1839-1916. |
1906 |
English |
Imagination |
Essay on
the Prize Question, Whether the Use of Distilled Liquors, or Traffic in Them,
Is Compatible, at the Present Time, With Making a Profession of Christianity? |
Stuart, Moses; 1780-1852. |
1830 |
English |
Temperance |
Upon the Influence of the Imagination on the Nervous System Contributing to a
False Hope in Religion |
Powers, Grant; 1784-1841. |
1827 |
English |
Psychology, Pathological |
and Addresses: An Attempt to Treat Some Religious Questions in a Scientific
Spirit |
Wilson, James M. (James
Maurice); 1836-1931. |
1894 |
English |
Religious thought |
Chiefly on Questions of Church and State From 1850 to 1870 |
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn;
1815-1881. |
1884 |
English |
Church and state |
on Educational Reformers |
Quick, Robert Hebert. |
1897 |
English |
Education |
on Freethinking and Plainspeaking |
Stephen, Leslie; Sir; 1832-1904. |
1905 |
English |
Free thought |
on the Irish Church |
1866 |
English |
Church and state |
on the Pursuits of Women: Reprinted From Fraser's and Macmillan's Magazines:
Also, a Paper on Female Education Read Before the Social Science Congress, at
Guildhall |
Cobbe, Frances Power; 1822-1904. |
1863 |
English |
Women |
of Freethought and Other Addresses and Essays, The |
Pearson, Karl; 1857-1936. |
1901 |
English |
Free thought |
and Moral Instruction in Schools |
Palmer, George Herbert;
1842-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Moral education |
Import of Darwinism, The |
Schurman, Jacob Gould;
1854-1942. |
1887 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
and the "New Education" |
Bryant, Wm. M. |
1894 |
English |
Conduct of life |
for Children: A Guide for Teachers and Parents |
Cabot, Ella Lyman. |
1910 |
English |
Moral education (Elementary) |
of Naturalism: A Criticism, The |
Sorley, W. R. (William Ritchie);
1855-1935. |
1904 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
Religieuses Et Sociales |
Frommel, Gaston; 1862-1906. |
1907 |
French |
Sociology, Christian |
Sisterhoods: In Two Letters to a Friend |
Ayres, Anne; 1816-1896. |
1867 |
English |
Monasticism and religious orders
for women, Anglican |
With the Skeptics, or, Free Discussion on Free Thinkers |
Owen, John; 1833-1896. |
1881 |
English |
Skepticism |
for a Future Life: ("L'àme Est Immortelle") |
Delanne, Gabriel; b. 1857. |
1904 |
English |
Future life |
Experience, Influence |
Doane, William Croswell;
1832-1913. |
1904 |
English |
Religion and science |
& Evolution: An Attempt to Turn the Light of Modern Science on to the
Ancient Mystery of Evil |
Millin, George F. (George
Francis) |
1899 |
English |
Good and evil |
Evolution |
Jevons, F. B. (Frank Byron);
1856-1936. |
1900 |
English |
Evolution |
and Christianity |
Iverach, James; 1839-1922. |
1894 |
English |
Evolution |
and Christianity, or, An Answer to the Development Infidelity of Modern Times |
Tefft, B. F. (Benjamin
Franklin); 1813-1885. |
1885 |
English |
Evolution |
and Christianity: A Study |
Grumbine, J. C. F. (Jesse
Charles Fremont); 1861-1938. |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
and Dogma |
Zahm, John Augustine; 1851-1921. |
1896 |
English |
Evolution |
and Ethics: And Other Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1898 |
English |
Ethics |
and Progress: An Exposition and Defence: The Foundation of Evolution
Philosophically Expounded, and Its Arguments (Divested of Insignificant and
Distracting Physical Details) Succinctly Stated: Together With a Review of
Leading... |
Gill, William I. (William
Icrin); 1831-1902. |
1875 |
English |
Evolution |
and Religion |
Beecher, Henry Ward; 1813-1887. |
1885 |
English |
Evolution |
and Religion, or, Faith as a Part of a Complete Cosmic System |
Bascom, John; 1827-1911. |
1897 |
English |
Evolution |
and Religion: A Parent's Talks With His Children Concerning the Moral Side of
Evolution |
Trumbull, William. |
1907 |
English |
Evolution |
and Religion: From the Standpoint of One Who Believes in Both: A Lecture |
Savage, Minot J. (Minot Judson);
1841-1918. |
1886 |
English |
Evolution |
and the Fall |
Hall, Francis J. (Francis
Joseph); 1857-1932. |
1910 |
English |
Fall of man |
and the Immanent God: An Essay on the Natural Theology of Evolution |
English, William F. |
1894 |
English |
Evolution |
Explained and Compared With the Bible |
Smyth, William Woods; b. 1843. |
1883 |
English |
Bible and evolution |
in Religion |
McLane, William W. (William
Ward); 1846-1931. |
1892 |
English |
Evolution |
in Science and Revolution in Religion: With Other Addresses |
Ball, Wayland Dalrymple;
1858-1893. |
1893 |
English |
Evolution |
of Immortality, or, Suggestions of an Individual Immortality Based Upon Our
Organic and Life History, The |
Stockwell, C. T. (Chester
Twitchell); 1841-1911. |
1890 |
English |
Immortality |
of Man and Christianity, The |
MacQueary, Howard. |
1891 |
English |
Evolution |
of Morality: Being a History of the Development of Moral Culture, The |
Wake, C. Staniland; (Charles
Staniland); 1835-1910. |
1878 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
of Spiritual Man, The |
Lisle, William M. (William
McIntire); 1842-1910. |
1894 |
English |
Evolution |
of the Soul: And Other Essays, The |
Hudson, Thomson Jay; 1834-1903. |
1904 |
English |
Parapsychology |
of the Sunday School, The |
Cope, Henry Frederick;
1870-1923. |
1911 |
English |
Sunday schools |
or Creation: A Critical Review of the Scientific and Scriptural Theories of
Creation and Certain Related Subjects |
Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy);
1838-1922. |
1896 |
English |
Evolution |
as Taught in the Bible: A Pamphlet for the Times |
Hasskarl, G. C. H. (Gottlieb
Christopher Henry); 1855-1929. |
1887 |
English |
Bible and evolution |
or, The Divine Method of Creating and Preserving the Universe |
Frost, A. F. |
1892 |
English |
Evolution |
the Stone Book, and the Mosaic Record of Creation |
Cooper, Thomas; 1805-1892. |
1893 |
English |
Bible and science |
Popular Lectures and Discussions Before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. |
1889 |
English |
Evolution |
of an Evolutionist |
Fiske, John; 1842-1901. |
1884 |
English |
Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations: Demonstrating the Existence of
Spirits and Their Communion With Mortals, Doctrine of the Spirit World
Respecting Heaven, Hell, Mortality, and God: Also, the Influence of Scripture
on... |
Hare, Robert; 1781-1858. |
1856 |
English |
Spiritualism |
From Woman's Service on the Lord's Day |
Bickersteth, Emily. |
1865 |
English |
Women in church work |
and Fancies in Modern Science: Studies of the Relations of Science to
Prevalent Speculations and Religious Belief: Being the Lectures on the Samuel
A. Crozer Foundation in Connection With the Crozer Theological Seminary, for
1881 |
Dawson, John William; Sir;
1820-1899. |
1882 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Health |
Brown, Charles Reynolds;
1862-1950. |
1910 |
English |
Mental healing |
and Modern Thought |
Welch, Ransom B. (Ransom
Bethune); 1824-1890. |
1876 |
English |
Religion and science |
Justified by Progress: Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College on the
Foundation of the Late William Bross |
Wright, Henry Wilkes; b. 1878. |
1916 |
English |
Progress |
Papers: A Treatise on Experimental Aspects of Faith |
Keen, S. A. (Samuel Ashton);
1842-1895. |
1888 |
English |
Faith |
Work Under Dr. Cullis in Boston |
Boardman, W. E. (William Edwin);
1810-1886. |
1874 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Christian Science and Kindred Phenomena |
Buckley, J. M. (James Monroe);
1836-1920. |
1892 |
English |
Mental healing |
Women of History: Containing Nearly Three Thousand Brief Biographies and Over
One Thousand Female Pseudonyms |
Browne, William Hardcastle;
1840-1906. |
1895 |
English |
Women |
Fanaticism |
Taylor, Isaac; 1787-1865. |
1834 |
English |
Fanaticism |
Education: The Importance of Public Institutions for the Education of Young
Women: An Address Before the Officers and Students of Mount Holyoke Female
Seminary, July 18, 1867 |
Boardman, George Nye; 1825-1915. |
1867 |
English |
Women |
Soul: Its Nature and Attributes: With Thoughts Upon Marriage, and Friendly
Hints Upon Feminine Duties, The |
Strutt, Elizabeth. |
1870 |
English |
Women |
A Contribution to Anthropology and the History of Religion |
Schultze, Fritz; 1846-1908. |
1885 |
English |
Fetishism |
the Roots of the Socialist Philosophy |
Engels, Friedrich; 1820-1895. |
1903 |
English |
Dialectical materialism |
Lessons in Training for Service |
Moninger, Herbert; 1876-1911. |
1908 |
English |
Religious education |
Science, or, Spiritual Materialism: Being a Strict Application of the Most
Approved Modern Scientific Principles to the Solution of the Deepest Problems
of the Age., The |
1885 |
English |
Materialism |
Annual Report of the Young Men's Christian Association, Portsmouth, VA:
Embracing the Reports of the President and Treasurer, With Names of Officers,
Committees, &c. for the Year 1857: Together With the Addresses of the
Rev. M.R. |
1857 |
English |
Young Men's Christian Association
(Portsmouth, Va.) |
Chapter of Genesis as the Rock Foundation for Science and Religion, The |
Gridley, Albert L. (Albert
Leverett); 1839-1927. |
1913 |
English |
Bible and science |
Page of the Bible, The |
Bettex, F. (Frèdèric);
1837-1915. |
1908 |
English |
Creation |
Principles |
Spencer, Herbert; 1820-1903. |
1888 |
English |
Principles of Ecclesiastical Truth: Essays on the Church and Society |
Brown, James Baldwin; 1820-1884. |
1871 |
English |
Authority (Religion) |
Great Oxford Leaders: Keble, Newman, Pusey, Liddon and Church |
Donaldson, Aug. B. (Augustus
Blair); 1841-1903. |
1900 |
English |
Keble, John |
Problems of State and Religion |
Wood, Will C. (William
Converse); b. 1839. |
1877 |
English |
Church and state |
on Evangelical History: A Volume of Entertaining Narratives, Anecdotes and
Incidents, Illustrative of the Evangelical Work Founded by Rev. Jacob
Albright in A.D. 1800; Also, Evangelical Daughters of Song |
Stapleton, A. (Ammon);
1850-1916. |
1908 |
English |
Women poets, American |
on the Boundary of Another World: With Narrative Illustrations |
Owen, Robert Dale; 1801-1877. |
1860 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Mod Det Humanistiske Og Saakaldte Kristelige Frimureri Holdte I Kristiania Og
Drammen: Som Tillãg, Odd-Fellowordenen, Druidernes Orden, Vidnesbyrd Mod
Hemmelige Selskaber |
Stub, H. G. (Hans Gerhard);
1849-1931. |
1882 |
Norwegian |
Freemasonry |
Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States: The Numbers Under the
Signature of Brutus, Originally Published in the New York Observer |
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese;
1791-1872. |
1855 |
English |
Church and state |
Years' Experience in Sunday Schools |
Tyng, S. H. (Stephen Higginson);
1800-1885. |
1863 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of a Creed, The |
Lewes, George Henry; 1817-1878. |
1875 |
English |
Science |
of the Nineteenth Century |
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart;
1855-1927. |
1914 |
English |
Civilization |
of the Hampton Institute, The |
Armstrong, S. C. (Samuel
Chapman); 1839-1893. |
1904 |
English |
Schools |
Temperaments, The |
Whyte, Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1895 |
English |
Temperament |
Und Frauenarbeit in Der Geschichte Des Christentums: Vorträge Gehalten Auf
Dem "Vierten Apologetischen Instruktionskursus" Zu Berlin Am
17.-21. Oktober 1910 Und Auf Dem "Instruktionskursus Für Christliche
Weibliche Liebestätig.. |
Walter, Johannes von; 1876-1940. |
1911 |
German |
Women in Christianity |
Church Principle: Its Character and History: The First Series of the Chalmers
Lectures, The |
Moncreiff, Henry Wellwood; Sir;
1809-1883. |
1883 |
English |
Church and state |
Religious Association: Its Twenty-Five Years and Their Meaning: An Address
for the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Association, at Tremont Temple,
Boston, May 27th, 1892, The |
Potter, William J. (William
James); 1829?-1893. |
1892 |
English |
Free thought |
Vindicated, or, Infidel Christianity V. Honest Unbelief: A Lecture |
Tyerman, J. |
1880 |
English |
Free thought |
Revolution and Religious Reform: An Account of Ecclesiastical Legislation and
Its Influence on Affairsin France From 1789 to 1804, The |
Sloane, William Milligan;
1850-1928. |
1901 |
English |
France |
Wish and Its Place in Ethics, The |
Holt, Edwin B. (Edwin Bissell);
1873-1946. |
1915 |
English |
Psychology |
Relations Between Great Britain and Germany: Souvenir Volume of the Visit to
Germany of Representatives of the British Christian Churches, June 7th to
20th, 1909 |
1909 |
English |
Peace |
Fritànkaren |
1893 |
Swedish |
Free thought |
Comte to Benjamin Kidd: The Appeal to Biology or Evolution for Human Guidance |
Mackintosh, Robert; 1858-1933. |
1899 |
English |
Biology |
Slavery to a Bishopric, or, The Life of Bishop Walter Hawkins of the British
Methodist Episcopal Church, Canada |
Edwards, S. J. Celestine. |
1891 |
English |
Slavery |
of the Church, The |
Fairchild, E. M. (Edwin Milton) |
1896 |
English |
Christian education |
of Universities in Religion: An Address at the Dinner of the Unitarian Club
in San Francisco, April 26, 1897, The |
Howison, George Holmes;
1834-1917. |
1897 |
English |
Church and education |
of Science, The |
Renan, Ernest; 1823-1892. |
1891 |
English |
Science |
Historisch-Theologische Untersuchungen Über Die Urtheile Der Römischen
Congregationen Im Galileiprocess |
Grisar, Hartmann; 1845-1932. |
1882 |
German |
Religion and science |
Church: A History of the Church of France From the Concordat of Bologna, A.D.
1516, to the Revolution: With an Introduction, The |
Jervis, William Henley;
1813-1883. |
1872 |
English |
Church and state |
Und Freiheit: Allgemeine Kritik Des Gesetzesbegriffes in Natur-Und
Geisteswissenschaft |
Köhler, Walther; 1870-1946. |
1914 |
German |
Science |
and Geology, or, An Investigation Into the Reconciliation of the Modern
Doctrines of Geology With the Declarations of Scripture |
Crofton, Denis. |
1853 |
English |
Bible and geology |
and Geology: The Harmony of the Scriptural and Geological Records |
Hughes, N. Collin; (Nicholas
Collin); 1822-1893. |
1887 |
English |
Bible and geology |
and Geology: The Holy Word of God Defended From Its Assailants |
Baylee, Joseph. |
1857 |
English |
Bible and geology |
and Modern Science |
Perce, Warren R. (Warren
Raymond); 1843-1914. |
1897 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Science, or, The First Leaves of the Bible |
Arnold, John Muehleisen;
1817-1881. |
1875 |
English |
Bible and science |
I and Modern Science |
Warring, Charles B. (Charles
Bartlett); 1825-1907. |
1892 |
English |
Creation |
of the Heavens and the Earth and All the Host of Them, The |
Dana, James D. (James Dwight);
1813-1895. |
1890 |
English |
Bible and science |
of the Social Conscience: The Relation Between the Establishment of
Christianity in Europe and the Social Question |
Nash, Henry Sylvester;
1854-1912. |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
or, The Facts and Principles of Geology Against Theories |
Lord, David N. (David Nevins);
1792-1880. |
1855 |
English |
Bible and geology |
and Revelation, or, The Ancient History of the Earth: Considered in the Light
of Geological Facts and Revealed Religion |
Molloy, Gerald; 1834-1906. |
1870 |
English |
Bible and geology |
Education, Past and Present |
Paulsen, Friedrich; 1846-1908. |
1908 |
English |
Education |
Rationalism: In Its Rise, Progress, and Decline, in Relation to Theologians,
Scholars, Poets, Philosophers, and the People: A Contribution to the Church
History of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries |
Hagenbach, K. R. (Karl Rudolf);
1801-1874. |
1865 |
English |
Rationalism |
Soul in Its Attitude Towards Ethics and Christianity, the State, and War: Two
Studies, The |
Hùgel, Friedrich; Freiherr von;
1852-1925. |
1916 |
English |
War |
Der Beziehungen Zwischen Theologie Und Naturwissenschaft: Mit Besondrer
Rücksicht Auf Schöpfungsgeschichte |
Zöckler, Otto; 1833-1906. |
1877 |
German |
Religion and science |
Der Kirchenverfassung Deutschlands Im Mittelalter |
Werminghoff, Albert; 1869-1923. |
1905 |
German |
Church and state |
Des Deutschen Volksschulwesens |
Heppe, H. (Heinrich); 1820-1879. |
1858 |
German |
Education |
Des Englischen Deismus |
Lechler, Gotthard Victor;
1811-1888. |
1841 |
German |
Deism |
Des Religionsunterrichts in Der Evangelischen Volksschule Württembergs |
Weisenböhler, Oskar. |
1903 |
German |
Church and education |
Des Zürcherischen Schulwesens: Bis Gegen Das Ende Des Sechzehnten
Jahrhunderts |
Ernst, Ulrich. |
1879 |
German |
Education |
Constitutie En Bij-Wetten Van de "Holland Union Benevolent
Association" Te Grand Rapids, Mich: Opgericht Den 10den Maart, 1892 |
1892 |
Dutch |
Holland Union Benevolent
Association |
Land, or, Researches Into the Mysteries of Occultism: Illustrated in a Series
of Autobiographical Sketches, in Two Parts |
Britten, William. |
1897 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Hand Book of Woman |
1914 |
English |
Women |
VoetII Tractatus Selecti de Politica Ecclesiastica. Series Prima |
Voet, Gijsbert; 1589-1676. |
1885 |
Latin |
Church and state |
VoetII Tractatus Selecti de Politica Ecclesiastica. Series Secunda |
Voet, Gisberti; 1589-1676. |
1886 |
Latin |
Church and state |
Et Forsãg I Den Experimenterende Psychologi |
Kierkegaard, Søren; 1813-1855. |
1843 |
Danish |
Psychology, Experimental |
Ecclesiae, or, Church Lessons for Young Churchmen |
Titcomb, J. H. (Jonathan Holt);
1819-1887. |
1800 |
English |
Church and state |
Against Slavery: And the Freedom and Duty of the Pulpit to Rebuke It as a Sin
Against God |
Cheever, George Barrell;
1807-1890. |
1857 |
English |
Slavery |
God and
the Future Life: The Reasonableness of Christianity |
Nordhoff, Charles; 1830-1901. |
1883 |
English |
Religion and science |
God and
the State |
Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich;
1814-1876. |
1910 |
English |
Church and state |
God in
Evolution: A Pragmatic Study of Theology |
Johnson, Francis Howe;
1835-1920. |
1911 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Other Lectures, The |
Ingersoll, Robert Green;
1833-1899. |
1879 |
English |
Atheism |
Thoughts Fit Bread for Children: A Sermon Preached Before the Connecticut
Sunday School Teachers' Convention, at the Pearl Street Congregational
Church, Hartford, Conn., Tuesday Evening, March 2, 1869 |
Bushnell, Horace; 1802-1876. |
1869 |
English |
Religious education |
Two Books, or, Nature and the Bible Have One Author |
Balfour, Thomas A. G. (Thomas
Alexander Goldie) |
1861 |
English |
Religion and science |
According to Darwin, The |
Hutchinson, Woods. |
1898 |
English |
Evolution |
of Healing, The |
Simpson, A. B. (Albert B.) |
1915 |
English |
Spiritual healing |
of Labor, The |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1912 |
English |
Labor movement |
of Yesterday: Drummond, Spencer, Arnold |
Watson, Robert A. (Robert
Alexander); 1845-1921. |
1889 |
English |
Religion and science |
I Tíserkov V Drevneì Rossi: Kìevskì Perìod 988-1240 |
Goetz, Leopold Karl; 1868-1931. |
1908 |
German |
Church and state |
Gott Und
Die Wissenschaft |
Büchner, Ludwig; 1824-1899. |
1897 |
German |
Religion and science |
Didactic of John Amos Comenius: Now for the First Time Englished, The |
Comenius, Johann Amos;
1592-1670. |
1896 |
English |
Education |
Educators of Three Centuries: Their Work and Its Influence on Modern
Education |
Graves, Frank Pierrepont;
1869-1943. |
1912 |
English |
Educators |
Victory in Boston, The |
1889 |
English |
Church and education |
Sisters: Sarah and Angelina Grimkè, the First American Women Advocates of
Abolition and Woman's Rights, The |
Birney, Catherine H. |
1885 |
English |
Grimké, Sarah Moore |
of Woman's Eligibility., The |
1891 |
English |
Women in church work |
Theories of Religion and the Individual |
Webb, Clement Charles Julian;
1865-1954. |
1916 |
English |
Religion and sociology |
Für Eine Umgestaltung Des Alttestamentlichen Religionsunterrichts |
Meltzer, Hermann. |
1897 |
German |
Christian education |
Zum Religions-unterricht an Den Oberen Klassen Gelehrter Schulen: Nebst Einem
Anhang, Die Augsburgische Confession Mit Einleitung Und Erklärung |
Thomasius, Gottfried. |
1867 |
German |
Christian education |
of Slavery and the Crime of Slaveholding, The |
Cheever, George Barrell;
1807-1890. |
1860 |
English |
Slavery |
or, The Ethical Status of Woman |
Brown, W. K. (W. Kennedy); b.
1834. |
1887 |
English |
Women's rights |
Von Geistlichen Der Diöces Grimma Über Die Vorgeschlagene Verdrängung Der
Vollständigen Bibel Aus Unsern Volksschulen |
Steglich, Friedrich August
William. |
1869 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
and Instinct |
Morgan, C. Lloyd; (Conwy Lloyd);
1852-1936. |
1896 |
English |
Instinct |
Century, or, A History of the Changes That Have Taken Place and Events That
Have Transpired, Chiefly in the United States, Between 1800 and 1850, The |
Davis, Emerson; 1798-1866. |
1851 |
English |
Education |
of the New Thought |
Dresser, Horatio W. (Horatio
Willis); b. 1866. |
1917 |
English |
New Thought |
and the Pharisees, or, The Barbary Coast in a Barbarous Land; Also, the Story
of a Socialist Mayor; Letter Declining Mayoralty Nomination, The |
Wilson, J. Stitt; (Jackson
Stitt); 1868- |
1913 |
English |
Socialism |
of the Bible With Science, or, Moses and Geology, The |
Kinns, Samuel; 1826-1903. |
1882 |
English |
Bible and science |
Society at Economy, Penn'a; Founded by George Rapp, A. D. 1805, The |
Williams, Aaron. |
1866 |
English |
Harmony Society |
Hay Any
Work for Cooper: Being a Reply to the "Admonition to the People of
England" |
Marprelate, Martin; pseud. |
1845 |
English |
Marprelate controversy |
of Christ and the Rights of the Christian People, The |
Miller, Hugh; 1802-1856. |
1861 |
English |
Church and state |
Causes and Effects |
Phelon, W. P. (William P.) |
1898 |
English |
Mental healing |
and the Inner Life: An Analytical and Historical Study of Spritual Healing
Theories: With an Account of the Life and Teachings of P.P. Quimby |
Dresser, Horatio W. (Horatio
Willis); b. 1866. |
1906 |
English |
Mental healing |
at the State House, Boston, Mass., Before the Joint Committee on Education,
March 20th to April 25th,1889: Upon the Bill Requiring That Children Between
Eight and Fourteen Years Shall Have the Fundamentals of an English Education,
The |
1889 |
English |
Church and education |
Logic: A Book on the Genesis of the Categories of the Mind: A Critical
Exposition |
Harris, William Torrey;
1835-1909. |
1890 |
English |
Logic, Modern |
Ward Beecher as His Friends Saw Him |
1904 |
English |
Beecher, Henry Ward |
Ward Beecher: The Shakespeare of the Pulpit |
Barrows, John Henry; 1847-1902. |
1893 |
English |
Beecher, Henry Ward |
Spencer and Scientific Education |
Compayrè, Gabriel; 1843-1913. |
1907 |
English |
Education |
Spencer: An Estimate and Review |
Royce, Josiah; 1855-1916. |
1904 |
English |
Spencer, Herbert |
Spencer's Philosophy as Culminated in His Ethics |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1885 |
English |
Spencer, Herbert |
Interest of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, in Education, Common and Collegiate:
Being One of the Sermons Delivered by Appointment of the General Synod, The |
Welch, Ransom B. (Ransom
Bethune); 1824-1890. |
1876 |
English |
Church and education |
of Sacred History |
Steele, Eliza R. |
1851 |
English |
Women in the Bible |
Recht Van Werkstaking |
Lonkhuijzen, J. van; (Jan);
1873-1942. |
1900 |
Dutch |
Strikes and lockouts |
London, or, Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolis |
Davies, Charles Maurice;
1828-1910. |
1874 |
English |
London (England) |
Christian Education, The |
Dwight, Benjamin W. |
1859 |
English |
Church and education |
Education of Women in Europe |
Lange, Helene; 1848-1930. |
1897 |
English |
Women |
Education of Women, The |
Barnard, F. A. P. (Frederick
Augustus Porter); 1809-1889. |
1882 |
English |
Women |
and His Times |
Stephens, W. R. W. (William
Richard Wood); 1839-1902. |
1888 |
English |
Church and state |
de La Tolèrance Religieuse: Èvolution D'un Principe Social |
Matagrin, Amèdèe; b. 1880. |
1905 |
French |
Toleration |
Des Rapports de L'eglise Et de L'ètat En France de 1789 À 1870 |
Debidour, Antonin; 1847-1917. |
1898 |
French |
Church and state |
Littèraire de L'èducation Morale Et Religieuse En France Et Dans La Suisse
Romande |
Burnier, L. |
1864 |
French |
Christian education |
Note: Woman's Work in the Church |
Charteris, A. H. (Archibald
Hamilton); 1835-1908. |
1888 |
English |
Women in church work |
Relations of Christ Church, Philadelphia, With the Province of Pennsylvania:
An Address, The |
Stillè, Charles J. (Charles
Janeway); 1819-1899. |
1895 |
English |
Church and state |
of American Slavery and Methodism From 1780 to 1849; and, History of the
Wesleyan Methodist Connectionof America, The |
Matlack, Lucius C. |
1849 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
of English Democratic Ideas in the Seventeenth Century, The |
Gooch, G. P. (George Peabody);
1873-1968. |
1898 |
English |
Democracy |
of Psychology: A Sketch and an Interpretation |
Baldwin, James Mark; 1861-1934. |
1913 |
English |
Psychology |
of Rationalism: Embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant
Theology |
Hurst, J. F. (John Fletcher);
1834-1903. |
1865 |
English |
Rationalism |
of Sunday Schools and of Religious Education From the Earliest Times, The |
Pray, Lewis G. (Lewis Glover);
1793-1882. |
1847 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland From the Beginning of the
Reformation to the Year 1568 |
Keith, Robert; 1681-1757. |
1850 |
English |
Church and state |
of the Church and State in Norway: From the Tenth to the Sixteenth Century |
Willson, Thomas B. (Thomas
Benjamin); b. 1851. |
1903 |
English |
Church and state |
of the Conflict Between Religion and Science |
Draper, John William; 1811-1882. |
1874 |
English |
Religion and science |
of the Deaconess Movement in the Christian Church |
Golder, C. (Christian);
1849-1922. |
1903 |
English |
Deaconesses |
of the Great Secession From the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Year 1845:
Eventuating in the Organization of the New Church, Entitled the
"Methodist Episcopal Church, South" |
Elliott, Charles; 1792-1869. |
1855 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
of the Hopedale Community: From Its Inception to Its Virtual Submergence in
the Hopedale Parish |
Ballou, Adin; 1803-1890. |
1897 |
English |
Hopedale Community |
of the Negro Race in America From 1619-1880: Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers,
and as Citizens: Together With a Preliminary Consideration of the Unity of
the Human Family, an Historical Sketch of Africa, and an Account of the
Negro... |
Williams, George Washington;
1849-1891. |
1883 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
of the Old Covenant |
Kurtz, J. H. (Johann Heinrich);
1809-1890. |
1859 |
English |
Religion and science |
of the Philosophy of Pedagogics: A Lecture |
Bennett, Charles W. (Charles
Wesley) |
1877 |
English |
Education |
of the Separation of Church and State in Canada |
1887 |
English |
Church and state |
of the Struggle and Progress of Religious Liberty in Greenwich, Mass. |
1886 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
of the Woman's Temperance Crusade: A Complete Official History of the
Wonderful Uprising of the Christian Women of the United States Against the
Liquor Traffic, Which Culminated in the Gospel Temperance Movement |
Wittenmyer, Annie; 1827-1900. |
1882 |
English |
Woman's Temperance Crusade,
1873-1874 |
of the Young Men's Christian Association. Volume I; the Founding of the
Association, 1844-1855 |
Doggett, L. L. (Laurence Locke);
1864-1957. |
1896 |
English |
Young Men's Christian associations |
Talks. Vol. 1 |
Noyes, John Humphrey; 1811-1886. |
1875 |
English |
Oneida, ltd |
of Science |
Carus, Paul; 1852-1919. |
1897 |
English |
Religion and science |
Mann and the Common School Revival in the United States |
Hinsdale, B. A. (Burke Aaron);
1837-1900. |
1900 |
English |
Public schools |
With a Sceptic |
Faunce, D. W. (Daniel
Worcester); 1829-1911. |
1892 |
English |
Skepticism |
How and
Why of the Emmanuel Movement: A Hand Book on Psycho-Therapeutics, The |
Boyd, Thomas Parker. |
1909 |
English |
Emmanuel movement |
How to
Become an Efficient Sunday School Teacher |
McKeever, Williiam A. (William
Arch); b. 1868. |
1915 |
English |
Christian education |
How to
Build Up an Adult Bible Class |
Moninger, Herbert; 1876-1911. |
1909 |
English |
Religious education of adults |
How to
Conduct a Sunday School, or, Twenty Eight Years a Superintendent |
Lawrance, Marion; 1850-1924. |
1905 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death |
Myers, Frederic William Henry;
1843-1901. |
1903 |
English |
Parapsychology |
Society: Its Providential Structure, Relations, and Offices: Eight Lectures |
Huntington, F. D. (Frederic
Dan); 1819-1904. |
1859 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
A Chapter in the History of Communism |
Shaw, Albert; 1857-1947. |
1884 |
English |
Icarian movement |
Idea of
a National Church: An Address, The |
Creighton, M. (Mandell);
1843-1901. |
1898 |
English |
Church and state |
Reaction Against Science, The |
Aliotta, Antonio; 1881-1964. |
1914 |
English |
Idealism |
of Science & Faith: Essays by Various Authors |
1904 |
English |
Religion and science |
From Nature: Talks With Students |
Elder, William; 1840-1903. |
1898 |
English |
Religion and science |
Ideas in
Nature Overlooked by Dr. Tyndall: Being an Examination of Dr. Tyndall's
Belfast Address |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1875 |
English |
Religion and science |
Geology: The Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory |
Price, George McCready; 1870- |
1906 |
English |
Evolution |
Kants Vorlesungen Über Psychologie: Mit Einer Einleitung, Kants Mystische
Weltanschauung |
Kant, Immanuel; 1724-1804. |
1889 |
German |
Psychology |
Crisis of 1860, or, The Present Connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church
With Slavery, and Our Duty in Regard to It, The |
Mattison, Hiram; 1811-1868. |
1859 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Social Revolution, or, The Trust Problem Solved, The |
Wilson, J. Stitt; (Jackson
Stitt); 1860- |
1900 |
English |
Socialism |
of a Liberal Education for Woman: An Address Delivered January 16, 1878,
Before the Teacher's Institute (of Tennessee), at Jackson, Tennessee, The |
Hamilton, William T. (William
Thomas); 1796-1884. |
1878 |
English |
Women |
Darkest England and the Way Out |
Booth, William; 1829-1912. |
1890 |
English |
Poor |
Address of the Rev. J.G. Binney, D.D., as President of the Columbian College,
D.C: Wednesday, June 17, 1855., The |
Binney, J. G. (Joseph Getchell);
1807-1877. |
1857 |
English |
Education |
of James Mccosh, D.D., LL.D., as President of the College of New Jersey,
Princeton: October 27, 1868. |
1868 |
English |
Education, Higher |
of Milton Valentine, D.D., as President of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg,
Penn'a: December 21, 1868. |
1869 |
English |
Education, Higher |
and the Social Gospel, The |
Mathews, Shailer; 1863-1941. |
1914 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Progress |
Harris, George; 1844-1922. |
1897 |
English |
Equality |
Dissected: The Evangelical Alliance Prize Essay on Infidelity |
Pearson, Thomas. |
1874 |
English |
Rationalism |
of Christianity Upon Social and Political Ideas, The |
Carlyle, A. J. (Alexander
James); 1861-1943. |
1911 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
of Scepticism on Character: Being the Sixteenth Fernley Lecture, The |
Watkinson, W. L. (William
Lonsdale); 1838-1925. |
1898 |
English |
Skepticism |
and Unfoldings of the Divine Genius, in Nature and Man |
Pulsford, John; 1815-1897. |
1901 |
English |
Religion and science |
Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land: From My Private Journal, The |
Burton, Isabel; Lady; 1831-1896. |
1879 |
English |
Women travelers |
of Prophecy: An Essay in the Psychology of Revelation, The |
Joyce, G. C. (Gilbert
Cunningham) |
1910 |
English |
Prophecy |
and Experience |
Morgan, C. Lloyd; (Conwy Lloyd);
1852-1936. |
1912 |
English |
Instinct |
Lesson System: The History of Its Origin and Development: Lectures, The |
Sampey, John R. (John Richard);
1863-1946. |
1911 |
English |
Sunday school literature |
of Nature, The |
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate;
1841-1906. |
1893 |
English |
Religion and science |
& Opium in All Lands and Times: A Twentieth-century Survey of
Intemperance, Based on a Symposium of Testimony From One Hundred Missionaries
and Travelers |
1904 |
English |
Alcoholism |
to Psychological Theory |
Bowne, Borden Parker; 1847-1910. |
1887 |
English |
Psychology |
to the Study of the Dependent, Defective, and Delinquent Classes: And of
Their Social Treatment |
Henderson, Charles Richmond;
1848-1915. |
1901 |
English |
Human services |
Conscience an Emotion?: Three Lectures on Recent Ethical Theories |
Rashdall, Hastings; 1858-1924. |
1914 |
English |
Ethics |
Moses Scientific?: First Chapter of Genesis Tested by Latest Discoveries of
Science |
Kipp, P. E. (Peter E.);
1847-1900. |
1893 |
English |
Creation |
Her Moral and Spiritual Value: A Rational and Psychological Study |
Leonard, Arthur Glyn. |
1909 |
English |
Islam |
Fads & Fakes: A Series of Sunday Night Discourses |
Field, Jasper Newton. |
1904 |
English |
Sects |
Ist Es
Wünschenswerth, Dass Der Religionsunterricht Ganz in Die Hände Von
Geistlichen, Resp. Theologen, Gelegt Werde? |
1902 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
James G.
Birney and His Times: The Genesis of the Republican Party With Some Account
of Abolition Movements in the South Before 1828 |
Birney, William; 1819-1907. |
1890 |
English |
Slavery |
Jacques Rousseau and Education From Nature |
Compayrè, Gabriel; 1843-1913. |
1907 |
English |
Education |
as Educators, The |
Magevney, Eugene; S. J. |
1900 |
English |
Education |
and Modern Religion |
Rumball, Edwin A. (Edwin
Alfred); b. 1881. |
1908 |
English |
Free thought |
Christ and the Social Question: An Examination of the Teaching of Jesus in
Its Relation to Some of the Problems of Modern Social Life |
Peabody, Francis Greenwood;
1847-1936. |
1900 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Christus Und Das Gemeinschaftsleben Der Menschen |
Holtzmann, Oskar; 1859-1934. |
1893 |
German |
Church and social problems |
Wesley, an Evolutionist |
Mills, Wm. H. (William
Harrison); 1837-1907. |
1893 |
English |
Evolution |
Tuckerman on the Elevation of the Poor: A Selection From His Reports as
Minister at Large in Boston |
Tuckerman, Joseph; 1778-1840. |
1874 |
English |
Poor |
of John Woolman, The |
Woolman, John; 1720-1772. |
1871 |
English |
Slavery |
Department of the Church School, The |
Athearn, Walter S. (Walter
Scott); 1872-1934. |
1913 |
English |
Religious education of children |
Friedrich II. Und Papst Innocenz IV: Ihr Kampf in Den Jahren 1244 Und 1245 |
Folz, August. |
1905 |
German |
Church and state |
Mystische Weltanschauung: Ein Wahn Der Modernen Mystik: Eine Widerlegung Der
Dr. C. Du Prel'schen Einleitung Zu Kant's Psychologie |
Lind, Paul von; b. 1858. |
1892 |
German |
Psychology |
Und Protestantismus Gegenüber Der Socialen Frage |
Uhlhorn, Gerhard; 1826-1901. |
1887 |
German |
Church and social problems |
Religionslehre Für Die Vier Obersten Klassen Der Gelehrtenschulen Und Für
Gebildeten Männer; |
1890 |
German |
Christian education |
Lessons for Church Sunday Schools: A Manual for the Instruction of Beginners |
1911 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of God and American Life, The |
Brewster, Chauncey B. (Chauncey
Bunce); 1848-1941. |
1912 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
of God and Socialism, The |
Wilson, J. Stitt; (Jackson
Stitt); 1868- |
1911 |
English |
Socialism and Christianity |
Volk Und Staat Vom Standpunkt Der Evangelischen Kirche Aus Betrachtet: Ein
Erweiterter Vortrag |
Meyer, K. (Konrad); b. 1875. |
1915 |
German |
Church and state |
Autorität Und Macht Der Wissenschaft |
Buchmann, J. (Jacob); b. 1805 or
6. |
1874 |
German |
Religion and science |
Und Wissenschaft: Eine Streitschrift Gegen Hofrath Rudolph Wagner in
Göttingen |
Vogt, Karl Christoph; 1817-1895. |
1856 |
German |
Religion and science |
Conscience Populaire: Son Èducation Par Une Eglise D'ètat Et Par Une Eglise
de Professants: Confèrence Prononcèe À Lausanne Le 18 Fèvrier 1895 |
Rittmeyer, Charles. |
1895 |
French |
Moral education |
Force Magique: Du Mana Des Primitifs Au Dynamisme Scientifique |
Saintyves, P. (Pierre);
1870-1935. |
1914 |
French |
Magic |
Libertè de Conscience En France Depuis L'èdit de Nantes Jusqu'à La Sèparation
(1598-1905) |
Bonet-Maury, Gaston; 1842-1919. |
1909 |
French |
Liberty of conscience |
Libre-Pensèe Et Le Catholicisme |
Perraud, Charles-Alexis;
1831-1892. |
1887 |
French |
Free thought |
La Magie
Et L'astrologie Dans L'antiquitè Et Au Moyen Eì¥, Ou, Etude Sur Les
Superstitions Pàennes Qui Se Sont Perpètuèes Jusqu'à Nos Jours |
Maury, L.-F.-Alfred;
(Louis-Ferdinand-Alfred); 1817-1892. |
1864 |
French |
Magic |
Religion Et Les Sciences de La Nature |
Bettex, F. (Frèdèric);
1837-1915. |
1898 |
French |
Religion and science |
Religion, La Morale Et La Science: Leur Conflit Dans L'èducation
Contemporaine: Quatre Confèrences |
Buisson, F. E. (Ferdinand
Edouard); 1841-1932. |
1904 |
French |
Religion and science |
Science de L'àme Dans Les Limites de L'observation |
Tiberghien, G. (Guillaume);
1819-1901. |
1868 |
French |
Psychology |
Sèparation Des Èglises Et de L'ètat: Prècis Historique, Discours Et Documents |
Rèveillaud, Eug. (Eugène); b.
1851. |
1907 |
French |
Church and state |
Problem: Plain Questions and Practical Answers, The |
1886 |
English |
Labor |
Question, The |
Gladden, Washington; 1836-1918. |
1911 |
English |
Labor movement |
With Preludes on Current Events |
Cook, Joseph; 1838-1901. |
1880 |
English |
Labor movement |
Huntington and Her Friends, or, The Revival of the Work of God in the Days of
Wesley, Whitefield, Romaine, Venn, and Others in the Last Century |
Knight, Helen C. (Helen Cross);
1814-1906. |
1853 |
English |
Huntington, Selina Hastings |
Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and Summary |
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp
August; 1834-1919. |
1906 |
English |
Evolution |
Law and
Government:the Origin, Nature, Extent, and Necessity of Divine and Human
Government, and of Religious Liberty |
Kingsbury, Harmon; d. 1868. |
1849 |
English |
Political science |
Law and
the Gospel of Labor, The |
Waring, Luther Hess; 1865-1941. |
1907 |
English |
Trade-unions |
Law of
the Concordat: Loi Du 18 Germinal, An X, April 8, 1802, The |
1905 |
English |
Church and state |
Laws of
Fermentation and the Wines of the Ancients, The |
Patton, William; 1798-1879. |
1871 |
English |
Temperance |
Laws of
the Soul, or, The Science of Religion and the Future Life |
Gifford, M. W. (Miram
Wentworth); b. 1851. |
1893 |
English |
Religion |
Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1825-1895. |
1870 |
English |
Science |
Christianisme Et Le Progrès |
Perraud, Charles-Alexis;
1831-1892. |
1883 |
French |
Progress |
Matèrialisme Et La Science |
Caro, E. (Elme); 1826-1887. |
1868 |
French |
Materialism |
Miracle Et La Critique Scientifique |
Saintyves, P. (Pierre);
1870-1935. |
1907 |
French |
Religion and science |
Nouveau Spiritualisme |
Vacherot, E. (Etienne);
1809-1897. |
1884 |
French |
Spiritualism (Philosophy) |
Rèforme Intellectuelle Du Clergè Et La Libertè D'enseignement |
Saintyves, P. (Pierre);
1870-1935. |
1904 |
French |
Church and education |
Le Règne
Social Du Christianisme |
Huet, Francìois; 1814-1869. |
1853 |
French |
Socialism, Christian |
Taureau de Mithra |
Adam, Paul; 1862-1920. |
1907 |
French |
Economic policy |
of Bible Study Groups, The |
Horne, Herman Harrell; b. 1874. |
1912 |
English |
Religious education |
and Working: Six Lectures Delivered in Willis's Rooms, London, in June and
July 1854; the Religion of Rome and Its Influence on Modern Civilization:
Four Lectures Delivered in the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, in
December, 1854... |
Maurice, Frederick Denison;
1805-1872. |
1855 |
English |
Education |
The Education of Girls, as Connected With Their Growth and Physical
Development |
Allen, Nathan. |
1879 |
English |
Women |
Lectures |
1914 |
English |
Science |
on Education |
Mann, Horace; 1796-1859. |
1845 |
English |
Education |
on Revivals. |
Kirk, Edward Norris; 1802-1874. |
1875 |
English |
on Scepticism |
Beecher, Lyman; 1775-1863. |
1834 |
English |
Skepticism |
on the Calling of a Christian Woman:and Her Training to Fulfil It, Delivered
During the Season of Lent, A.D. 1883 |
Dix, Morgan; 1827-1908. |
1883 |
English |
Women |
on the Method of Science |
1906 |
English |
Science |
on the Philosophy of Religion: Together With a Work on the Proofs of the
Existence of God |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich;
1770-1831. |
1895 |
English |
Religion |
on the Reasonableness of Christianity and the Shallowness of Unbelief: Man,
God, Denial, Faith |
Vaughan; Archbishop; (Roger
Bede) |
1879 |
English |
Religion and science |
on the Scientific Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion |
Larrabee, William Clark;
1802-1859. |
1855 |
English |
Religion and science |
on the Sphere and Duties of Woman, and Other Subjects |
Burnap, George Washington;
1802-1859. |
1841 |
English |
Women |
to Young Women |
Eliot, William Greenleaf;
1811-1887. |
1890 |
English |
Young women |
Chrètienne de La Dèmocratie: Essai D'apologètique Sociale |
Calippe, Charles; b. 1869. |
1908 |
French |
Church and education |
Des Sentiments |
Thomas, P.-Fèlix. |
1910 |
French |
Emotions |
Morale Dès Le Berceau |
Pèrez, Bernard. |
1901 |
French |
Moral education |
Intellectuelle Et Morale |
Compayrè, Gabriel; 1843-1913. |
1908 |
French |
Education |
& L'ètat En France |
Desdevises du Dezert, G.
(Georges); b. 1854. |
1907 |
French |
Church and state |
Au Brèsil Pendant L'empire Et Pendant La Rèpublique |
Badarò, F. |
1895 |
French |
Church and state |
Catholique Et L'ètat Sous La Troisième Rèpublique (1870-1906) |
Debidour, Antonin; 1847-1917. |
1906 |
French |
Church and state |
de France Sous La Troisième Rèpublique |
Lecanuet, E. (Edouard);
1853-1916. |
1910 |
French |
Church and state |
Et La Science: Precis Historique |
Francìais, J. |
1908 |
French |
Religion and science |
et L'enseignement Populaire: Sous L'ancien Règime |
Allain, E. (Ernest); 1846-1902. |
1901 |
French |
Church and education |
Et L'ètat Dans La Seconde Moitiè Du IIIe Siècle (249-284) |
Aubè, B. (Benjamin); 1826-1887. |
1885 |
French |
Church and state |
Et L'ètat Sous La Monarchie de Juillet |
Thureau-Dangin, Paul; 1837-1913. |
1880 |
French |
Church and state |
Und Unterricht an Der Evangelisch-Theologischen Facultät Der Universität
Tübingen Von Der Reformation Bis Zur Gegenwart |
Weizsäcker, Carl. |
1877 |
German |
Religious education |
Fùr Den Religionsunterricht Und Die Kinderlehre Der Evangelischen Kirche Des
Kantons Thurgau; |
1907 |
English |
Christian education of children |
Für Den Unterricht in Der Christlichen Religionslehre Und Im Deutschen |
1888 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Und Seele: Eine Prüfung Des Psycho-Physischen Grundproblems |
Driesch, Hans; 1867-1941. |
1916 |
German |
Mind and body |
Catholique Dans La France Contemporaine: Ètudes Et Discours |
Baudrillart, Alfred; 1859-1942. |
1910 |
French |
Christian education |
Alarmes de L'èpiscopat Justifièes Par Les Faits |
Dupanloup, Fèlix; 1802-1878. |
1868 |
French |
Women |
Chrètiens Et L'empire Romain À L'èpoque Du Nouveau Testament |
Goguel, Maurice; 1880-1955. |
1908 |
French |
Church and state |
Conditions de L'enseignement Religieux Dans Les Eglises Nationales de La
Suisse Romande: Rapport |
Dumont, Emile. |
1898 |
French |
Christian education |
Difficultès de Croire |
Brunetière, Ferdinand;
1849-1906. |
1904 |
French |
Atheism |
Ècoles Et L'enseignement de La Thèologie Pendant La Première Moitiè Du XiIe
Siècle |
Robert, G. (Gabriel) |
1909 |
French |
Education, Medieval |
Esclaves Chrètiens: Depuis Les Premiers Temps de L'èglise Jusqu'à La Fin de
La Domination Romaine En Occident |
Allard, Paul; 1841-1916. |
1914 |
French |
Slavery |
Frères Des Ècoles Chrètiennes Et L'enseignement Primaire: Après La Rèvolution
1797-1830 |
Chevalier, Alexis. |
1887 |
French |
Education and state |
Servantes de Dieu En Canada: Essai Sur L'histoire Des Communautès Religieuses
de Femmes de La Province |
Courcy, Henri de. |
1855 |
French |
Monastic and religious life of
women |
Commentary on the International Bible Studies of 1901: For the Use of
Teachers and Advanced Students |
Dowling, W. W. (William Worth);
1834-1920. |
1901 |
English |
International Sunday school
lessons |
on the Life of St. Paul: Drawn From the Acts and the Epistles |
Hall, Edward H. (Edward Henry);
1831-1912. |
1904 |
English |
Sunday school literature |
and Social Aims |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; 1803-1882. |
1876 |
English |
From a Workingman |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1908 |
English |
German language |
on National Subjects: Auxiliary to Universal Education and Scientific
Knowledge; Addressed to Burwell Bassett, Late a Member of the House of
Representatives; Henry Clay, Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
James Monroe, President of the.. |
Lancaster, Joseph; 1778-1838. |
1820 |
English |
Education |
on the Moral and Religious Duties of Parents |
Skinner, Otis A. (Otis
Ainsworth); 1807-1861. |
1844 |
English |
Moral education |
to a Sister: or, Woman's Mission, to Accompany the Letters to Young Men |
Alcott, William Andrus;
1798-1859. |
1850 |
English |
Young women |
to Catherine E. Beecher: In Reply to an Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism,
Addressed to A. E. Grimkè |
Grimkè, Angelina Emily;
1805-1879. |
1838 |
English |
Slavery in the United States |
Crèatrice |
Bergson, Henri; 1859-1941. |
1907 |
French |
Life |
Orthodoxy: A Historical Survey |
Clark, Henry W. (Henry William) |
1914 |
English |
Liberalism (Religion) |
Religieuse Et Questions Ecclèsiasiques |
Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe;
1797-1847. |
1854 |
French |
Freedom of religion |
Life and
Labors of Mrs. Maggie Newton Van Cott: The First Lady Licensed to Preach in
the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States |
Foster, John O. (John Onesimus);
1833-1920. |
1872 |
English |
Women clergy |
and Work of Mary Carpenter, The |
Carpenter, J. Estlin; (Joseph
Estlin); 1844-1927. |
1879 |
English |
Carpenter, Mary |
Life and
Work of Mary Louisa Whately, The |
Whately, E. J. (Elizabeth Jane);
1822-1893. |
1890 |
English |
Women missionaries |
Life and
Works of Christopher Dock: America's Pioneer Writer on Education: With a
Translation of His Works Into the English Language, The |
Dock, Christopher; ca.
1698-1771. |
1908 |
English |
Education |
Life of
Mary Baker G. Eddy: And the History of Christian Science, The |
Milmine, Georgine. |
1909 |
English |
Christian Science |
Life of
Mary Lyon, The |
Gilchrist, Beth Bradford; b.
1879. |
1910 |
English |
Lyon, Mary |
Its True Genesis |
Flaccus, Horatius; l8l6-l885. |
1880 |
English |
Creation |
Arising: Thoughts on the Central Radiance |
Stephen, Caroline Emelia;
1834-1909. |
1908 |
English |
Mysticism |
Light of
Day: Religious Discussions and Criticisms From the Naturalist's Point of
View, The |
Burroughs, John; 1837-1921. |
1900 |
English |
Religion and science |
School Case: State Superintendent Skinner's Decisions Fully Sustained by the
Appellate Division of the Supreme Court: Opinion of Justice Williams,
November 29, 1905. |
Williams; Justice. |
1905 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Problem: A Summary of Investigations, The |
1905 |
English |
Alcoholism |
D'enseignement Moral |
Lemoine, Georges. |
1900 |
French |
Moral education |
Loci E
Libro Veritatum: Passages Selected From Gascoigne's Theological Dictionary
Illustrating the Condition of Church and State, 1403-1458 |
Gascoigne, Thomas; 1403-1458. |
1881 |
Latin |
Church and state |
Locke |
Fraser, Alexander Campbell;
1819-1914. |
1890 |
English |
Locke, John |
Du Quatrième Jour de La Crèation |
Lefebvre, J. |
1882 |
French |
Creation |
of Chance: An Essay on the Foundations and Province of the Theory of
Probability, With Especial Reference to Its Logical Bearings and Its
Application to Moral and Social Science, and to Statistics, The |
Venn, John; 1834-1923. |
1888 |
English |
Chance |
or, The Morphology of Knowledge |
Bosanquet, Bernard; 1848-1923. |
1911 |
English |
Logic |
and Found, or, Life Among the Poor, The |
Halliday, Samuel B. (Samuel
Byram); 1812-1897. |
1859 |
English |
Child welfare |
Past and Present: A Register of Two Thousand Names: A Record Written in Black
and White, But More in White Than Black: With a European Roll. |
1887 |
English |
Education |
Lectures on the Ascent of Man, The |
Drummond, Henry; 1851-1897. |
1894 |
English |
Man |
to Church and State: The Mind of His Excellency, Francis Archbishop Satolli,
Apostolic Delegate. |
Satolli, Francesco; 1839-1910. |
1895 |
English |
Church and state |
and the Educational System of the Jesuits |
Hughes, Thomas; 1849-1939. |
1907 |
English |
Education |
de L'èglise Et de L'ètat Dans La Nouvelle-Angleterre: Considèrèe Dans Ses
Effets Sur La Religion Aux Etats-Unis |
Baird, Robert; 1798-1863. |
1837 |
French |
Church and state |
on Education: Including a Historical Introduction and a Translation of the
Reformer's Two Most Important Educational Treatises |
Painter, F. V. N. (Franklin
Verzelius Newton); 1852-1931. |
1889 |
English |
Education |
Und Das Landesherrliche Kirchenregiment |
Holl, Karl; 1866-1926. |
1911 |
German |
Church and state |
Und Die Gewissensfreiheit |
Paulus, Nikolaus. |
1905 |
German |
Liberty of conscience |
Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural Phenomena |
1800 |
English |
Occultism |
of Tomorrow: Interpretations of the World Today, The |
Mathews, Shailer; 1863-1941. |
1913 |
English |
Social problems |
Religion Efficient |
1912 |
English |
Men and Religion Forward Movement |
Man and
the Universe: A Study of the Influence of the Advance in Scientific Knowledge
Upon Our Understanding of Christianity |
Lodge, Oliver; Sir; 1851-1940. |
1909 |
English |
Religion and science |
Man in
Genesis and in Geology, or, The Biblical Account of Man's Creation |
Thompson, Joseph Parrish;
1819-1879. |
1870 |
English |
Bible and science |
Man, a
Revelation of God |
Ackerman, George E. (George
Everett) |
1888 |
English |
Anthropology |
Man, the
Mirror of the Universe, or, The Agreement of Science and Religion |
Meagher, Jas. L. (James Luke);
1848-1920. |
1892 |
English |
Religion and science |
Place in Nature: And Other Anthropological Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1895 |
English |
Man |
of the Science of Religion |
Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D.
(Pierre Daniel); 1848-1920. |
1891 |
English |
Religions |
D'èducation Morale Et D'instruction Civique: À L'usage Des Jeunes Filles |
Juranville, Clarisse. |
1882 |
French |
Moral education |
Dell of '76, The |
Powers, O. A. Mrs. |
1883 |
English |
Temperance |
Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli) |
Howe, Julia Ward; 1819-1910. |
1883 |
English |
Fuller, Margaret |
Reaction in Its Relation to the English Clergy: A Study of the Episcopal
Registers, The |
Frere, Walter Howard; 1863-1938. |
1896 |
English |
Church and state |
in Church and State |
Lacey, T. A. (Thomas Alexander);
1853-1931. |
1912 |
English |
Marriage |
Or, The Varieties of Female Piety, The |
Philip, Robert; 1791-1858. |
1836 |
English |
Women |
or, The Beauty of Female Holiness, The |
Philip, Robert; 1791-1858. |
1836 |
English |
Women |
Its Historians and Its History: An Object Lesson |
Adams, Charles Francis;
1835-1915. |
1894 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
of Satan, The |
Peck, Arthur Clermont. |
1905 |
English |
Christian Science |
Force, and Spirit, or, Scientific Evidence of a Supreme Intelligence |
1895 |
English |
Religion and science |
Women Speak in a Promiscuous Religious Assembly? |
Loomis, H. (Henry) |
1874 |
English |
Women in church work |
Women Speak?: A Bible Study by a Presbyterian Minister |
Hays, Geo. P. (George Pierce);
1838-1897. |
1889 |
English |
Women in church work |
and Method of Life: A Search for Religion in Biology, The |
Gould, George M. (George
Milbry); 1848-1922. |
1893 |
English |
Life sciences |
of Personal Life, The |
Smyth, Newman; 1843-1925. |
1916 |
English |
Personality |
of Truth: A Sequel to "Pragmatism", The |
James, William; 1842-1910. |
1911 |
English |
Truth |
and Ends of Education |
Spalding, John Lancaster;
1840-1916. |
1903 |
English |
Education |
and Faith: A Study of Spiritual Truth in Nature |
Porter, Charles T. (Charles
Talbot); b. 1826. |
1888 |
English |
Religion and science |
D'histoire Des Religions |
Hubert, Henri; 1872-1927. |
1909 |
French |
Religion and sociology |
of Anna Braithwaite: Being a Sketch of Her Early Life and Ministry and
Extracts From Her Private Memoranda, 1830-59 |
Braithwaite, Joseph Bevan;
1818-1905. |
1905 |
English |
Women, Quaker |
of Eminently Pious Women |
Burder, Samuel; 1773-1837. |
1834 |
English |
Women |
of Eminently Pious Women: Who Were Ornaments to Their Sex---Blessings to
Their Families---and Edifying Examples to the Church and World |
Gibbons, Thomas; 1720-1785. |
1803 |
English |
Women |
and Moral Science: A Compendium of Psychology and Ethics |
Bain, Alexander; 1818-1903. |
1868 |
English |
Psychology |
Spiritualism, &c: Historically & Scientifically Considered: Being Two
Lectures |
Carpenter, William Benjamin;
1813-1885. |
1877 |
English |
Mesmerism |
of Jesus to Men of Wealth, The |
Herron, George Davis; 1862-1925. |
1891 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
of New Thought, The |
Allen, Abel Leighton; 1850-1927. |
1914 |
English |
New Thought |
of the Men and Religion Movement: Complete in Seven Volumes, Including the
Revised Reports of the Commissions |
1912 |
English |
Church work |
to Workingmen |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1906 |
English |
Labor movement |
Psychologie Des Heiligen Augustinus |
Gangauf, Theodor; 1809-1875. |
1852 |
German |
Psychology |
and Results: Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1898 |
English |
Science |
of Creation: A Comparison of the Book of Nature With the Book of Genesis, The |
Crosskey, Henry W. (Henry
William); 1826-1893. |
1902 |
English |
Creation |
and Results of Rescue Work |
Flatbush, Adda M. b. 1855. |
1899 |
English |
Women |
of Church Work: Religious, Social and Financial |
Stall, Sylvanus; 1847-1915. |
1888 |
English |
Church management |
Mind in
Evolution |
Hobhouse, L. T. (Leonard
Trelawney); 1864-1929. |
1901 |
English |
Intellect |
Mind in
Matter: A Short Argument on Theism |
Tait, James; b. 1829. |
1884 |
English |
Theism |
Mysteries: Phenomena of Spiritism, Christian Science, and Faith Healing:
Gospel Healing From a Bible Standpoint Completely Vindicated |
Flory, J. S. |
1897 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Mind of
Primitive Man, The |
Boas, Franz; 1858-1942. |
1911 |
English |
Ethnopsychology |
Essays and Addresses |
Sidgwick, Henry; 1838-1900. |
1904 |
English |
Sociology |
Writings, 1883-1896 |
Eddy, Mary Baker; 1821-1910. |
1897 |
English |
Christian Science |
Link, or, Bible Women in the Homes of the London Poor, The |
L. N. R. 1810-1879. |
1860 |
English |
Women missionaries |
of Ingersoll: As Shown by Rev. W.f. Crafts, Bishop Charles E. Cheney,
Chaplain C.C Mccabe, D.D., Arthur Swazey, D.D., Robert Collyer, D.D., Fred.
Perry Powers, and Others |
1880 |
English |
Ingersoll, Robert Green |
American Spiritualism: A Twenty Years' Record of the Communion Between Earth
and the World of Spirits |
Britten, Emma Hardinge; d. 1899. |
1870 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Atheism, Its Position and Promise: Being the Seventh Lecture on the
Foundation of John Fernley, Esq. |
Jenkins, E. E. (Ebenezer Evans);
1820-1905. |
1877 |
English |
Atheism |
Crisis in Religion, The |
Lorimer, George C. (George
Claude); 1838-1904. |
1904 |
English |
Christianity |
Education in China |
Edmunds, Charles Keyser; 1876- |
1919 |
English |
Education |
Ideas of Evolution as Related to Revelation and Science |
Dawson, John William; Sir;
1820-1899. |
1890 |
English |
Evolution |
Methods of Charity: An Account of the Systems of Relief, Public and Private,
in the Principal Countries Having Modern Methods |
Henderson, Charles Richmond;
1848-1915. |
1904 |
English |
Charity organization |
Mysteries Explained and Exposed: In Four Parts... |
Mahan, Asa; 1800-1889. |
1855 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Physical Fatalism and the Doctrine of Evolution: Including an Examination of
Mr. H. Spencer's First Principles |
Birks, T. R. (Thomas Rawson);
1810-1883. |
1876 |
English |
Philosophy, Modern |
Scepticism: A Course of Lectures Delivered at the Request of the Christian
Evidence Society |
1874 |
English |
Skepticism |
Science and the Illusions of Professor Bergson |
Elliot, Hugh Samuel Roger;
1881-1930. |
1912 |
English |
Science |
Secret Societies |
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles
Albert); 1848-1925. |
1915 |
English |
Secret societies |
Spiritualism: A History and a Criticism |
Podmore, Frank; 1856-1910. |
1902 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Substitutes for Traditional Christianity |
McClure, Edmund; d. 1922. |
1914 |
English |
Christian Science |
Sunday School, The |
Vincent, John Heyl; 1832-1920. |
1900 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Erziehung Und Geschlechtliche Sittlichkeit: Einige Pädagogische Und
Moralische Betrachtungen Für Das Jahrhundert Des Kindes |
Paulsen, Friedrich; 1846-1908. |
1908 |
German |
Moral education |
as Connecting Religion and Science: The Confession of Faith of a Man of
Science |
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp
August; 1834-1919. |
1894 |
English |
Monism |
and Religious Challenge of Our Times: The Guiding Principle in Human
Development, Reverence for Personality, The |
King, Henry Churchill;
1858-1934. |
1912 |
English |
Church and social problems |
and the Secular in Education, The |
Lewis, Tayler; 1802-1877. |
1872 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Education: Its Laws and Methods |
Buchanan, Joseph R. (Joseph
Rodes); 1814-1899. |
1882 |
English |
Moral education |
Evolution |
Harris, George; 1844-1922. |
1896 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
Influence of Manufacturing Towns: A Discourse, The |
Dexter, Henry Martyn; 1821-1890. |
1848 |
English |
City and town life |
Instruction and Training in Schools: Report of an International Inquiry |
1908 |
English |
Moral education |
Instruction in Schools and Colleges |
1906 |
English |
Moral education |
Principles in Education |
Dewey, John; 1859-1952. |
1909 |
English |
Moral education |
Views of Commerce, Society and Politics: In Twelve Discourses |
Dewey, Orville; 1794-1882. |
1838 |
English |
Social sciences |
Et Èducation |
Thomas, P.-Fèlix. |
1905 |
French |
Moral education |
of Prohibitory Liquor Laws: An Essay, The |
Weeden, William B. (William
Babcock); 1834-1912. |
1875 |
English |
Prohibition |
in Evolution: A Study in Comparative Ethics |
Hobhouse, L. T. (Leonard
Trelawney); 1864-1929. |
1915 |
English |
Ethics, Evolutionary |
Account of Creation, the Miracle of Today, or, New Witnesses to the Oneness
of Genesis and Science: ToWhich Are Added an Inquiry as to the Cause and
Epoch of the Present Inclination of the Earth's Axis, and an Essay Upon
Cosmology, The |
Warring, Charles B. (Charles
Bartlett); 1825-1907. |
1875 |
English |
Creation |
Record and Modern Science, The |
Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy);
1838-1922. |
1881 |
English |
Creation |
Record of the Creation Explained: Scripture Truth Verified, The |
Jennings, Abraham G. |
1893 |
English |
Bible and science |
and the Philosophers: In Three Parts, the Physical System, the Moral Problem,
the Mercy Seat: The Whole Together Giving a View of the Universe, as Written
by Moses, the Servant of God |
Hodgman, Stephen Alexander. |
1884 |
English |
Religion and science |
the Greatest of Labour Leaders. Part 1 |
Wilson, J. Stitt; (Jackson
Stitt); 1868- |
1908 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
for Reform in the Teaching of Religion in the Public Schools of Saxony, The |
Show, Arley Barthlow. |
1910 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
of Religious Thought in Britain During the Nineteenth Century |
Tulloch, John; 1823-1886. |
1885 |
English |
Religious thought |
Must the
Bible Go?: A Review of the Decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin in the
Edgerton Bible Case |
McAtee, W. A. (William A.) |
1890 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
of Life: A Study of Revelation in the Light of Science, The |
Richards, Harry E. (Harry
Edward); d. 1923. |
1898 |
English |
Religion and science |
London, or, Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis |
Davies, Charles Maurice;
1828-1910. |
1875 |
English |
Occultism |
Und Schuldbewusstsein in Schellings Philosophischer Entwicklung |
Tillich, Paul; 1880-1965. |
1912 |
German |
Mysticism |
Rechts Und Nach Links: Besprechungen Über Zeichnen Der Zeit Aus Den Letzten
Drei Decennien |
Schweizer, Alexander; 1808-1888. |
1876 |
German |
Church and state |
Idealism and the Book of Common Prayer: An Essay in Re-Interpretation and
Revision |
Coit, Stanton; 1857-1944. |
1908 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Perils and Hopes: A Study Based on Current Statistics and the Observations of
a Cheerful Reformer |
Crafts, Wilbur F. (Wilbur Fisk);
1850-1922. |
1910 |
English |
Alcoholism |
Reform Movement: Its History and Principles: A Manual of Christian Civil
Government, The |
McAllister, David; 1835-1907. |
1898 |
English |
Church and state |
Und Bibel in Der Harmonie Ihrer Offenbarungen: Ein Handbuch Moderner
Forschung |
1910 |
German |
Religion and science |
Law in the Spiritual World |
Drummond, Henry; 1851-1897. |
1883 |
English |
Religion and science |
Laws and Gospel Teachings |
Morris, Herbert W. (Herbert
William); 1818-1897. |
1887 |
English |
Bible and science |
Science and Religion: Two Lectures |
Gray, Asa; 1810-1888. |
1880 |
English |
Religion and science |
Way in Moral Training: Four Modes of Nurture, The |
Du Bois, Patterson; 1847-1917. |
1903 |
English |
Moral education |
and Agnosticism: The Gifford Lectures |
Ward, James; 1843-1925. |
1906 |
English |
Religion and science |
Und Religiöse Weltansicht |
Otto, Rudolph; 1869-1937. |
1909 |
German |
Religion and science |
and the Bible: A Course of Lectures Delivered in New York, in December, 1874,
on the Morse Foundation of the Union Theological Seminary |
Dawson, John William; Sir;
1820-1899. |
1875 |
English |
Bible and science |
of Personality: A Course of Lectures, The |
Temple, William; 1881-1944. |
1911 |
English |
Personality |
vs. the Bible; Bibel Und Natur: Popular and Comprehensive Studies on the
Precepts and Teachings of the Bible: Agreeable to Modern Sciences and History
After Dr. J.H. Thomassen |
1871 |
English |
Bible and science |
Und Glaube |
Petersen, Johannes; b. 1862. |
1905 |
German |
Religion and science |
Und Christentum |
Bettex, F. (Frèdèric);
1837-1915. |
1900 |
German |
Religion and science |
Und Bibel: Beiträge Zur Weiterbildung Der Religion: Ausblicke Auf Eine Neue
Staatskunst: Eine Naturwissenschaftliche Antwort Auf Das Glaubensbekenntnis
Kaiser Wilhelm Ii. |
Lehmann-Hohenberg; Dr.
(Johannes); 1851-1925. |
1904 |
German |
Religion and science |
Bishop Movement in the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, The |
Woodward, J. Herbert; (Joseph
Herbert); b. 1862. |
1916 |
English |
Afro-American Episcopalians |
Problem: Decision by the Court of Public Opinion, The |
1879 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
at Port Royal: Report of E.l. Pierce, Government Agent, to the Hon. Salmon P.
Chase, Secretary of theTreasury., The |
Pierce, Edward Lillie;
1829-1897. |
1862 |
English |
Slavery |
of Faith, The |
Froude, James Anthony;
1818-1894. |
1849 |
English |
Free thought |
or, Total Abstinence From Intoxicating Liquors in Man's Normal State of
Health the Doctrine of the Bible: In a Series of Letters, With Addenda, to
Edward C. Delavan: With Colored Plates of the Stomach as Affected by Strong
Drink |
Mair, John; 1798-1877. |
1861 |
English |
Temperance |
Bahnen: Der Unterricht in Der Christlichen Religion Im Geist Der Modernen
Theologie |
Baumgarten, Otto; 1858-1934. |
1909 |
German |
Christian education |
Avatar and the Destiny of the Soul: The Findings of Natural Science Reduced
to Practical Studies in Psychology, The |
Buck, J. D. (Jirah Dewey);
1838-1916. |
1916 |
English |
Psychology and religion |
New Era,
or, The Coming Kingdom, The |
Strong, Josiah; 1847-1916. |
1893 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Peace: Lectures on Science and Religion, The |
Poteat, William Louis;
1856-1938. |
1915 |
English |
Religion and science |
Psychic Studies in Their Relation to Christian Thought, The |
Johnson, Franklin; 1836-1916. |
1887 |
English |
Parapsychology |
Redemption: A Call to the Church to Reconstruct Society According to the
Gospel of Christ, The |
Herron, George Davis; 1862-1925. |
1893 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Themes for the Protestant Clergy: Creeds Without Charity, Theology Without
Humanity, and Protestantism Without Christianity: With Notes by the Editor on
the Literature of Charity, Population, Pauperism, Political Economy, and
Protestanti |
Colwell, Stephen. |
1851 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Thought, Its History and Principles, or, The Message of the New Thought: A
Condensed History of Its Real Origin With Statement of Its Basic Principles
and True Aims |
Atkinson, William Walker;
1862-1932. |
1915 |
English |
New Thought |
Truth and the Old Faith, The |
Scientific layman. |
1880 |
English |
Religion and science |
Voice in Race Adjustments: Addresses and Reports Presented at the Negro
Christian Student Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 14-18, 1914, The |
1914 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
World and the New Thought, The |
Bixby, James Thompson;
1843-1921. |
1902 |
English |
Religion and science |
Great Awakening, The |
Strong, Josiah; 1847-1916. |
1902 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Step in Evolution: The Present Step, The |
Funk, Isaac K. (Isaac Kaufman);
1839-1912. |
1902 |
English |
Evolution |
Century Questions |
Clarke, James Freeman;
1810-1888. |
1897 |
English |
of the Future: A Sociological Study, The |
Guyau; M. (Jean Marie);
1854-1888. |
1897 |
English |
Religion |
and Universal Education: In Response to the Sentiment, Our Common Schools,
the Glory of Our Republic, Undefiled by Sectarianism; Our Hope and Boast;
They Shall Be Maintained: Veteran Association, Order of United Americans… |
Ullmann, Daniel. |
1876 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Principles of Education: An Address, The |
Harkness, John C. |
1869 |
English |
Education |
Training of the Child, The |
Hart, Madison Ashley; b. 1874. |
1906 |
English |
Religious education of children |
of Man: The Climax of Civilization, The |
Mauro, Philip; 1859-1952. |
1909 |
English |
Theology, Doctrinal |
and Duties of the Female Sex to Christianity: An Address Delivered at the
Annual Examination of the Washington Female Seminary, Thursday, June 14th,
The |
Rogers, E. P. (Ebenezer Platt);
1817-1881. |
1849 |
English |
Women and religion |
on the Real Rights of Women: With Their Appropriate Duties, Agreeable to
Scripture, Reason and Common Sense |
Crocker, H. Mather; (Hannah
Mather); 1752-1829. |
1818 |
English |
Women's rights |
Thoughts of an Astronomer on Nature and Revelation |
Pritchard, C. (Charles);
1808-1893. |
1889 |
English |
Religion and science |
for Women: A Book of Practical Suggestions for the Material Advancement, the
Mental and Physical Development, and the Moral and Spiritual Uplift of Women |
Willard, Frances Elizabeth;
1839-1898. |
1897 |
English |
Women |
Du Comte J. de Maistre, Ancient Ministre Plènipotentiaire de S. M. Le Roi de
Sardaigne Près S. M. L'empereur de Russie |
Maistre, Joseph Marie; comte de;
1753-1821. |
1841 |
French |
Political science |
Recognition of Woman in the Church: An Historical Study, The |
Rishell, C. W. (Charles Wesley);
1850-1908. |
1892 |
English |
Women in church work |
Bible and the New Science: An Essay and Four Lectures, The |
Thomas, Jesse B. (Jesse
Burgess); 1832-1915. |
1877 |
English |
Religion and science |
Faiths and New Facts |
Kinsley, William W. (William
Wirt); 1837-1923. |
1896 |
English |
Religion and science |
Testament in the Sunday School, The |
Myers, A. J. William; (Alexander
John William); b. 1877. |
1912 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Truths in a New Light, or, An Earnest Endeavor to Reconcile Material Science
With Spiritual Science and With Scripture |
Caithness, Marie Sinclair;
Countess of; d. 1895. |
1876 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Truths in Modern Lights: The Boyle Lectures for 1890 With Other Sermons |
Bonney, T. G. (Thomas George);
1833-1923. |
1891 |
English |
Religion and science |
Personlig Sandhed Og Sand Personlighed: Tolv Forelaesninger for Dannede
Tilhãrere Af Begge Kjãn |
Nielsen, R. (Rasmus); 1809-1884. |
1854 |
Danish |
Personality |
Geological Chronology and the Cogency of the Arguments by Which Some
Scientific Doctrines Are Supported: In Reply to Professor Huxley's Discourse
Delivered at Sion College on Nov. 21, 1867 |
Reddie, James. |
1867 |
English |
Bible and geology |
Human Nature: Essays (Partly Posthumous) in Ethics and Politics |
Schopenhauer, Arthur; 1788-1860. |
1897 |
English |
Ethics |
Miracles and Modern Spiritualism: Three Essays |
Wallace, Alfred Russel;
1823-1913. |
1875 |
English |
Spiritualism |
On Some
Influences of Christianity Upon National Character: Three Lectures |
Church, Richard William;
1815-1890. |
1873 |
English |
Christianity |
On Some
Points in the Religious Office of the Universities |
Westcott, Brooke Foss;
1825-1901. |
1873 |
English |
Moral education |
On Some
Popular Errors Concerning Politics and Religion |
Montagu, Robert; Lord;
1825-1902. |
1874 |
English |
Christianity and politics |
On the
Genesis of Species |
Mivart, St. George Jackson;
1827-1900. |
1871 |
English |
Evolution |
On the
Perception of Small Differences: With Special Reference to the Extent, Force
and Time of Movement |
Fullerton, George Stuart;
1859-1925. |
1892 |
English |
Movement, Psychology of |
On the
Study of Character: Including an Estimate of Phrenology |
Bain, Alexander; 1818-1903. |
1861 |
English |
Character |
Vital Reserves |
James, William; 1842-1910. |
1911 |
English |
Mental health |
Pictus of John Amos Comenius, The |
Comenius, Johann Amos;
1592-1670. |
1887 |
English |
Latin language |
Women |
Roberts, Benjamin Titus;
1823-1893. |
1891 |
English |
Women clergy |
and Growth: As Involved in the Spiritual Constitution of Human Society |
Davies, J. Llewelyn; (John
Llewelyn); 1826-1916. |
1891 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Order of
Nature: Considered in Reference to the Claims of Revelation: A Third Series
of Essays, The |
Powell, Baden; 1796-1860. |
1859 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Women to the Pastorate in Baptist Churches, The |
Hungate, Jesse A. (Jesse Avery) |
1899 |
English |
Women clergy |
Adult Bible Class, The |
Bryan, J. H. (Joseph Harris);
1862-1931. |
1909 |
English |
Religious education of adults |
Sunday School Work in America, 1911-1914: Official Report of the Fourteenth
International Sunday School Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1914: Triennial
Survey of Sunday School Work...Sunday School Statistics Revised to Date |
1914 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of Human Reason: Being an Examination of Recent Hypotheses Concerning It, The |
Mivart, St. George Jackson;
1827-1900. |
1889 |
English |
Psychology, Comparative |
of the World According to Revelation and Science, The |
Dawson, John William; Sir;
1820-1899. |
1877 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Faith: An Essay of Reconciliation |
Compton-Rickett, J. (Joseph);
1847-1919. |
1909 |
English |
Christianity |
Side of Evolution: An Examination of Its Evidences, The |
Patterson, Alexander. |
1903 |
English |
Evolution |
Central Park |
1860 |
English |
Sunday legislation |
Clergywomen. |
Holland, Frederic May;
1836-1908. |
1892 |
English |
Women clergy |
Country's Crisis: A Discourse |
Holbrook, John C. (John Calvin);
1808-1900. |
1856 |
English |
Slavery |
Day-Schools: A Short History of Primary Education in England |
Browne, St. John. |
1897 |
English |
Education, Elementary |
Our God
and His Universe |
Blackstone, W. E. (William E.);
b. 1841. |
1917 |
English |
Bible and science |
Heredity From God: Consisting of Lectures on Evolution |
Powell, Edward Payson;
1833-1915. |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
Laity: And Their Equal Rights Without Distinction of Sex in the Methodist
Episcopal Church |
Kynett, A. J. (Alpha Jefferson);
1829-1899. |
1896 |
English |
Women in Christianity |
Neighbours: A Handbook for the C.S.U. |
Holland, Henry Scott; 1847-1918. |
1911 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Republic: Its Free Schools and Institutions, Are They Christian? |
Turner, J. B. (Jonathan
Baldwin); 1805-1899. |
1893 |
English |
Christianity and politics |
Sketch of the Young Women's Christian Associations in Australasia |
1913 |
English |
Women in missionary work |
of a Philosophy of Religion Based on Psychology and History |
Sabatier, Auguste; 1839-1901. |
1902 |
English |
Religion |
of Psychology: Dictated Portions of the Lectures of Hermann Lotze |
Lotze, Hermann; 1818-1881. |
1886 |
English |
Psychology |
for International Law: With Letter Commending the League to Enforce Peace,
The |
Root, Elihu; 1845-1937. |
1916 |
English |
International law |
of Physical Science: Essays, Philosophical and Religious, The |
Dale, T. Nelson; (Thomas
Nelson); 1845-1937. |
1884 |
English |
Religion and science |
and the Civil Power, The |
Thompson, R. W. (Richard
Wiggington); 1809-1900. |
1876 |
English |
Church and state |
and Nationality |
1874 |
English |
Church and state |
on Inter-Racial Problems: Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress,
Held at the University of London, July 26-29, 1911 |
1911 |
English |
Race relations |
Presented at the Educational Convention of the Congregational Churches of
Southern California: Held at Los Angeles, April 13-14, 1892. |
1892 |
English |
Church and education |
Pain |
Harbin, Robert Maxwell. |
1916 |
English |
Pain |
Philosophy: A Sequel to the Unseen Universe. |
Stewart, Balfour; 1828-1887. |
1879 |
English |
Future life |
First: An Answer to Dr. Bouquillon's Query, Education, to Whom Does It
Belong?, The |
Holaind, Renè I. (Renè Isidore);
1836-1906. |
1891 |
English |
Education |
Schools of New York: A Brief Statement Giving Report of Attendance and
Expenses of Parish Schools in the City of New York., The |
1905 |
English |
Church and education |
of Religions: Its Results Reviewed, The |
Minton, Henry Collin; 1855-1924. |
1894 |
English |
Christianity and other religions |
Spirit: An Address |
Nevin, John Williamson;
1803-1886. |
1840 |
English |
Partisanship |
for the Organization and Work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union |
Greene, E. G. Mrs. |
1884 |
English |
Woman's Christian Temperance Union |
to Reality: Stage the First: Being the Gifford Lectures Delivered in the
University of St. Andrews inthe Session 1902-1903, The |
Haldane, R. B. Haldane; (Richard
Burdon Haldane); Viscount; 1856-1928. |
1903 |
English |
Reality |
Addresses: In America and England From 1850 to 1885, on Slavery, the Civil
War, and the Development of Civil Liberty in the United States |
Beecher, Henry Ward; 1813-1887. |
1887 |
English |
Slavery |
Problem: The Task of the Twentieth Century, The |
Lynch, Frederick; 1867-1934. |
1911 |
English |
Peace |
Peep of
Day, or, A Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind Is
Capable of Receiving: WithVerses Illustrative of the Subjects., The |
Mortimer, Favell Lee; 1802-1878. |
1849 |
English |
Religious education of children |
About Ephrata |
Visitor. |
1860 |
English |
Ephrata Cloister |
From the Other World |
Olcott, Henry Steel; 1832-1907. |
1875 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Physics, and Reality: An Enquiry Into the Information That Physical Science
Can Supply About the Real |
Broad, C. D. (Charlie Dunbar);
1887-1971. |
1914 |
English |
Reality |
Way, or, The Finding of Christ, The |
Kingsford, Anna Bonus;
1846-1888. |
1882 |
English |
Occultism |
Peace: A Philosophical Essay |
Kant, Immanuel; 1724-1804. |
1903 |
English |
Peace |
and Ideal Elements in Education |
King, Henry Churchill;
1858-1934. |
1908 |
English |
Education, Higher |
Personality |
Jevons, F. B. (Frank Byron);
1858-1936. |
1913 |
English |
Personality |
Ramus and the Educational Reformation of the Sixteenth Century |
Graves, Frank Pierrepont;
1869-1943. |
1912 |
English |
Education |
or, Illusions and Fanaticisms of Protean Forms Productive of Great Evils |
Madden, Richard Robert;
1798-1886. |
1857 |
English |
Hallucinations and illusions |
of the Living |
Gurney, Edmund; 1847-1888. |
1886 |
English |
Parapsychology |
Negro: A Social Study, The |
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William
Edward Burghardt); 1868-1963. |
1899 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
and Scientific Ultimatum: Written in the Constitution and Laws of Universe by
the Omnipotent Handof Divine Intelligence, and Spread Before All Mankind in
the Universal Language of Organic Mind and Matter, Cause and Effect…, The |
Allibaco, W. A. |
1864 |
English |
Religion |
Theory of the State, The |
Bosanquet, Bernard; 1848-1923. |
1899 |
English |
Political science |
Begründung Des Lehrplans Des Evangelischen Religionsunterrichts an Höheren
Schulen |
Reukauf, August. |
1892 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
as Scientia Scientiarum; and, a History of Classifications of the Sciences |
Flint, Robert; 1838-1910. |
1904 |
English |
Classification of sciences |
of Herbert Spencer: Being an Examination of the First Principles of His
System, The |
Bowne, Borden Parker; 1847-1910. |
1874 |
English |
Spencer, Herbert |
of Mind: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Psychology |
Ladd, George Trumbull;
1842-1921. |
1895 |
English |
Psychology |
of Mysterious Agents, Human and Mundane, or, The Dynamic Laws and Relations
of Man: Embracing the Natural Philosophy of Phenomena Styled "Spiritual
Manifestations" |
Rogers, E. C. (Edward Coit) |
1853 |
English |
Parapsychology |
of the Abolition Movement, The |
Phillips, Wendell; 1811-1884. |
1860 |
English |
Slavery |
of the Inductive Sciences: Founded Upon Their History, The |
Whewell, William; 1794-1866. |
1847 |
English |
Science |
Basis of Mind: With Illustrations: Being the Second Series of Problems of
Life and Mind, The |
Lewes, George Henry; 1817-1878. |
1877 |
English |
Mind and body |
Pie Vi
Et La Première Coalition: A Propos de Quelques Documents Des Archives Du
Saint-Siège. |
Madelin, Louis. |
1900 |
French |
Church and state |
of Death in Evolution, The |
Smyth, Newman; 1843-1925. |
1897 |
English |
Death |
of the Church in Evolution, The |
Tyler, John Mason; 1851-1929. |
1914 |
English |
Evolution |
Place of
Women in the Church, The |
1917 |
English |
Women in church work |
for Progress |
Haygood, Atticus G. (Atticus
Greene); 1839-1896. |
1889 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
Poets of
Transcendentalism: An Anthology, The |
1903 |
English |
Transcendentalism (New England) |
and Moral Essays |
Rickaby, Joseph; 1845-1932. |
1902 |
English |
Church and state |
Theories of the Middle Age |
Gierke, Otto Friedrich von;
1841-1921. |
1900 |
English |
Political science |
and Science: The History of the Papal Relations to Science During the Middle
Ages and Down to Our Time, The |
Walsh, James Joseph; 1865-1942. |
1912 |
English |
Religion and science |
Last Veto in American Politics: Will the People Sustain It?, The |
Dunn, James B. |
1890 |
English |
Church and state |
Royal Education |
1898 |
English |
Education |
of Christianity in the United States: In Its Relations With Our Political
Institutions, and SpeciallyWith Reference to Religious Instruction in the
Public Schools, The |
Colwell, Stephen. |
1854 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
and Wealth From the Viewpoint of the Kingdom of God |
Ward, Harry Frederick;
1873-1966. |
1915 |
English |
Poverty |
Its Genesis and Exodus: An Inquiry Into Causes and the Method of Their
Removal |
Godard, John George. |
1892 |
English |
Poverty |
of Christian Benevolence: Illustrated in the Life and Labors of Mary Lyon,
The |
Hitchcock, Edward; 1793-1864. |
1852 |
English |
Lyon, Mary |
Power of
Faith: Exemplified in the Life and Writings of the Late Mrs. Isabella
Graham., The |
Graham, Isabella; d. 1814. |
1843 |
English |
of Self-Suggestion, The |
McComb, Samuel. |
1909 |
English |
Mental healing |
of Suggestion: The Law of Suggestion, Auto-Suggestion, The |
Randall, J. Herman; (John
Herman); 1871-1946. |
1909 |
English |
Mental suggestion |
Socialism: Essays on Social Reform |
Barnett, Samuel; 1844-1913. |
1894 |
English |
Social problems |
Christian Socialism: A Conversational Exposition of the True System of Human
Society: In Three Parts, Viz, I. Fundamental Principles, II. Constitutional
Polity, III. Superiority to Other Systems |
Ballou, Adin; 1803-1890. |
1854 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
and French Voluntarism: With Especial Reference to the Notion of Truth in the
Development of French Philosophy From Maine de Biran to Professor Bergson |
Stebbing, L. Susan; (Lizzie
Susan); 1885-1943. |
1914 |
English |
Pragmatism |
a New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking: Popular Lectures on Philosophy |
James, William; 1842-1910. |
1907 |
English |
Pragmatism |
and the Healing of Disease |
Bryan, William Swan Plumer;
1856-1925. |
1896 |
English |
Spiritual healing |
of Faith, The |
Montgomery, Carrie Judd. |
1880 |
English |
Spiritual healing |
de Logique Èlèmentaire |
Ubaghs, G. C. (Gèrard Casimir);
1800-1875. |
1849 |
French |
Logic |
Archaeology and the Old Testament: Being the Donellan Lectures Delivered
Before the University of Dublin in 1906-1907 |
Astley, H. J. Dukinfield; (Hugh
John Dukinfield); 1856-1930. |
1908 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Its Antidote: An Address |
Hamilton, William T. (William
Thomas); 1796-1884. |
1850 |
English |
Prejudices |
Evolution and the Biblical Idea of God: An Exposition and a Criticism |
Chapman, Charles; 1828-1922. |
1891 |
English |
Evolution |
Training Course: For Children Between the Ages of Eight and Fifteen |
Moninger, Herbert; 1876-1911. |
1909 |
English |
Christian education |
Day Rationalism Critically Examined |
Henslow, George; 1835-1925. |
1905 |
English |
Rationalism |
Relations of Science and Religion, The |
Bonney, T. G. (Thomas George);
1833-1923. |
1913 |
English |
Religion and science |
Department of the Church School, The |
Athearn, Walter S. (Walter
Scott); 1872-1934. |
1913 |
English |
Religious education of children |
Hymnal: Hymns and Songs for Little Children, The |
1915 |
English |
Sunday schools |
World: A Treatise on the Relations of Geology to Theology, The |
Gloag, Paton J. (Paton James);
1835-1906. |
1859 |
English |
Bible and geology |
and Spirit of Jesus Essential to Meet the Social Needs of Our Time, The |
Paul, Charles T. (Charles
Thomas); 1869-1940. |
1916 |
English |
Church and social problems |
of Geology Explained, and Viewed in Their Relations to Revealed and Natural
Religion, The |
King, David; 1806-1883. |
1851 |
English |
Geology |
of Jesus Applied to Some Questions of Today, The |
Speer, Robert E. (Robert
Elliott); 1867-1947. |
1902 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
of Psychology, The |
James, William; 1842-1910. |
1890 |
English |
Psychology |
of Religious Development: A Psychological and Philosophical Study, The |
Galloway, George. |
1909 |
English |
Religion |
of Individuality: A Course of Four Lectures, The |
Driesch, Hans; 1867-1941. |
1914 |
English |
Individuality |
of Lay Leadership, The |
Elliott, Ernest Eugene; b. 1878. |
1914 |
English |
Christian leadership |
in American Society: Some Social Studies |
Crooker, Joseph Henry. |
1889 |
English |
Social problems |
of Tomorrow: Social, Moral and Religious |
1918 |
English |
Church and the world |
and Papers |
1911 |
English |
Liberalism (Religion) |
of the National Convention to Secure the Religious Amendment of the
Constitution of the United States: Held in Cincinnati, Jan. 31 & Feb. 1,
1872: With an Account of the Origin and Progress of the Movement. |
1872 |
English |
Church and state |
of the National Convention to Secure the Religious Amendment of the
Constitution of the United States: Held in Pittsburg sic, February 4, 5,
1874: With an Account of the Origin and Progress of the Movement. |
1874 |
English |
Church and state |
of Argument: A Contribution to Logic, The |
Sidgwick, Alfred; 1850-1943. |
1893 |
English |
Logic |
and Poverty: An Inquiry Into the Cause of Industrial Depressions, and of
Increase of Want With Increase of Wealth: The Remedy |
George, Henry; 1839-1897. |
1882 |
English |
Economics |
and Prospects of Christianity in the United States of America: With Remarks
on the Subject of Slaveryin America: And on the Intercourse Between British
and American Churches, The |
Baird, Robert; 1798-1863. |
1851 |
English |
Evangelical Alliance |
in Religious and Moral Education |
Hall, Charles Cuthbert;
1852-1908. |
1904 |
English |
Christian education |
of Moral and Religious Education in the American Home, The |
Votaw, Clyde W. (Clyde Weber);
1864-1946. |
1911 |
English |
Christian education |
Creation: A Reconciliation of Religion With Science |
Sampson, Holden E. (Holden
Edward); b. 1859. |
1909 |
English |
Occultism |
Redemption: The Catholic Church, Its Functions and Offices in the World
Reviewed in the Light of the Ancient Mysteries and Modern Science |
Sampson, Holden E. (Holden
Edward); b. 1859. |
1909 |
English |
Occultism |
of the Religious Element in Education: An Address, Delivered Before the
Society of Alumni of East Windsor Hill Academy: July 3, 1857 |
Chadbourne, Paul A. (Paul
Ansel); 1823-1883. |
1857 |
English |
Church and education |
of the Father, or, A Neglected Speciality of the Last Days: Addressed to the
Clergy and Laity of All Christian Communities |
Palmer, Phoebe; 1807-1874. |
1859 |
English |
Women in church work |
and Catholicism, in Their Bearing Upon the Liberty and Prosperity of Nations:
A Study of Social Economy |
Laveleye, Emile de; 1822-1892. |
1875 |
English |
Protestantism |
and Democracy: A Present Day Problem |
Parks, Leighton; 1852-1938. |
1912 |
English |
Democracy |
of Reason: A Criticism of the Bampton Lecture on "the Limits of
Religious Thought", The |
Young, John; 1805-1881. |
1860 |
English |
Faith and reason |
and the Scientist, or, Modern Value of the Religious Sentiment, The |
Matheson, George; 1842-1906. |
1894 |
English |
Religion and science |
Research and Gospel Miracles: A Study of the Evidences of the Gospel's
Superphysical Features in the Light of the Established Results of Modern
Psychical Research |
Duff, Edward Macomb. |
1902 |
English |
Miracles |
Tendencies of Today: An Exposition and Critique of New Thought, Christian
Science, Spiritualism, Psychical Research (Sir Oliver Lodge), and Modern
Materialism in Relation to Immortality |
Martin, Alfred W. (Alfred
Wilhelm); 1862-1933. |
1918 |
English |
Parapsychology |
Foundations of Education: An Attempt to Show the Genesis of the Higher
Faculties of the Mind |
Harris, William Torrey;
1835-1909. |
1905 |
English |
Educational psychology |
Elements of Religious Faith: Lectures, The |
Everett, Charles Carroll;
1829-1900. |
1902 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Origin and the Nature of Religion, The |
Leuba, James H. (James Henry);
1868-1946. |
1909 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Phenomena of Christianity, The |
Cutten, George Barton;
1874-1962. |
1908 |
English |
Christianity |
Psychologie |
Schleiermacher, Friedrich;
1768-1834. |
1862 |
German |
Psychology |
Und Erkenntnistheorie in Der Religionswissenschaft: Eine Untersuchung Über
Die Bedeutung Der Kantischen Religionslehre Für Die Heutige
Religionswissenschaft |
Troeltsch, Ernst; 1865-1923. |
1905 |
German |
Psychology, Religious |
Psychology |
Rosmini, Antonio; 1797-1855. |
1884 |
English |
Psychology |
Psychology |
James, William; 1842-1910. |
1892 |
English |
Psychology |
of Attention, The |
Ribot, Th. (Thèodule);
1839-1916. |
1890 |
English |
Attention |
of Belief, The |
Lindsay, James; 1852-1923. |
1910 |
English |
Belief and doubt |
of Inspiration: An Attempt to Distinguish Religious From Scientific Truth and
to Harmonize Christianity With Modern Thought, The |
Raymond, George Lansing;
1839-1929. |
1908 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
of Religion, The |
Coe, George Albert; 1862-1951. |
1916 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
of Religion: An Empirical Study of the Growth of Religious Consciousness, The |
Starbuck, Edwin Diller;
1866-1947. |
1901 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
of Religious Belief, The |
Pratt, James Bissett; 1875-1944. |
1916 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
of Religious Sects: A Comparison of Types, The |
McComas, Henry C. (Henry Clay);
b. 1875. |
1912 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
of the Emotions, The |
Ribot, Th. (Thèodule);
1839-1916. |
1914 |
English |
Emotions |
of the Moral Self |
Bosanquet, Bernard; 1848-1923. |
1897 |
English |
Psychology |
of the Religious Life |
Stratton, George Malcolm; 1865- |
1911 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
of the Saints, The |
Joly, Henri; 1839-1925. |
1898 |
English |
Saints |
Descriptive and Explanatory: A Treatise of the Phenomena, Laws, and
Development of Human Mental Life |
Ladd, George Trumbull;
1842-1921. |
1894 |
English |
Psychology |
the Motive Powers: Emotions, Conscience, Will |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1888 |
English |
Emotions |
The Cognitive Powers |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1892 |
English |
Psychology |
School Question: As Understood by a Catholic American Citizen and by a
Liberal American Citizen: Two Lectures Before the Free Religious Association,
in Horticultural Hall, Boston, The |
McQuaid, B. J. (Bernard John);
1823-1909. |
1876 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
and Press |
Eddy, Mary Baker; 1821-1910. |
1904 |
English |
Christian Science |
in the Light of Modern Science, The |
Narayanaswami Aiyar, K. |
1916 |
English |
Puranas and science |
Logic and Other Minor Works |
Jevons, William Stanley;
1835-1882. |
1890 |
English |
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical |
Psychology, or, The Subjective Idea and Objective Law of All Intelligence |
Hickok, Laurens P. (Laurens
Perseus); 1798-1888. |
1861 |
English |
Psychology |
Religion, and the Rationalistic Objections of the Bampton Lectures for 1858 |
Smith, Goldwin; 1823-1910. |
1861 |
English |
Rationalism |
Rationalism |
Robertson, J. M. (John
Mackinnon); 1856-1933. |
1912 |
English |
Rationalism |
Et Tradition: Recherches Des Conditions D'efficacitè D'une Morale Làque |
Delvolvè, Jean. |
1910 |
French |
Moral education |
in the History of Education: Mediaeval Universities |
1909 |
English |
Education, Medieval |
God: The Universal Mind and the Divinity of Man, The |
Randall, J. Herman; (John
Herman); 1871-1946. |
1909 |
English |
New Thought |
Key to Christian Science: A Surprising Discovery, The |
Swain, Richard L. (Richard La
Rue); b. 1860. |
1917 |
English |
Christian Science |
of the Living Dead: A Brief Description of Life After Death |
Teacher of the O. C. M. (Spirit) |
1917 |
English |
Future life |
and Authority in Religion |
Sterrett, J. Macbride; (James
Macbride); 1847-1923. |
1891 |
English |
Authority (Religion) |
and Faith, or, The Two Lights |
Leask, William; 1812-1884. |
1869 |
English |
Rationalism |
for Unbelief |
Viardot, Louis; 1800-1883. |
1896 |
English |
Atheism |
Origin of Man: As Illustrated by Geology and the Modern Science of
Prehistoric Archaeology, The |
Southall, James C. (James
Cocke); 1827-1897. |
1875 |
English |
Man |
Der Schule Der Reformation Gegen Ungerechtfertigte Angriffe; |
1889 |
German |
Education |
of Religion and Science: Being Essays on Immortality, Inspiration, Miracles,
and the Being of Christ, The |
Fowle, T. W. (Thomas Welbank) |
1873 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Science and Religion |
Winchell, Alexander; 1824-1891. |
1877 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Religious Belief, The |
Mallock, W. H. (William
Hurrell); 1849-1923. |
1905 |
English |
Religion |
by the Blood |
Duff, E. S. Mrs. |
1905 |
English |
Church work with prostitutes |
of the City, The |
Sears, Charles Hatch; 1870-1943. |
1911 |
English |
Social problems |
Und Aufsätze |
Stoecker, Adolf; 1835-1909. |
1913 |
German |
Christianity |
Principles Stated and Applied |
Foster, J. M. (James Mitchell);
1850- |
1890 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Presbyterian Catechism, The |
Roberts, William L. D.D. |
1853 |
English |
Church and state |
Between the Holy Scriptures and Some Parts of Geological Science, The |
Smith, John Pye; 1774-1851. |
1855 |
English |
Bible and geology |
of Experimental Psychology to Philosophy: Lecture, The |
Mercier, Dèsirè; 1851-1926. |
1902 |
English |
Psychology and philosophy |
of Religion to Civil Government in the United States of America: A State
Without a Church, But Not Without a Religion, The |
Cornelison, Isaac A. (Isaac
Amada); 1829-1911. |
1895 |
English |
Church and state |
of the State to Religious Education: John D. Minor Et Al. Versus the Board of
Education of the City of Cincinnati Et Al: Argument for the Defense, The |
Matthews, Stanley; 1824-1889. |
1870 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
of the Sunday School to the Church: An Address, The |
Huntington, F. D. (Frederic
Dan); 1819-1904. |
1860 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Between Religion and Science: Eight Lectures Preached Before the University
of Oxford in the Year 1884 on the Foundation of the Late Rev. John Bampton,
M.A., Canon of Salisbury, The |
Temple, Frederick; 1821-1902. |
1884 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Science and Religion: The Morse Lecture, 1880, Connected With the Union
Theological Seminary, NewYork, The |
Calderwood, Henry; 1830-1897. |
1881 |
English |
Religion and science |
Masquerade: A Complete Exposure of Christian Science, The |
Peabody, Frederick W. (Frederick
William); 1862-1938. |
1910 |
English |
Christian Science |
& Experience |
Brierley, J. (Jonathan);
1843-1914. |
1906 |
English |
Christianity |
and Chemistry: A Re-Statement of an Old Argument |
Cooke, Josiah Parsons;
1827-1894. |
1891 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Drink |
Wasson, E. A. (Edmund Atwill);
b. 1864. |
1914 |
English |
Drinking of alcoholic beverages |
and Education in America: With Notices of the State and Prospects of American
Unitarianism, Popery, and African Colonization |
Lang, John Dunmore; 1799-1878. |
1840 |
English |
Church and state |
and Education, or, "What God Hath Joined Together, Let Not Man Put
Asunder" |
Hinitt, Frederick W. |
1910 |
English |
Church and education |
and Medicine: The Moral Control of Nervous Disorders |
Worcester, Elwood; 1862-1940. |
1908 |
English |
Mental healing |
and Public Education: A Letter to a Friend. |
Canfield, James H. (James
Hulme); 1847-1909. |
1906 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
and Science as Allies, or, Similarities of Physical and Religious Knowledge |
Bixby, James Thompson;
1843-1921. |
1903 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Science in Their Relation to Philosophy: An Essay on the Present State of
the Sciences |
Shields, Charles W. (Charles
Woodruff); 1825-1904. |
1875 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Science, a Series of Sunday Lectures on the Relation of Natural and
Revealed Religion, or, The Truths Revealed in Nature and Scripture |
LeConte, Joseph; 1823-1901. |
1873 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Science: Some Suggestions for the Study of the Relations Between Them |
Waggett, P. N. (Philip Napier);
1862-1939. |
1904 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Science: The Letters of "Alpha" on the Influence of Spirit Upon
Imponderable Actienic Molecular Substances, and the Life Forces of Mind and
Matter |
Allen, Stephen M. (Stephen
Merrill); 1819-1894. |
1894 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Slavery: A Vindication of the Southern Churches |
McNeilly, James H. (James Hugh);
1837 or 8-1922. |
1911 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
and the Reign of Terror: Or, the Church During the French Revolution |
Pressensè, Edmond de; 1824-1891. |
1868 |
English |
Church and state in France |
and the State, or, The Bible and the Public Schools |
Spear, Samuel T. (Samuel
Thayer); 1812-1891. |
1876 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
and the State: Protection or Alliance? Taxation or Exemption? |
Hovey, Alvah; 1820-1903. |
1874 |
English |
Church and state |
for the Time: Six Conferences on Natural Religion, Delivered in the Church of
the Transfiguration, New York |
Conger, Arthur B. (Arthur
Bloomfield); 1854-1920. |
1902 |
English |
Theism |
in America, or, An Account of the Origin, Relation to the State, and Present
Condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States: With Notices of
the Unevangelical Denominations |
Baird, Robert; 1798-1863. |
1856 |
English |
Church and state |
in Education |
Knox, Raymond C. (Raymond
Collyer) |
1909 |
English |
Church and education |
in Evolution |
Jevons, F. B. (Frank Byron);
1858-1936. |
1906 |
English |
Evolution |
in History and in Modern Life: Together With an Essay on the Church and the
Working Classes |
Fairbairn, A. M. (Andrew
Martin); 1838-1912. |
1894 |
English |
Christianity |
in Social Action |
Taylor, Graham; 1851-1938. |
1913 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
in the Making: A Study in Biblical Sociology |
Smith, Samuel G. (Samuel
George); 1852-1915. |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
of a Democrat, The |
Zueblin, Charles; 1866-1924. |
1908 |
English |
Christianity |
of an Educated Man, The |
Peabody, Francis Greenwood;
1847-1936. |
1903 |
English |
Christianity |
of Evolution, The |
Savage, Minot J. (Minot Judson);
1841-1918. |
1876 |
English |
Evolution |
of Geology and Its Connected Sciences, The |
Hitchcock, Edward; 1793-1864. |
1851 |
English |
Bible and geology |
of Reason |
Smith, Gerrit; 1797-1874. |
1864 |
English |
Christianity |
of Science, The |
Carus, Paul; 1852-1919. |
1893 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Science: The Faith of Coming Man, The |
Lee, James W. (James Wideman);
1849-1919. |
1912 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Woman: An Historical Study, The |
McCabe, Joseph; 1867-1955. |
1905 |
English |
Women |
Under the Barons of Baltimore: Being a Sketch of Ecclesiastical Affairs From
the Founding of the Maryland Colony in 1634 to the Formal Establishment of
the Church of England in 1692: With Special Reference to the Claim That
Maryland |
Smith, C. Ernest; (Charles
Ernest); 1855-1939. |
1899 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
Within the Boundary of Pure Reason |
Kant, Immanuel; 1724-1804. |
1838 |
English |
Religion |
a Dialogue, and Other Essays |
Schopenhauer, Arthur; 1788-1860. |
1889 |
English |
Religion |
Für Die Unterstufe Evangelischer Schulen: Im Anschluss an Wendels Biblische
Geschichten |
Sperber, Eduard. |
1908 |
German |
Christianity |
Inom Katolicism Och Protestantism |
Sòderblom, Nathan; 1866-1931. |
1910 |
Swedish |
Modernism |
Oder Nicht?: Ein Pädagogisches Gutachten Über Den Antrag Der Bremer
Lehrerschaft Auf Abschaffung Des Religionsunterrichtes |
Richter, A. (August) |
1906 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Aspect of Evolution, The |
McCosh, James; 1811-1894. |
1890 |
English |
Evolution |
Beliefs of Scientists: Including Over One Hundred and Forty Hitherto
Unpublished Letters on Science and Religion From Eminent Men of Science |
Tabrum, Arthur H. |
1913 |
English |
Religion and science |
Confessions and Confessants: With a Chapter on the History of Introspection |
Burr, Anna Robeson Brown;
1873-1941. |
1914 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Delusions: A Psychic Study |
Coombs, J. V. (James Vincent);
1849-1920. |
1904 |
English |
Sects |
Development of the Negro in Virginia, The |
Earnest, Joseph B. (Joseph
Brummell); b. 1889. |
1914 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
Education and the Public School: An American Problem |
Wenner, George U. (George
Unangst); 1844-1934. |
1913 |
English |
Week-day church schools |
Education in the Family |
Cope, Henry Frederick;
1870-1923. |
1915 |
English |
Religious education |
Freedom in American Education |
Crooker, Joseph Henry. |
1903 |
English |
Religious education |
Liberty: An Historical Paper |
King, Henry Melville. |
1903 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
Life in America: A Record of Personal Observation |
Abbott, Ernest Hamlin. |
1902 |
English |
United States |
Movements for Social Betterment |
Strong, Josiah; 1847-1916. |
1900 |
English |
Church work |
Persecution in France, 1900-1906, The |
Brodhead, J. Napier; (Jane
Napier) |
1907 |
English |
Church and state |
Persecution: A Study in Political Psychology |
Haynes, E. S. P. (Edmund Sidney
Pollock); 1877-1949. |
1904 |
English |
Persecution |
Question in Public Education: A Critical Examination of Schemes Representing
Various Points of View, The |
1911 |
English |
Church and education |
Sense in Its Scientific Aspect, The |
Macdonald, Greville; 1856-1944. |
1903 |
English |
Religion and science |
Teaching in Secondary Schools: Suggestions to Teachers and Parents for
Lessons on the Old and New Testaments, Early Church History, Christian
Evidences, Etc. |
Bell, George C. |
1897 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Truth: Illustrated From Science in Addresses and Sermons on Special Occasions |
Hitchcock, Edward; 1793-1864. |
1857 |
English |
Religion and science |
Religieuse |
Larroque, Patrice; 1801-1879. |
1860 |
French |
Religions (Proposed, universal,
etc.) |
of the Humble Nicon: By the Mercy of God Patriarch, Against the Questions of
the Boyar Simeon Streshneff and the Answers of the Metropolitan of Gaza,
Paisius Ligarides, The |
Nikon; Patriarch of Moscow and
of Russia; 1605-1681. |
1871 |
English |
Church and state |
Reply to
the Sequel of Hon. Horace Mann: Being a Supplement to the Bible, the Rod, and
Religion, in Common Schools |
Smith, Matthew Hale; 1810-1879. |
1847 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
on Moral Instruction (General and Denominational) and on Moral Training: In
the Schools of Austria, Belgium, the British Empire, China, Denmark, France,
Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland |
Spiller, Gustav. |
1909 |
English |
Moral education |
on the Subject of Slavery |
Thornwell, James Henley;
1812-1862. |
1852 |
English |
Slavery |
Made to the Convention of the Diocese of Pennsylvania: On Organizing the
Services of Christian Women,and on the Sunday School System, With the
Resolutions Adopted by the Convention, May, 1863., The |
1863 |
English |
Women in church work |
and Other Addresses |
Smith, Samuel G. (Samuel
George); 1852-1915. |
1900 |
English |
and Introspection |
Eddy, Mary Baker; 1821-1910. |
1903 |
English |
Christian Science |
Der Hauptpuncte Der Psychophysik |
Fechner, Gustav Theodor;
1801-1887. |
1882 |
German |
Psychophysics |
of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century, The |
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp
August; 1834-1919. |
1900 |
English |
Monism |
Right of
the Bible in Our Public Schools |
Cheever, George Barrell;
1807-1890. |
1854 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Way the Safe Way: Proved by Emancipation in the British West Indies, and
Elsewhere, The |
Child, Lydia Maria Francis;
1802-1880. |
1862 |
English |
Slavery |
of Man in America, The |
Parker, Theodore; 1810-1860. |
1911 |
English |
Slavery |
of Man: A Study in Twentieth Century Problems, The |
Abbott, Lyman; 1835-1922. |
1901 |
English |
Social problems |
of Our Little Ones, or, First Principles on Education: In Catechetical Form,
The |
Conway, James; 1849-1905. |
1890 |
English |
Church and education |
of Tyrannies in Our Republic, The |
Patterson, Robert; 1829-1885. |
1870 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
of Women in the Church, The |
Kellison, Barbara. |
1862 |
English |
Women's rights |
Rise of
Ecclesiastical Control in Quebec, The |
Riddell, Walter Alexander;
1881-1963. |
1916 |
English |
Church and state |
Rise of
Religious Liberty in America: A History, The |
Cobb, Sanford H. (Sanford
Hoadley); 1838-1910. |
1902 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
Raikes and the Northamptonshire Sunday Schools: Historical and Biographical
Account of the Raikes Family, and Notices of the Formation of the Earliest
Sunday Schools in Northamptonshire. |
1880 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Raikes: His Sunday Schools and His Friends: Including Historical Sketches of
the Sunday School Cause in Europe and America. |
Belcher, Joseph; 1794-1859. |
1859 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Raikes: The Man and His Work |
1899 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Catholic Question, The |
Abbott, Lyman; 1835-1922. |
1893 |
English |
Church and education |
Catholicism as a Factor in European Politics |
Conybeare, F. C. (Frederick
Cornwallis); 1856-1924. |
1901 |
English |
Church and state |
Education |
Wilkins, Augustus S. (Augustus
Samuel); d. 1905. |
1914 |
English |
Education |
of Evolution: And Its Relation to Religion, The |
Kimball, John C. (John Calvin);
b. 1832. |
1913 |
English |
Evolution |
The Danger Ahead: The Reason Why a Good Roman Catholic Cannot Be a Good
Citizen of This Republic |
Grover, A. J. (Alonzo J.) |
1887 |
English |
Democracy |
Reform and Reaction: Four Lectures on the Religious Situation |
Forsyth, Peter Taylor;
1848-1921. |
1899 |
English |
Church and state |
School Melodist: A Collection of Hymns and Tunes Designed for the Sabbath
School and the Home, The |
1866 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Cosmogony, or, Primitive Revelation Demonstrated by the Harmony of the Facts
of the Mosaic History of the Creation With the Principles of General Science |
Sorignet, A. |
1862 |
English |
Bible and science |
Problem and Social Reform, The |
Barker, John Marshall;
1849-1928. |
1905 |
English |
Alcoholism |
and the Mortal Body |
Mauro, Philip; 1859-1952. |
1905 |
English |
Spiritual healing |
Army in Relation to the Church and State: And Other Addresses, The |
Booth, Catherine Mumford;
1829-1890. |
1883 |
English |
Salvation Army |
A Retrogressive Movement in Theology and Philosophy: As Contrasted With the
Church of England, Catholic (At Once) and Protestant, Stable and Progressive:
Two Letters on Points of Present Interest, Addressed to the Rev. W.B. Brya |
Crawford, Alexander Crawford
Lindsay; Earl of; 1812-1880. |
1861 |
English |
Skepticism |
Van Kerk En Staat |
Opzoomer, C. W. (Cornelis
Willem); 1821-1892. |
1875 |
Dutch |
Church and state |
Und Die Romantik |
Kirn, Otto; 1857-1911. |
1895 |
German |
Romanticism |
Dialektik |
Schleiermacher, Friedrich;
1768-1834. |
1903 |
German |
Logic |
Didaktik Der Gelehrten Schule: Dargestellt Im Zusammenhange Seines
Philosophischen Systems |
Rolle, Hermann; b. 1882. |
1913 |
German |
Education |
Pädagogische Schriften: Mit Einer Darstellung Seines Lebens |
Schleiermacher, Friedrich;
1768-1834. |
1902 |
German |
Education |
Psychologie in Ihrer Bedeutung Für Die Glaubenslehre |
Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich;
1885-1969. |
1913 |
German |
Schleiermacher, Friedrich |
of Life: Divine Providence in the Light of Modern Science: The Law of
Development Applied to ChristianThinking and Christian Living, The |
Seward, Theodore F. (Theodore
Frelinghuysen); 1835-1902. |
1895 |
English |
Providence and government of God |
of the Church: Its Pre-Eminent Place and Purpose, The |
Frost, James Marion; 1849-1916. |
1911 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Question in the United States: A Critical Examination of Dr. Bouquillon's
Rejoinder to Critics, The |
Brandi, Salvatore M. (Salvatore
Maria); 1852-1915. |
1892 |
English |
Church and education |
The |
Ascham, Roger; 1515-1568. |
1894 |
English |
Education |
of Charles the Great and the Restoration of Education in the Ninth Century,
The |
Mullinger, J. Bass; (James
Bass); 1834-1917. |
1877 |
English |
Education, Medieval |
of Tomorrow |
Dewey, John; 1859-1952. |
1915 |
English |
Education |
Und Naturwissenschaft: Neun Vorlesungen, Im Winter 1868 |
Stüler, A. |
1869 |
German |
Bible and science |
& Education: Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1899 |
English |
Science |
& Religion in Contemporary Philosophy |
Boutroux, Emile; 1845-1921. |
1909 |
English |
Religion and science |
and a Future Life: With Other Essays |
Myers, Frederic William Henry;
1843-1901. |
1893 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Christian Tradition: Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1823-1895. |
1894 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Christianity |
Bettex, F. (Frèdèric);
1837-1915. |
1901 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Faith, or, Man as an Animal, and Man as a Member of Society: With a
Discussion of Animal Societies |
Topinard, Paul; 1830-1911. |
1899 |
English |
Anthropology |
and Health: With Key to the Scriptures |
Eddy, Mary Baker; 1821-1910. |
1891 |
English |
Christian science |
and Hebrew Tradition: Essays |
Huxley, Thomas Henry; 1825-1895. |
1894 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Idealism |
Mùnsterberg, Hugo; 1863-1916. |
1906 |
English |
Idealism |
and Immortality |
Osler, William; Sir; 1849-1919. |
1904 |
English |
Immortality |
and Immortality |
Lodge, Oliver; Sir; 1851-1940. |
1908 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Philosophy of the Organism: The Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the
University of Aberdeen in the Year 1907, The |
Driesch, Hans; 1867-1941. |
1908 |
English |
Biology |
and Religion: The Rational and the Superrational: An Address |
Keyser, Cassius Jackson;
1862-1947. |
1914 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Revelation: A Series of Lectures in Reply to the Theories of Tyndall,
Huxley, Darwin, Spencer, Etc. |
1875 |
English |
Religion and science |
and the Bible: A Lecture |
Perry, Charles. |
1869 |
English |
Bible and science |
and the Church |
Zahm, John Augustine; 1851-1921. |
1896 |
English |
Religion and science |
and the Faith: Essays on Apologetic Subjects: With an Introduction |
Moore, Aubrey L. (Aubrey
Lackington); 1848-1890. |
1892 |
English |
Religion and science |
and the Sages of the Bible: An Address to the Union Literary and Philalathean
Societies, Hanover College, LA. i.e. Ind. |
Halsey, Leroy J. (Leroy Jones);
1812-1896. |
1853 |
English |
Bible and science |
and the Spiritual: A Lecture |
Dubois, A. J. (Augustus Jay);
1849-1915. |
1887 |
English |
Religion and science |
Et Morale |
Berthelot, M. (Marcellin);
1827-1907. |
1897 |
French |
Science |
Et Philosophie |
Tannery, Jules; 1848-1910. |
1912 |
French |
Science |
in Theology: Sermons |
Farrar, Adam Storey; 1826-1905. |
1859 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Religion and Its Bearing Upon Christian Claims, The |
Major, H. D. A. (Henry Dewsbury
Alves); 1872- |
1909 |
English |
Religion |
of Religion: Fundamental Faiths Expressed in Modern Terms, The |
Simmons, Daniel A. (Daniel
Augustus); b. 1873. |
1916 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Religions, The |
Burnouf, Emile; 1821-1907. |
1888 |
English |
Religions |
of the Day and Genesis, The |
Nisbet, E. (Ebenezer);
1826-1893. |
1886 |
English |
Bible and science |
Confirmations of Old Testament History |
Wright, G. Frederick; (George
Frederick); 1838-1921. |
1907 |
English |
Bible and science |
Creed of a Theologian, The |
Schmid, Rudolf; 1828-1907. |
1906 |
English |
Religion and science |
Management in the Churches |
Mathews, Shailer; 1863-1941. |
1912 |
English |
Church management |
Obstacles to Christian Belief, The |
Curteis, George Herbert. |
1885 |
English |
Religion and science |
Temper in Religion: And Other Addresses, The |
Waggett, P. N. (Philip Napier);
1862-1939. |
1905 |
English |
Religion and science |
Theism: Organic Scientific Philosophy |
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood;
1836-1903. |
1888 |
English |
Theism |
Theology: Essays Towards the Development of Religious Truth on the Basis of
Modern Science |
Barber, Thomas Walter. |
1884 |
English |
Religion and science |
Value of Tradition: A Correspondence Between Lord Arundell of Wardour and Mr.
E. Ryley: With a Letter From the Rev. H. Formby on the Christian Science of
Tradition., The |
Arundell of Wardour, John
Francis Arundell; Baron; 1831-1906. |
1879 |
English |
Bible and science |
Battles for Spiritual Independence |
Macpherson, Hector; 1851-1924. |
1905 |
English |
Church and state |
Account of Creation Vindicated by the Teaching of Science, or, A New Method
of Reconciling the Mosaic and Geological Records of Creation, The |
Paul, William; 1804-1884. |
1870 |
English |
Bible and science |
and Science Not at Variance: With Remarks on the Historical Character,
Plenary Inspiration, and Surpassing Importance, of the Earlier Chapters of
Genesis |
Pratt, John H. (John Henry);
1809-1871. |
1872 |
English |
Bible and science |
Doctrine of Creation: With Reference to Religious Nihilism and Modern
Theories of Development, The |
Birks, T. R. (Thomas Rawson);
1810-1883. |
1873 |
English |
Bible and science |
Readings for Use in the Public and High Schools of Ontario |
1888 |
English |
Readers |
A Personal Narrative of Proscription for Being an Abolotionist |
Matlack, Lucius C. |
1856 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Societies: A Discussion of Their Character and Claims |
MacDill, David; 1826-1903. |
1867 |
English |
Secret societies |
of American Education: As Shown by State Legislation, State Constitutional
Provisions and StateSupreme Court Decisions, The |
Brown, Samuel Windsor; b. 1875. |
1912 |
English |
Church and education in the U.S |
Seers of
the Ages: Embracing Spiritualism, Past and Present: Doctrines Stated and
Moral Tendencies Defined |
Peebles, J. M. (James Martin);
1822-1922. |
1869 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Quotations on Peace and War: With Especial Reference to a Course of Lessons
on International Peace, a Study in Christian Fraternity Included in This
Volume |
1915 |
English |
Peace |
Department of the Church School, The |
Athearn, Walter S. (Walter
Scott); 1872-1934. |
1913 |
English |
Religious education of teenagers |
and Intuition: Studies in Psychology and Aesthetics |
Sully, James; 1842-1923. |
1874 |
English |
Psychology |
to the So Called Correspondence Between the Rev. M. H. Smith and Horace Mann:
Surreptitiously Published by Mr. Smith: Containing a Letter From Mr. Mann,
Suppressed by Mr. Smith, With the Reply Therein Promised. |
Mann, Horace; 1796-1859. |
1847 |
English |
Education |
in Stones, or, Scripture Confirmed by Geology |
M'Causland, Dominick; 1806-1873. |
1862 |
English |
Bible and geology |
of Man: An Essay Towards the Religion of the Future, The |
Morison, James Cotter;
1832-1888. |
1887 |
English |
Rationalism |
of the Patriarch Nicon to the Church and State of His Country: And Their
Requital by the Creation of a Merely National or State Church in Russia: With
Some Account of Those Punishments, Personal and Public, Which Were Foretold
by… |
1876 |
English |
Church and state |
Great Statesmen in the Warfare of Humanity With Unreason |
White, Andrew Dickson;
1832-1918. |
1919 |
English |
Statesmen |
Lectures on Scripture and Science |
Howard, John Eliot; 1807-1883. |
1865 |
English |
Bible and science |
Sex in
Mind and in Education |
Maudsley, Henry; 1835-1918. |
1884 |
English |
Women |
of Christianity, or, The Genesis of the Christian State: A Treatise for the
Times, The |
Marsh, Leonard; 1800-1870. |
1863 |
English |
Church and state |
Woman Preach? |
Harvey, W. P. (William Patrick);
1841-1929. |
1905 |
English |
Women clergy |
Woman Preach? or, The Question Answered |
Woosley, Louisa M. 1862-1952. |
1891 |
English |
Women clergy |
Women Preach? |
Seebach, Margaret R. (Margaret
Rebecca); 1875-1948. |
1903 |
English |
Women clergy |
Women Vote in the Church? |
Mayser, F. P. (Frederick Peter) |
1899 |
English |
Women in church work |
American Colleges Be Open to Women as Well as to Men?: A Paper |
Barnard, F. A. P. (Frederick
Augustus Porter); 1809-1889. |
1882 |
English |
Women |
Days: Personal Experiences of American Women and Children During the Peking
Siege |
Mateer, A. H. (Ada Haven) |
1903 |
English |
China |
Rèflexions Sur L'enseignement Religieux Public |
Montet, Edouard Louis;
1856-1934. |
1888 |
French |
Religion in the public schools |
Konfessionslose Schule Und Konfessionelle Schule: Geschichtliches Und
Prinzipielles Zu Dem Streite Um Schule Und Religionsunterricht Im Königreich
Sachsen |
Rietschel, Ernst. |
1911 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
of American Slavery: Proved From Its Evil Sources, Its Wrongs, Its
Contrariety to Many Scriptural Commands, Prohibitions, and Principles, and to
the Christian Spirit, and From Its Evil Effects: Together With Observations
on… |
Elliott, Charles; 1792-1869. |
1851 |
English |
Slavery |
of Maintaining Christian Fellowship With Slave-Holders: Strictures on the
Proceedings of the Last General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland
Regarding Communion With the Slave-Holding Churches of America, The |
1847 |
English |
Slavery |
and Safeguards of Society |
Parker, Theodore; 1810-1860. |
1915 |
English |
Social problems |
Edward Grey on Union for World Peace: From His Speech in the House of
Commons, March 13, 1911. |
Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey;
Viscount; 1862-1933. |
1911 |
English |
Arbitration, International |
and Deaconesses at Home and Abroad |
Potter, Henry Codman; 1834-1908. |
1873 |
English |
Sisterhoods |
Und Religion: Psychologische Untersuchungen Über Die Sittliche Und Religiöse
Entwicklung Und Erziehung Der Jugend |
Jahn, M. |
1910 |
German |
Moral education |
Six Days
of Creation, or, The Scriptural Cosmology: With the Ancient Idea of
Time-Worlds, in Distinction FromWorlds in Space, The |
Lewis, Tayler; 1802-1877. |
1855 |
English |
Creation |
Days of Creation, the Fall, and the Deluge, The |
Reimensnyder, J. B. (Junius
Benjamin); b. 1841. |
1886 |
English |
Bible and science |
Annual Report of the Field Lane Ragged School and Night Refuges for the
Homeless, The |
1858 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Sense: Its Cultivation and Use, The |
Brent, Charles H. (Charles
Henry); 1862-1929. |
1911 |
English |
New Thought |
Era in Modern History, or, The Infidelity of the Eighteenth Century: The
Product of Spiritual Despotism, The |
Post, Truman M. (Truman
Marcellus); 1810-1886. |
1856 |
English |
Skepticism |
of the French Renaissance, The |
Owen, John; 1833-1896. |
1893 |
English |
Skepticism |
of the Italian Renaissance, The |
Owen, John; 1833-1896. |
1908 |
English |
Skepticism |
Power, The |
Parker, Theodore; 1810-1860. |
1916 |
English |
Slavery |
Not Sinful: Slavery, the Punishment of Man's Sin: Its Remedy, the Gospel of
Christ: An Argument Before the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch
Church, October, 1855 |
How, Samuel Blanchard;
1790-1868. |
1856 |
English |
Slavery |
and Abolition, 1831-1841 |
Hart, Albert Bushnell;
1854-1943. |
1906 |
English |
Slavery |
and the Church |
Hosmer, William. |
1853 |
English |
Slavery |
and the Episcopacy: Being an Examination of Dr. Bascom's Review of the Reply
of the Majority to the Protest of the Minority of the Late General Conference
of the M.E. Church in the Case of Bishop Andrew |
Peck, George; 1797-1876. |
1845 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Discussed in Occasional Essays: From 1833 to 1846 |
Bacon, Leonard; 1802-1881. |
1846 |
English |
Slavery |
in the Methodist Episcopal Church |
Bowen, Elias. |
1859 |
English |
Slavery in the United States |
and Civil Status of Woman, The |
Cox, William M. |
1895 |
English |
Women's rights |
and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development: A Study in Social
Psychology |
Baldwin, James Mark; 1861-1934. |
1902 |
English |
Social psychology |
Application of Religion, The |
1908 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Aspects of Christianity: And Other Essays |
Ely, Richard Theodore;
1854-1943. |
1889 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Aspects of the Quaker Faith |
Grubb, Edward; 1854-1939. |
1899 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Classes in a Republic |
Parker, Theodore; 1810-1860. |
1916 |
English |
Social classes |
Creed of the Churches |
Ward, Harry Frederick;
1873-1966. |
1912 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Culture in the Form of Education and Religion |
Harris, William Torrey;
1835-1909. |
1905 |
English |
Church and education |
Democracy, Does It Mean Darkness or Light? |
Kutter, Hermann; 1863-1931. |
1910 |
English |
Socialism |
Development Under Christian Influence: Being the Donnellan Lectures |
Kaufmann, Moritz; 1839-1920. |
1900 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Duties From the Christian Point of View: A Textbook for the Study of Social
Problems |
Henderson, Charles Richmond;
1848-1915. |
1909 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Elements: Institutions, Character, Progress |
Henderson, Charles Richmond;
1848-1915. |
1898 |
English |
Sociology |
Evangelism |
Ward, Harry Frederick;
1873-1966. |
1915 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Evolution and Political Theory |
Hobhouse, L. T. (Leonard
Trelawney); 1864-1929. |
1913 |
English |
Progress |
Facts and Forces: The Factory, the Labor Union, the Corporation, the Railway,
the City, the Church |
Gladden, Washington; 1836-1918. |
1897 |
English |
Social problems |
Function of Religious Belief, The |
Elwang, William Wilson. |
1908 |
English |
Religion and sociology |
Gospel, The |
Mathews, Shailer; 1863-1941. |
1910 |
English |
Social gospel |
Law in the Spiritual World: Studies in Human and Divine Inter-Relationship |
Jones, Rufus Matthew; 1863-1948. |
1904 |
English |
Psychology, Religious |
Law of Service, The |
Ely, Richard Theodore;
1854-1943. |
1896 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Meaning of Modern Religious Movements in England: Being the Ely Lectures for
1899, The |
Hall, Thomas C. (Thomas Cuming);
1858-1936. |
1900 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Meanings of Religious Experiences |
Herron, George Davis; 1862-1925. |
1896 |
English |
Social gospel |
Message of the Modern Pulpit, The |
Brown, Charles Reynolds;
1862-1950. |
1906 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Ministry: An Introduction to the Study and Practice of Social Service |
1910 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Mission of the Church, The |
Wishart, Alfred Wesley;
1865-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Morality: Twenty-one Lectures |
Maurice, Frederick Denison;
1805-1872. |
1872 |
English |
Social ethics |
Powers: Three Popular Lectures on the Environment, the Press and the Pulpit |
Jones, Henry; Sir; 1852-1922. |
1913 |
English |
Social psychology |
Principles of Jesus, The |
Rauschenbusch, Walter;
1861-1918. |
1916 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Problem, The |
Stuckenberg, J. H. W. (John
Henry Wilbrandt); 1835-1903. |
1897 |
English |
Social problems |
Programmes in the West: Lectures |
Henderson, Charles Richmond;
1848-1915. |
1913 |
English |
Social problems |
Relationships in the Light of Christianity: The Hulsean Lectures for
1909-1910 |
Chadwick, W. Edward; (William
Edward); 1858-1934. |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Salvation |
Gladden, Washington; 1836-1918. |
1902 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Service: Its Place in the Society of Friends |
Rowntree, Joshua. |
1913 |
English |
Church and social problems |
Settlements |
Henderson, Charles Richmond;
1848-1915. |
1899 |
English |
Social settlements |
Significance of Our Institutions: An Oration, The |
James, Henry; 1811-1882. |
1861 |
English |
Slavery |
Solutions in the Light of Christian Ethics |
Hall, Thomas C. (Thomas Cuming);
1858-1936. |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Task of Christianity: A Summons to the New Crusade, The |
Batten, Samuel Zane; 1859-1925. |
1911 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Teaching of Jesus: An Essay in Christian Sociology, The |
Mathews, Shailer; 1863-1941. |
1910 |
English |
Social gospel |
Teaching of the Bible, The |
1910 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
Teaching of the Lord's Prayer: Four Sermons, The |
Stubbs, Charles William;
1845-1912. |
1900 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Teachings of the Prophets and Jesus, The |
Kent, Charles Foster; 1867-1925. |
1917 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
Theory: A Grouping of Social Facts and Principles |
Bascom, John; 1827-1911. |
1895 |
English |
Sociology |
Socialism |
Kane, Robert; 1848-1929. |
1910 |
English |
Socialism |
and Christianity |
Grant, Percy Stickney;
1860-1927. |
1910 |
English |
Socialism and Christianity |
and Christianity |
Behrends, A. J. F. (Adolphus
Julius Frederick); 1839-1900. |
1886 |
English |
Socialism |
and Communism in Their Practical Application |
Kaufmann, Moritz; 1839-1920. |
1883 |
English |
Utopian socialism |
and Labor: And Other Arguments, Social, Political, and Patriotic |
Spalding, John Lancaster;
1840-1916. |
1902 |
English |
Labor movement |
and Modern Thought |
Kaufmann, Moritz; 1839-1920. |
1906 |
English |
Socialism |
and the Ethics of Jesus |
Vedder, Henry C. (Henry Clay);
1853-1935. |
1912 |
English |
Socialism |
Exposed and Refuted: A Chapter From the Author's Moral Philosophy |
Cathrein, Victor; 1845-1931. |
1902 |
English |
Socialism |
in Church History |
Noel, Conrad; 1869-1942. |
1910 |
English |
Socialism, Christian |
Versus Christianity |
Hartman, Edward R. (Edward
Randolph); b. 1878. |
1909 |
English |
Socialism and Christianity |
With Preludes on Current Events |
Cook, Joseph; 1838-1901. |
1880 |
English |
Socialism |
Its Theoretical Basis and Practical Application |
Cathrein, Victor; 1845-1931. |
1904 |
English |
Socialism |
Church, The |
Headlam, Stewart D. (Stewart
Duckworth); 1847-1924. |
1907 |
English |
Socialism and Christianity |
Church: Addresses Before the First National Conference of the Social Workers
of Methodism, St. Louis, November 17-19, 1908, The |
1909 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
and Solitude: Twelve Chapters |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; 1803-1882. |
1870 |
English |
Kingdom, and Church |
Dargan, Edwin Charles;
1852-1930. |
1907 |
English |
Church and the world |
in the Higher Education of Women |
Dike, Samuel W. (Samuel Warren);
1839-1913. |
1893 |
English |
Women |
of the Bible, The |
Schenck, Ferdinand S. (Ferdinand
Schureman); 1845-1925. |
1909 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
Popular Lectures Before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. |
1893 |
English |
Sociology |
Ideals in the Education of Women |
Hazard, Caroline; 1856-1945. |
1900 |
English |
Women |
Latter Day Religions |
Combs, George Hamilton;
1864-1951. |
1899 |
English |
Christianity and other religions |
Lights of Science on the Faith: Eight Lectures |
Barry, Alfred; 1826-1910. |
1892 |
English |
Religion and science |
Moral Aspects of the "Woman Movement" |
Rauschenbusch, Walter;
1861-1918. |
1913 |
English |
Women |
Some of
the Causes of Modern Religious Skepticism: A Lecture |
Ryan, P. J. (Patrick John);
1831-1911. |
1885 |
English |
Skepticism |
Dess Nòdvàndighet, Làrare Och Ledning |
Rabenius, Karl Nathanael. |
1908 |
Swedish |
Sunday schools |
Kierkegaard Und Die Romantik |
Niedermeyer, Gerhard; b. 1879. |
1909 |
German |
Romanticism |
Kierkegaard's Philosophischer Werdegang |
Niedermeyer, Gerhard; b. 1879. |
1909 |
German |
Romanticism |
of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches, The |
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William
Edward Burghardt); 1868-1963. |
1903 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
of History in the Pentateuch: Six Lectures Delivered in Princeton Theological
Seminary, on the Stone Foundation, March, 1882 |
Bartlett, Samuel Colcord;
1817-1898. |
1883 |
English |
Bible and science |
Heroes, or, The Friends in War Time |
Cartland, Fernando G. (Fernando
Gale) |
1895 |
English |
Slavery |
Quakers and Slavery: A Study in Institutional History |
Weeks, Stephen Beauregard;
1865-1918. |
1896 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Methodism: A History of the M.E. Church in the South-West From 1844 to 1864:
Comprising the Martyrdom of Bewley and Others, Persecutions of the M.E.
Church, and Its Reorganization, Etc. |
Elliott, Charles; 1792-1869. |
1868 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
Und Individualismus Im Alten Testament: Ein Beitrag Zur Alttestamentlichen
Religionsgeschichte |
Löhr, Max; 1864-1931. |
1906 |
German |
Socialism and religion |
in the Clod: A Study in Evolution, The |
Sunderland, Jabez Thomas;
1842-1936. |
1902 |
English |
Evolution |
Lehrplan Für Den Religionsunterricht Des Realprogymnasiums |
1888 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
and Rights of Woman in the Church: Report Approved by the Synod of Virginia,
October 26, 1899, and by Request of the Synod Printed by the Presbyterian
Committee of Publication, Richmond, VA, James P. Smith, Stated Clerk., The |
1899 |
English |
Women in Christianity |
of Democracy, The |
Abbott, Lyman; 1835-1922. |
1910 |
English |
Democracy |
Rapping Unveiled: An Exposè of the Origin, History, Theology and Philosophy
of Certain Alleged Communications From the Spirit World, by Means of
"Spirit Rapping", "Medium Writing," "Physical
Demonstrations" Etc: A New Edition With an Appendix... |
Mattison, Hiram; 1811-1868. |
1855 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Healing |
Cobb, W. F. (William Frederick) |
1914 |
English |
Mental healing |
Interpretation of Nature, The |
Simpson, James Y. (James Young);
1873-1934. |
1912 |
English |
Religion and science |
on Trial: Containing the Arguments of Rev. F.W. Evans in the Debate on
Spiritualism Between Him and Mr. A.J. Fishback, Held in Osceola, Iowa,
Commencing Nov. 18, and Closing Nov. 28, 1874. |
Evans, F. W. (Frederick
William); 1808-1893. |
1875 |
English |
Spiritualism |
Und Kirche |
Zeller, Eduard; 1814-1908. |
1873 |
German |
Church and state |
Und Kirche, Oder, Irrthum Und Wahrheit in Den Vorstellungen Von
"Christlichem" Staat Und Von "Freier" Kirche |
Harless, G. C. Adolf von;
(Gottlieb Christoph Adolf); 1806-1879. |
1870 |
German |
Church and state |
Und Kirchengrenzen: Eine Studie Zur Gegenwärtigen Lage Des Protestantismus |
Dibelius, Otto; 1880-1967. |
1921 |
German |
Church and state |
Manual for Sunday School Workers, The |
Green, F. M. (Francis Marion);
1836-1911. |
1879 |
English |
Sunday schools |
God Within the Shadow |
Jordan, David Starr; 1851-1931. |
1901 |
English |
Religion and science |
and the Earth, or, Thoughts Upon Space, Time, and Eternity, The |
1874 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Church in America |
Wendte, Charles William;
1844-1931. |
1912 |
English |
Church and state |
Churches and the Kingdom of Christ: An Essay on the Establishment of
Ministers, Forms and Services of Religion by Secular Power, and on Its
Inconsistency With the Free, Humbling, Spiritual Nature of the Christian
Dispensation |
Allen, John; 1790-1859. |
1853 |
English |
Church and state |
in Its Relations With the Church, The |
Gladstone, W. E. (William
Ewart); 1809-1898. |
1841 |
English |
Church and state |
Last: A Study of Doctor Bouquillon's Pamphlet Education, to Whom Does It
Belong?: With a Supplement Reviewing Dr. Bouquillon's Rejoinder to Critics.,
The |
Conway, James; 1849-1905. |
1892 |
English |
Bouquillon, Thomas |
Showing Syllabuses of Religious Instruction |
1906 |
English |
Christian education |
of Christian Endeavor, The |
Anderson, R. P. (Robert
Phillips); b. 1866. |
1914 |
English |
United Society of Christian
Endeavor |
of Creation as Told by Theology and by Science, The |
Ackland, T. S. (Thomas Suter);
1817-1892. |
1890 |
English |
Creation |
Story of
Dorothea Lynde Dix, The |
Cooke, Frances E. |
1897 |
English |
Dix, Dorothea Lynde |
as a Philosophical Thinker: A Review of His Book "the Old Faith and the
New Faith," and a Confutation of Its Materialistic Views |
Ulrici, Hermann; 1806-1884. |
1874 |
English |
Rationalism |
for Justice, The |
Wallis, Louis; b. 1876. |
1916 |
English |
Sociology, Christian |
Über Die Naturwissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse Der Talmudisten |
Bergel, Joseph; 1802-1885. |
1880 |
German |
Science |
in Hegel's Philosophy of Religion: With a Chapter on Christian Unity in
America |
Sterrett, J. Macbride; (James
Macbride); 1847-1923. |
1890 |
English |
Religion |
in New England Transcendentalism |
Goddard, Harold Clarke;
1878-1950. |
1908 |
English |
Transcendentalism (New England) |
in Religious Nurture |
Van Ormer, A. B. Bunn; (Abraham
Brower Bunn); b. 1869. |
1908 |
English |
Christian education |
in Science and Religion |
Wright, G. Frederick; (George
Frederick); 1838-1921. |
1882 |
English |
Religion and science |
of Creation and Life |
Godet, Frèdèric Louis;
1812-1900. |
1882 |
English |
Creation |
of Good and Evil: A Series of Essays Upon Problems of Philosophy and of Life |
Royce, Josiah; 1855-1916. |
1899 |
English |
Good and evil |
of Political Thought From Gerson to Grotius, 1414-1625 |
Figgis, John Neville; 1866-1919. |
1916 |
English |
Political science |
Phenomena |
1910 |
English |
Subconsciousness |
Logic of Hegel, The |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich;
1770-1831. |
1855 |
English |
Logic |
to a Divine Teacher Neither Disloyalty Nor the Surrender of Mental and Moral
Freedom: A Pastoral Letter |
1875 |
English |
Church and state |
for Conducting a Church Class in Psychotherapy |
Runnalls, C. Bertram; (Claude
Bertram); 1881-1976. |
1915 |
English |
Mental healing |
Legislation: Its History to the Present Time and Its Results |
Lewis, Abram Herbert; 1836-1908. |
1902 |
English |
Sunday legislation |
Liquor Traffic, The |
1859 |
English |
Temperance |
School Century: Containing a History of the Congregational Sunday School and
Publishing Society, The |
Ewing, William; 1853-1932. |
1918 |
English |
Sunday schools |
School Helper, The |
Hardin, J. H. (John Huffman);
1848-1909. |
1880 |
English |
Sunday schools |
School in the Development of the American Church, The |
Michael, Oscar S. (Oscar
Stewart); 1864-1942. |
1904 |
English |
Sunday schools |
School Library, The |
Dunning, Albert E. (Albert
Elijah); 1844-1923. |
1883 |
English |
Sunday school libraries |
School Movements in America |
Brown, Marianna C. (Marianna
Catherine); d. 1916. |
1901 |
English |
Sunday Schools |
of Schools in Colonial New York by the Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts, The |
Kemp, William Webb; b. 1863. |
1913 |
English |
Education |
of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870, The |
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William
Edward Burghardt); 1868-1963. |
1896 |
English |
Slave-trade |
of Scripture: An Examination Into the Principles and Statements Advanced in
the Essay on the Education of the World: In a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Temple |
Jelf, William Edward; 1811-1875. |
1861 |
English |
Moral education |
of the Bible: And Its Relations to Speculative Science, Remote Ancient
History, and the Higher Criticism: A Brief Appeal to Facts, Inductive Reason,
and Common-Sense, The |
McMullen, John Mercier;
1820-1907. |
1905 |
English |
Bible and science |
in Biblical Sociology |
Taylor, Graham; 1851-1938. |
1900 |
English |
Sociology, Biblical |
of a Course of Lessons on Principles of Religious Teaching Given at Hartford
Theological Seminary |
Hervey, Walter L. |
1901 |
English |
Christian education |
Moral Education: With Daily Lessons in Ethics |
Clark, John King. |
1911 |
English |
Moral education |
Talks on
Living Subjects: The Creation, the Bible for the World, the Evils and the
Cure of Intemperance |
Sutherland, James. |
1886 |
English |
Bible and science |
Talks to
Teachers on Psychology: And to Students on Some of Life's Ideals |
James, William; 1842-1910. |
1899 |
English |
Educational psychology |
Training Handbook: Revised: First Standard Teacher Training Course, The |
Shepherd, Robert Perry; b. 1867. |
1911 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Essays and Addresses on Education, The |
Palmer, George Herbert;
1842-1933. |
1908 |
English |
Education |
and Teachers, or, The Sunday School Teacher's Teaching Work and the Other
Work of the Sunday School Teacher |
Trumbull, H. Clay; (Henry Clay);
1830-1903. |
1888 |
English |
Sunday schools |
of Bible Classes: Principles and Methods: With Special Reference to Classes
of Young Men and Boys, The |
See, Edwin F. (Edwin Francis);
1861-1906. |
1907 |
English |
Religious education |
Fra Himmelen: En Christelig Psychologisk Afhandling |
Kofoed-Hansen, Hans Peter;
1813-1893. |
1856 |
Danish |
Christianity |
Addresses |
1912 |
English |
Temperance |
to Unbelief |
Burr, E. F. (Enoch Fitch);
1818-1907. |
1882 |
English |
Faith |
Case on the Ordination of Women: Appealed From the New England Conference to
General Conference |
Oliver, Anna. |
1880 |
English |
Women clergy |
Concerning the Patriarch Nicon, the Tsar, and the Boyars: From the Travels of
the Patriarch Macarius of Antioch |
Paul; of Aleppo, Archdeacon; fl.
1654-1666. |
1873 |
English |
Church and state |
of Capt. John Brown, at Harper's Ferry: With His Address to the Court. |
Brown, John; 1800-1859. |
1860 |
English |
Harpers Ferry (W. Va.) |
and Practice of the Presbyterian Church in Reference to American Slavery:
With an Appendix Containing the Position of the General Assembly (New
School), Free Presbyterian Church, Reformed Presbyterian, Associate,
Associate..., The |
Robinson, John; 1814-1888. |
1852 |
English |
Slavery and the church |
of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind: Being a Summary of the Conclusions
Announced by the Highest Authorities in the Several Departments of
Physiology, Zoòlogy, and Comparative Philology in Favor of the Specific Unity
and…, The |
Cabell, J. L. (James Lawrence);
1813-1889. |
1858 |
English |
Monogenism and polygenism |
of the Rocks, or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and
Revealed, The |
Miller, Hugh; 1802-1856. |
1857 |
English |
Bible and geology |
Pseudo-Judicial Declaration of 1888: A Friendly Appeal to Conservative
Experts |
Warren, William Fairfield;
1833-1929. |
1896 |
English |
Women in church work |
in the Light of Present Science and Philosophy |
Iverach, James; 1839-1922. |
1899 |
English |
Theism |
Unrest: Discussions in Science and Religion. |
Froude, James Anthony;
1818-1894. |
1880 |
English |
Religion and science |
Und Wissenschaft, Oder, Alte Und Neue Weltanschauung |
Specht, Karl August; 1845-1909. |
1893 |
German |
Religion and science |
as a Science, Involving an Infinite Element: Inaugural Address |
Girardeau, John L. (John
Lafayette); 1825-1898. |
1876 |
English |
Faith and reason |
in Church and State |
Forsyth, Peter Taylor;
1848-1921. |
1915 |
English |
Church and state |
of Evolution: A Lecture |
Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker);
1840-1897. |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality, The |
Schmid, Rudolf; 1828-1907. |
1883 |
English |
Evolution |
of the Mind |
Spalding, John Lancaster;
1840-1916. |
1901 |
English |
Education |
Years of Labor, 1859 to 1889: In Which the History of the Attempts to Form
Organizations of Workingmen for the Discussion of Political, Social, and
Economic Questions Is Traced: The National Labor Union of 1866, the
Industrial Brother |
Powderly, Terence Vincent;
1849-1924. |
1889 |
English |
Trade-unions |
and Matthew Arnold: And Their Influence on English Education |
Fitch, Joshua G. (Joshua
Girling); Sir; 1824-1903. |
1897 |
English |
Education |
and Theories of Life and Education |
Spalding, John Lancaster;
1840-1916. |
1904 |
English |
Education |
on Education: Speeches and Sermons |
Creighton, M. (Mandell);
1843-1901. |
1902 |
English |
Education |
on Recent Scientific Conclusions: And Their Relation to Religion. |
1872 |
English |
Creation |
on Religion |
Romanes, George John; 1848-1894. |
1897 |
English |
Religion and science |
Articles Concerning Women From the Guide to Holiness, 1896-99;. |
Willing, Jennie Fowler; 1834- |
1896 |
English |
Women |
Discourses on the Religion of Reason |
Smith, Gerrit; 1797-1874. |
1859 |
English |
Rationalism |
Views of the Public School Question |
Wylie, David G. (David Gourley);
1857-1930. |
1890 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
of Revelation, or, Some Inquiry Into the Province and True Character of the
First Chapter of Genesis, The |
Lewis, W. S. (Walter Sunderland) |
1863 |
English |
Bible and science |
of Iniquity, or, Sustaining Evil by Law: A Discourse in Behalf of a Law
Prohibiting the Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks, The |
Barnes, Albert; 1798-1870. |
1852 |
English |
Prohibition |
Science to Faith |
Smyth, Newman; 1843-1925. |
1902 |
English |
Religion and science |
and Change |
Burroughs, John; 1837-1921. |
1912 |
English |
Geology |
Act of 1689: A Contribution to the History of Religious Liberty, The |
Schaff, Philip; 1819-1893. |
1888 |
English |
Freedom of religion |
of Death, or, The Future Life According to Science, The |
Figuier, Louis; 1819-1894. |
1872 |
English |
Future life |
Social Reform |
Barnett, Samuel; 1844-1913. |
1909 |
English |
Social problems |
of Education |
Milton, John; 1608-1674. |
1895 |
English |
Education |
de Logica |
Wycliffe, John; d. 1384. |
1899 |
Latin |
Logic |
de Officio Regis |
Wycliffe, John; d. 1384. |
1887 |
Latin |
Church and state |
of the Twig (Religious Education of Children), The |
Drawbridge, C. L. |
1906 |
English |
Christian education of children |
the Sunday School Teacher. Book One |
1913 |
English |
Christian education |
the Teacher |
1908 |
English |
Religious education |
Transactions. |
1891 |
English |
in New England: A History |
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks;
1822-1895. |
1876 |
English |
Transcendentalism (New England) |
Della Coscienza Morale: Libri III |
Rosmini, Antonio; 1797-1855. |
1844 |
Italian |
Conscience |
in Faith From Tradition to Reason |
Adams, Robert C. (Robert
Chamblet) |
1884 |
English |
Rationalism |
in Three Discourses: The First, Human Nature; the Second, de Corpore
Politico; the Third, of Liberty and Necessity: To Which Are Added Several
Other Tracts |
Hobbes, Thomas; 1588-1679. |
1840 |
English |
Man |
of the Bible: With the Testimony of Science to Its Truth |
1863 |
English |
Bible and science |
and the False Theory of Evolution, The |
Giles, Chauncey; 1813-1893. |
1887 |
English |
Evolution |
Path, or, Gospel Temperance: Being the Life, Work and Speeches of Francis
Murphy, Dr. Henry A. Reynolds,and Their Co-Laborers: Embracing Also a History
of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, The |
Vandersloot, J. Sam'l; (Jacob
Samuel); 1834-1882. |
1878 |
English |
Temperance |
Woman, or, Life and Happiness at Home and Abroad, The |
Peck, Jesse T. (Jesse
Truesdell); 1811-1883. |
1857 |
English |
Women |
Woman: A Series of Discourses, to Which Is Added Woman vs. Ballot, The |
Fulton, Justin D. (Justin
Dewey); 1828-1901. |
1869 |
English |
Women |
and Error of Christian Science, The |
Sturge, M. Carta. |
1903 |
English |
Christian Science |
Truth in
Christian Science: A Lecture Before the College Club, at Boston,
Massachusetts, The |
Cushman, Herbert Ernest;
1865-1944. |
1902 |
English |
Christian Science |
of the Bible: Evidence From the Mosaic and Other Records of Creation, the
Origin and Antiquity of Man, the Science of Scripture and From the
Archaeology of Different Nations of the Earth, The |
Savile, Bourchier Wrey;
1817-1888. |
1871 |
English |
Bible and science |
Two and
Two Make Four |
Coler, Bird S. |
1912 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Records, the Mosaic and the Geological: A Lecture Delivered Before the Young
Men's Christian Association,in Exeter Hall, London, The |
Miller, Hugh; 1802-1856. |
1854 |
English |
Bible and geology |
Worlds Are Ours |
Macmillan, Hugh; 1833-1903. |
1880 |
English |
Religion and science |
Über Das
Apologetische Element Im Religionsunterrichte |
Hempel, Wilhelm. |
1894 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Religiöse Bildung: Eine Rede |
Oelschläger, Franz. |
1854 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Das Wesen Der Bildung Und Den Anteil Des Gymnasiums an Demselben: Eine
Schulrede |
Keck, H. (Heinrich) |
1867 |
German |
Education |
Den Evangelischen Religionsunterricht Auf Gymnasien, Im Anschluss an Die
Lehrpläne Und Lehraufgaben Für Die Höheren Schulen |
Wolf, Rudolf. |
1892 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Den Religions-Unterricht Auf Dem K.K. Evangelischen Gymnasium Zu Teschen |
Borbis, J. R. (Johannes R.) |
1867 |
German |
Church and education |
Den Unterschied Des Glaubens U. Wissens Und Über Die Mittel Denselben Im
Gymnasial-Unterricht Deutlich Zu Machen |
Hoppe, A. |
1873 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Die Vereinigung Der Geistlichen Und Weltlichen Obergewalt Im Roemischen
Kirchenstaate: Von Der Teylerschen Gesellschaft Zu Haarlem Gekroente
Preiss-Schrift |
Hasse, Hermann Gustav. |
1852 |
German |
Church and state |
Zwinglis Ideen Zur Erziehung Und Bildung: Im Zusammenhang Mit Seinen
Reformatorischen Tendenzen |
Rückert, Oskar. |
1900 |
German |
Education |
Ècolier Du Dix-Septième Siècle, Ou, L'idèal de L'èducation Jèsuitique |
Reuss, Rod. (Rodolph);
1841-1924. |
1901 |
French |
Church and education |
in the Eighteenth Century: As Contrasted With Its Earlier and Later History:
Being the Cunningham Lectures for 1880 |
Cairns, John; 1818-1892. |
1881 |
English |
Rationalism |
Our Flag: A Study of National Conditions in America From the Standpoint of
Woman's Home Missionary Work |
Guernsey, Alice Margaret; 1850- |
1903 |
English |
Women in missionary work |
Life: A Story of Development With Reference to Religious Training, The |
Lamoreaux, Antoinette Abernethy. |
1907 |
English |
Religious education |
Unity of
Life: Proceedings and Papers of the Third Congress of the National Federation
of Religious Liberals,Held in New York, April 26, 27, 28, 1911, The |
1911 |
English |
Liberalism (Religion) |
of the Truth in Christianity and Evolution, The |
Hark, J. Max. (Joseph
Maximillian); 1849-1930. |
1888 |
English |
Evolution |
Unity of
Worlds and of Nature: Three Essays on the Spirit of Inductive Philosophy, the
Plurality of Worlds, and the Philosophy of Creation, The |
Powell, Baden; 1796-1860. |
1856 |
English |
Science |
of Ancient Greece, The |
Walden, John W. H. (John William
Henry); b. 1864. |
1909 |
English |
Education, Greek |
Not Science, Adverse to Faith: A Sermon Preached Before the University of
Oxford on the Twentieth Sunday After Trinity, 1878 |
Pusey, E. B. (Edward Bouverie);
1800-1882. |
1878 |
English |
Religion and science |
Universe, or, Physical Speculations on a Future State, The |
Stewart, Balfour; 1828-1887. |
1878 |
English |
Future life |
World: Communications With It, Real or Imaginary, Including Apparitions,
Warnings, Haunted Places, Prophecies, Aerial Visions, Astrology, Etc., The |
Neale, J. M. (John Mason);
1818-1866. |
1853 |
English |
Occultism |
Und Übung in Der Religion: Am Philanthropin Zu Dessau |
Bessler, Johannes Ferdinand. |
1900 |
German |
Religious education |
Use and
Abuse of Isolated Facts in Controversy, The |
Lacey, T. A. (Thomas Alexander);
1853-1931. |
1902 |
English |
Debates and debating |
Use and
Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation, The |
Nation, Carry Amelia; 1846-1911. |
1905 |
English |
Temperance |
of Collegiate and Professional Schools: An Address in Behalf of the Society
for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West, The |
Park, Edwards Amasa; 1808-1900. |
1851 |
English |
Education, Higher |
Woman: Conferences Addressed to Ladies Living in the World, The |
Landriot; Mgr. (Jean Francìois
Anne Thomas); 1816-1874. |
1886 |
English |
Women |
and Destiny of the Individual: The Gifford Lectures for 1912, The |
Bosanquet, Bernard; 1848-1923. |
1913 |
English |
Individuality |
of Religious Facts: A Study of Some Aspects of the Science of Religion, The |
Woods, James Haughton;
1864-1935. |
1899 |
English |
Religion |
Der Deutschen Kirche Im Mittelalter |
Werminghoff, Albert; 1869-1923. |
1913 |
German |
Church and state |
D'hier?: La Thèologie Traditionelle & Les Critiques Catholiques |
Le Morin, Jean. |
1906 |
French |
Religion and science |
Vers La
Religion Èternelle: Mèditations D'un Libre Penseur Religieux |
Genouy, O. (Oswald) |
1909 |
French |
Free thought |
of the Natural History of Creation |
Chambers, Robert; 1802-1871. |
1846 |
English |
Evolution |
Lombard of Geneva: A Story of Healing and Spiritual Transformation |
Lombard, Victor. |
1906 |
English |
Spiritual healing |
Views of
Christian Nurture, and of Subjects Adjacent Thereto |
Bushnell, Horace; 1802-1876. |
1847 |
English |
Christian education |
Labourer, 1760-1832: A Study in the Government of England Before the Reform
Bill, The |
Hammond, J. L. (John Lawrence);
1872-1949. |
1912 |
English |
Agricultural laborers |
Birth of Christ: An Historical and Critical Essay, The |
Lobstein, P. (Paul); 1850-1922. |
1903 |
English |
Virgin birth |
Subintroductae: Ein Beitrag Zum VII. Kapitel Des I. Korintherbriefs |
Achelis, Hans; 1865-1937. |
1902 |
German |
Women in Christianity |
Und Kirche: Auch Eine Soziale Frage: Ein Beitrag Zur Diesterweg-Feier |
Baumgarten, Otto; 1858-1934. |
1890 |
German |
Church and education |
Wichern Bis Posadowsky: Zur Geschichte Der Sozialreform Und Der Christlichen
Arbeiterbewegung |
Oertzen, Dietrich von; b. 1849. |
1908 |
German |
Socialism, Christian |
War and
Insurance: An Address |
Royce, Josiah; 1855-1916. |
1914 |
English |
Insurance |
Inconsistent With the Religion of Jesus Christ |
Dodge, David Low; 1774-1852. |
1905 |
English |
War |
Versus Peace: A Short Treatise on War, Its Causes, Horrors, and Cost: And
Peace, Its History and Means of Advancement |
Funk, Jacob. |
1910 |
English |
War |
Heisst Christlich-Social?: Zeitbetrachtungen |
Oettingen, Alexander von;
1827-1905. |
1886 |
German |
Socialism, Christian |
Reformen Erscheinen Bei Der Jetzigen Stellung Und Aufgabe Des Evangelischen
Religionsunterrichts Auf Gymnasien Notwendig? |
Meyer, K. W. |
1873 |
English |
Religion in the public schools |
Und Reichsregierung Gottes |
öhler, Theodor. |
1901 |
German |
Kingdom of God |
Women in Eastern Lands: An Outline Study of Fifty Years of Woman's Work in
Foreign Missions |
Montgomery, Helen Barrett;
1861-1934. |
1910 |
English |
Women missionaries |
Francis E. Willard Said |
Willard, Frances Elizabeth;
1839-1898. |
1905 |
English |
Women |
What Is
Christian Science?: An Examination of the Metaphysical, the Theological, and
the Therapeutic Theories of the System |
Wolcott, P. C. |
1896 |
English |
Christian Science |
What Is
Christianity?: A Series of Lectures |
1905 |
English |
Christianity |
What Is
Darwinism? |
Hodge, Charles; 1797-1878. |
1874 |
English |
Evolution |
What Is
Pragmatism? |
Pratt, James Bissett; 1875-1944. |
1909 |
English |
Pragmatism |
Makes a Nation Great |
Lynch, Frederick; 1867-1934. |
1914 |
English |
Peace |
Shall We Do With Our Daughters? Superfluous Women: And Other Lectures |
Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice;
1820-1905. |
1883 |
English |
Women |
Shall We Do With the Sunday School as an Institution |
Taylor, George Lansing;
1835-1903. |
1886 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Should I Believe?: An Inquiry Into the Nature, Grounds and Value of the
Faiths of Science, Society, Morals and Religion |
Ladd, George Trumbull;
1842-1921. |
1915 |
English |
Belief and doubt |
the Catholic Church Has Done to Mexico |
Fornaro, Carlo de; b. 1871. |
1916 |
English |
Church and state |
Times! What Morals! Where on Earth Are We? |
Semple, Henry Churchill;
1853-1925. |
1910 |
English |
Moral education |
Why, and How of Sunday School Work, The |
Bryan, J. H. (Joseph Harris);
1862-1931. |
1898 |
English |
Sunday schools |
Is, Was: In Nature, There Are No Such Things as Cause, Effect, Generation,
Growth, Nor Death, No Time, No Past, No Future: Logical Conclusions Deduced
From the Theory: The Self-Existence of the Universe: Also, a Critical... |
Young, Geo. A. (George A.) |
1887 |
English |
Cosmology |
Man's Burden: A Discussion of the Interracial Question With Special Reference
to the Responsibility of the White Race to the Negro Problem, The |
Riley, B. F. (Benjamin
Franklin); 1849-1925. |
1910 |
English |
Afro-Americans |
Who They
Are and What We Owe Them |
Moninger, Herbert; 1876-1911. |
1907 |
English |
Christian education |
Not?: A Plea for the Ordination of Those Women Whom God Has Called to Preach
the Gospel |
Sellew, Walter Ashbel; Bp. 1844- |
1894 |
English |
Ordination of women |
Why the
Arbitration Treaties Should Stand: The Objections of the Majority of the
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Answered Point by Point |
1911 |
English |
Arbitration, International |
Why the
Mind Has a Body |
Strong, Charles Augustus;
1862-1940. |
1903 |
English |
Mind and body |
Will to
Doubt: An Essay in Philosophy for the General Thinker, The |
Lloyd, Alfred H. (Alfred Henry);
1864-1927. |
1907 |
English |
Belief and doubt |
Lloyd Garrison, the Abolitionist |
Grimkè, Archibald Henry;
1849-1930. |
1891 |
English |
Garrison, William Lloyd |
Winds of
God: Five Lectures on the Intercourse of Thought With Faith During the
Nineteenth Century, The |
Hutton, John A. (John
Alexander); 1868-1947. |
1911 |
English |
Religious thought |
Question in the Light of the New Dispensation, The |
Ellis, John; 1815-1896. |
1882 |
English |
Temperance |
and Will: An Introduction to the Psychology of Desire and Volition |
Turner, George Lyon; 1844-1920. |
1880 |
English |
Desire |
God: Negative Science and Natural Ethics |
Greg, Percy; 1836-1889. |
1883 |
English |
Religion and science |
Church: In Its Relation to Church Union, Civil Government, and Temperance
Reform in Its Political Aspects, The |
Foster, F. M. (Finley Milligan) |
1890 |
English |
Church and state |
and Temperance, or, The Work and Workers of the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union |
Willard, Frances Elizabeth;
1839-1898. |
1883 |
English |
Temperance |
Woman as
a Congregational Voter |
Pfatteicher, E. P. H. (Ernst
Philip Henry); 1874-1943. |
1899 |
English |
Women in church work |
as a Minister of Religion: Extracts From the Address |
Safford, Mary A. (Mary Augusta);
1851-1927. |
1894 |
English |
Women clergy |
Woman in
the Church and in Life |
Howard, Elizabeth Fox;
1873-1957. |
1911 |
English |
Women in church work |
in the Ministry |
Bowles, Ada C. (Ada Chastina);
b. 1836. |
1891 |
English |
Women |
in the Pulpit |
Willard, Frances Elizabeth;
1839-1898. |
1888 |
English |
Women clergy |
in the Pulpit |
Kollock, Florence E. |
1894 |
English |
Women clergy |
in the Pulpit |
Dever, Mary. |
1904 |
English |
Women clergy |
Preaching Viewed in the Light of God's Word and Church History |
Cort, Cyrus; 1834-1920. |
1882 |
English |
Women clergy |
Question, The |
Stephenson, P. D. |
1899 |
English |
Women in church work |
Question, The |
Thompson, Helen H. Strong;
(Helen Hills Strong) |
1869 |
English |
Women in church work |
Church and State: A Historical Account of the Status of Woman Through the
Christian Ages, With Reminiscences of the Matriarchate |
Gage, Matilda Joslyn; 1826-1898. |
1909 |
English |
Women's rights |
Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome, and Among the Early
Christians |
Donaldson, James; Sir;
1831-1915. |
1907 |
English |
Women |
Her Work in the Church |
Washburn, George. |
1868 |
English |
Women in church work |
Bible., The |
1895 |
English |
Women in the Bible |
Call to the Ministry |
Bartlett, Caroline J. |
1894 |
English |
Women clergy |
Education, and Woman's Health: Chiefly in Reply to "Sex in
Education" |
Comfort, George F. |
1874 |
English |
Women |
High Calling |
Gale, Martha. |
1876 |
English |
Women |
Influence in Politics: An Address |
Beecher, Henry Ward; 1813-1887. |
1860 |
English |
Woman |
Ministry |
Needham, Elizabeth Annable; b.
1844. |
1895 |
English |
Women in church work |
Mission in the Christian Church. |
1864 |
English |
Women in church work |
Piety and Its Beauty |
Jones, Harry W. |
1902 |
English |
Women |
Place in Assemblies for Public Worship |
Stevenson, J. M. |
1873 |
English |
Women in church work |
Place in Church Work |
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth
Grey; 1828-1906. |
1892 |
English |
Women in church work |
Place in Church Work. |
1892 |
English |
Women in church work |
Place Today: Four Lectures in Reply to the Lenten Lectures on
"Woman" by the Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D., Rector of Trinity Church, New
York |
Blake, Lillie Devereux;
1835-1913. |
1883 |
English |
Women's rights |
Position and Work in the Church |
Niccolls, Samuel J. (Samuel Jack); 1838-1915. |
1889 |
English |
Women in church work |
Position in the Church |
Harford, Keister; Mrs. |
1894 |
English |
Women in church work |
Right to Preach the Gospel: A Sermon, Preached at the Ordination of the Rev.
Miss Antoinette L. Brown, at South Butler, Wayne County, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1853 |
Lee, Luther; 1800-1889. |
1853 |
English |
Women clergy |
Rights |
Todd, John; 1800-1873. |
1867 |
English |
Women's rights |
Rights and Duties |
Foote, C. C. (Charles C.) |
1849 |
English |
Women's rights |
Rights and Duties |
Fairchild, James H. (James
Harris); 1817-1902. |
1849 |
English |
Women's rights |
Sphere and Influence |
Anderson, S. G. (Samuel
Gilmore); d. 1900. |
1898 |
English |
Women |
Sphere in the Church |
Torrey, Charles W. |
1867 |
English |
Women in church work |
Voice in the Church |
Goodenow, Smith B. (Smith
Bartlett); 1817-1897. |
1877 |
English |
Women |
Work in the American Church |
Twing, Mary A. E. |
1891 |
English |
Women in church work |
Work in the Church |
Hargrove, R. K. |
1896 |
English |
Women in church work |
Work in the Church |
Humphreys, John F. |
1893 |
English |
Women in church work |
Work in the Church |
Willmarth, James W. |
1888 |
English |
Women in church work |
Work in the Church |
Fry, Benjamin St. James;
1824-1892. |
1892 |
English |
Women in church work |
Work in the Church: Another Version. |
Willard, Mary B. |
1872 |
English |
Women in church work |
Work in the Church: Historical Notes on Deaconesses and Sisterhoods |
Ludlow, John Malcolm Forbes;
1821-1911. |
1865 |
English |
Women in church work |
and Wisdom of Japan |
Kaibara, Ekiken; 1630-1714. |
1905 |
English |
Women |
Women at
the Hague: The International Congress of Women and Its Results |
Addams, Jane; 1860-1935. |
1916 |
English |
World War, 1914-1918 |
Helpers in the Church: Their Sayings and Doings |
Welsh, William; 1807-1878. |
1872 |
English |
Women in church work |
Women in
Christian Civilization |
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth;
1823-1911. |
1858 |
English |
Women in Christianity |
Women in
the Church |
Fink, R. A. |
1874 |
English |
Women in church work |
Women in
the Church: A Symposium |
1891 |
English |
Women in church work |
Women in
the Early Christian Ministry: A Reply to Bishop Doane and Others |
Dietrick, Ellen Battelle. |
1897 |
English |
Women in Christianity |
in the Ministry |
Shaw, Anna Howard; 1847-1919. |
1898 |
English |
Women clergy |
Women in
White Raiment |
Lemley, John; b. 1843. |
1903 |
English |
Women in the Bible |
of Christianity: Exemplary for Acts of Piety and Charity |
Kavanagh, Julia; 1824-1877. |
1852 |
English |
Women |
of Methodism: Its Three Foundresses, Susanna Wesley, the Countess of
Huntingdon, and Barbara Heck: WithSketches of Their Female Associates and
Successors in the Early History of the Denomination, The |
Stevens, Abel; 1815-1897. |
1866 |
English |
Women, Methodist |
of the Arabs: With a Chapter for Children, The |
Jessup, Henry Harris; 1832-1910. |
1873 |
English |
Women |
Women of
the Bible: Delineated in a Series of Sketches of Prominent Females Mentioned
in Holy Scripture, The |
1855 |
English |
Women in the Bible |
Women of
the Bible: Sketches of All the Prominent Female Characters in the Old and the
New Testament |
Norval, Leigh. |
1890 |
English |
Women in the Bible |
of the Meiji Era |
Madden, Maude Whitmore; b. 1867. |
1919 |
English |
Women |
Women of
the Orient: An Account of the Religious, Intellectual, and Social Condition
of Women in Japan, China, India, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey |
Houghton, Ross C. |
1877 |
English |
Women |
Women of
the Reformed Church |
Good, James I. (James Isaac);
1850-1924. |
1901 |
English |
Women in Christianity |
Preachers |
Hunter, Fannie McDowell. |
1905 |
English |
Women clergy |
Preachers |
Brown, O. E. |
1872 |
English |
Women clergy |
Preaching |
Brown, O. E. |
1872 |
English |
Women clergy |
Suffrage:the Reform Against Nature |
Bushnell, Horace; 1802-1876. |
1869 |
English |
Women |
Work |
Bulley, A. Amy; (Agnes Amy) |
1894 |
English |
Women |
Work for Jesus |
Wittenmyer, Annie; 1827-1900. |
1873 |
English |
and Works of God, The |
Bailey, Gilbert S. (Gilbert
Stephen); 1822-1891. |
1882 |
English |
Bible and science |
Days of God, or, Science and the Bible |
Morris, Herbert W. (Herbert
William); 1818-1897. |
1877 |
English |
Creation |
Work in
1912 |
1913 |
English |
World Peace Foundation |
Faith of the Social Reformer: And Other Essays, The |
Jones, Henry; Sir; 1852-1922. |
1910 |
English |
Social problems |
Man's Christ, The |
Thoms, Craig S. (Craig Sharp);
1860-1945. |
1914 |
English |
Church and labor |
People and Their Employers |
Gladden, Washington; 1836-1918. |
1876 |
English |
Working class |
and Social Problems, The |
Stelzle, Charles; 1869-1941. |
1903 |
English |
Working class |
and the Church |
Coyle, Robert F. (Robert
Francis); 1850-1917. |
1903 |
English |
Church and labor |
and the Franchise: Chapters From English History on the Representation and
Education of the People, The |
Maurice, Frederick Denison;
1805-1872. |
1866 |
English |
Suffrage |
His False Friends and His True Friends, The |
Thompson, Joseph Parrish;
1819-1879. |
1879 |
English |
Working class |
and Its God, The |
Mauro, Philip; 1859-1952. |
1908 |
English |
Evolution |
and the Logos, The |
Thompson, Hugh Miller;
1830-1902. |
1886 |
English |
Evolution |
and the Wrestlers: Personality and Responsibility, The |
Thompson, Hugh Miller;
1830-1902. |
1895 |
English |
Personality |
as the Subject of Redemption: Being an Attempt to Set Forth the Functions of
the Church as Designed to Embrace the Whole Race of Mankind: Eight Lectures
Delivered Before the University of Oxford in the Year 1883 on the
Foundation…, The |
Fremantle, W. H. (William
Henry); 1831-1916. |
1895 |
English |
Mission of the church |
World of
Anecdote: Moral and Religious: A Collection of Illustrations and Incidents of
Christian Life, Preachers and Preaching, Noble Women, Etc., The |
Hood, Edwin Paxton; 1820-1885. |
1878 |
English |
Religion |
Congress of Representative Women: A Historical Rèsumè for Popular Circulation
of the World's Congressof Representative Women, Convened in Chicago on May
15, and Adjourned on May 22, 1893, Under the Auspices of the Woman's Bra, The |
1894 |
English |
Christ Belong to a Labor Union? Or, Henry Fielding's Dream |
Myers, Cortland; 1864-1941. |
1900 |
English |
Church and labor |
Und Entschlossene Politik |
Buchmann, J. (Jacob); b. 1805 or
6. |
1874 |
German |
Church and state |
Und Wege Der Weiblichen Erziehung: Nach Den Anforderungen Der Gegenwart: Ein
Beitrag Zur Lösung Der Frauenfrage |
Stoephasius, Marie. |
1868 |
German |
Women's rights |
Religionsunterricht Im Schullehrerseminar |
Gebler, Carl. |
1900 |
German |
Christian education |
Deutsch-Christlichen Bildung: Popular Theologische Vorträge |
Beyschlag, Willibald; 1823-1900. |
1899 |
German |
Christian education |
Geschichte Der Sonntagsschulen Und Kindergottesdienste in Deutschland:
Festschrift Zu Ihrem 25jährigen Jubiläum Im Auftrag Des Komite Für Förderung
Der Sontagsschulsache in Deutschland |
Reinhard, Wilhelm. |
1888 |
German |
Christian education |
Geschichte Des Religiösen Erkenntnisproblems. Erster Teil; vom Apostolischen
Zeitalter Bis Fichte |
Mayer, Gottlob. |
1897 |
German |
Faith and reason |
Lösung Der Streitfrage: Über Die Verhandlungen König Pippins Mit Papst
Stephan II. Zu Ponthion Und Das Schenkungsversprechen Pippins Und Karls D.
Gr. |
Thelen, Hermann. |
1881 |
German |
Church and state |
Methodik Des Biblischen Unterrichts in Den Oberen Gymnasialklassen; Über
Übungsbücher Zum Übersetzen in Das Lateinische Für Tertia |
Hollenberg, Johannes,
1844?-1892. |
1889 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Reform Des Religionsunterrichts in Der Volksschule: Sind Die Zwickauer
Leitsätze Des Sächsischen Lehrervereins Geeignet, Als Grundlage Für Die
Umgestaltung Des Religionsunterrichts Zu Dienen? |
Rietschel, Georg; 1842-1914. |
1909 |
German |
Religion in the public schools |
Zwischen Wissenschaft Und Glauben |
Mir, Miguel; 1841-1912. |
1883 |
German |
Religion and science |