Biblical Research Perspectives, 1516-1922 |
Title |
Author |
Year Published |
Language |
General Subject |
1. Mose 14: Eine Historisch-Kritische Untersuchung |
Johannes; 1861-1937. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
A Bible Hand Book, Theologically Arranged: Designed to
Facilitate the Finding of Proof Texts on the Leading Doctrines of the Bible |
Holliday, F. C.
(Fernandez C.); 1814-1888. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
A Bible Manual: Intended to Furnish a General View of the Holy
Scriptures, as Introductory to Their Study |
Crosby, Howard;
1826-1891. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
A Bibliographical Description of the Editions of the New
Testament, Tyndale's Version in English: With Numerous Readings, Comparisons
of Texts and Historical Notices: The Notes in Full From the Edition of Nov.
1534: An Account of Two Octavo |
Fry, Francis;
1803-1886. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
A Brief Biblical History, Old Testament |
F. J. (Frederick John); 1855-1941. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
A Brief Examination of Prevalent Opinions on the Inspiration of
the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments |
Lay member of
the Church of England. |
1861 |
English |
Bible |
A Brief Exposition of Gospel Differences Given According to the
Divine Law of Progressive Instruction |
Horton, Mary B. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
A Brief Exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians,
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians |
James; 1621-1667. |
1841 |
English |
Bible |
A Brief Greek Syntax and Hints on Greek Accidence: With Some
Reference to Comparative Philology, and With Illustrations From Various
Modern Languages |
Farrar, Frederic
William; 1831-1903. |
1876 |
English |
Greek language |
A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek: With Vocabularies
and Exercises |
Green, Samuel G.
(Samuel Gosnell); 1822-1905. |
1894 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Brief Sketch of Various Attempts Which Have Been Made to
Diffuse a Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures Through the Medium of the Irish
Language |
1818 |
English |
Bible |
A Brief Treatise on the Canon and Interpretation of the Holy
Scriptures: For the Special Benefit of Junior Theological Students, But
Intended Also for Private Christians in General |
Alex. (Alexander); 1796-1864. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
A Century of Bibles, or, The Authorised Version From 1611 to
1711: To Which Is Added William Kilburne's Tract on Dangerous Errors in the
Late Printed Bibles 1659 With Lists of Bibles in the British Museum,
Bodleian, Stuttgart and Other Librar |
Loftie, W. J.
(William John); 1839-1911. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
A Child's Guide to the Bible |
Hodges, George;
1856-1919. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
A Chronological Synopsis of the Four Gospels |
Wieseler, Karl;
1813-1883. |
1877 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
A Class Book of Biblical History and Geography |
Osborn, H. S.
(Henry Stafford); 1823-1894. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
A Class Book of Old Testament History |
Maclear, G. F.
(George Frederick); 1833-1902. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
A Collation of Four Important Manuscripts of the Gospels: With a
View to Prove Their Common Origin and to Restore the Text of Their Archetype |
1877 |
Greek |
A Collation of the Sacred Scriptures: The Old Testament From the
Translations of John Rogers, the Bishops, the Genevan and Present Authorized
Version: The New Testament From Wiclif, Rogers, the Rhemes or Roman Catholic,
Translated 1582, the... |
1847 |
English |
Bible |
A Comment on Ruth |
Fuller, Thomas;
1608-1661. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on Ecclesiastes |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1851 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on Ecclesiastes |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians |
Beet, Joseph
Agar; 1840-1924. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans |
Beet, Joseph
Agar; 1840-1924. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians |
Beet, Joseph
Agar; 1840-1924. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon |
Beet, Joseph
Agar; 1840-1924. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles |
Hackett, Horatio
B. (Horatio Balch); 1808-1875. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Apocalypse |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1845 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Daniel |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1850 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Daniel |
Japheth ben Eli;
the Karaite; 10th cent. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes |
Young, Loyal;
1806-1890? |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Job: From a Hebrew Manuscript in the
University Library, Cambridge |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Leviticus: Expository and Practical,
With Critical Notes |
Bonar, Andrew A.
(Andrew Alexander); 1810-1892. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Proverbs |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1852 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Psalms |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of Psalms: In Which Their Literal or
Historical Sense, as They Relate to King David and the People of Israel, Is
Illustrated: And Their Application to Messiah, to the Church, and to
Individuals, as Members Thereof... |
Horne, George;
1730-1792. |
1824 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Book of the Acts of the Apostles |
Humphry, William
Gilson; 1815-1886. |
1854 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Books of Amos, Hosea, and Micah |
Smith, J. M.
Powis; (John Merlin Powis); 1866-1932. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Catholic Epistles |
Demarest, John
T. (John Terhune); 1813-1897. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians |
Hodge, Charles;
1797-1878. |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1833 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Tholuck, August;
1799-1877. |
1842 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans |
Foster, R. V.
(Robert Verrell); 1845-1914. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians |
Gustav; 1808-1836. |
1837 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Epistles of St. John |
Friedrich; 1791-1855. |
1837 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the First Epistle of St. John: In the Form of
Addresses |
Dryander, Ernst
von; 1843-1922. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians |
Edwards, Thomas
Charles; 1837-1900. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Gospel by St. Luke |
McLaughlin, G.
A. (George Asbury); b. 1851. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Gospel of S. Matthew |
Goodwin, Harvey;
1818-1891. |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke |
Godet, Frèdèric
Louis; 1812-1900. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark: Critical,
Doctrinal, and Homiletical: Embodying for Popular Use and Edification the
Results of German and English Exegetical Literature and Designed to Meet the
Difficulties of Modern… |
Nast, Wilhelm;
1807-1899. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark: Intended for
Popular Use |
Wilhelm; 1786-1842. |
1860 |
German |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Gospels. Luke-John: Intended for Popular Use |
Gerlach, Otto
von; 1801-1849. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the
Colossians |
Eadie, John;
1810-1876. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the
Ephesians |
Eadie, John;
1801-1876. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the
Galatians |
Eadie, John;
1810-1876. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the
Philippians |
Eadie, John;
1810-1876. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistles of Paul to the
Thessalonians |
Eadie, John;
1810-1876. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the New Testament. Volume I; Matthew-Mark |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the New Testament. Volume II; Luke, the Acts |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the New Testament. Volume III; Romans-Colossians |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the New Testament. Volume IV;
Thessalonians-Revelation |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Original Text of the Acts of the Apostles |
Hackett, Horatio
B. (Horatio Balch); 1808-1875. |
1858 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Proverbs: With a New Translation: And With
Some of the Original Expositions Re-Examined in a Classified List |
Miller, John;
1819-1895. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Psalms |
George; 1804-1892. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter |
Demarest, John
T. (John Terhune); 1813-1897. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary on the Whole Epistle to the Hebrews: Being the
Substance of Thirty Years' Wednesday's Lectures at Blackfriars, London |
Gouge, William;
1578-1653. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary or Exposition Upon the Prophecy of Habakkuk |
Marbury, Edward. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary or Exposition Upon the Prophecy of Obadiah |
Marbury, Edward. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary Upon the Epistle of St. Paul Written to the
Colossians |
Thomas; 1535-1603. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary Upon the Prophecy of Malachi |
Stock, Richard;
1569?-1626. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary, Critical, Exegetical, and Doctrinal, on St. Paul's
Epistle to the Galatians: With a Revised Translation |
Gwynne, George
John. |
1863 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the Gospel
of John: For the Use of Ministers, Theological Students, Private Christians,
Bible Classes, and Sabbath Schools |
Owen, John J.
(John Jason); 1803-1869. |
1861 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the Gospel
of Luke: For the Use of Ministers, Theological Students, Private Christians,
Bible Classes, and Sabbath Schools |
Owen, John J.
(John Jason); 1803-1869. |
1861 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the
Gospels of Matthew and Mark: For the Use of Ministers, Theological Students,
Private Christians, Bible Classes, and Sabbath Schools |
Owen, John J.
(John Jason); 1803-1869. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
A Commentary, Grammatical and Exegetical, on the Book of Job:
With a Translation |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
A Companion to Biblical Studies: Being a Revised and Re-Written
Edition of the Cambridge Companion to the Bible |
1916 |
English |
Bible |
A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version |
Schaff, Philip;
1819-1893. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
A Companion to the Old Testament: Being a Plain Commentary on
Scripture History Down to the Birth of Our Lord. |
Blunt, John
Henry; 1823-1884. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
A Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible |
Horne, Thomas
Hartwell; 1780-1862. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
A Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible: Containing the Whole of
the Old and New Testaments, Collected and Systematically Arranged, in Thirty
Books, Based on the Work of the Learned Talbot: Together With an
Introduction, Setting Forth the… |
West, Nathaniel;
1794-1864. |
1853 |
English |
Bible |
A Complete Harmony of Daniel and the Apocalypse |
Litch, J.
(Josiah); 1809-1886. |
1872 |
English |
Prophecies |
A Complete Hermeneutical Manual on the Book of Ecclesiastes |
Strong, James;
1822-1894. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
A Concordance of Parallels |
Clement; 1743-1808. |
1790 |
English |
Bible |
A Concordance to the Canonical Books of the Old and New
Testaments |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
A Concordance to the Greek Testament: According to the Texts of
Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English Revisers |
Moulton, W. F.
(William Fiddian); 1835-1898. |
1897 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Coptic Palimpsest Containing Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Judith and
Esther in the Sahidic Dialect |
1911 |
Coptic |
A Course of Bible Study for Adolescents: Dealing With Decision,
Duty, and Discipline: A Handbook for Teachers |
Garvie, Alfred
E. (Alfred Ernest); 1861-1945. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Doctrinal Commentary Upon the Epistle of St. Paul
to the Romans |
Shedd, William
Greenough Thayer; 1820-1894. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles |
Gloag, Paton J.
(Paton James); 1823-1906. |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes |
Barton, George
A. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Esther |
Paton, Lewis
Bayles; 1864-1932. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus: With
a New Translation |
Murphy, James G.
(James Gracey); 1808-1896. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis:
With a New Translation |
Murphy, James G.
(James Gracey); 1808-1896. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Leviticus:
With a New Translation |
Murphy, James G.
(James Gracey); 1808-1896. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Psalms: With
a New Translation |
Murphy, James G.
(James Gracey); 1808-1896. |
1875 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Books of Chronicles |
Curtis, Edward
Lewis; 1853-1911. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles of St.
Peter and St. Jude |
Bigg, Charles;
1840-1908. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the
Ephesians and to the Colossians |
Abbott, Thomas
Kingsmill; 1829-1913. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the
Philippians and to Philemon |
Vincent, Marvin
Richardson; 1834-1922. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the First Epistle of St.
Paul to the Corinthians |
Archibald; 1853-1931. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to
S. Matthew |
Willoughby C. (Willoughby Charles); 1867-1953. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to
St. Mark |
Gould, Ezra P.
(Ezra Palmer); 1841-1900. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to
the Ephesians: With a Revised Translation |
Ellicott, C. J.
(Charles John); 1819-1905. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles:
With a Revised Translation |
Ellicott, C. J.
(Charles John); 1819-1905. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical
Scriptures of the Old Testament:from the German of Wilhelm Martin Leberecht
de Wette |
De Wette,
Wilhelm Martin Leberecht; 1780-1849. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Commentary on the Book of Daniel: Designed Especially
for Students of the English Bible |
Prince, J.
Dyneley; (John Dyneley); 1868-1945. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Sampson, Francis
S. (Francis Smith); 1814-1854. |
1856 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Exposition of the Third Chapter of Paul's Epistle to
the Romans: A Monograph |
Morison, James;
1816-1893. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Exposition of the Third Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle
to the Romans: A Monograph |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Greek and English Concordance of the New Testament |
Hudson, C. F.
(Charles Frederic); 1821-1867. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Introduction to the New Testament |
Peake, Arthur S.
(Arthur Samuel); 1865-1929. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
A Critical Introduction to the Old Testament |
Gray, G.
Buchanan; (George Buchanan); 1865-1922. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
A Cry for Justice: A Study in Amos |
McFadyen, John
Edgar; 1870-1933. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature |
Kitto, John;
1804-1854. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
A Description of the Great Bible, 1539, and the Six Editions of
Cranmer's Bible, 1540 and 1541, Printed by Grafton and Whitchurch: Also of
the Editions, in Large Folio, of the Authorized Version of the Holy
Scriptures, Printed in the Years 16 |
Fry, Francis;
1803-1886. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
A Dictionary of the Bible: Dealing With Its Language,
Literature, and Contents, Including the Biblical Theology |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
A Dictionary of the Holy Bible: For General Use in the Study of
the Scriptures, With Engravings, Maps, and Tables. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
A Discussion of the General Epistle of St. James |
Parry, R. St.
John; (Reginald Saint John); 1858-1935. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
A Dissertation on the Coincidence Between the Priesthoods of
Jesus Christ and Melchisedec: In Three Parts, in Which the Passages of
Scripture Relating to That Subject, in the XIV Chapter of Genesis, the XC
Psalm, the V, VI, VII Chapters of… |
Gray, James;
1770-1824. |
1844 |
English |
(Theology) |
A Dissertation on the Epistle of S. Barnabas: Including a
Discussion of Its Date and Authorship |
1877 |
English |
Bible. N.T.
Apocryphal books. Epistle of Barnabas |
A Dissertation on the Gospel Commentary of S. Ephraem the
Syrian: With a Scriptural Index to His Works |
Hill, James
Hamlyn. |
1896 |
English |
Ephraem |
A Dissertation on the Rule of Faith |
Gardiner; 1785-1873. |
1844 |
English |
(Religion) |
A Few Notes on the Gospels According to St. Mark and St.
Matthew: Based Chiefly on Modern Greek |
Alexandros; 1851-1935. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
A Few Words With Bishop Colenso on the Subject of the Exodus of
the Israelites and the Position of Mount Sinai |
Beke, Charles T.
(Charles Tilstone); 1800-1874. |
1862 |
English |
Colenso, John
William |
A First Century Message to Twentieth Century Christians:
Addresses Based Upon the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia |
Morgan, G.
Campbell; (George Campbell); 1863-1945. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
A First Reader in New Testament Greek |
Moulton, James
Hope; 1863-1917. |
1896 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Fourteenth Century English Biblical Version |
1904 |
Middle English |
English language |
A Free Enquiry Into the Origin of the Fourth Gospel |
Sense, P. C. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A Fresh Study of the Fourth Gospel |
Hitchcock, F. R.
Montgomery; (Francis Ryan Montgomery); b. 1867. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
A Full Account and Collation of the Greek Cursive Codex
Evangelium 604 (Egerton 2610 in the British Museum): With Two Facsimiles:
Together With Ten Appendices ... |
Hoskier, H. C.
(Herman Charles); b. 1864. |
1890 |
English |
British Museum |
A Full Collation of the Codex Sinaiticus With the Received Text
of the New Testament: To Which Is Prefixed a Critical Introduction |
1864 |
Greek |
Bible |
A General Historico-Critical Introduction to the Old Testament |
Heinrich Andr. Christ. (Heinrich Andreas Christoph); 1811-1845. |
1852 |
English |
Bible |
A General Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures: In a Series of
Dissertations, Critical, Hermeneutical and Historical |
Dixon, Joseph;
1806-1866. |
1852 |
English |
Bible |
A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture |
Breen, A. E.
(Andrew Edward); 1863-1938. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New
Testament |
Westcott, Brooke
Foss; 1825-1901. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
A General View of the History of the English Bible |
Westcott, Brooke
Foss; 1825-1901. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
A Geography of the Bible: Compiled for the American Sunday
School Union |
Alexander, James
W. (James Waddel); 1804-1859. |
1830 |
English |
Bible |
A Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions |
Cook, Stanley
Arthur; 1873-1949. |
1898 |
English |
Aramaic language |
A Glossary of the West Saxon Gospels: Latin-West Saxon and West
Saxon-Latin |
Harris, M.
Anstice; (Mattie Anstice) |
1899 |
Latin |
language |
A Grammar of the Greek Language |
Jelf, William
Edward; 1811-1875. |
1866 |
English |
Greek language |
A Grammar of the Idiom of the New Testament |
Winer, Georg
Benedikt; 1789-1858. |
1877 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Grammar of the New Testament Diction: Intended as an
Introduction to the Critical Study of the Greek New Testament |
Winer, Georg
Benedikt; 1789-1858. |
1859 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Grammar of the New Testament Greek |
Alexander; 1813-1893. |
1873 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek, According to the
Septuagint. Vol. I; Introduction, Orthography and Accidence; Microfiche |
Thackeray, H.
St. John; (Henry St. John); 1869?-1930. |
1909 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Grammar of the Samaritan Language: With Extracts and
Vocabulary |
Nicholls, G. F. |
1858 |
English |
Samaritan Aramaic
language |
A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament |
Edward; 1794-1863. |
1850 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Greek Grammar for Schools and Colleges |
Hadley, James;
1821-1872. |
1877 |
English |
Greek language |
A Greek Grammar for the Use of Schools and Colleges |
Sophocles, E. A.
(Evangelinus Apostolides); 1807-1883. |
1853 |
English |
Greek language |
A Greek Grammar of the New Testament |
Winer, Georg
Benedikt; 1789-1858. |
1825 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Being Grimm's
Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti |
Grimm, Carl
Ludwig Wilibald; 1807-1891. |
1887 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Guide to Biblical Study |
Peake, Arthur S.
(Arthur Samuel); 1865-1929. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
A Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament |
Miller, Edward;
1825-1901. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
A Hand Book of the English Versions of the Bible: With Copious
Examples Illustrating the Ancestry and Relationship of the Several Versions,
and Comparative Tables |
Mombert, J. I.
(Jacob Isidor); 1829-1913. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
A Handbook of Biblical Difficulties, or, Reasonable Solutions of
Perplexing Things in Sacred Scripture |
Tuck, Robert;
1836-1911. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
A Handbook of the Life of the Apostle Paul: An Outline for Class
Room and Private Study |
Burton, Ernest
De Witt; 1856-1925. |
1899 |
English |
Paul |
A Handbook to the Bible: Being a Guide to the Study of the Holy
Scriptures: Derived From Ancient Monuments and Modern Exploration |
Conder, F. R.
(Francis Roubiliac); 1815-1889. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
A Handy Concordance of the Septuagint: Giving Various Readings
From Codices Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus, and Ephraemi, With an
Appendix of Words From Origen's Hexapla, Etc., Not Found in the Above
Manuscripts. |
G. M. |
1887 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels |
Breen, A. E.
(Andrew Edward); 1863-1938. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A Harmony in Greek of the Gospels: With Notes |
1814 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Four Evangelists: In the Words of the
Authorized Version According to Greswell's Harmonia Evangelica... |
1800 |
English |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Four Gospels in English: According to the
Common Version |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek: According to the Text of
Hahn |
1851 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek: According to the Text of
Tischendorf: With a Collation of the Textus Receptus, and of the Texts of
Griesbach, Lachmann, and Tregelles |
1884 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study: An Analytical
Synopsis of the Four Gospels in the Version of 1881 |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Gospels in the Greek of the Received Text: On
the Plan of the Author's English Harmony, With the Most Important Various
Readings, Brief Grammatical Explanations, Select Biblical References, and
Chronological Notes: For the... |
1859 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Harmony of the Gospels in the Revised Version: With Some New
Features |
1893 |
English |
A Harmony of the Gospels: Being the Life of Jesus in the Words
of the Four Evangelists |
1894 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
A Harmony of the Gospels: In the Words of the American Standard
Edition of the Revised Bible and Outline of the Life of Christ |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
A Help for English Readers to Understand Mistranslated Passages
in Our Bible: With Explanations and Corrections |
Murray, J. H. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Historic View of the New Testament: The Jowett Lectures
Delivered at the Passmore Edwards Settlement in London, 1901 |
Gardner, Percy;
1846-1937. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians |
Ramsay, William
Mitchell; Sir; 1851-1939. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
A Historical Examination of Some Non-Markan Elements in Luke |
Parsons, Ernest
William; b. 1873. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
A Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New
Testament: Being an Expansion of Lectures |
Salmon, George;
1819-1904. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
A Historico-Geographical Account of Palestine in the Time of
Christ, or, The Bible Student's Help to a Thorough Knowledge of Scripture |
Ròhr, Johann
Friedrich; 1777-1848. |
1843 |
English |
Bible |
A History of the Babylonians and Assyrians |
George Stephen; 1860-1905. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
A History of the British and Foreign Bible Society |
Canton, William;
1845-1926. |
1910 |
English |
British and
Foreign Bible Society |
A History of the Literature of Ancient Israel: From the Earliest
Times to 135 B.C. |
Fowler, Henry
Thatcher. |
1912 |
English |
Hebrew literature |
A History of the Preparation of the World for Christ |
Breed, David R.
(David Riddle); 1848-1931. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
A History of the Revised Version of the New Testament |
Samuel; 1859-1927. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament |
Vincent, Marvin
Richardson; 1834-1922. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A Homiletic Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes: With
Critical and Explanatory Notes |
Leale, Thomas H.
(Thomas Henry) |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
A Jewish Reply to Dr. Colenso's Criticism on the Pentateuch |
1865 |
English |
Colenso, John
William |
A Key to the Apocalypse, or, Revelation of Jesus Christ to St.
John in the Isle of Patmos |
Brunson, Alfred;
1793-1882. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Holy Bible |
Blunt, John
Henry; 1823-1884. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
A Key to the Narrative of the Acts of the Apostles |
Norris, John
Pilkington; 1823-1891. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
A Key to the Pentateuch Explanatory of the Text and the
Grammatical Forms |
Solomon; 1816-1897. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
A Key to the Psalms: Being a Tabular Arrangement, by Which the
Psalms Are Exhibited to the Eye According to a General Rule of Composition
Prevailing in the Holy Scriptures |
Boys, Thomas;
1792-1880. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A Lawyer's Examination of the Bible |
Russell, Howard
H. (Howard Hyde) |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
A Layman's Reply to Prof. George Adam Smith's "Modern
Criticism and the...Preaching of the Old Testament" |
Logie, William. |
1902 |
English |
Smith, George Adam |
A Layman's Study of the English Bible: Considered in Its
Literary and Secular Aspect |
Bowen, Francis;
1811-1890. |
1885 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
A Letter on the Inspiration of Holy Scripture: Addressed to a
Student |
Sewell, William;
1804-1874. |
1861 |
English |
Bible |
A Letter to the Rev. Samuel Davidson, D.D., Li. D: In Answer to
His Essay Against the Johannine Authorship of the Fourth Gospel |
Bache, Kentish |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury…On the
Pantheistic and on the Buddhistic Tendency of the Chinese and of the
Mongolian Versions of the Bible Published by That Society |
Malan, Solomon
Caesar; 1812-1894. |
1856 |
English |
Bible |
A Lexicographical and Historical Study of Diatheke: From the
Earliest Times to the End of the Classical Period |
Frederick Owen; 1868-1924. |
1908 |
English |
Greek language |
A List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts Thereof
Printed in America Previous to 1860 |
O'Callaghan, E.
B. (Edmund Bailey); 1797-1880. |
1861 |
English |
Bible |
A Logical Analysis of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans |
Ferme, Charles;
1566-1677. |
1850 |
English |
Bible |
A Manual of Bible History: In Connection With the General
History of the World |
Blaikie, William
Garden; 1820-1899. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
A Manual of Biblical Bibliography: Comprising a Catalogue,
Methodically Arranged, of the Principal Editions and Versions of the Holy
Scriptures, Together With Notices of the Principal Philologers, Critics, and
Interpreters of the Bible |
Horne, Thomas
Hartwell; 1780-1862. |
1839 |
English |
Bible |
A Manual of the Aramaic Language of the Babylonian Talmud:
Grammar, Chrestomathy and Glossaries |
Margolis, Max L.
(Max Leopold); 1866-1932. |
1910 |
English |
Aramaic language |
A Manual of the Chaldee Language: Containing a Chaldee Grammar,
Chiefly From the German of Professor G.B. Winer: A Chrestomathy Consisting of
Selections From the Targums, and Including Notes on the Biblical Chaldee and
a Vocabulary, Adapted |
Riggs, Elias;
1810-1900. |
1866 |
Aramaic |
Aramaic language |
A Manual of the Chaldee Language: Containing a Grammar of the
Biblical Chaldee and of the Targums and a Chrestomathy Consisting of
Selections From the Targums: With a Vocabulary Adapted to the Chrestomathy |
Turpie, David
McCalman. |
1879 |
English |
Aramaic language |
A Mirror of the Soul: Short Studies in the Psalter |
Vaughan, John;
b. 1855. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
A Narrow Ax in Biblical Criticism |
Charles; 1832-1916. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
A New Arrangement of the Proverbs of Solomon: Classified
According to the Subject of Each: Together With Critical and Explanatory
Remarks, Various Readings, &c. for the Use of Bible Classes and Sunday
School Teachers |
Brooks, J. W. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
A New Commentary on Genesis |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A New Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew |
Edward Byron. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A New Concordance to the Holy Scriptures: Being the Most
Comprehensive and Concise of Any Before Published: In Which Not Only Any Word
or Passage of Scripture May Be Easily Found, But the Signification Also Is
Given of All Proper Names Menti |
John; 1727-1803. |
1843 |
English |
Bible |
A New Greek Harmony of the Four Gospels: Comprising a Synopsis
and a Diatessaron, Together With an Introductory Treatise, and Numerous
Tables, Indexes, and Diagrams, Supplying the Necessary Proofs and
Explanations |
1853 |
Greek |
Bible |
A New Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament: Supplemented
by a Chapter Elucidating the Synonyms of the New Testament, With a Complete
Index to the Synonyms; by George Ricker Berry. |
Berry, George
Ricker; 1865-1945. |
1897 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A New Harmony and Exposition of the Gospels: Consisting of a
Parallel and Combined Arrangement, on a New Plan, of the Narratives of the
Four Evangelists, According to the Authorized Translation, and a Continuous
Commentary, With Brief Notes... |
1852 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
A New Harmony of the Four Gospel Narratives of the Closing
Earthly Labors of Jesus, the Messiah: And of the Events Connected With His
Arrest, Trial, Condemnation, Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection |
Morton, Joseph
W. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
A New Harmony of the Four Gospels in English: According to the
Common Version |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
A New Plea for the Authenticity of the Text of the Three
Heavenly Witnesses, or, Porson's Letters to Travis Eclectically Examined: And
the External and Internal Evidences for 1 John V.7 Eclectically Re-Surveyed |
Charles; d. 1871. |
1867 |
English |
Trinity |
A New Testament Commentary for English Readers |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
A New Translation of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the
Romans, With a Commentary, and an Appendix of Various Dissertations |
1833 |
English |
Bible |
A New Translation of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the
Canticles: With Introductions, and Notes, Chiefly Explanatory |
Noyes, George
Rapall; 1796-1868. |
1846 |
English |
Bible |
A Pictorial Commentary on the Gospel According to Mark: With the
Text of the Authorized and Revised Versions |
Rice, Edwin
Wilbur; 1831-1929. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Plain Commentary on the Four Holy Gospels: Intended Chiefly
for Devotional Reading. |
Burgon, John
William; 1813-1888. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament: For
the Use of Biblical Students |
Frederick Henry Ambrose; 1813-1891. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
A Plain Man's Working View of Biblical Inspiration |
Lyman, Albert J.
(Albert Josiah); 1845-1915. |
1907 |
English |
Inspiration |
A Plea for a Re-Consideration of St. Paul's Doctrine of
Justification |
Williams, E. J.
Watson. |
1912 |
English |
Justification |
A Plea for the Bible |
Robert. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
A Popular Account of the Newly-Recovered Gospel of Peter |
Harris, J.
Rendel; (James Rendel); 1852-1941. |
1893 |
English |
Gospel of Peter |
A Popular Argument for the Unity of Isaiah: With an Examination
of the Opinions of Canons Cheyne and Driver, Dr. Delitzsch, the Rev. G. A.
Smith, and Others |
Kennedy, John;
1813-1900. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
A Popular Argument for the Unity of Isaiah: With an Examination
of the Opinions of Canons, Cheyne, and Driver, Dr. Delitzsch, the Rev. G.A.
Smith, and Others |
Kennedy, John;
1813-1900. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
A Popular Commentary on the New Testament |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
A Popular Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven Churches of
Asia |
Plumptre, E. H.
(Edward Hayes); 1821-1891. |
1877 |
English |
Seven churches |
A Popular Hand Book of the New Testament |
George Cumming. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
A Popular Introduction to the New Testament |
Lumby, J.
Rawson; (Joseph Rawson); 1831-1895. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
A Practical and Explanatory Commentary on the New Testament |
Edward Henry; 1825-1906. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Mark |
Morison, James;
1816-1893. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew |
Morison, James;
1816-1893. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
A Practical Exposition of the Acts of the Apostles in the Form
of Lectures: Intended to Assist the Practice of Domestic Instruction and
Devotion |
Sumner, John
Bird; 1780-1862. |
1850 |
English |
Bible |
A Practical Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians: In a
Series of Lectures |
Neill, William;
1778?-1860. |
1850 |
English |
Bible |
A Primer of the Bible |
Bennett, W. H.
(William Henry); 1855-1920. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
A Problem in New Testament Criticism: The Stone Lectures for
1897-1898 |
Melancthon Williams; 1855-1937. |
1900 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
A Proper Dyaloge Betwene a Gentillman and a Husbandman, Eche
Complaynynge to Other Their Miserable Calamite Through the Ambicion of
Clergye; With, a Compendious Olde Treatyse Shewynge Howe That We Ought to
Have the Scripture in Englysshe |
Roy, William;
fl. 1527-1531. |
1863 |
English |
Bible |
A Reasonable Hypothesis of the Origin of the Pentateuch |
Osgood, Howard. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
A Revised English Bible the Want of the Church and the Demand of
the Age: Comprising a Critical History of the Authorized Version and
Corrections of Numerous Mistranslations |
Beard, J. R.
(John Relly); 1800-1876. |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
A Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians:
Consisting of an Extensive Collection of Pertinent Texts of Scripture,
Illustrative of the Various Articles of Revealed Religion Reduced Into
Distinct Sections So as to Embrace All |
Gaston, Hugh; d.
1766. |
1841 |
English |
Bible |
A Scripture Manual: Alphabetically and Systematically Arranged:
Designed to Facilitate the Finding of Proof Texts |
Charles; d. 1856. |
1850 |
English |
Bible |
A Sheaf of Wheat Gathered From the Field of Divine Revelation: A
Series of Brief Expository Studies on the Epistle of James |
Lee, E.
Trumbull. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Commentary on the Book of Daniel for the Use of Students |
Bevan, A. A.
(Anthony Ashley) |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Commentary on the Book of Daniel: For the Use of
Students |
Bevan, A. A.
(Anthony Ashley) |
1892 |
English |
A Short Commentary on the Book of Lamentations. Chapter I: For
the Use of Students |
Greenup, A. W.
(Albert William); 1866-1952. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Exposition of the Epistle to the Galatians: Designed as
a Text Book for Class Room Use and for Private Study |
Stevens, George
Barker; 1854-1906. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Grammar of the Greek New Testament: For Students
Familiar With the Elements of Greek |
Robertson, A. T.
1863-1934. |
1908 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Short History of the Bible: Being a Popular Account of the
Formation and Development of the Canon |
Keeler, Bronson
C. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Short History of the English Bible: With Brief Notices of the
Translators |
Freeman, J. M.
(James Midwinter); 1827-1900. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
A Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament |
Weir, T. H.
(Thomas Hunter) |
1899 |
English |
Hebrew language |
A Short Introduction to the Gospels |
Burton, Ernest
De Witt; 1856-1925. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Introduction to the Literature of the Bible |
Moulton, Richard
Green; 1849-1924. |
1907 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
A Short Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament |
Box, G. H.
(George Herbert); 1869-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Introduction to the Old Testament |
Spencer, F.
Ernest; (Frank Ernest) |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
A Short Protestant Commentary on the Books of the New Testament:
With General and Special Introductions |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
A Sketch of Samaritan History, Dogma, and Literature |
Nutt, John W.
(John William) |
1874 |
English |
Samaritans |
A Square Talk to Young Men About the Inspiration of the Bible |
Hastings, H. L.
(Horace Lorenzo); 1831-1899. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
A Statement of the Natural Sources of Theology: With a
Discussion of Their Validity and of Modern Sceptical Objections: To Which Is
Added an Article on the First Chapter of Genesis |
Hill, Thomas;
1818-1891. |
1877 |
English |
theology |
A Study of St. Paul, His Character and Opinions |
Baring-Gould, S.
(Sabine); 1834-1924. |
1897 |
English |
Paul |
A Study of the Book of Revelation |
Finnell, R. A.
(Rueben Ashford) |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
A Study of the Conversion of St. Paul |
Reginald J. (Reginald James); 1865-1932. |
1910 |
English |
Paul |
A Study of the Pentateuch: For Popular Reading: Being an Inquiry
Into the Age of the So-Called Books of Moses, With an Introductory
Examination of Recent Dutch Theories, as Represented by Dr. Kuenen's
"Religion of Israel" |
Stebbins, Rufus
P. (Rufus Phineas); 1810-1885. |
1881 |
English |
Kuenen, Abraham |
A Suggestive Commentary on St. Luke: With Critical and
Homiletical Notes |
Van Doren, W. H.
(William Howard); 1810-1882. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
A Supplement to the Authorised English Version of the New
Testament: Being a Critical Illustration of Its More Difficult Passages, From
the Syriac Latin and Earlier English Versions, With an Introduction |
Frederick Henry Ambrose; 1813-1891. |
1845 |
English |
Bible |
A Supplement to the Horae Paulinae of Archdeacon Paley: Wherein
His Argument From Undesigned Coincidences Is Applied to the Epistle to the
Hebrews, and the First Epistle of Peter: And Shewing the Former to Have Been
Written by the Apostle Pa |
Biley, Edward. |
1845 |
English |
Bible |
A Syllabus of Old Testament History: Outlines and Literature for
Private Study and the Class Room |
Price, Ira
Maurice; 1856-1939. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
A Syllabus of the Messianic Passages in the Old Testament |
Stearns, Oakman
S. (Oakman Sprague); 1817-1893. |
1884 |
English |
Messiah |
A Symposium Relative to James V:14-16 |
1900 |
English |
Unction |
A Synopsis of the Gospels in Greek: With Various Readings and
Critical Notes |
Wright, Arthur;
b. 1843. |
1906 |
Greek |
Synoptic problem |
A System of Biblical Psychology |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
A Tenable Theory of Biblical Inspiration: An Address |
Wood, Irving
Francis; 1861-1934. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
A Textual Commentary Upon the Holy Gospels. Part I. St. Matthew,
Division I, I-XIV: Largely From the Use of Materials, and Mainly on the Text,
Left by the Late John William Burgon, B.D., Dean of Chichester |
Miller, Edward;
1825-1901. |
1899 |
Greek |
Bible |
A Translation and Commentary of the Book of Psalms for the Use
of the Ministry and Laity of the Christian Church |
Tholuck, August;
1799-1877. |
1858 |
English |
Bible |
A Translation and Exposition of the First Epistle of the Apostle
Peter |
Demarest, John
T. (John Terhune); 1813-1897. |
1851 |
English |
Bible |
A Translation of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans:
With an Introduction and Critical Notes |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
A Translation of the Four Gospels From the Syriac of the
Sinaitic Palimpsest |
1894 |
English |
A Translation of the Gospels: With Notes |
1855 |
English |
A Treatise on Biblical Criticism: Exhibiting a Systematic View
of That Science |
Samuel; 1806-1898. |
1854 |
English |
Bible |
A Treatise on the Accentuation of the Three So-Called Poetical
Books of the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and Job |
Wickes, William;
1817?-1903. |
1881 |
English |
Hebrew language |
A Treatise on the Authorship of Ecclesiastes: To Which Is Added
a Dissertation on That Which Was Spoken Through Jeremiah the Prophet, as
Quoted in Matthew 27.9-10 |
Johnston, David;
1836-1899. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
A Treatise on the Grammar of New Testament Greek: Regarded as a
Sure Basis for New Testament Exegesis |
Winer, Georg
Benedikt; 1789-1858. |
1877 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
A Treatise on the Greek Prepositions: And on the Cases of Nouns
With Which These Are Used |
Gessner; 1807-1862. |
1858 |
English |
Greek language |
A Treatise on the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures |
Charles; 1815-1892. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
A Verbal Analysis of the Holy Bible: Intended to Facilitate the
Translation of the Holy Scriptures Into Foreign Languages |
Selwyn, George
Augustus; 1809-1878. |
1855 |
English |
Bible |
A Vindication of Comments on the Translation of Ephesians I: In
the Delegates' Version of the New Testament |
Boone, William
J. (William Jones); 1811-1864. |
1852 |
English |
Bible |
A Vindication of the Authorized Version of the English Bible
From Charges Brought Against It by Recent Writers |
Malan, Solomon
Caesar; 1812-1894. |
1856 |
English |
Bible |
A Vindication of the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch |
Charles; 1815-1892. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
A Washington Bible Class |
Hamilton, Gail;
1833-1896. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
A Year With St. Paul, or, Fifty-Two Lessons for the Sundays of
the Year |
Knox, Charles E.
(Charles Eugene); 1833-1900. |
1863 |
English |
Paul |
A Young Man's Difficulties With His Bible |
Faunce, D. W.
(Daniel Worcester); 1829-1911. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
A Young Man's Difficulties With His Bible |
Faunce, D. W.
(Daniel Worcester); 1829-1911. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Abaddon and Mahanaim, or, Daemons and Guardian Angels |
Berg, Joseph F.
(Joseph Frederick); 1812-1871. |
1856 |
English |
Angels |
Abfassungszeit Und Abschluss Des Psalters Zur Prüfung Der Frage
Nach Makkabäerpsalmen |
Ehrt, Carl. |
1869 |
German |
Bible |
Abhandlung Über Den Bau Der Thatwörter Im Koptischen |
Ewald, Heinrich;
1803-1875. |
1861 |
German |
Coptic language |
Abhandlung Über Des Äthiopischen Buches Henökh: Entstehung Sinn
Und Zusammensetzung |
Ewald, Heinrich;
1803-1875. |
1854 |
German |
Bible |
Abhandlungen Zur Orientalischen Und Biblischen Literatur. Erster
Theil |
Ewald, Heinrich;
1803-1875. |
1832 |
German |
Semitic languages |
Abiding Comforter: A Series of Bible Studies on the Person, the
Presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit, The |
Stone, E. A. |
1889 |
English |
Holy Spirit |
Abiding Value of the Old Testament, The |
Robinson, George
L. (George Livingstone); 1864-1958. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Abraham Als Babylonier, Joseph Als Ägypter: Der
Weltgeschichtliche Hintergrund Der Biblischen Vätergeschichten Auf Grund Der
Keilinschriften |
Winckler, Hugo;
1863-1913. |
1903 |
German |
literature |
Abraham and His Age |
Tomkins, H. G.
(Henry George); b. 1826. |
1897 |
English |
Patriarchs (Bible) |
Abraham and the Patriarchal Age |
Duff, Archibald;
1845-1934. |
1900 |
English |
Patriarchs (Bible) |
Abraham the Faithful |
Royer, Galen B.
(Galen Brown); 1862-1951. |
1907 |
English |
Patriarchs (Bible) |
Abraham Und Seine Zeit |
Johannes. |
1909 |
German |
Abraham |
Abraham, His Life and Times |
Deane, William
J. (William John); 1823-1895. |
1890 |
English |
Patriarchs (Bible) |
Abraham, Isaak Und Jakob |
Lotz, Wilhelm;
1853-1928. |
1910 |
German |
Patriarchs (Bible) |
Abraham, Joseph, and Moses in Egypt: Being a Course of Lectures |
Kellogg, Alfred
H. (Alfred Hosea) |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Abraham, the Friend of God: A Study From Old Testament History |
Dykes, J.
Oswald; (James Oswald) |
1887 |
English |
Patriarchs (Bible) |
Abraham: Studien Über Die Anfänge Des Hebräischen Volkes |
Paul. |
1902 |
German |
Abraham |
Abriss Der Einleitung Zum Alten Testament in Tabellenform: An
Stelle Der Dritten Ausgabe Von Hertwig's Einleitungstabellen |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1878 |
German |
Apocryphal Books
(Old Testament) |
Abriss Des Biblischen Aramäisch: Grammatik, Nach Handschriften
Berichtigte Texte, Wörterbuch |
Strack, Hermann
Leberecht; 1848-1922. |
1896 |
German |
Aramaic language |
Absolute Oder Relative Wahrheit Der Heiligen Schrift?:
Dogmatisch-Kritische Untersuchung Einer Neuen Theorie |
Egger, Franz;
1836-1918. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Across the Desert: A Life of Moses |
Campbell, S. M.
(Samuel Miner); 1823-1892. |
1873 |
English |
Moses |
Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha: Post Constantinum Tischendorf |
1903 |
Greek |
Apocryphal Acts of
the Apostles |
Acta Apostolorum Graece Et Latine: Secundum Antiquissimos Testes |
Adolf; 1823-1907. |
1899 |
Greek |
Bible |
Acta Apostolorum, Sive, Lucae Ad Theophilum Liber Alter: Editio
Philologica Apparatu Critico, Commentario Perpetuo, Indice Verborum
Illustrata |
Friedrich; 1843-1907. |
1895 |
Latin |
Bible |
Acta Apostolorum, Sive, Lucae Ad Theophilum Liber Alter:
Secundam Formam Quae Videtur Romanum |
1896 |
Latin |
Acta Mythologica Apostolorum |
1904 |
Arabic |
Apocryphal Acts of
the Apostles |
Acta Pauli. Tafelband: Aus Der Heidelberger Koptischen
Papyrushandschrift Nr. 1 |
1904 |
German |
Heidelberg |
Acts & Pastoral Epistles: Timothy, Titus, & Philemon |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, or, The History of the Church in the
Apostolic Age, The |
Michael; 1812-1889. |
1854 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
1856 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
Joseph A. (Joseph Addison); 1809-1860. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
Stokes, George
Thomas; 1843-1898. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
Alexander; 1826-1910. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
Andrews, H. T.
(Herbert Tom); 1864-1928. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, The |
Harnack, Adolf
von; 1851-1930. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Revelation of St.
John the Divine: A Comparison of the Text as It Is Given in the Protestant
and Roman Catholic Bible Versions in the English Language, in Use in America,
The |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: A Commentary for English Readers, The |
William Mordaunt. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: A Popular Commentary Upon a Critical
Basis, Especially Designed for Pastors and Sunday Schools, The |
Clark, George W.
(George Whitefield); 1831-1911. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: An Exegetical and Doctrinal Commentary,
The |
Gotthard Victor; 1811-1888. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: An Exposition for English Readers on the
Basis of Professor Hackett's Commentary on theOriginal Text, The |
Green, Samuel G.
(Samuel Gosnell); 1822-1905. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: An Exposition, The |
Rackham, Richard
Belward; 1863-1912. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: An Exposition, The |
Gaebelein, Arno
Clemens; 1861-1945. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: Being the Greek Text, The |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: In Greek and English: With Notes, The |
Frederic. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: The Teaching of the Holy Scriptures |
Young, E. S.
(Emanuel Sprankel); 1854-1923. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: With Commentary, The |
Plumptre, E. H.
(Edward Hayes); 1821-1891. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Page, T. E.
(Thomas Ethelbert); 1850-1936. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: With Introduction, Notes, and Maps, The |
Lindsay, Thomas
M. (Thomas Martin); 1843-1914. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: With Maps, Introduction and Notes, The |
Lumby, J.
Rawson; (Joseph Rawson); 1831-1895. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: With Notes Critical and Practical, The |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Apostles: With Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and
Practical |
Cowles, Henry;
1803-1881. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Deacons: Being a Course of Lectures, Critical and
Practical, on Acts VI., VII., VIII., and XXI. 8-15 in Two Books: Book I--the
Acts of the St. Stephen, the Protomartyr: Book II--the Acts of St. Philip,
Evangelist, The |
Goulburn, Edward
Meyrick; 1818-1897. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
Acts of the Holy Spirit: Being an Examination of the Active
Mission and Ministry of the Spirit of God, the Divine Paraclete, as Set Forth
in the Acts of the Apostles, The |
Pierson, Arthur
T. (Arthur Tappan); 1837-1911. |
1898 |
English |
Holy Spirit |
Acts: Introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version With
Notes, Index, and Map, The |
Bartlet, J.
Vernon; (James Vernon); 1863-1940. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Acts: The Second Volume of Luke's Work on the Beginnings of
Christianity: With Interpretative Comment |
Gilbert, George
Holley; 1854-1930. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Actus Apostolorum: Secundum Editionem Sancti Hieronymi |
1905 |
Latin |
Bible |
Adam and Eve: History or Myth? |
Townsend, L. T.
(Luther Tracy); 1838-1922. |
1904 |
English |
Creation |
Adam Und Christus: Röm. V, 12-21: Eine Exegetische Monographie |
August. |
1871 |
German |
(Theology) |
Adam Und Qain Im Lichte Der Vergleichenden Mythenforschung |
Böklen, Ernst. |
1907 |
German |
Eden |
Addresses on the Acts of the Apostles |
Benson, Edward
White; 1829-1896. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Addresses on the Gospel of St. John |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Addresses on the Revised Version of Holy Scripture |
Ellicott, C. J.
(Charles John); 1819-1905. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Advent Hope in St. Paul's Epistles, The |
Robinson, J.
Armitage; (Joseph Armitage); 1858-1933. |
1911 |
English |
Second Advent |
Adversaria Critica Sacra: With a Short Explanatory Introduction |
Frederick Henry Ambrose; 1813-1891. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
AegidII GutbirII Lexicon Syriacum: Omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci
Dictiones Et Particulas Complectens |
Aegidius; 1617-1667. |
1836 |
Latin |
Bible |
Aegypten Und Die Bibel: Die Urgeschichte Israels Im Licht Der
Aegyptischen Mythologie |
Völter, Daniel;
b. 1855. |
1904 |
German |
Egyptian |
Afflictions of the Righteous: As Discussed in the Book of Job
and in the New Light of the Gospel, The |
Macleod, W. B.
(William B.) |
1913 |
English |
Suffering |
Ages Before Moses: A Series of Lectures on the Book of Genesis,
The |
Gibson, John
Monro; 1838-1921. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
Agnostos Theos: Untersuchungen Zur Formengeschichte Religiöser
Rede |
Norden, Eduard;
1868-1941. |
1913 |
German |
Greek language,
Biblical |
Agrapha, Neue Oxyrhynchuslogia |
1904 |
Greek |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Agrapha: Aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente |
Resch, Alfred;
1835-1912. |
1889 |
German |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Agrapha: Aussercanonische Schriftfragmente |
Resch, Alfred;
1835-1912. |
1906 |
German |
Apocryphal books |
Aids to Scripture Study |
Frederic; 1822-1889. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Aids to the Devout Study of Criticism: Part I: The David
Narratives: Part II: The Book of Psalms |
Cheyne, T. K.
(Thomas Kelly); 1841-1915. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Aioìn-Aioìnios: An Excursus on the Greek Word Rendered
Everlasting, Eternal, Etc., in the Holy Bible: With Appendixes |
Hanson, J. W.
(John Wesley); 1823-1901. |
1880 |
English |
Aiön (The Greek
word) |
Akhmìm Fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter, The |
1893 |
Greek |
Gospel of Peter |
Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible |
Bates, William
H. (William Henry) |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Almae Optimorum Studiorum Matri Viadrinae Academiae
Illustrissimae: D. III. M. Aug. A. MDCCCLXI Sacra Semisecularia Celebranti
Qua Decet Pietate Gratulatur GymnasII Elisabetani Rector Et Collegium. |
Fickert, Karl
Rudolph. |
1861 |
Latin |
Bible |
Almuth: The Messianic Enigma of the XLIX Psalm |
Blackwood, James
Stevenson. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Altchristliche Sagen Über Das Leben Jesu Und Der Apostel: Mit
Einem Anhang-Jüdische Sagen Über Das Leben Jesu: Auf Grund Der Apocryphischen
Evangelien Und Apostelgeschichten Sowie Des Talmud U.A. |
Couard, Ludwig. |
1909 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Alte Und Neue Angriffe Auf Das Alte Testament: Ein Rückblick Und
Ausblick |
Nikel, Johannes;
1863-1924. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Altes Und Neues in Deutscher Bibel, Oder, Vergleichung Der
Bibelverdeutschung D. M. Luthers Mit Ihrer Berichtigung Durch D. J.j. V.
Meyer |
Stier, R.
(Rudolf); 1800-1862. |
1828 |
German |
Bible |
Altjüdische Gleichnisse Und Die Gleichnisse Jesu |
Fiebig, Paul;
1876-1949. |
1904 |
German |
literature |
Altorientalische Forschungen |
Winckler, Hugo;
1863-1913. |
1897 |
German |
Semitic philology |
Altorientalische Texte Und Bilder Zum Alten Testamente |
1909 |
German |
literature |
Altorientalischer Und Israelitischer Monotheismus: Ein Wort Zur
Revision Der Entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Auffassung Der Israelitischen
Religionsgeschichte |
Baentsch, Bruno;
1859-1908. |
1906 |
German |
Monotheism |
Alttestamentliche Kritik Und Christenglaube: Ein Wort Zum
Frieden |
König, Eduard;
1846-1936. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Alttestamentliche Studien |
Johannes von. |
1852 |
German |
Bible |
Alttestamentliche Studien: Rudolf Kittel Zum 60. Geburtstag |
1913 |
German |
Kittel, Rudolf |
Alttestamentliche Theologie |
Riehm, Eduard;
1830-1888. |
1889 |
German |
Bible |
Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen |
Winckler, Hugo;
1863-1913. |
1892 |
German |
Bible |
Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen. Erstes Heft |
Riedel, Wilhelm;
b. 1871. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Alttestamentlichen Untersuchungen. 1. Buch |
Johannes. |
1894 |
German |
Bible |
American Greek Testaments: A Critical Bibliography of the Greek
New Testament as Published in America |
Hall, Isaac H.
(Isaac Hollister); 1837-1896. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Among the Gospels and the Acts: Being Notes and Comments
Covering the Life of Christ in the Flesh, and the First Thirty Years' History
of His Church |
Ainslie, Peter;
1867-1934. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Amos |
Michelet, S. |
1893 |
Norwegian |
Bible |
Amos |
Sievers, Eduard;
1850-1932. |
1907 |
German |
Hebrew language |
Amos Und Hosea |
Nowack, Wilhelm;
1850-1928. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Amos Und Hosea: Ein Kapitel Aus Der Geschichte Der
Israelitischen Religion |
Valeton, J. J.
P. (Josuè Jean Philippe) |
1898 |
German |
Bible |
Amos Und Hosea: Zwei Zeugen Gegen Die Anwendung Der
Evolutionstheorie Auf Die Religion Israels: Drei Theologische
Fereinkursvorträge Mit Einem Textkritischen Anhang |
Oettli, Samuel;
1846-1911. |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Amos, Hosea, Isaiah (1-39), and Micah |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Amos: An Essay in Exegesis |
Hinckley G. T. (Hinckley Gilbert Thomas); 1846-1920. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Amos: An Essay in Exegesis |
Hinckley G. T. (Hinckley Gilbert Thomas); 1846-1920. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament: With
Remarks on Its Revision Upon Critical Principles: Together With a Collation
of the Critical Texts of Griesbach, Scholz, Lachmann, and Tischendorf, With
That in Common Use |
Samuel Prideaux; 1813-1875. |
1854 |
English |
Manuscripts, Greek |
An Alphabetical Index to the New Testament: Common Version:
Suitable to Any Edition, and Useful to All Ministers, Teachers, and Bible
Readers. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
An Analysis of New Testament History: Embracing the Criticism
and Interpretation of the Original Text, the Authenticity of Its Several
Books, a Harmony Chronologically Arranged, and a Copious Historical Index:
With Questions for Examination |
Pinnock, W. H.
(William Henry); 1813-1885. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
An Analysis of Scripture History: With Examination Questions:
Intended for Readers of Old Testament History and for Divinity Students in
General |
Pinnock, W. H.
(William Henry); 1813-1885. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
An Analysis of Texts of Scripture: The Better to Understand the
True Fact or Spiritual Meaning That the Revelator Intended to Convey to the
Reader by Means of the Letter |
Fowler, Josiah. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
An Analytical Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, or, The Bible
Presented Under Distinct and Classified Heads or Topics |
Eadie, John;
1810-1876. |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue: The Supper of the Lord
After the True Meaning of John VI. and I Cor. XI. and Wm. Tracy's Testament
Expounded by William Tyndale, Martyr, 1536 |
William; d. 1536. |
1850 |
English |
Lord's Supper |
An Answer to the Difficulties in Bishop Colenso's Book on the
Pentateuch |
Turner, J. B.
(Jonathan Baldwin); 1805-1899. |
1863 |
English |
Bible |
An Apology for the Book of Psalms in Five Letters: Addressed to
the Friends of Union in the Church of God |
Gilbert; 1778-1854. |
1852 |
English |
Psalmody |
An Apology for the Septuagint: In Which Its Claims to Biblical
and Canonical Authority Are Briefly Stated and Vindicated |
Edward William; 1785-1864. |
1850 |
English |
Bible |
An Apparatus Criticus to Chronicles in the Peshitta Version:
With a Discussion of the Value of the Codex Ambrosianus |
Barnes, W.
Emery; (William Emery); 1859-1939. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
An Arabic Version of the Acts of the Apostles and the Seven
Catholic Epistles: From an Eighth or Ninth Century Ms. in the Convent of St.
Catharine on Mount Sinai: With a Treatise, on the Triune Nature of God, With
Translation From the Same... |
1899 |
Arabic |
literature, Early |
An Arabic Version of the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans,
Corinthians, Galatians, With Part of the Epistle to the Ephesians: From a
Ninth Century Ms. in the Convent of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai |
1894 |
Arabic |
An Aramaic Method: A Class Book for the Study of the Elements of
Aramaic: From Bible and Targums |
Brown, Charles
Rufus; 1849-1914. |
1884 |
English |
Aramaic language |
An Atlas of Textual Criticism: Being an Attempt to Show the
Mutual Relationship of the Authorities for the Text of the New Testament Up
to About 1000 A.D. |
Hutton, Edward
Ardron. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
An Die Korinther I |
Lietzmann, Hans;
1875-1942. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
An Early Christian Psalter |
1909 |
English |
Odes of Solomon |
An Easy Way to Use the Psalms |
Smith, Joseph
Oswald; 1854-1924. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
An Enquiry Into the Evidential Value of Prophecy: Being the
Hulsean Prize Essay for 1904 |
Edghill, Ernest
Arthur; d. 1912. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
An Entire Commentary Upon the Whole Epistle of St. Paul to the
Ephesians ... |
Baynes, Paul; d.
1617. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
An Essay on the Place of Ecclesiasticus in Semitic Literature:
Being the Inaugural Lecture |
Margoliouth, D.
S. (David Samuel); 1858-1940. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
An Examination of Articles Contributed by Professor W. Robertson
Smith: To the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Expositor, And the British
Quarterly Review, in Relation to the Truth, Inspiration, and Authority of the
Holy Scriptures |
John; Minister of the Free Church of Scotland. |
1877 |
English |
Smith, W.
Robertson |
An Examination of Certain Passages in Our Lord's Conversation
With Nicodemus: Eight Discourses Preached Before the University of Cambridge
in the Year MDCCCXlIII. at the Lecture Founded by the Rev. John Hulse, M.A. |
Marsden, John
Howard; 1803-1891. |
1844 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
An Examination of the Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible |
Haley, John W. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the
Rules of Evidence Administered in Courts of Justice: With an Account of the
Trial of Jesus |
1847 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
An Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to S. Matthew |
Plummer, Alfred;
1841-1926. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
An Explanatory Commentary on Esther: With Four Appendices,
Consisting of the Second Targum Translated From the Aramaic With Notes,
Mithra, the Winged Bulls of Persepolis, and Zoroaster |
Cassel, Paulus;
1821-1892. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans |
Williams, Henry
W. (Henry Wilkinson) |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle |
Putnam, Edward;
1816?-1863. |
1858 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Book of Ecclesiastes |
Charles; 1794-1869. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Book of Revelation |
Burgh, William;
1741-1808. |
1845 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Book of Solomon's Song, Commonly Called
Canticles: Wherein the Authority of It Is Established and Vindicated Against
Objections, Both Ancient and Modern: Several Versions Compared With the
Original Text: The Different... |
Gill, John;
1697-1771. |
1854 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistle of James: In a Series of Discourses |
Adam, John;
1818-1890. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews |
Duncan, Robert;
1699-1729. |
1844 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans |
William G. (William George); 1822-1902. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Colossians |
Daillè, Jean;
1594-1670. |
1863 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Philippians |
Daillè, Jean;
1594-1670. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Williams, Henry
W. (Henry Wilkinson) |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Epistles of St. Paul |
Bernadine; à
Piconio; 1633-1709. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians |
Hodge, Charles;
1797-1878. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Gospel of Mark |
Kelly, William;
1821-1906. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Gospel of St. John: Consisting of an
Analysis of Each Chapter, and of a Commentary, Critical, Exegetical,
Doctrinal, and Moral, Having the Text, English and Latin, Prefixed in Full to
Each Chapter: Also, the Verses in... |
MacEvilly, John;
1818-1902. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark: And of
Some Other Detached Parts of Holy Scripture |
Watson, Richard;
1781-1833. |
1855 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Gospels of the Church Year on the Basis of
Nebe |
Wolf, Edmund
Jacob; 1840-1905. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Gospels: Consisting of an Analysis of Each
Chapter and of a Commentary, Critical, Exegetical, Doctrinal, and Moral |
MacEvilly, John;
1818-1903. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Parables of Our Lord: Showing Their
Connection With His Ministry, Their Prophetic Character, and Their Gradual
Development of the Gospel Dispensation: With a Preliminary Dissertation on
the Parable |
Bailey, B. Rev. |
1828 |
English |
Parables |
An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians |
Hodge, Charles;
1797-1878. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition Upon the Epistle of Jude |
Jenkyn, William;
1613-1685. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
An Exposition With Notes, Unfolded and Applied on John XVII |
Newton, George;
1602-1681. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
An Historical Exposition of the Book of Daniel the Prophet |
Rule, William
Harris; 1802-1890. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
An Historical Geography of the Bible |
Coleman, Lyman;
1796-1882. |
1849 |
English |
Bible |
An Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geography |
Coleman, Lyman;
1796-1882. |
1854 |
English |
Bible |
An Historico-Critical Inquiry Into the Origin and Composition of
the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and Book of Joshua) |
Kuenen, Abraham;
1828-1891. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
An Historico-Critical Introduction to the Canonical Books of the
New Testament |
De Wette,
Wilhelm Martin Leberecht; 1780-1849. |
1858 |
English |
Bible |
An Historico-Critical Introduction to the Pentateuch |
Heinrich Andr. Christ. (Heinrich Andreas Christoph); 1811-1845. |
1850 |
English |
hypothesis (Pentateuchal criticism) |
An Illustrated Commentary of the Gospel According to Matthew:
For Family Use and Reference, and for the Great Body of Christian Workers of
All Denominations |
Abbott, Lyman;
1835-1922. |
1875 |
English |
Bible |
An Illustrated Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: For
Family Use and Reference, and for the Great Body of Christian Workers of All
Denominations |
Abbott, Lyman;
1835-1922. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John:
For Family Use and Reference, and for the Great Body of Christian Workers of
All Denominations |
Abbott, Lyman;
1835-1922. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospels According to Mark and
Luke: For Family Use and Reference, and for the Great Body of Christian
Workers of All Denominations |
Abbott, Lyman;
1835-1922. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
An Inquiry Into the Character and Authorship of the Fourth
Gospel |
Drummond, James;
1835-1918. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
An Inquiry Into the Nature, Progress, and End of Prophecy: In
Three Books... |
Lee, Samuel;
1783-1852. |
1849 |
English |
Bible |
An Inquiry Into the Organization and Government of the Apostolic
Church: Particularly With Reference to the Claims of Episcopacy |
Barnes, Albert;
1798-1870. |
1855 |
English |
Church polity |
An Interpretation of Genesis: Including a Translation Into
Present Day English |
Ramsay, F. P.
(Franklin Pierce); b. 1856. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to Ecclesiastes: With Notes and Appendices |
McNeile, A. H.
(Alan Hugh); 1871-1933. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Bible for Teachers of Children: A Manual
for Use in the Sunday Schools or in the Home |
Georgia Louise; b. 1862. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther |
Sayce, A. H.
(Archibald Henry); 1845-1933. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther |
Sayce, A. H.
(Archibald Henry); 1845-1933. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy
Scriptures |
Horne, Thomas
Hartwell; 1780-1862. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament |
Moffatt, James;
1870-1944. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the New Testament |
Friedrich; 1793-1859. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the New Testament |
Dods, Marcus;
1834-1909. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the New Testament |
Bacon, Benjamin
Wisner; 1860-1932. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the New Testament |
Jùlicher, Adolf;
1857-1938. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the New Testament: Containing an Examination
of the Most Important Questions Relating to the Authority, Interpretation,
and Integrity of the Canonical Books, With Reference to the Latest Inquiries |
Samuel; 1806-1898. |
1848 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Old Testament |
Jahn, Johann;
1750-1816. |
1827 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Old Testament |
Wright, Charles
H. H. (Charles Henry Hamilton); 1836-1909. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek |
Swete, Henry
Barclay; 1835-1917. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Old Testament: Critical, Historical, and
Theological: Containing a Discussion of the Most Important Questions
Belonging to the Several Books |
Samuel; 1806-1898. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Pentateuch |
Chapman, A. T.
(Arthur Thomas); d. 1913. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Study and Use of the Psalms |
Thrupp, Joseph
Francis; 1827-1867. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Study of New Testament Greek |
Moulton, James
Hope; 1863-1917. |
1895 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
An Introduction to the Study of Obadiah |
Peckham, George
A. b. 1851. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Study of the Acts of the Apostles |
Stifler, James
M. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament |
Kerr, John H.
(John Henry); 1858-1936. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Study of the Chaldee Language: Comprising
a Grammar (Based Upon Winer's), and an Analysis of the Text of the Chaldee
Portion of the Book of Daniel |
George. |
1859 |
English |
Aramaic language |
An Introduction to the Study of the New Testament, Critical,
Exegetical, and Theological |
Samuel; 1806-1898. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures |
William Boyd; 1841-1918. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament |
Benjamin Breckinridge; 1851-1921. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
An Introduction to the Thessalonian Epistles: Containing a
Vindication of the Pauline Authorship of Both Epistles and an Interpretation
of the Eschatological Section of 2 Thess. II. |
Askwith, E. H.
(Edward Harrison); 1864- |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
An Original Harmony and Exposition of the Twenty-Fourth Chapter
of Matthew and the Parallel Passages in Mark and Luke: Comprising a Review of
the Common Figurative Theories of Interpretation: With a Particular
Examination of the Principal Pa... |
Buck, D. D.
(Daniel Dana); 1814-1895. |
1853 |
English |
Bible |
An Outline of New Testament Theology |
Estes, David
Foster; 1851-1926. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
An Outline of the History of the Literature of the Old
Testament: With Chronological Tables for the History of the Israelites and
Other Aids to the Explanation of the Old Testament |
Kautzsch, E.
(Emil); 1841-1910. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Analekten Zur Textkritik Des Alten Testaments |
Perles, Felix;
1874-1933. |
1895 |
German |
Bible |
Analekten Zur Textkritik Des Alten Testaments: Neue Folge |
Perles, F.
1874-1933. |
1922 |
German |
Bible |
Analyse Der Offenbarung Johannis |
Julius; 1844-1918. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
Analysis of the Book of Isaiah: Part First: Introduction |
Lord, Eleazar;
1788-1871. |
1861 |
English |
God |
Analytical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans: Tracing the
Train of Thought by the Aid of Parallelism, With Notes and Dissertations on
the Principal Difficulties Connected With the Exposition of the Epistle |
Forbes, John. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Ancestry of Our English Bible: An Account of the Bible Versions,
Texts, and Manuscripts, The |
Price, Ira
Maurice; 1856-1939. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Ancient Cities and Empires: Their Prophetic Doom Read in the
Light of History and Modern Research |
Gillett, E. H.
(Ezra Hall); 1823-1875. |
1867 |
English |
Cities and towns,
Ruined, extinct, etc |
Ancient Egypt: Her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible: Being an
Interpretation of the Inscriptions and Pictures Which Remain Upon Her Tombs
and Temples: Illustrated by Very Numerous Engravings and Coloured Plates |
Osburn, William;
b. 1793. |
1846 |
English |
Bible |
Ancient Egypt: Its Antiquities, Religion, and History to the
Close of the Old Testament Period |
Trevor, George;
1809-1888. |
1863 |
English |
Bible |
Ancient Hebrew Names: Notes on Their Significance & Historic
Value |
Letitia D. |
1906 |
English |
Names in the Bible |
Anecdota Sacra Et Profana Ex Oriente Et Occidente Allata, Sive,
Notitia Codicum Graecorum, Arabicorum, Syriacorum, Copticorum, Hebraicorum,
Aethiopicorum, Latinorum: Cum Excerptis Multis Maximam Partem Graecis Et
Triginta Quinque Scripturarum |
Constantin von; 1815-1874. |
1861 |
Latin |
Manuscripts, Greek |
Anecdotes Illustrative of New Testament Texts |
1884 |
English |
illustrations |
Angel and the Vision, or, The New Christian Commission, The |
Christopher. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Anglo-American Bible Revision |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
Anglo-Saxon Version of the Book of Psalms Commonly Known as the
Paris Psalter, The |
Bruce, J.
Douglas; (James Douglas); 1862-1923. |
1894 |
English |
nationale (France) |
Ankündigung Einer Neuen Ausgabe Der Griechischen Übersezung sic
Des Alten Testaments |
Lagarde, Paul
de; 1827-1891. |
1882 |
German |
Bible |
Anmerkungen Über Die Komposition Der Offenbarung Johannis |
Schmidt, Paul
Wilhelm; 1845-1921. |
1891 |
German |
Bible |
Annals of the English Bible, The |
Christopher; 1782-1852. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
Annotated Bible: Being a Household Commentary Upon the Holy
Scriptures, Comprehending the Results of Modern Discovery and Criticism, The |
Blunt, John
Henry; 1823-1884. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on Some of the Messianic Psalms |
Ern. Frid. Car. 1768-1835. |
1841 |
English |
Messianic Psalms |
Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles |
Stellhorn, F. W.
(Frederick William); 1841-1919. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Epistles of Paul to I. Corinthians VII-XVI,
II. Corinthians and Galatians |
Jacobs, Henry E.
(Henry Eyster); 1844-1932. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians |
Horn, Edward T.
(Edward Traill); 1850-1915. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Epistles of Paul to the Romans and I.
Corinthians, Chaps. I.-VI. |
Jacobs, Henry E.
(Henry Eyster); 1844-1932. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus and the Hebrews |
Wolf, Edmund
Jacob; 1840-1905. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the General Epistles of James, Peter, John, and
Jude |
Weidner, Revere
Franklin; 1851-1915. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Gospel According to St. John |
Spaeth, Adolph;
1839-1910. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Gospel According to St. Luke |
Baugher, H.
Louis; (Henry Louis); ca. 1805-1868. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Gospel According to St. Mark |
Haas, John A. W.
(John Augustus William); 1862-1937. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Gospel According to St. Matthew |
Charles Frederick; 1807-1879. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Pentateuch, or the Five Books of Moses, the
Psalms of David, and the Song of Solomon |
Henry; 1571-1622? |
1843 |
English |
Bible |
Annotations on the Revelation of St. John the Divine |
Weidner, Revere
Franklin; 1851-1915. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Annotators of the Codex Bezae: With Some Notes on Sortes
Sanctorum, The |
Harris, J.
Rendel; (James Rendel); 1852-1941. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Anti-Higher Criticism, or, The Testimony to the Infallibility of
the Bible |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Antilegomena: Die Reste Der Ausserkanonischen Evangelien Und
Urchristlichen Ueberlieferungen |
1901 |
Multiple |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Antiquity of Hebrew Writing and Literature, or, Problems in
Pentateuchal Criticism, The |
Zerbe, Alvin
Sylvester; 1847-1935. |
1911 |
English |
Hebrew literature |
Apocalipseos Interpretatio Litteralis: Ejusque Cum AlIIs Libris
Sacris Concordantia |
Raphaele. |
1911 |
Latin |
Bible |
Apocalypse of Baruch: Translated From the Syriac: Chapters
I.-lXXVII. From the Sixth Century Ms. in the Ambrosian Library of Milan and
Chapters LXXVIII.-lXXXVII: The Epistle of Baruch From a New and Critical Text
Based on Ten Mss. And..., The |
1896 |
English |
Apocalypse of Jesus Christ: An Exposition, The |
Mead, Willis W. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse of Jesus: Being a Step in the Search for the
Historical Christ, The |
Worsley, F. W.
(Frederick William) |
1912 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Apocalypse of St. John I-III: The Greek Text With Introduction,
Commentary, and Additional Notes, The |
Hort, Fenton
John Anthony; 1828-1892. |
1908 |
English |
Seven churches |
Apocalypse of St. John: The Greek Text With Introduction, Notes
and Indices, The |
Swete, Henry
Barclay; 1835-1917. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse, or, Revelation of S. John the Divine: Six Lectures,
The |
Scott, J. J.
(Joseph John) |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse: An Introductory Study of the Revelation of St. John
the Divine: Being a Presentment of the Structure of the Book and of the
Fundamental Principles of Its Interpretation, The |
Benson, Edward
White; 1829-1896. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse: Its Structure and Primary Predictions, The |
Brown, David;
1803-1897. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse: Viewed Under the Light of the Doctrines of the
Unfolding Ages and the Restitution of All Things, The |
Waller, Charles
B. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse: With a Commentary and an Introduction on the Reality
of Prediction, the History of Christendom, the Scheme of Interpretation, and
the Antichrist of St. Paul and St. John, The |
Edward. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypse: With Notes and Reflections, The |
Williams, Isaac;
1802-1865. |
1852 |
English |
Bible |
Apocalypses Apocryphae: Mosis, Esdrae, Pauli, Iohannis, Item,
Mariae Dormitio: Additis Evangeliorum Et Actuum Apocryphorum Supplementis |
1866 |
Greek |
literature |
Apocalypsis Alfordiana, or, Five Letters to the Very Rev. H.
Alford, Dean of Canterbury: In Refutation of His Apocalyptic Exposition, and
Vindication From His Criticisms of That Given in the "Horae
Apocalypticae": Together With a Brief… |
Elliott, E. B.
(Edward Bishop); 1793-1875. |
1862 |
English |
Alford, Henry |
Apocalyptic Sketches: Lectures on the Seven Churches of Asia
Minor |
Cumming, John;
1807-1881. |
1854 |
English |
Seven churches |
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English:
With Introductions and Critical and ExplanatoryNotes to the Several Books,
The |
1913 |
English |
Apocryphal books
(Old Testament) |
Apocrypha Anecdota. Second Series |
1897 |
English |
Apocryphal books |
Apocrypha Anecdota: A Collection of Thirteen Apocryphal Books
and Fragments |
1893 |
English |
Apocryphal books |
Apocrypha Arabica |
Nilsson, Martin
P. (Martin Persson); 1874-1967. |
1901 |
German |
Apocryphal books |
Apocrypha of the Old Testament: With Historical Introductions, a
Revised Translation, and Notes Critical and Explanatory, The |
Bissell, Edwin
Cone; 1832-1894. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Apocrypha Sinaitica |
1896 |
Multiple |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Apocrypha, The |
1894 |
English |
Apocrypha: Greek and English in Parallel Columns., The |
1906 |
Greek |
Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas, The |
1909 |
English |
Apocryphal Acts of
the Apostles |
Apocryphal Gospels and Other Documents Relating to the History
of Christ, The |
1897 |
English |
Apocryphes Coptes Du Nouveau Testament |
1876 |
Coptic |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Apollos, or, Studies in the Life of a Great Layman of the First
Century |
Wynne, G.
Robert; (George Robert); 1838-1912. |
1912 |
English |
Apollos |
Apologia: An Explanation and Defence |
Abbott, Edwin
Abbott; 1838-1926. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Apostle of Patience and Practice: A Simple Exposition of the
Epistle of St. James: In Fourteen Short Addresses, The |
Taylor, Frank
Johnson. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Apostle Paul: A Sketch of the Development of His Doctrine, The |
Auguste; 1839-1901. |
1896 |
English |
Paul |
Apostlernes Gjerninger Forklaret I Bibellãsninger |
Besser, W. F.
(Wilhelm Friedrich); 1816-1884. |
1863 |
Norwegian |
Bible |
Apostles of Our Lord, The |
Greenhough, John
Gersham. |
1904 |
English |
Apostles |
Apostles' School of Prophetic Interpretation: With Its History
Down to the Present Time, The |
Charles; 1815-1866. |
1849 |
English |
Bible |
Apostolic Gospel: With a Critical Reconstruction of the Text,
The |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Appeal From Tradition to Scripture and Common Sense: Or, An
Answer to the Question, What Constitutes the Divine Rule of Faith and
Practice |
Peck, George;
1797-1876. |
1844 |
English |
(Religion) |
Appendices Ad Novum Testamentum Stephanicum: Jam Inde A MillII
Temporibus Oxoniensium Manibus Tritum |
Sanday, W.
(William); 1843-1920. |
1889 |
Greek |
Bible |
Appendices to the Gospel According to Mark: A Study in Textual
Transmission, The |
Clarence Russell; b. 1870. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Appointed Time: Being Scriptural, Historical, and Astronomical
Proofs of the End of the Gentile Times in 18981, The |
Dimbleby, J. B.
(Jabez Bunting); b. 1827. |
1896 |
English |
Second Advent |
Aramaeische Pflanzennamen |
Löw, Immanuel;
1854-1944. |
1881 |
German |
Aramaic language |
Aramäische Papyrus Aus Elephantine |
1911 |
German |
Aramaic language |
Aramäische Sprichwörter Und Volkssprüche: Ein Beitrag Zur
Kenntnis Eines Ostaramäischen Dialekts Sowie Zur Vergleichenden Parömiologie |
Lewin, Moses. |
1895 |
German |
Aramaic language |
Archaeology of the Old Testament: Was the Old Testament Written
in Hebrew? |
Edouard; 1844-1926. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Are the Critics Right?: Historical & Critical Considerations
Against the Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis |
Mòller, Wilhelm. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Are There Corruptions in the New Testament?: A Condensed
Statement of the Facts Regarding the Preservation and Transmission of the New
Testament Writings |
Hastings, H. L.
(Horace Lorenzo); 1831-1899. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Aretas IV., König Der Nabatäer: Eine Historisch-Exegetische
Studie Zu 2 Kor 11, 32 F. |
Alphons. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded, The |
Green, William
Henry; 1825-1900. |
1873 |
English |
Bible |
Arkite Worship |
Balgarnie, R.
(Robert); 1826-1899. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Artaxerxes III Ochus and His Reign: With Special Consideration
of the Old Testament Sources Bearing Upon the Period |
Hirschy, Noah
Calvin. |
1909 |
English |
Artaxerxes |
As It Was in the Beginning, or, The Historic Principle Applied
to the Mosaic Scriptures |
Cridge, Edward;
1817-1913. |
1900 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Asaph Psalms: In Their Connexion With the Early Religion of
Babylonia: The Hulsean Lectures for the Year 1889, The |
King, Edward G.
(Edward George) |
1890 |
English |
Hebrew poetry,
Biblical |
Ascension of Isaiah; Translated From the Ethiopic Version,
Which, Together With the New Greek Fragment, the Latin Versions and the Latin
Translation of the Slavonic, Is Here Published in Full. Edited With
Introduction, Notes, and Indices by R. H..., The |
1900 |
English |
Bible O.T.
Apocryphal books. Ascension of Isaiah |
Aschera Und Astarte: Ein Beitrag Zur Semitischen
Religiongeschichte |
Torge, Paul; b.
1873. |
1902 |
German |
Asherah (Semitic
deity) |
Assyria: Its Princes, Priests, and People |
Sayce, A. H.
(Archibald Henry); 1845-1933. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Assyrian Echoes of the Word |
Laurie, Thomas;
1821-1897. |
1894 |
English |
literature |
Assyrian Monuments Illustrating the Sermons of Isaiah, The |
Kellner, Max;
(Maximilian) |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Assyriology: Its Use and Abuse in Old Testament Study |
Brown, Francis;
1849-1916. |
1885 |
English |
Assyriology |
Astronomy in the Old Testament |
Schiaparelli, G.
V. (Giovanni Virginio); 1835-1910. |
1905 |
English |
Astronomy in the
Bible |
Astronomy of the Bible, The |
Mitchel, O. M.
(Ormsby MacKnight); 1809-1862. |
1863 |
English |
Astronomy in the
Bible |
Astronomy of the Bible: An Elementary Commentary on the
Astronomical References of Holy Scripture, The |
Maunder, E.
Walter; (Edward Walter); 1851-1928. |
1908 |
English |
Astronomy in the
Bible |
Atlas Archèologique de La Bible: D'après Les Meilleurs
Documents, Soit Anciens, Soit Modernes Et Surtout D'après Des Dècouvertes Les
Plus Rèìcentes Faites Dans La Palestine, La Syrie, La Phènicie, L'egypte
& L'assyrie, Destinè |
Fillion, L.-Cl.
(Louis-Claude); 1843-1927. |
1883 |
French |
Bible |
Atlas Biblicus: Continens Duas Et Viginti Tabulas Quibus Accedit
Index Topographicus in Universam Geographiam Bibliam |
Hagen, Martin;
1855-1923. |
1907 |
Latin |
Bible |
Atlas D'histoire Naturelle de La Bible: D'après Les Monuments
Anciens Et Les Meilleures Sources Modernes Et Contemporaines: Destinè A
Faciliter L'intelligence Des Saintes Ecritures |
Fillion, L.-Cl.
(Louis-Claude); 1843-1927. |
1884 |
French |
Nature in the
Bible |
Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land |
Smith, George
Adam; Sir; 1856-1942. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Auchincloss' Chronology of the Holy Bible |
Auchincloss, W.
S. (William Stuart); 1842-1928. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Aus Den Briefen Des Paulus Nach Korinth |
Aner, Karl;
1879-1933. |
1913 |
German |
Bible |
Aus Israels Propheten: Amos, Hosea, Jesaja, Jeremia,
Deuterojesaja |
1914 |
German |
Bible |
Aus Masorah Und Talmudkritik: Exegetische Studien |
Bernhard. |
1892 |
German |
Masorah |
Ausführliche Grammatik Der Griechischen Sprache. Zweiter Teil;
Satzlehre |
Kühner, Raphael;
1802-1878. |
1904 |
German |
Greek language |
Ausgewählte Psalmen |
Gunkel, Hermann;
1862-1932. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Ausgewählte Psalmen |
Stöckhardt, G.
(George); 1842-1913. |
1915 |
German |
Bible |
Ausgewählte Psalmen |
Gunkel, Hermann;
1862-1932. |
1917 |
German |
Bible |
Auslegung Von Schriftabschnitten Zum Zweck Des Höheren
Schulunterrichts |
Lange, H. |
1867 |
German |
Religion in the
public schools |
Aussercanonische Paralleltexte Zu Den Evangelien |
Resch, Alfred;
1835-1912. |
1896 |
German |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Authenticity of the Gospel of St. Luke: Its Bearing Upon the
Evidences of the Truth of Christianity: Five Lectures, The |
Hervey, A. C.
(Arthur Charles); 1808-1894. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane: Essays on the
Relation of Monuments to Biblical and Classical Literature |
1899 |
English |
Archaeology |
Authority of God, or, The True Barrier Against Romish and
Infidel Aggression: Four Discourses, The |
Merle d'Aubignè,
Jean Henri; 1794-1872. |
1851 |
English |
Bible |
Authority of Holy Scripture: An Inaugural Address, The |
Briggs, Charles
A. (Charles Augustus); 1841-1913. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Authority of Scripture: A Re-Statement of the Argument, The |
Redford, R. A.
(Robert Ainslie); 1828-1906. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Authority, Ecclesiastical and Biblical |
Hall, Francis J.
(Francis Joseph); 1857-1932. |
1908 |
English |
(Religion) |
Authorized Edition of the English Bible (1611): Its Subsequent
Reprints and Modern Representatives, The |
Frederick Henry Ambrose; 1813-1891. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Authorized Version of the Bible and Its Influence, The |
Cook, Albert S.
(Albert Stanburrough); 1853-1927. |
1910 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Authorship and Date of the Books of Moses Considered: With
Special Reference to Professor Smith's Views, The |
Paul, William;
1804-1884. |
1878 |
English |
Smith, W.
Robertson |
Authorship and Historical Character of the Fourth Gospel:
Considered in Reference to the Contents of the Gospel Itself: A Critical
Essay, The |
Sanday, W.
(William); 1843-1920. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy: With Its Bearings on the
Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch, The |
McGarvey, J. W.
(John William); 1829-1911. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Authorship of the Fourth Gospel: And Other Critical Essays, The |
Abbot, Ezra;
1819-1884. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Authorship of the Fourth Gospel: External Evidences, The |
Abbot, Ezra;
1819-1884. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Authorship of the West Saxon Gospels, The |
Drake, Allison
Emery. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Autographs of Saint Paul, The |
Buell, Marcus D.
(Marcus Darius); b. 1851. |
1912 |
English |
Paul |
Autour de La Question Biblique: Une Nouvelle Ècole D'exègèse Et
Les Autoritès Qu'elle Invoque |
Delattre, A. J.
(Alphonse J.); 1841-1928. |
1904 |
French |
Bible |
Avesta Eschatology Compared With the Books of Daniel and
Revelations: Being Supplementary to Zarathushtra, Philo, the Achaemenids and
Israel |
Mills, Lawrence
Heyworth; 1837-1918. |
1908 |
English |
Eschatology |
Babel and Bible: A Lecture on the Significance of Assyriological
Research for Religion: Delivered Before the German Emperor |
Friedrich; 1850-1922. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Babel Und Bibel: Randglossen Zu Den Beiden Vorträgen Friedrich
Delitzschs |
Horovitz, Jakob;
1873-1939. |
1904 |
German |
Friedrich, 1850-1922 |
Babel Und Das Neue Testament: Ein Vortrag |
Fiebig, Paul;
1876-1949. |
1905 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Babylonian and the Hebrew Genesis, The |
Heinrich; 1862-1931. |
1901 |
English |
Babylonian |
Babylonian and the Hebrew Genesis, The |
Heinrich; 1862-1931. |
1901 |
English |
Babylonian |
Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs: Tehòm and
Tiàmat, Hades and Satan: A Comparative Study of Genesis I. 2 |
Palmer, Abram
Smythe. |
1897 |
English |
literature |
Babylonisches Im Neuen Testament |
Alfred; 1864-1935. |
1905 |
German |
Comparative |
Babylonisches Im Neuen Testament |
Karge, Paul;
1881-1922. |
1913 |
German |
Christianity and
other religions |
Back to Patmos: Prophetic Outlooks on Present Conditions |
Simpson, A. B.
(Albert B.) |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Back to the Old Testament for the Message of the New: An Effort
to Connect More Closely the Testaments, to Which Is Added a Series of Papers
on Various Old Testament Books and Subjects |
Curtis, Anson
Bartie. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Background of Sacred Story: Life Lessons From the Less-Known
Characters of the Bible, The |
Frederick. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Bards of the Bible, The |
George; 1813-1878. |
1851 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Barhebräus Und Seine Scholien Zur Heiligen Schrift |
Johann; b. 1868. |
1900 |
German |
Bar Hebraeus |
Barnabas Brief an Die Hebràer: Text Mit Angabe Der Rhythmen |
1903 |
Greek |
Basilides Am Ausgange Des Apostolischen Zeitalters Als Erster
Zeuge Für Alter Und Autorität Neutestamentlicher Schriften: Insbesondere Des
Johannesevangeliums: In Verbindung Mit Andern Zeugen Bis Zur Mitte Des
Zweiten Jahrhunderts |
Hofstede de
Groot, P. (Petrus); 1802-1886. |
1868 |
German |
Basilides |
Battle of Standpoints:the Old Testament and the Higher
Criticism, The |
Cave, Alfred;
1847-1900. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Be Perfect!: A Message From the Father in Heaven to His Children
on Earth: Meditations for a Month |
Murray, Andrew;
1828-1917. |
1893 |
English |
Perfection |
Beacon Lights of Prophecy: An Interpretation of Amos, Hosea,
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Deutero-Isaiah, The |
Knudson, Albert
Cornelius; 1873- |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New
Testament, The |
Ramsay, William
Mitchell; Sir; 1851-1939. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Beatitudes of Christ: A Study of the Way of the Blessed Life,
The |
Johnston, Howard
Agnew; 1860-1936. |
1905 |
English |
Beatitudes |
Beatitudes of the Kingdom, The |
Dykes, J.
Oswald; (James Oswald) |
1873 |
English |
Beatitudes |
Beautiful Gleaner: A Hebrew Pastoral Story: Being Familiar
Expositions of the Book of Ruth, The |
Braden, William. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
Beginning of Things in Nature and in Grace, or, A Brief
Commentary on Genesis, The |
Wight, Joseph K. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Beginnings of Gospel Story: A Historico-Critical Inquiry Into
the Sources and Structure of the Gospel According to Mark: With Expository
Notes Upon the Text: For English Readers, The |
Bacon, Benjamin
Wisner; 1860-1932. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Beginnings of History According to the Bible and the Traditions
of Oriental Peoples: From the Creation of Manto the Deluge, The |
Francìois; 1837-1883. |
1881 |
English |
History, Ancient |
Begreppet Herrens Tjànare Hos Andre-Esaias: Kritisk-Exegetisk
Undersòkning |
Matheus. |
1890 |
Swedish |
Servant of Jehovah |
Beiträge Zu Der Lehre Von Den Griechischen Präpositionen |
Mommsen, Tycho;
1819-1900. |
1895 |
German |
Greek language |
Beiträge Zu J.A. Bengel's Schrifterklärung Und Bemerkungen
Desselben Zu Dem Gnomon Novi Testamenti Aus Handscriftlichen Aufzeichnungen |
Bengel, Johann
Albrecht; 1687-1752. |
1865 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Ältesten Exegese Des Buches Threni Mit Besonderer
Berücksichtigung Des Midrasch Und Targum |
Caro, Hermann
Isaak. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Beurtheilung Der Septuaginta: Eine Würdigung
Wellhausenscher Textkritik |
Jahn, Gustav. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Erklärung Der Apostelgeschichte: Auf Grund Der
Lesarten Des Codex D Und Seiner Genossen |
Belser, Joh.
Evang. (Johannes Evangelist); 1850-1916. |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Erklärung Des Buches Daniel. Heft I; Dan. 2-6 |
Johannes; 1861-1937. |
1888 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Erklärung Des Jesaia |
Barth, J.
(Jakob); 1851-1914. |
1885 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Erklärung Und Kritik Des Buches Tobit |
Johannes; b. 1883. |
1908 |
German |
Ahikar |
Beiträge Zur Erklärung Und Textkritik Des Buches Tobias |
Adalbert; b. 1865. |
1914 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Evangelien-Kritik |
Friedrich; 1793-1859. |
1846 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Geographie Und Geschichte Galiläas |
Klein, Samuel. |
1909 |
German |
Galilee (Israel) |
Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Sixto-klementinischen Vulgata: Nach
Gedruckten Und Ungedruckten Quellen |
Hildebrand; 1872-1934. |
1913 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Jesaiakritik: Nebst Einer Studie Über Prophetische
Schriftstellerei |
Friedrich; 1852-1910. |
1890 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Kritik Des Buches Hiob: I. Die Neuere Kritik Und
Die Idee Des Buches Hiob, II. Der Sprachliche Charakter Der Elihu-Reden |
Budde, Karl. |
1876 |
German |
Bible |
Beiträge Zur Richtigen Würdigung Der Evangelien Und Der
Evangelischen Geschichte |
Wieseler, Karl;
1813-1883. |
1869 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Beiträge Zur Spracherklärung Des Neuen Testaments: Zugleich Eine
Würdigung Der Recension Meines Commentars Zum Briefe an Die Römer Von D.
Fritzsche |
Tholuck, August;
1799-1877. |
1832 |
German |
Greek language,
Biblical |
Beiträge Zur Text Und Literarkritik Sowie Zur Erklärung Der
Bücher Samuel |
Peters, Norbert;
1863-1938. |
1899 |
German |
Bible |
Beliefs About the Bible |
Savage, Minot J.
(Minot Judson); 1841-1918. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Besitzen Wir Den Ursprünglichen Text Der Heiligen Schrift?:
Vortrag |
Mühlau, F.
(Ferdinand) |
1884 |
German |
Bible |
Bethanien: Bibelstunden Über Den Philipperbrief Zum Gebrauche
Insbesondere Für Diakonissenanstalten, Kirchliche Gemeinschaften Und Das
Christliche Haus |
Borrmann, A. |
1914 |
German |
Bible |
Beyond the Natural Order: Essays on Prayer, Miracles and the
Incarnation |
Best, Nolan
Rice; 1871-1930. |
1908 |
English |
Prayer |
Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis: Being an Exact Copy, in Ordinary
Type, of the Celebrated Uncial Graeco-Latin Manuscript of the Four Gospels
and Acts of the Apostles, Written Early in the Sixth Century, and Presented
to the University of Cambridge |
1864 |
English |
Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis: Being an Exact Copy, in Ordinary
Type, of the Celebrated Uncial Graeco-Latin Manuscript of the Four Gospels
and Acts of the Apostles, Written Early in the Sixth Century, and Presented
to the University of Cambridge by Theodor. |
1864 |
English |
Bhagavad-Gita Interpreted in the Light of Christian Tradition,
The |
Sampson, Holden
E. (Holden Edward); b. 1859. |
1918 |
English |
Bhagavadgita |
Bibel Und Natur: Vorlesungen Über Die Mosaische Urgeschichte Und
Ihr Verhältniss Zu Den Ergebnissen Der Naturforshung |
Reusch, F. H.
(Franz Heinrich); 1825-1900. |
1876 |
German |
Nature in the
Bible |
Bibelatlas: Zehn Karten Zu Bunsens Bibelwerk |
Lange, Henry. |
1860 |
German |
Bible |
Bibelgeschichte: Das Ewige Reich Gottes Und Das Leben Jesu |
Christian Karl Josias; Freiherr von; 1791-1860. |
1865 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Bibelglaube Und Bibelforschung: Vorträge Und Abhandlungen |
Eduard; 1861-1927. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Bibel-Lexikon: Realwörterbuch Zum Handgebrauch Für Geistliche
Und Gemeindeglieder |
1869 |
German |
Bible |
Bibelstudien |
Hermann Gustav; 1809-1886. |
1859 |
German |
Bible |
Bibelstudien: Beiträge, Zumeist Aus Den Papyri Und Inschriften,
Zur Geschichte Der Sprache, Des Schrifttums Und Der Religion Des
Hellenistischen Judentums Und Des Urchristentums |
Gustav Adolf; 1866-1937. |
1895 |
German |
Bible |
Bibelstunden Über Das Evangelium St. Matthäi |
Ryle, J. C.
(John Charles); 1816-1900. |
1857 |
German |
Bible |
Bibelurkunden: Geschichte Der Bücher Und Herstellung Der
Urkundlichen Bibeltexte |
Christian Karl Josias; Frieherr von; 1791-1860. |
1870 |
German |
Bible |
Bibelwort Und Bibelwissenschaft: Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf
Den Evangelischen Religionsunterricht |
Walther, Ernst. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Bible |
Smith, W.
Robertson; (William Robertson); 1846-1894 |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
Bible a Miracle, or, The Word of God Its Own Witness: The
Supernatural Inspiration of the Scriptures Shown From Their Literary,
Theological, Moral, and Political Excellence, The |
MacDill, David;
1826-1903. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Among the Nations: A Study of the Great Translations, The |
Beardslee, John
Walter; 1837-1921. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Analyzed in Twenty Lectures, The |
Kelso, John
Russell; 1831-1891. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Babylon: A Brief Study in the History of Ancient
Civilization, The |
Kònig, Eduard;
1846-1936. |
1903 |
English |
literature |
Bible and Criticism, The |
Bennett, W. H.
(William Henry); 1855-1920. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Criticism: Four Lectures, The |
Rainy, Robert;
1826-1906. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and English Prose Style: Selections and Comments, The |
1892 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Bible and History Studies: Outlines, Papers and Lectures |
Eugene C. (Eugene Claremont); 1859-1940. |
1912 |
English |
Christianity |
Bible and Its Books, The |
Hamill, H. M.
(Howard Melancthon); 1847-1915. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Its Critics: An Enquiry Into the Objective Reality of
Revealed Truths: Being the Boyle Lectures forMDCCCLXI, The |
Garbett, Edward. |
1861 |
English |
Christianity |
Bible and Its Interpreters: The Popular Theory, the Roman
Theory, the Literary Theory, the Truth, The |
Irons, William
J. (William Josiah); 1812-1883. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Its Literature: An Inaugural Address, Delivered in the
Mercer-Street Church, in the City of New York, January 20, 1841, The |
Edward; 1794-1863. |
1841 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Its Study: Promptings and Helps to an Intelligent Use
of the Bible., The |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Its Transmission: Being an Historical and
Bibliographical View of the Hebrew and Greek Texts, and the Greek, Latin and
Other Versions of the Bible (Both Ms. and Printed) Prior to the Reformation,
The |
Copinger, Walter
Arthur; 1847-1910. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Modern Criticism, The |
Robert; Sir; 1841-1918. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Modern Investigation: Three Lectures Delivered to
Clergy at Norwich at the Request of the Bishop, With an Address on the
Authority of Holy Scripture, The |
Wace, Henry;
1836-1924. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Modern Life; and, Bible Words and Phrases, The |
Auerbach, Joseph
S. (Joseph Smith); 1875-1944. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Modern Thought, The |
Emerson, George
H. (George Homer); 1822-1898. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and Spiritual Criticism: Being the Second Series of Exeter
Hall Lectures on the Bible, The |
Pierson, Arthur
T. (Arthur Tappan); 1837-1911. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and the Anglo-Saxon People, The |
Canton, William;
1845-1926. |
1914 |
English |
Anglo-Saxons |
Bible and the British Museum, The |
Habershon, Ada
R. (Ada Ruth); 1861-1918. |
1909 |
English |
British Museum |
Bible and the Classics, The |
Meade, William;
Bp. 1789-1862. |
1861 |
English |
literature |
Bible and the Critics: A Reply to Modern Criticism, Etc. by
Professor George Adam Smith, Glasgow, The |
M'Ewan, John. |
1902 |
English |
Smith, George Adam |
Bible and the East, The |
Conder, C. R.
(Claude Reignier); 1848-1910. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Bible and the Monuments, The |
Eldridge B. (Eldridge Burwell); b. 1865. |
1895 |
English |
Hittites |
Bible as an Educator, The |
Northrup, B. G.
(Birdsey Grant); 1817-1898. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Bible as English Literature, The |
Gardiner, J. H.
(John Hays); 1863-1913. |
1906 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Bible as It Is. Genesis to Judges: A Simple Method of Mastering
and Understanding the Bible, The |
Alexander. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Bible as Literature, The |
1896 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Bible as Literature, The |
Wilson, John
Mills. |
1909 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Bible as Literature: An Introduction, The |
Wood, Irving
Francis; 1861-1934. |
1914 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Bible Atlas of Maps and Plans: To Illustrate the Geography and
Topography of the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, The |
Clark, Samuel;
1810-1875. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Biography: A Portrayal of the Characters in Holy Writ:
Fourth Grade Text Book in the Lutheran Graded System for Intermediate Sunday
Schools |
Whitteker, John
E. (John Edwin); 1851-1925. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Bible by Coverdale MDXXXV: Remarks on the Titles, the Year of
Publication, the Preliminary, the Water Marks, &c: With Fac-Similes, The |
Fry, Francis;
1803-1886. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters |
Moody, Dwight
Lyman; 1837-1899. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters |
Reade, Charles;
1814-1884. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters. Adam to Achan |
Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters. Ahithophel to Nehemiah |
Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters. Gideon to Absalom |
Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters. Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's Brother |
Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters. Our Lord's Characters |
Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1905 |
English |
Seven churches |
Bible Characters. Stephen to Timothy |
Alexander; 1836-1921. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Characters: Being Selections From Sermons of Alexander
Gardiner Mercer, D.D. (1817-1882) |
Alexander G. (Alexander Gardiner); 1817-1882. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Christians: Their Origin and History (1815-1900), The |
Bourne, F. W.
(Frederick William); 1830-1905. |
1905 |
English |
Bible Christians |
Bible Chronology Carefully Unfolded… |
Goodenow, Smith
B. (Smith Bartlett); 1817-1897. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Chronology From Abraham to the Christian Era |
Auchincloss, W.
S. (William Stuart); 1842-1928. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Chronology Vindicated by Its Own Internal Evidence: Dates
Tabulated |
Brown, O. M.
(Oliver May) |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Criticism and the Average Man |
Johnston, Howard
Agnew; 1860-1936. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Dictionary… |
1862 |
Tamil |
Tamil language |
Bible Difficulties and How to Meet Them: A Symposium |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Difficulties and Their Alleviative Interpretation: Old
Testament |
Robert Stuart; 1841-1923. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Doctrine of Future Punishment as Taught in the Epistles of
Paul, The |
1868 |
English |
Future punishment |
Bible Doctrine of Inspiration Explained and Vindicated, The |
Manly, B.
(Basil); 1825-1892. |
1888 |
English |
Inspiration |
Bible Doctrine of Man, or, The Anthropology and Psychology of
Scripture, The |
Laidlaw, John;
1832-1906. |
1895 |
English |
Man |
Bible Doctrine of the Future, The |
Lowber, James
William; 1847-1930. |
1906 |
English |
Future life |
Bible Doctrine of the Soul, or, Man's Nature and Destiny as
Revealed, The |
Ives, Charles L.
(Charles Linnaeus); 1831-1879. |
1878 |
English |
Soul |
Bible Doctrine of the Soul: An Answer to the Question, Is the
Popular Conception of the Soul That of Holy Scripture?, The |
Ives, Charles L.
(Charles Linnaeus); 1831-1879. |
1873 |
English |
Soul |
Bible Echoes in Ancient Classics |
Ramage, Craufurd
Tait; 1803-1878. |
1878 |
English |
Bible and
literature |
Bible Educator, The |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
Bible for Children, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Bible for Learners, The |
Oort, H.
(Henricus); 1836-1927. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Hand Book: An Introduction to the Study of Sacred
Scripture, The |
Angus, Joseph;
1816-1902. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Harmony: A Study of the Bible as a Whole, Showing That
From Genesis to the Revelation It Is a Perfectly Harmonious History of the
Progressive Creation of Man |
Adams, A. P.
(Arthur Prince); b. 1847. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Bible History |
Spalding, B. J.
(Benedict Joseph) |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Bible History for Schools and the Home |
1911 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Bible in Browning: With Particular Reference to the Ring and the
Book, The |
Machen, Minnie
Gresham. |
1903 |
English |
Browning, Robert |
Bible in English Literature, The |
Work, Edgar
Whitaker; 1862-1934. |
1917 |
English |
English literature |
Bible in Ethiopic., The |
1915 |
Ethiopic |
Bible in Modern Light: A Course of Lectures Before the Bible
Department of the Woman's Club, Omaha, The |
Conley, John
Wesley; b. 1852. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in Our Modern World, The |
Sheldon, F. M.
(Frank Milton); b. 1875. |
1917 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in Schools Plans of Many Lands |
1914 |
English |
Religion in the
public schools |
Bible in the Church: A Popular Account of the Collection and
Reception of the Holy Scriptures in the ChristianChurches, The |
Westcott, Brooke
Foss; 1825-1901. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in the Furnace: A Review of Prof. W. R. Smith's Article
"Bible" in the "Encyclopaedia Britannica", The |
Whitmore, C. J.
(Charles John) |
1877 |
English |
Smith, W.
Robertson |
Bible in the Light of Nature, of Man, and of God. Vol. I; to the
Call of Abraham: Also in Its Essential Relations to the Religions of the
World, The |
Alexander |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in the Nineteenth Century: Eight Lectures, The |
Carpenter, J.
Estlin; (Joseph Estlin); 1844-1927 |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in the World of Today, The |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in the World's Education, The |
Warren, Henry
White; 1831-1912. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Bible in Theology: An Address, The |
Fenn, William W.
(William Wallace); 1862-1932. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Institute Series; No. 2 |
Cobb, E. M.
(Edward M.); 1867-1941. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Interpretation, or, The Bible Its Own Interpreter: Word
Studies |
Lansing, John A. |
1916 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Lessons |
Abbott, Edwin
Abbott; 1838-1926. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Literature: An Introductory View of the Bible and Its
Books for the General Reader and Sixth Grade Text Book for Schools and
Colleges |
Haas, John A. W.
(John Augustus William); 1862-1937. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Lore |
Gray, James
Comper. |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Message for Modern Manhood, The |
Thoms, Craig S.
(Craig Sharp); 1860-1945. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Miniatures: Character Sketches of One Hundred and Fifty
Heroes and Heroines of Holy Writ |
Wells, Amos R.
(Amos Russell); 1862-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Months, or, The Seasons in Palestine: As Illustrative of
Scripture |
Groser, William
H. (William Howse). |
1864 |
English |
Palestine |
Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions: Being a
Comparison of the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles With Those of
Heathen Nations of Antiquity, Considering Also Their Origin and Meaning |
Doane, T. W.
(Thomas William); 1852-1885. |
1882 |
English |
Myth in the Bible |
Bible Narrative and Heathen Traditions: The Traces of the Facts
Mentioned in Genesis in the Traditions of AllNations, The |
Peet, Stephen D.
(Stephen Denison); 1831-1914. |
1870 |
English |
Bible and
literature |
Bible Not of Man, or, The Argument for the Divine Origin of the
Sacred Scriptures: Drawn From the Scriptures Themselves, The |
Gardiner; 1785-1873. |
1847 |
English |
Bible |
Bible of Our Lord and His Apostles: The Septuagint Considered in
Its Relation to the Gospel in Its History andas an Interpreter of the Old
Testament, The |
Carleton, James
G. (James George); 1848-1918. |
1888 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
Bible on the Rock: A Letter to Principal Rainy, on His Speech in
the Free Church Commission, and on ProfessorW. R. Smith's Articles in the
'Encyclopaedia Britannica', The |
Wilson, Robert. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Outline, The |
Young, E. S.
(Emanuel Sprankel); 1854-1923. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Outlines: Comprehensive Epitomes of the Leading Features
of the Books of the Old and New Testaments |
Scott, W. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Problems and the New Material for Their Solution: A Plea
for Thoroughness of Investigation Addressed to Churchmen and Scholars |
Cheyne, T. K.
(Thomas Kelly); 1841-1915. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Proofs of Universal Salvation: Containing the Principal
Passages of Scripture That Teach the Final Holiness and Happiness of All
Mankind |
Hanson, J. W.
(John Wesley); 1823-1901. |
1903 |
English |
Universalism |
Bible Reader's Encyclopaedia and Concordance: Based Upon the
Bible Reader's Manual by C.H. Wright: Under One Alphabetical Arrangement ...,
The |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Readers' Manual, or, Aids to Biblical Study for Students
of the Holy Scriptures, The |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Reading in the Early Church |
Harnack, Adolf
von; 1851-1930. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Readings and Bible Studies |
Rosenberger, I.
J. (Isaac J.); 1842-1923. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Readings: Precepts and Outlines: Second Grade Text Book in
the Lutheran Graded System for Intermediate Schools |
Theodore Emanuel; 1860-1920. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible References of John Ruskin, The |
Ruskin, John;
1819-1900. |
1898 |
English |
Ruskin, John |
Bible Societies and the Baptists |
Bitting, C. C.
(Charles Carroll); 1830-1898. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Stories and Poems: From Creation to the Captivity |
1914 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Bible Story Retold for Young People, The |
Bennett, W. H.
(William Henry); 1855-1920. |
1898 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Bible Story: First Grade Text Book in Lutheran Lesson Series for
Intermediate Sunday Schools: New and Old Testament Stories |
1897 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Bible Students' Cyclopaedia, or, Bible Marking and Reading,
Rapid System of Memorizing Biblical Facts, Treasury for the Home Circle in
Prose and Verse, The |
Snead, L. U.
(Littleton Upshur) |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Studies From the New Testament: Covering the International
Sunday School Lessons for 1890 |
Pentecost, Geo.
F. (George Frederick); 1842-1920. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Studies in the Life of Paul: Historical and Constructive |
Sell, Henry T.
(Henry Thorne); 1854-1928. |
1904 |
English |
Paul |
Bible Studies in Vital Questions |
Sell, Henry T.
(Henry Thorne); 1854-1928. |
1916 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Studies on the Sabbath Question: For the Use of Pastors,
Sabbath Schools, Young People's Classes, Home Study, Etc. |
Main, Arthur
Elwin; 1846-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Sabbath |
Bible Studies: Contributions Chiefly From Papyri and
Inscriptions to the History of the Language, the Literature, and the Religion
of Hellenistic Judaism and Primitive Christianity |
Gustav Adolf; 1866-1937. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Studies: Readings in the Early Books of the Old Testament,
With Familiar Comment |
Beecher, Henry
Ward; 1813-1887. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Study by Doctrines: Twenty-Four Studies of Great Doctrines |
Sell, Henry T.
(Henry Thorne); 1854-1928. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Study Popularized |
Lee, Frank T.
(Frank Theodosius); 1847-1934. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Text Cyclopedia: A Complete Classification of Scripture
Texts in the Form of an Alphabetical List of Subjects, The |
Inglis, James;
fl. 1859-1885. |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
Bible the Word of God, The |
Bettex, F.
(Frèdèric); 1837-1915. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Bible True to Itself: A Treatise on the Historical Truth of the
Old Testament, The |
Moody Stuart, A.
(Alexander); 1809-1898. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Bible Truths, With Shakespearian Parallels |
Selkirk, J. B.
(James Brown); 1832-1904. |
1872 |
English |
William |
Bible Vindicated Against the Aspersions of Joseph Barker, The |
Berg, Joseph F.
(Joseph Frederick); 1812-1871. |
1854 |
English |
disputations |
Bible Word Book: A Glossary of Scripture Terms Which Have
Changed Their Popular Meaning, or Are No Longer in General Use |
William; 1833-1892. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, a Book for Mankind: A Discourse Before the American Bible
Society, The |
Storrs, Richard
S. (Richard Salter); 1821-1900. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, a Sufficient Creed: Being Two Discourses, The |
Charles; 1815-1900. |
1846 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, Is It the Word of God?: Bennett Lectures for 1898., The |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, Its Origin and Nature: Seven Lectures, The |
Dods, Marcus;
1834-1909. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, The |
Hovey, Alvah;
1820-1903. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, the Best Book in the World: An Address, The |
Stucker, Edwin
S. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Bible, the Church, and the Reason: The Three Great Fountains of
Divine Authority, The |
Briggs, Charles
A. (Charles Augustus); 1841-1913. |
1892 |
English |
(Religion) |
Bible: A General Introduction, The |
Alleman, Herbert
Christian; 1868-1953. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Bible: An Outgrowth of Theocratic Life, The |
Simon, D. W.
(David Worthington); 1830-1909. |
1886 |
English |
Bible as
literature |
Bible: Its Evidences, Characteristics, and Effects: A Lecture,
The |
Perry, Charles. |
1873 |
English |
Bible |
Bible: Its Meaning and Supremacy, The |
Farrar, Frederic
William; 1831-1903. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Bible: Its Origin and Authority, The |
Lofthouse, W. F.
(William Frederick); b. 1871. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Bible: Its Origin, Its Significance, and Its Abiding Worth, The |
Peake, Arthur S.
(Arthur Samuel); 1865-1929. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Bible: Its Revelation, Inspiration, and Evidence, The |
Robson, John;
1836-1908. |
1883 |
English |
Revelation |
Bible: Whence and What?, The |
Richard B. (Richard Brodhead) |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Bible's Authority Supported by the Bible's History: In Four
Chapters, The |
Gauss, J. H. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition MDCCCLXXVII, or, A
Bibliographical Description of Nearly One Thousand Representative Bibles in
Various Languages Chronologically Arranged From the First Bible Printed by
Gutenberg in 1450-1456 to the Last Bible Printed, The |
Stevens, Henry;
1819-1886. |
1878 |
English |
Caxton, William |
Bibles of England: A Plain Account for Plain People of the
Principal Versions of the Bible in English, The |
Edgar, Andrew;
1831-1890. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Bible-Work, or Bible Reader's Commentary: The New Testament in
Two Volumes: With Illustrations, Maps and Diagrams, The |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Biblia Anagrammatica, or, The Anagrammatic Bible: A Literary
Curiosity |
Begley, Walter;
1845-1905. |
1904 |
Latin |
Bible |
Biblia Cabalistica, or, The Cabalistic Bible: Showing How the
Various Numerical Cabalas Have Been Curiously Applied to the Holy Scriptures,
With Numerous Textual Examples Ranging From Genesis to the Apocalypse, and
Collected From Books of The… |
Begley, Walter;
1845-1905. |
1903 |
English |
Cabala |
Biblia Hebraica |
1905 |
Hebrew |
Biblia Pauperum: Nach Dem Original in Der Lyceumsbibliothek Zu
Constanz |
1892 |
German |
Block-books |
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V Pont. Max. Iussu
Recognita Et Clementis VIII Auctoritate Edita |
1914 |
Latin |
Biblical and Literary Essays |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical and Literary Essays |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical and Semitic Studies: Critical and Historical Essays |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Antiquities of Philo, The |
Pseudo-Philo. |
1917 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Antiquities: A Description of the Exhibit at the Cotton
States International Exposition, Atlanta, 1895 |
Adler, Cyrus;
1863-1940. |
1898 |
English |
Cotton States
International Exposition |
Biblical Antiquities: A Hand Book for Use in Seminaries, Sabbath
Schools, Families and by Students of the Bible |
Bissell, Edwin
Cone; 1832-1894. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Apocalyptics: A Study of the Most Notable Revelations
of God and of Christ in the Canonical Scriptures |
Terry, Milton S.
(Milton Spenser); 1840-1914. |
1898 |
English |
literature |
Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer: With Geographical
Descriptions and Copious Bible References |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Chronology |
Besse, H. T.
(Henry True) |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians,
Ephesians, Colossians, and Thessalonians |
Hermann; 1796-1839. |
1851 |
English |
Bible. N.T.
Epistles of Paul |
Biblical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Philippians,
to Titus, and the First to Timothy |
August; 1818-1908. |
1851 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on St. Paul's First and Second Epistles to
the Corinthians |
Hermann; 1796-1839. |
1855 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews: In
Continuation of the Work of Olshausen |
Ebrard, Johannes
H. A. (Johannes Heinrich August); 1818-1888. |
1853 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on the New Testament |
Hermann; 1796-1839. |
1858 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Ezekiel |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Criticism |
Stubbs, William;
1825-1901. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Criticism and Modern Thought, or, The Place of the Old
Testament Documents in the Life of Today |
Jordan, W. G.
(William George); 1854-1939. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Criticism: A Brief Discussion of Its History,
Principles and Methods |
Haas, John A. W.
(John Augustus William); 1862-1937. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Epochs |
Hart, Burdett;
1821-1906. |
1896 |
English |
Teleology |
Biblical Essays |
Kenrick, John;
1788-1877. |
1864 |
English |
Glossolalia |
Biblical Essays |
Joseph Barber; 1828-1889. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Essays |
Joseph Barber; 1828-1889. |
1893 |
English |
Paul |
Biblical Essays |
Joseph Barber; 1828-1889. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Essays, or, Exegetical Studies on the Books of Job and
Jonah, Ezekiel's Prophecy of Gog and Magog, St. Peter's "Spirits in
Prison," and the Key to the Apocalypse |
Wright, Charles
H. H. (Charles Henry Hamilton); 1836-1909. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Fragments From Mount Sinai |
1890 |
Greek |
Biblical Geography and History |
Kent, Charles
Foster; 1867-1925. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Geography of Asia Minor, Phoenicia, and Arabia, The |
Ern. Frid. Car. 1768-1835. |
1841 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Gleanings, or, A Collection of Passages of Scripture
That Have Been Generally Considered to Be Mistranslated in the Received
English Version: With Proposed Corrections, Also the Important Various
Readings in Both Testaments, and Occa |
Wemyss, Thomas. |
1815 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Hermeneutics, or, The Art of Scripture Interpretation |
Seiler, Georg
Friedrich; 1733-1807. |
1835 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Hermeneutics: A Treatise on the Interpretation of the
Old and New Testaments |
Terry, Milton S.
(Milton Spenser); 1840-1914. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Hermeneutics: Chiefly a Translation... |
Cellèrier, J. E.
(Jacob Elisèe); 1785-1862. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical History |
Briggs, Charles
A. (Charles Augustus); 1841-1913. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Introduction |
Bennett, W. H.
(William Henry); 1855-1920. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Lectures |
Driver, I. D. |
1888 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Biblical Lectures: Ten Popular Essays on General Aspects of the
Sacred Scriptures |
Gigot, Francis
E. (Francis Ernest); 1859-1920. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Manuscripts and Books in the Library of the Jewish
Theological Seminary (Mostly From the Sulzberger Collection): Exhibited at
the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis Held at
the Seminary, December 29-30... |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Psychology: In Four Parts |
Jonathan Langstaff; 1804-1870. |
1873 |
English |
Future life |
Biblical Quotations in Old English Prose Writers. Second Series |
1903 |
Anglo-Saxon |
Biblical Researches in Palestine, and in the Adjacent Regions: A
Journal of Travels in the Year 1838 |
Edward; 1794-1863. |
1856 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Scholarship and Inspiration: Two Papers |
Evans, Llewelyn
J. (Llewelyn Joan); 1833-1892. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Study: Its Principles Methods and History: Together
With a Catalogue of Books of Reference |
Briggs, Charles
A. (Charles Augustus); 1841-1913. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Study: Its Principles, Methods, and History: Together
With a Catalogue of Books of Reference |
Briggs, Charles
A. (Charles Augustus); 1841-1913. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Tables: An Epitome of Various Important Statistics of
the Scriptures: A Complete Handbook of Reference for Readers, Teachers, and
Students of the Bible |
Osborn, H. S.
(Henry Stafford); 1823-1894. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Teachings Concerning the Sabbath and the Sunday |
Lewis, Abram
Herbert; 1836-1908. |
1888 |
English |
Sabbath |
Biblical Text of Clement of Alexandria in the Four Gospels and
the Acts of the Apostles, The |
Barnard, P.
Mordaunt; (Percy Mordaunt); b. 1868. |
1899 |
Greek |
Clement |
Biblical Theology of the New Testament |
Schmid, Chr. Fr.
(Christian Friedrich); 1794-1852. |
1870 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Biblical Theology of the New Testament |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1883 |
English |
Christianity |
Biblical Theology of the New Testament |
Weidner, Revere
Franklin; 1851-1915. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Theology of the New Testament, The |
Gould, Ezra P.
(Ezra Palmer); 1841-1900. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Theology of the Old Testament: Based on Oehler |
Weidner, Revere
Franklin; 1851-1915. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Biblical Things Not Generally Known. First Series: A Collection
of Facts, Notes and Information Concerning Much That Is Rare, Quaint,
Obscure, and Little Known in Relation to Biblical Subjects. |
1879 |
English |
Bible |
Biblicarum Quaestionum Decas |
Francesco Saverio; 1797-1881. |
1877 |
Latin |
Bible |
Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek |
Cremer, Hermann;
1834-1903. |
1880 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
Bibliographia Geographica Palaestinae: Zunächst Kritische
Uebersicht Gedruckter Und Ungedruckter Beschreibungen Der Reisen Ins Heilige
Land |
Tobler, Titus. |
1867 |
German |
Palestine |
Bibliotheca Biblica: A Select List of Books on Sacred
Literature: With Notices, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical |
Orme, William;
1787-1830. |
1824 |
English |
Bible |
Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Graeci: Cuius Editiones Ab Initio
Typographiae Ad Nostram Aetatem Impressas Quotquot Reperiri Potuerunt |
Reuss, Eduard;
1804-1891. |
1872 |
Latin |
Bible |
Bibliothecae Syriacae |
1892 |
Syriac |
Biblische Chronologie Und Zeitrechnung Der Hebräer |
Mahler, Eduard;
1857-1945. |
1887 |
German |
Bible |
Biblische Geschichte: Der Heiligen Schrift |
Kurtz, J. H.
(Johann Heinrich); 1809-1890. |
1865 |
German |
Bible |
Biblische Hermeneutik |
Hofmann, J. Chr.
K. von; (Johann Christian Konrad); 1810-1877. |
1880 |
German |
Bible |
Biblische Liebeslieder: Das Sogenannte Hohelied Salomos: Unter
Steter Berücksichtigung Der Übersetzungen Goethes Und Herders Im Versmasse
Der Urschrift |
Haupt, Paul;
1858-1926. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
Biblische Mythologie Des Alten Und Neuen Testamentes: Versuch
Einer Neuen Theorie Zur Aufhellung Der Dunkelheiten Und Scheinbaren
Widersprüche in Den Canonischen Büchern Der Juden Und Christen |
Nork, F.
1803-1850. |
1842 |
German |
Myth in the Bible |
Biblische Theologie Des Alten Testaments |
Kautzsch, E.
(Emil); 1841-1910. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Biblisches Realwoerterbuch: Zum Handgebrauch Für Studirende,
Candidaten, Gymnasiallehrer Und Prediger |
Winer, Georg
Benedikt; 1789-1858. |
1848 |
German |
Bible |
Biblisk Historia for Hemmet Och Skolan |
1887 |
Swedish |
Bible stories |
Bibliska Beràttelser Ur Nya Och Gamla Testamentet: Barnens
Fòrsta Làrobak I Bibliska Historien |
Zetterstrand, E.
A. (Ernst Adrian) |
1904 |
Swedish |
Bible stories,
Swedish |
Bibliska Studier. Andra Delennya Testamentet |
Godet, Frèdèric
Louis; 1812-1900. |
1878 |
Swedish |
Bible |
Bibliska Studier. Fòrsta Delen; Gamla Testamentet |
Godet, Frèdèric
Louis; 1812-1900. |
1879 |
Swedish |
Bible |
Biblìusògur Og Àgrip Af Kirkjusògunni Handa Bòrnum |
Klaveness, Th.
(Thorvald); 1844-1915. |
1910 |
Icelandic |
Bible stories,
Icelandic |
Bijdrage Tot de Tekstkritiek Van Richteren I-XVI |
Doornink, Adam
van. |
1879 |
Dutch |
Bible |
Bishop Colenso's Objections to the Historical Character of the
Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua (Contained in Part I) |
Benisch, A.
(Abraham); 1811-1878. |
1863 |
English |
Colenso, John
William |
Bishop's English: A Series of Criticisms on the Right Rev.
Bishop Thornton's Laudation of the Revised Versionof the Scriptures, and Also
on the English of the Revisers, Showing That the Version Put Forth by Them,
and Likewise the Authori, The |
Moon, G.
Washington; (George Washington); 1823-1909. |
1904 |
English |
English language |
Bixby Gospels, The |
Goodspeed, Edgar
Johnson; 1871-1962. |
1915 |
English |
Bixby, William K |
Book and Its Story: A Narrative for the Young, The |
L. N. R.
1810-1879. |
1861 |
English |
British and
Foreign Bible Society |
Book and the Message, The |
Alleman, Herbert
Christian; 1868-1953. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Book by Book: Popular Studies on the Canon of Scripture |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Book Genesis: A True History: The Book Genesis Shewn by
Comparison With the Other Books of the Old Testament and Early Ancient
Records to Be a True History and the First Book of the Hebrew Revelation, The |
Frederick; 1844-1906. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Book Method of Bible Study, The |
Evans, William;
1870-1950. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Adam and Eve: Also Called the Conflict of Adam and Eve
With Satan: A Book of the Early Eastern Church, The |
1882 |
English |
Apocryphal books
(Old Testament) |
Book of Amos, The |
Schmoller, Otto. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Amos, The |
Edghill, Ernest
Arthur; d. 1912. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Books: A Brief Introduction to the Bible for Christian
Teachers and Readers, The |
Schaller, John;
1859-1920. |
1918 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Books: A Study of the Bible, The |
Ragg, Lonsdale;
1866-1945. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Books: What It Is, How to Study It, The |
Evans, William;
1870-1950. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel & the Minor Prophets, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel From the Christian Standpoint: With Essay on
Alleged Historical Difficulties, by the Editor ofthe "Babylonian and
Oriental Record": With Illustrations, The |
Kennedy, John;
1813-1900. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel Unlocked, The |
Auchincloss, W.
S. (William Stuart); 1842-1928. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel, or, The Second Volume of Prophecy, The |
Murphy, James G.
(James Gracey); 1808-1896. |
1885 |
English |
Messiah |
Book of Daniel, The |
Farrar, Frederic
William; 1831-1903. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel: Introduction, Revised Version With Notes, Index
and Map, The |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Daniel: With Notes and Introduction, The |
Christopher; 1807-1885. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Deuteronomy, The |
Harper, Andrew;
b. 1844. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Deuteronomy, The |
Walter R. (Walter Robert); b. 1863. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Deuteronomy: In the Revised Version: With Introduction
and Notes, The |
Smith, George
Adam; Sir; 1856-1942. |
1918 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ecclesiastes Explained, The |
Macdonald, James
M. (James Madison); 1812-1876. |
1856 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ecclesiastes, The |
Marshall, J. T.
(John Turner); 1850-1923. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ecclesiastes: A New Metrical Translation: With an
Introduction and Explanatory Notes, The |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ecclesiastes: Its Meaning and Its Lessons, The |
Robert; 1802-1875. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ecclesiastes: With a New Translation, The |
Cox, Samuel;
1826-1893. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Enlightenment for the Instruction of the Inquirer, The |
Jacob; son of
Aaron. |
1913 |
English |
Samaritans |
Book of Enoch, The |
Schodde, George
Henry; 1854-1917. |
1882 |
English |
Ethiopic book of
Enoch |
Book of Enoch: Translated From Professor Dillmann's Ethiopic
Text: Emended and Revised in Accordance With Hitherto Uncollated Ethiopic
Mss. and With the Gizeh and Other Greek and Latin Fragments Which Are Here
Published in Full, The |
Charles, R. H.
(Robert Henry); 1855-1931. |
1893 |
English |
Ethiopic book of
Enoch |
Book of Esther: A New Translation: With Critical Notes,
Excursuses, Maps and Plans, and Illustrations, The |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Esther: Illustrative of Character & Providence, The |
M'Ewan, Thomas. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Esther: Its Practical Lessons and Dramatic Scenes, The |
Alexander. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Esther: Theologically and Homiletically Expounded, The |
Schultz, Fr. W.
(Friedrich Wilhelm); 1828-1888. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Esther: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Streane, A. W.
(Annesley William); 1844-1915. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Exodus, The |
Chadwick, G. A.
(George Alexander); 1840-1923. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Exodus: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Exodus: With Introduction and Notes, The |
McNeile, A. H.
(Alan Hugh); 1871-1933. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ezekiel, The |
Skinner, John;
1851-1925. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ezra, The |
Schultz, Fr. W.
(Friedrich Wilhelm); 1828-1888. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis in Hebrew: With a Critically Revised Text,
Various Readings, and Grammatical and Critical Notes, The |
1859 |
Hebrew |
Bible |
Book of Genesis in the Light of Modern Knowledge, The |
Elwood; 1862-1940. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis, and Part of the Book of Exodus: A Revised
Version, With Marginal References, and an Explanatory Commentary, The |
Alford, Henry;
1810-1871. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis, The |
Candlish, Robert
Smith; 1806-1873. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis, The |
Dods, Marcus;
1834-1909. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis, The |
Wade, G.
Woosung; (George Woosung); b. 1858. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis, The |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis, The |
Calvin; 1842-1912. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Genesis: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Ryle, Herbert
Edward; 1856-1925. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Habakkuk, The |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Habakkuk: Introduction, Translation, and Notes on the
Hebrew Text, The |
George G. V. (George Gordon Vigor); 1879 or 80-1918. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Haggai, The |
McCurdy, James
Frederick; 1847-1935. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Hosea, The |
Schmoller, Otto. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Isaiah |
Henry; 1912-1883. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Isaiah Chronologically Arranged: An Amended Version With
Historical and Critical Introductions and Explanatory Notes, The |
Cheyne, T. K.
(Thomas Kelly); 1841-1915. |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Isaiah, The |
Smith, George
Adam; Sir; 1856-1942. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Isaiah, The |
Smith, George
Adam; Sir; 1856-1942. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Isaiah, The |
Box, G. H.
(George Herbert); 1869-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Jeremiah and Lamentations, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Jeremiah: Chapters XXI-lII, The |
Bennett, W. H.
(William Henry); 1855-1920. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Jeremiah: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Douglas, George
C. M. (George Cunningham Monteath); 1826-1904. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job & the Book of Ruth, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job in the Revised Version, The |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, and the Prophets, The |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, The |
Renan, Ernest;
1823-1892. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, The |
Watson, Robert
A. (Robert Alexander); 1845-1921. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, The |
Gibson, Edgar C.
S. (Edgar Charles Sumner); 1848-1924. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, The |
Marshall, J. T.
(John Turner); 1850-1923. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, The |
Aitken, James;
d. 1921. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job, The |
Strahan, James;
1863-1926. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job: A New Critically Revised Translation: With Essays
on Scansion, Date, Etc., The |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job: A Rhythmical Version With Introduction and
Annotations, The |
Lewis, Tayler;
1802-1877. |
1902 |
English |
Hebrew language |
Book of Job: The Text of the Revised Version Adapted to Modern
Printing, The |
1892 |
English |
Book of Job: With Notes, Introduction and Appendix, The |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Job: With Notes, Introduction and Appendix, The |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1918 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joel, The |
Schmoller, Otto. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Jonah in Four Semitic Versions: Viz. Chaldee, Syriac,
Aethiopic, and Arabic: With Corresponding Glossaries, The |
1857 |
Aramaic |
Book of Jonah, The |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Jonah: Preceded by a Treatise on the Hebrew and the
Stranger, The |
Kalisch, M. M.
(Marcus Moritz) |
1878 |
English |
Gentiles in the
Old Testament |
Book of Joshua |
Whedon, D. D.
(Daniel Denison); 1808-1885. |
1873 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua & the Book of Judges, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua, The |
Fay, F. R. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua, The |
Douglas, George
C. M. (George Cunningham Monteath); 1826-1904. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua, The |
Blaikie, William
Garden; 1820-1899. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua: A Critical and Expository Commentary of the
Hebrew Text, The |
Lloyd, John;
Rector of Llanvapley. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Cooke, G. A.
(George Albert); 1865-1939. |
1918 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua: With Map, Introduction, and Notes, The |
Black, J.
Sutherland; (John Sutherland); 1846-1923. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Joshua: With Notes, Maps, and Introduction, The |
Maclear, G. F.
(George Frederick); 1833-1902. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Jubilees, or, The Little Genesis, The |
1902 |
English |
Book of Judges in Greek: According to the Text of Codex
Alexandrinus, The |
1897 |
Greek |
Book of Judges, The |
Cassel, Paulus;
1821-1892. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Judges, The |
Douglas, George
C. M. (George Cunningham Monteath); 1826-1904. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Judges, The |
Curtis, Edward
Lewis; 1853-1911. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Judges: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Cooke, G. A.
(George Albert); 1865-1939. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Judges: With Map, Introduction, and Notes, The |
Black, J.
Sutherland; (John Sutherland); 1846-1923. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Judges: With Map, Notes and Introduction, The |
Lias, J. J.
(John James); 1834-1923. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Koheleth, Commonly Called Ecclesiastes: Considered in
Relation to Modern Criticism, and to the Doctrines of Modern Pessimism: With
a Critical and Grammatical Commentary and a Revised Translation, The |
Wright, Charles
H. H. (Charles Henry Hamilton); 1836-1909. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Leviticus, The |
Kellogg, S. H.
(Samuel Henry); 1839-1899. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Leviticus, The |
Genung, George
F. (George Frederick) |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Leviticus: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Chapman, A. T.
(Arthur Thomas); d. 1913. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Malachi, The |
Packard, Joseph;
1812-1902. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Micah, The |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Micah: A New Metrical Translation With Restoration of
the Hebrew Text and Explanatory and Critical Notes, The |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Nahum, The |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Nehemiah, The |
Crosby, Howard;
1826-1891. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Numbers, The |
Watson, Robert
A. (Robert Alexander); 1845-1921. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Numbers, The |
Genung, George
F. (George Frederick) |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Numbers: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
McNeile, A. H.
(Alan Hugh); 1871-1933. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Obadiah, The |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Proverbs, The |
Horton, Robert
F. (Robert Forman); 1855-1934. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Proverbs, The |
Berry, George
Ricker; 1865-1945. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Proverbs: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text With
Notes, The |
1901 |
Hebrew |
Bible |
Book of Proverbs: In an Amended Version: With an Introduction
and Explanatory Notes, The |
Joseph; 1798-1884. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms in Hebrew and English: Arranged in Parallelism.,
The |
1861 |
English |
Book of Psalms, The |
Hibbard, F. G.
(Freeborn Garretson); 1811-1895. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms, The |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms: Containing a Free Metrical Rendering, a
Rhythmical Translation, an Extended Introduction, anda Tabular Analysis of
the Entire Book, Also a Logical, Exegetical, and Practical Exposition, and
Lexical, Grammatical, and..., The |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms: Exegetically and Practically Considered, The |
Thomas, David;
1813-1894. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms: Translated From a Revised Text With Notes and
Introduction, The |
Cheyne, T. K.
(Thomas Kelly); 1841-1915. |
1904 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Kirkpatrick, A.
F. (Alexander Francis); 1849-1940. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Psalms: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Cobb, W. F.
(William Frederick) |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Revelation, or, The Last Volume of Prophecy, The |
Murphy, James G.
(James Gracey); 1808-1896. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Revelation, The |
1849 |
English |
Book of Revelation, The |
William; 1821-1893. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Revelation, The |
Dean, J. T.
(John Taylor); b. 1866. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Revelation: An Exposition: Based on the Principles of
Prof. Stuart's Commentary, and Designed to Familiarize Those Principles to
the Minds of Non-Professional Readers, The |
Warren, Israel
P. (Israel Perkins); 1814-1892. |
1886 |
English |
Stuart, Moses |
Book of Revelation: Study and Translation of the Symbols, The |
Moore, T. W.
(Theophilus Wilson) |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Rules of Tyconius, The |
Ticonius; 4th
cent. |
1894 |
Latin |
Bible |
Book of Ruth in Hebrew: With a Critically Revised Text, Various
Readings, Including a New Collation of Twenty-Eight Hebrew Mss. (Most of Them
Not Previously Collated): And a Grammatical and Critical Commentary: To Which
Is Appended the..., The |
Wright, Charles
H. H. (Charles Henry Hamilton); 1836-1909. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ruth, The |
Cassel, Paulus;
1821-1892. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ruth: A Literal Translation From the Hebrew: With Full
Grammatical Notes and Vocabularies, The |
1912 |
English |
Readers |
Book of Ruth: A Popular Exposition, The |
Cox, Samuel;
1826-1893. |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Ruth: In the Revised Version: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Cooke, G. A.
(George Albert); 1865-1939. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Beginnings: A Study of Genesis: With an Introduction
to the Pentateuch, The |
Newton, R.
Heber; (Richard Heber); 1840-1914. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Patriarch Job, The |
1837 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophecies of Isaiah, The |
McFadyen, John
Edgar; 1870-1933. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Daniel, The |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Daniel, The |
Zòckler, Otto;
1833-1906. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text
With Notes, The |
1899 |
Hebrew |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: In the Revised Version: With Notes
and Introduction, The |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1916 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: Theologically and Homiletically
Expounded, The |
Schroeder, Fr.
Wilhelm Julius; (Friedrich Wilhelm Julius); 1817-1876. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: Translated From the Original
Hebrew: With a Commentary, Critical Philological, and Exegetical, The |
Henderson, E.
(Ebenezer); 1784-1858. |
1870 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Redpath, Henry
A. (Henry Adeney); 1848-1908. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: With Notes and Introduction, The |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapters I. XXXIX: With Introduction
and Notes, The |
Skinner, John;
1851-1925. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapters I-XXXIX: In the Revised
Version: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Skinner, John;
1851-1925. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapters Xl-lXVI: In the Revised
Version: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Skinner, John;
1851-1925. |
1917 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapters Xl-LXVI: With Introduction
and Notes, The |
Skinner, John;
1851-1925. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah, The |
Henderson, E.
(Ebenezer); 1784-1858. |
1840 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah: A New English Translation Printed in
Colors Exhibiting the Composite Structure ofthe Book, The |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Isaiah: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Wade, G.
Woosung; (George Woosung); b. 1858. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah and That of the Lamentations:
Translated From the Original Hebrew: With a Commentary, Critical,
Philological, and Exegetical, The |
Henderson, E.
(Ebenezer); 1784-1858. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, The |
Brown, Charles
Rufus; 1849-1914. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: A Revised Translation With
Introductions and Short Explanations, The |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: Critical Edition of the Hebrew
Text, The |
1895 |
Hebrew |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: Theologically and Homiletically
Expounded, The |
Nàgelsbach, C.
W. Eduard; (Carl Wilhelm Eduard); 1815-1880. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: Together With the Lamentations:
With Map, Notes and Introduction, The |
Streane, A. W.
(Annesley William); 1844-1915. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Revelation, The |
Scott, C. A.
Anderson; (Charles Archibald Anderson); 1859-1941. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Secrets of Enoch, The |
Charles, R. H.
(Robert Henry); 1855-1931. |
1896 |
English |
Slavonic book of
Enoch |
Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets, The |
Henderson, E.
(Ebenezer); 1784-1858. |
1858 |
English |
Bible |
Book of the Twelve Prophets: Commonly Called the Minor, The |
Smith, George
Adam; Sir; 1856-1942. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Thekla, The |
1901 |
English |
Book of Tobit: A Chaldee Text From a Unique Ms. in the Bodleian
Library: With Other Rabbinical Texts, EnglishTranslations and the Itala, The |
1878 |
Multiple |
Book of Wisdom: The Greek Text, the Latin Vulgate and the
Authorised English Version: With an Introduction, Critical Apparatus and a
Commentary, The |
Deane, William
J. (William John); 1823-1895. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Wisdom: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Goodrick, A. T.
S. (Alfred Thomas Scrope); b. 1857. |
1913 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Zechariah, The |
Chambers, Talbot
W. (Talbot Wilson); 1819-1896. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book of Zephaniah, The |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Book Opened, or, An Analysis of the Bible, The |
Nevin, Alfred;
1816-1890. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Book, or, When and by Whom the Bible Was Written, The |
Blake, S. Leroy;
(Silas Leroy); 1834-1902. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Books and Their Use: An Address, to Which Is Appended a List of
Books for Students of the New Testament |
Thayer, Joseph
Henry; 1828-1901. |
1893 |
English |
Bible scholars |
Books for Old Testament Study: An Annotated List for Popular and
Professional Use |
Smith, J. M.
Powis; (John Merlin Powis); 1866-1932. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Chronicles in Relation to the Pentateuch and the
"Higher Criticism": Five Lectures, The |
Hervey, A. C.
(Arthur Charles); 1808-1894. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Chronicles, The |
Bennett, W. H.
(William Henry); 1855-1920. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Chronicles: With Maps, Notes and Introduction, The |
Elmslie, W. A.
L. (William Alexander Leslie) |
1916 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Chronicles: With Maps, Notes, and Introduction, The |
Barnes, W.
Emery; (William Emery); 1859-1939. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Ezra and Nehemiah: With Introduction, Notes and Maps,
The |
Ryle, Herbert
Edward; 1856-1925. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther, The |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, The |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1873 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of
Solomon According to the Wycliffite Version, The |
1881 |
Middle English |
Books of Joel and Amos: With Introduction and Notes, The |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Davidson, A. B.
(Andrew Bruce); 1831-1902. |
1920 |
English |
Bible |
Books of Samuel, The |
Erdmann, David;
1821-1905. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Apocrypha: Their Origin, Teaching and Contents, The |
Oesterley, W. O.
E. (William Oscar Emil); 1866-1950. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Bible: With Relation to Their Place in History |
Hazard, M. C.
(Marshall Custiss); 1839-1929. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Chronicles, The |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Chronicles, The |
Zòckler, Otto;
1833-1906. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Kings of Judah and Israel: A Harmony of the Books
of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles in the Text ofthe Version of 1884, The |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Kings, The |
Bàhr, Karl
Christian Wilhelm Felix; 1801-1874. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the New Testament, The |
Leighton; 1865-1940. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the New Testament, The |
Martin, G.
Currie; (George Currie); 1865-1937. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Old and New Testaments Canonical and Inspired: With
Remarks on the Apocrypha, The |
Haldane, Robert;
1764-1842. |
1846 |
English |
Bible |
Books of the Prophets in Their Historical Succession, The |
Findlay, George
G. (George Gillanders); 1849-1919. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Boy Who Would Be King and Other Bible Stories, The |
Elizabeth D. (Elizabeth Delp); 1863-1951. |
1906 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Breath of God: A Sketch: Historical, Critical and Logical of the
Doctrine of Inspiration, The |
Hallam, Frank. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Bremen Lectures on Great Religious Questions of Today, The |
1898 |
English |
Christianity |
Brevis Linguae Chaldaicae: Grammatica, Litteratura,
Chrestomathia: Cum Glossario: In Usum Praelectionum Et Studiorum |
Petermann, Jul.
Henr. (Julius Heinrich); 1801-1876. |
1872 |
Aramaic |
Aramaic language |
Brief Documentary History of the Translation of the Scriptures
Into the Arabic Language. |
Smith, Eli;
1801-1857 |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Brief Notes on the Greek of the New Testament |
Trench, Francis
Chenevix; 1806-1886. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
Briefe Über Die Christliche Religion |
Müller, F. A. |
1870 |
German |
Christianity |
British Museum Karaite Mss: Descriptions and Collation of Six
Karaite Manuscripts of Portions of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic Characters:
With a Complete Reproduction of the Autotype Process of One, Exodus I,
1-VIII, 5, in 42 Facsimiles |
Reinhart; b. 1855. |
1889 |
English |
Karaite |
Bruchstùcke Der Sahidischen Bibelùbersetzung: Nach Handschriften
Der Kaiserlichen Òffentlichen Bibliothek Zu St. Petersburg |
1885 |
Coptic |
Bible |
Bruchstùcke Des Ersten Clemensbriefes: Nach Dem Achmimischen
Papyrus Der Strassburger Universitàts-Und Landesbibliothek, Mit Biblischen
Texten Derselben Handschrift |
Clement; I;
Pope. |
1910 |
Coptic |
Bruchstücke Des Evangeliums Und Der Apokalypse Des Petrus |
Harnack, Adolf
von; 1851-1930. |
1893 |
German |
Gospel of Peter |
Bruchstùcke Einer Vorhieronymianischen Ùbersetzung Des
Pentateuch: Aus Einem Palimpseste Der K. Hof-Und Staatsbibliothek Zu Mùnchen |
1883 |
Latin |
Staatsbibliothek |
Buddhistische Und Neutestamentliche Erzählungen: Das Problem
Ihrer Gegenseitigen Beeinflussung |
Faber, Georg; b.
1889. |
1913 |
German |
Christianity and
other religions |
Builders of Babel, The |
Dominick; 1806-1873. |
1874 |
English |
Babel, Tower of |
Building Up of the Old Testament, The |
Robert Baker; 1836-1923. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Bulwarks of the Faith: A Brief and Popular Treatise on the
Evidences of Christianity, or the Authenticity, Truth and Inspiration of the
Holy Scriptures: Arranged With Questions for Use in Bible Institutes and
Training Schools, The |
Gray, James M.
(James Martin); 1851-1935. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Buried Cities and Bible Countries |
St. Clair,
George; b. 1836. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Buried With Christ in Baptism, or, An Essay on Romans 6:3-4 |
Boas, J. Rev. |
1876 |
English |
Baptism |
By the Still Waters: A Meditation on the Twenty-Third Psalm |
Miller, J. R.
(James Russell); 1840-1912. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version, The |
1873 |
English |
Can We Trust the Bible?: Chapters on Biblical Criticism |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Canon and Text of the New Testament |
Gregory, Caspar
Renè; 1846-1917. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Canon and Text of the Old Testament |
Buhl, Frants;
1850-1932. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Canon Muratorianus: The Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the
New Testament |
Samuel Prideaux; 1813-1875. |
1867 |
English |
ambrosiana |
Canon of the Bible: Its Formation, History, and Fluctuations,
The |
Samuel; 1806-1898. |
1899 |
English |
Bible |
Canon of the Holy Scriptures From the Double Point of View of
Science and of Faith, The |
Gaussen, S. R.
L. (Samuel Robert Louis); 1790-1863. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or, The Bible
Complete Without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions, The |
Archibald; 1772-1851. |
1851 |
English |
Bible |
Canon of the Old Testament, The |
Mullen, Tobias;
1818-1900. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Canon of the Old Testament: An Essay on the Gradual Growth and
Formation of the Hebrew Canon of Scripture, The |
Ryle, Herbert
Edward; 1856-1925. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Canonical and Uncanonical Gospels: With a Translation of the
Recently Discovered Fragment of the Gospel of Peter and a Selection From the
Sayings of Our Lord Not Found in the Four Gospels |
Barnes, W.
Emery; (William Emery); 1859-1939. |
1893 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Canonicity: A Collection of Early Testimonies to the Canonical
Books of the New Testament |
Charteris, A. H.
(Archibald Hamilton); 1835-1908. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Canticles of the Christian Church: Eastern and Western, in Early
and Medieval Times, The |
Mearns, James. |
1914 |
English |
Canticles |
Captivity and the Pastoral Epistles: With Introduction and
Notes, The |
Strahan, James;
1863-1926. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
Cardinal Ximenes, Statesman, Ecclesiastic, Soldier and Man of
Letters: With an Account of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible |
Lyell, James P.
R. (James Patrick Ronaldson); b. 1871. |
1917 |
English |
Jiménez de
Cisneros, Francisco |
Cartaphilus, or, The Wandering Jew: A Vision of the Ages |
Reed, Orville S.
(Orville Sibbitt); 1843-1924. |
1902 |
English |
Millennium |
Cartoons of St. Mark, The |
Horton, Robert
F. (Robert Forman); 1855-1934. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Catalog Der Hebräischen Bibelhandschriften Der Kaiserlichen
Öffentlichen Bibliothek in St. Petersburg |
1875 |
German |
Hebrew |
Catalogue of a Part of the Library of the Late Professor J.
Henry Thayer, D.D., of Harvard University |
Thayer, Joseph
Henry; 1828-1901. |
1902 |
English |
Thayer, Joseph
Henry |
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Bibles: In Commemoration of the
Tercentenary of the Authorized Version, 1611-1911 |
1911 |
English |
University of
Glasgow |
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books, Portraits, and Facsimiles
Illustrating the History of the English Translation of the Bible: In
Commemoration of the Tercentenary Anniversary of the King James Version,
1611, at the Yale University Library... |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Manuscript and Printed Copies of
the Scriptures, Illustrating the History of the Transmission of the Bible:
Shown in the Main Library From March to December, MCMXI. |
1911 |
English |
John Rylands
Library |
Catalogue of the Arabic Mss. in the Convent of S. Catharine on
Mount Sinai |
1894 |
Multiple |
Arabic |
Catalogue of the Copinger Collection of Editions of the Latin
Bible: With Bibliographical Particulars |
Copinger, Walter
Arthur; 1847-1910. |
1893 |
English |
Copinger, Walter
Arthur |
Catalogue of the Syriac Mss. in the Convent of S. Catharine on
Mount Sinai |
1894 |
Multiple |
Syriac |
Catechetical Notes and Class Questions, Literal and Mystical:
Chiefly on the Earlier Books of Holy Scripture |
Neale, J. M.
(John Mason); 1818-1866. |
1869 |
English |
Sacraments |
Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels |
1843 |
English |
Bible |
Catena in Acta Ss. Apostolorum E Cod. Nov. Coll. |
Cramer, J. A.
(John Anthony); 1793-1848. |
1838 |
Greek |
Bible |
Catenen: Mitteilungen Über Ihre Geschichte Und Handschriftliche
Überlieferung |
Lietzmann, Hans;
1875-1942. |
1897 |
German |
Catenae |
Catholic Scripture Manual Atlas: Specially Prepared With
Reference to the Catholic Scripture Manuals |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy
Gospels: Being the Sequel to the Traditional Textof the Holy Gospels, The |
Burgon, John
William; 1813-1888. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Causes of the Decline of Interest in Critical Theology: An
Address Delivered Before the "Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge
Theological School," July 16, 1847 |
Noyes, George
Rapall; 1798-1868. |
1847 |
English |
Bible |
Cento Salmi |
1875 |
Italian |
Bible |
Central Teaching of Jesus Christ: A Study and Exposition of the
Five Chapters of the Gospel According to St. John, XILL to XVII Inclusive,
The |
Bernard, Thomas
Dehany; 1815-1904. |
1892 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Chaldäisches Lesebuch Aus Den Targumin Des Alten Testaments |
Winer, Georg
Benedikt; 1789-1858. |
1864 |
German |
Aramaic language |
Chaldean Account of Genesis: Containing the Description of the
Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Destruction of Sodom, the Times
of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod, Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods:
From the Cuneiform In…, The |
Smith, George;
1840-1876. |
1880 |
English |
Assyro-Babylonian |
Change of Attitude Towards the Bible: A Lecture Given Under the
Auspices of the Boston Board of the American Institute of Sacred Literature,
February 17, 1891, The |
Thayer, Joseph
Henry; 1828-1901. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Chapters of Bible Study, or, A Popular Introduction to the Study
of the Sacred Scriptures |
Heuser, Herman
J. (Herman Joseph); 1851-1933. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Chapters on the Book of Mulling |
Lawlor, Hugh
Jackson; 1860-1938. |
1897 |
English |
Book of Mulling |
Character Studies |
Oates, James F.
(James Franklin) |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Character Studies in Genesis |
Blodgett, May N.
(May Nellie) |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Character Studies in the Old Testament, Book Studies in the New
Testament: Syllabus of a Course of Twelve Bible Lecture Studies |
Young, Charles
A. |
1800 |
English |
Bible |
Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels: Considered as
Revealing Various Relations of the Lord Jesus Christ, The |
Jukes, Andrew
John; 1815-1901. |
1867 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Characteristic Differences of the New Testament: From the
Immediately Preceding Jewish, and the Immediately Succeeding Christian
Literature, Considered as Evidence of the Divine Origin of the New Testament,
The |
Sinker, Robert;
1838-1913. |
1865 |
English |
Fathers of the
church |
Characteristics and Laws of Figurative Language: Designed for
Use in Bible Classes, Schools, and Colleges, The |
Lord, David N.
(David Nevins); 1792-1880. |
1857 |
English |
Figures of speech |
Charakter Und Tendenz Des Johannesevangeliums |
Wrede, William;
1859-1906. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Charis: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Ältesten Christentums |
Wetter, Gillis
P.son; (Gillis Petersson); 1887-1926. |
1913 |
German |
Charis (The Greek
word) |
Charms of the Old Book, or, A Study of the Attractions of the
Bible, The |
George; 1835-1916. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Chart of Christ's Journeyings |
Arnold, C. E.
(Charles Edward); 1866-1902. |
1898 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Chemical History of the Six Days of Creation, The |
Phin, John;
1830-1913. |
1870 |
English |
Creation |
Chief End of Revelation, The |
Bruce, Alexander
Balmain; 1831-1899. |
1890 |
English |
Revelation |
Children's Treasury of Bible Stories. Part II; New Testament |
Gaskoin, Herman;
Mrs. |
1879 |
English |
Bible stories,
English |
Chrestomathia Targumica: Quam Collatis Libris Manu Scriptis
Antiquissimis Tiberiensibus Editionibusque Impressis Celeberrimis: Ad Codices
Vocalibus Babylonicis Instructos |
1888 |
Aramaic |
Aramaic language |
Chrestomathia Targumico-Chaldaica: Addito Lexico |
Kaerle, Joseph. |
1852 |
Aramaic |
Aramaic language |
Christ and Criticism: Thoughts Concerning the Relation of
Christian Faith to Biblical Criticism |
Mead, Charles
Marsh; 1836-1911. |
1892 |
English |
Faith and reason |
Christ and His Church in the Book of Psalms |
Bonar, Andrew A.
(Andrew Alexander); 1810-1892. |
1860 |
English |
(Theology) |
Christ and His Seed: Central to All Things: Being a Series of
Expository Discourses in Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians |
Pulsford, John;
1815-1897. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
Christ and the Cherubim, or, The Ark of the Covenant a Type of
Christ Our Saviour |
Otts, J. M. P.
(John Martin Philip); 1838-1901. |
1896 |
English |
(Theology) |
Christ and the Nations: An Examination of Old and New Testament
Teaching |
Tait, Arthur J.
(Arthur James); b. 1872. |
1910 |
English |
(Theology) |
Christ From Without and Within: A Study of the Gospel by St.
John, The |
Clark, Henry W.
(Henry William) |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Christ in Everyday Life |
Bosworth, Edward
I. (Edward Increase); 1861-1927. |
1918 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christ in Isaiah: Expositions of Isaiah Xl-lV |
Meyer, F. B.
(Frederick Brotherton); 1847-1929. |
1895 |
English |
Bible |
Christ in Literature: Being a Treasury of Choice Readings, in
Prose and Verse, From Writers of All Ages, Illustrative of the Acts and Words
of Jesus Christ |
1874 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christ in the Tabernacle: With Some Remarks on the Offerings |
White, Frank H. |
1883 |
English |
(Theology) |
Christ of the Gospels, The |
Holdsworth, W.
W. (William West); 1859-1929. |
1911 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christ on the Throne of Power and Antichrist: A Treatise on the
Book of Revelation, to St. John the Divine |
Brown, Fortune
Charles; 1813 or 1814-1888. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Christ the Creative Ideal: Studies in Colossians and Ephesians |
Walker, W. L.
(William Lowe); 1845-1930. |
1913 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christ the Interpreter of Scripture: A Series of Discourses
Showing How to Read the Bible Wisely and Profitably, With a Preliminary Essay
on the Sources and Guarantees of the Gospel History |
Beard, J. R.
(John Relly); 1800-1876. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
Christ, the Beginnings of Dogma |
Weiss, Johannes;
1863-1914. |
1911 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christenthum Und Kirche Im Einklange Mit Der Culturentwicklung:
Zwanzig Betrachtungen |
Daniel; 1813-1885. |
1867 |
German |
Christianity |
Christi Lehrthätigkeit |
U. |
1895 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Christi Predigt an Die Geister (1 Petr. 3, 19 Ff.): Ein Beitrag
Zur Neutestamentlichen Theologie |
Friedrich; 1852-1924. |
1890 |
German |
Bible |
Christian Faith and the Old Testament, The |
Thomas, John M.
(John Martin); b. 1869. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Christian Freedom: The Baird Lecture for 1913 |
William Malcolm; 1861-1944. |
1914 |
English |
Christianity |
Christian Hope in the Apocalypse, The |
Mozley, John
Kenneth; 1883-1946. |
1915 |
English |
Bible |
Christian Soldiers Penny Bible: London, Printed by R. Smith for
Sam. Wade, 1693, The |
1862 |
English |
Christian Teaching and Life |
Hovey, Alvah;
1820-1903. |
1895 |
English |
Creeds |
Christian Theology and Modern Skepticism |
Somerset, Edward
Adolphus Seymour; Duke of; 1804-1885. |
1872 |
English |
Protestantism |
Christian View of the Old Testament, The |
Eiselen, F. C.
(Frederick Carl); b. 1872. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Christianity as Taught by S. Paul |
Irons, William
J. (William Josiah); 1812-1883. |
1870 |
English |
Paul |
Christianity of St. Paul, The |
Alexander, S. A.
(Sidney Arthur); 1866-1948. |
1899 |
English |
Paul |
Christian's Sacrifice and Service of Praise, or, The Two Great
Commandments: Being an Exposition of the Twelfth Chapter of the Epistle to
the Romans, The |
Candlish, Robert
Smith; 1806-1873. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
Christliche Apokryphen |
Johannes; 1861-1935. |
1908 |
German |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Christology of St. Paul: Hulsean Prize Essay, With an Additional
Chapter, The |
Rostron, S.
Nowell; (Sydney Nowell); b. 1883. |
1912 |
English |
Paul |
Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews: Including Its
Relation to the Developing Christology of the Primitive Church, The |
MacNeill, Harris
Lachlan; b. 1871. |
1914 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christology of the Old Testament and a Commentary on the
Messianic Predictions |
Ernst Wilhelm; 1802-1869. |
1858 |
English |
Messiah |
Christophaneia: The Doctrine of the Manifestations of the Son of
God Under the Economy of the Old Testament |
Kidd, George
Balderston. |
1852 |
English |
(Theology) |
Christ's Message of the Kingdom: A Course of Daily Study for
Private Students and for Bible Circles |
Hogg, A. G.
(Alfred George) |
1912 |
English |
Kingdom of God |
Christus Comprobator: The Testimony of Christ to the Old
Testament: Seven Addresses |
Ellicott, C. J.
(Charles John); 1819-1905. |
1892 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Christus Consummator: Some Aspects of the Work and Person of
Christ in Relation to Modern Thought |
Westcott, Brooke
Foss; 1825-1901. |
1890 |
English |
Incarnation |
Christus Der Herr: Erläuterungen Zu Philipper 2, 5-11 |
Kögel, Julius;
1871-1928. |
1908 |
German |
Incarnation |
Christus Und Christentum; J.T. Becks Theologische Arbeit: Zwei
Reden |
Schlatter, Adolf
von; 1852-1938. |
1904 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Chronicles and the Mosaic Legislation |
Terry, Milton S.
(Milton Spenser); 1840-1914. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Chronicles: Introduction, Revised Version With Notes, Index and
Map |
W. R. (Wallace Raymond) |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Chronology of Bible History, and How to Remember It, The |
Munger, C. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Chronology of the Bible Connected With Contemporaneous Events in
the History of Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians, The |
Bunsen, Ernest
de; 1819-1903. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Chronology of the Bible, The |
Sharpe, Samuel;
1799-1881. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Chrysostom: A Study in the History of Biblical Interpretation |
Chase, F. H.
(Frederic Henry); 1853-1925. |
1887 |
English |
John Chrysostom |
Church and Modern Problems in the Light of the Teachings of Paul
in First Corinthians, The |
Fitzwater, P. B.
(Perry Braxton); 1871-1957. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Church and the Bible: An Explanation and Vindication of the Just
Claims of the Bible to Inspiration, The |
Bolmer, William
Brevoort. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Church in the Cherubim, or, The Glory of the Saints, The |
Tanner, James
Gosset. |
1875 |
English |
Angels |
Church Under Queen Elizabeth: An Historical Sketch, The |
Lee, Frederick
George; 1832-1902. |
1892 |
English |
Elizabeth |
Cities of Paul: Beacons of the Past Rekindled for the Present |
Wright, William
Burnet; 1838-1924. |
1905 |
English |
Cities and towns,
Ancient |
Cities of St. Paul: Their Influence on His Life and Thought: The
Cities of Eastern Asia Minor, The |
Ramsay, William
Mitchell; Sir; 1851-1939. |
1908 |
English |
Cities and towns |
City With Foundations, The |
McFadyen, John
Edgar; 1870-1933. |
1909 |
English |
Meditations |
Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans XIII, 1-7 |
Willson, James
M. (James McLeod); 1809-1866. |
1853 |
English |
Bible |
Claims of the Old Testament: Lectures Delivered in Connection
With the Sesquicentennial Celebration of Princeton University, The |
Stanley; 1830-1900. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Claims of the Old Testament: Lectures, The |
Stanley; 1830-1900. |
1897 |
English |
Bible |
Classic Test of Authorship, Authenticity and Authority: Founded
on Jurists' Rules of Interpreting Records, Applied to Supposed Inaccuracies
in the Text of the Old and New Testament Scriptures, The |
Samson, G. W.
(George Whitefield); 1819-1896. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Classical Element in the New Testament: Considered as a Proof of
Its Genuineness: With an Appendix on the Oldest Authorities Used in the
Formation of the Canon, The |
Hoole, Charles
H. (Charles Holland); 1836?-1902. |
1888 |
English |
Greek literature |
Classical Revision of the Greek New Testament: Tested and
Applied on Uniform Principles With Suggested Alterations of the English
Version |
Nicolson, W.
Millar. |
1878 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
Clavis Librorum Veteris Testamenti Apocryphorum Philologica |
Wahl, Christ.
Abrah. (Christian Abraham); 1773-1855. |
1853 |
Latin |
Bible |
Clews to Holy Writ, or, The Chronological Scripture Cycle: A
Scheme for Studying the Whole Bible in Its Historical Order During Three
Years |
Ashley; Mrs. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Clouds of the Bible, The |
Alexander; 1816-1893. |
1878 |
English |
Clouds in the
Bible |
Clue: A Guide Through Greek to Hebrew Scripture |
Abbott, Edwin
Abbott; 1838-1926. |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Codes of Hammurabi and Moses: With Copious Comments, Index, and
Bible References, The |
1905 |
English |
Law |
Codex 1 of the Gospels and Its Allies |
1902 |
Greek |
Bible |
Codex Apocryphis Novi Testamenti |
1832 |
Latin |
Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti |
1703 |
Greek |
Codex B and Its Allies: A Study and an Indictment |
Hoskier, H. C.
(Herman Charles); b. 1864. |
1914 |
English |
Bible |
Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis: Quattuor Evangelia Et Actus
Apostolorum Complectens Graece Et Latine. |
1899 |
Greek |
Manuscripts, Greek |
Codex Bezae: A Study of the So-Called Western Text of the New
Testament |
Harris, J.
Rendel; (James Rendel); 1852-1941. |
1891 |
English |
Bible |
Codex Claromontanus, Sive, Epistulae Pauli Omnes Graece Et
Latine: Ex Codice Parisiensi Celeberrimo Nomine Claromontani Plerumque Dicto,
Sexti Ut Videtur Post Christum Saeculi |
1852 |
Greek |
Manuscripts, Greek |
Codex Fuldensis: Novum Testamentum Latine Interprete Hieronymo |
1868 |
Latin |
Abtei Fulda |
Codex Graecus Quatuor Evangeliorum: E Bibliotheca Universitatis
Pestinensis |
1860 |
Hungarian |
Codex Laudianus, Sive, Actus Apostolorum Graece Et Latine: Ex
Codice Olim Laudiano Iam Bodleiano Sexto Fere Saeculi: Addita Sunt Nonnulla
Ex Celebri Codice Prophetarum Marchaliano Vaticano |
1870 |
Greek |
Manuscripts, Greek |
Codex Montfortianus: A Collation of This Celebrated Ms. in the
Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Throughoutthe Gospels and Acts: With the
Greek Text of Wetstein, and With Certain Mss. in the University of Oxford,
The |
Dobbin, Orlando
T. (Orlando Thomas); 1807-1890. |
1854 |
English |
Bible |
Codex Purpureus Petropolitanus: The Text of Codex N of the
Gospels |
1899 |
Greek |
Codex Rehdigeranus: Die Vier Evangelien Nach Der Lateinischen
Handschrift R 169 Der Stadtbibliothek Breslau |
1913 |
Latin |
Stadtbibliothek zu
Breslau |
Codex Rescriptus Dublinensis of St. Matthew's Gospel (Z): First
Published by Dr. Barrett in 1801: Also, Fragments of the Book of Isaiah, in
the LXX. Version, From an Ancient Palimpsest, Now First Published: Together
With a Newly Discovered..., The |
1880 |
Greek |
Bible |
Codex Sangallensis (delta): A Study in the Text of the Old Latin
Gospels, The |
Harris, J.
Rendel; (James Rendel); 1852-1941. |
1891 |
English |
Codex Sangallensis |
Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus |
1874 |
Syriac |
Syriac |
Codex Vercellensis |
1914 |
Latin |
Bible |
Cohelet, or, The Preacher: Translated From the Hebrew: With a
Study on the Age and Character of the Book |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Coheleth, Commonly Called the Book of Ecclesiastes |
Christian D. (Christian David); 1831-1914. |
1861 |
English |
Bible |
Colenso's Fallacies: Another Review of the Bishop of Natal |
Fowler, C. H.
(Charles Henry); 1837-1908. |
1864 |
English |
Colenso, John
William |
Collatio Codicis Lewisiani Rescripti Evangeliorum Sacrorum
Syriacorum Cum Codice Curetoniano (Mus. Brit. Add. 14,451): Cui Adiectae Sunt
Lectiones E Peshitto Desumptae |
1896 |
Syriac |
Codex Palimpsestus
Sinaiticus |
Colossian Studies: Lessons in Faith and Holiness From St. Paul's
Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon |
Moule, H. C. G.
(Handley Carr Glyn); 1841-1920. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Comento Filologico-Esegetico Sul Primo Salmo |
Gabriele. |
1886 |
Italian |
Bible |
Comment Se Sont Formès Les Evangiles: La Question Synoptique,
L'èvangile de Saint Jean |
Calmes, Th. |
1904 |
French |
Synoptic problem |
Commentaar Op de Brieven Van Paulus Aan de Thessalonikers,
Efezièrs, Kolossers in Aan Filemon |
Baljon, J. M. S.
(Johannes Marinus Simon) |
1907 |
Dutch |
Bible |
Commentaar Op de Katholieke Brieven |
Baljon, J. M. S.
(Johannes Marinus Simon) |
1904 |
Dutch |
Bible |
Commentaar Op de Openbaring Van Johannes |
Baljon, J. M. S.
(Johannes Marinus Simon) |
1908 |
Dutch |
Bible |
Commentaire Sur La Genèse |
Mestral, Armand
de; 1815-1873. |
1864 |
French |
Bible |
Commentaire Sur L'exode |
Mestral, Armand
de; 1815-1873. |
1864 |
French |
Bible |
Commentar Über Das Buch "Esther" Mit Seinen
"Zusätzen" Und Über "Susanna" |
Scholz, Anton. |
1892 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Das Buch Iob. Erster Teil Uebersetzung Und
Sprachliche Analyse |
1898 |
German |
Commentar Über Das Buch Judith Und Über Bel Und Drache |
Scholz, Anton. |
1896 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Das Evangelium Des Heiligen Marcus |
Schanz, Paul;
1841-1905. |
1881 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Brief an Die Hebräer |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1885 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Brief Pauli an Die Ephesier |
Harless, G. C.
Adolf von; (Gottlieb Christoph Adolf); 1806-1879. |
1858 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Brief Pauli an Die Galater: Mit Besonderer
Rücksicht Auf Die Lehre Und Geschichte Des Apostels |
Wieseler, Karl;
1813-1883. |
1859 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Brief Pauli an Die Römer |
Stöckhardt, G.
(George); 1842-1913. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Ersten Brief Pauli an Die Korinther |
Maier, Adalbert;
1811-1889. |
1857 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Ersten Brief Pauli an Die Korinthier |
Osiander, J. E.
(Johann Ernst); 1792-1870. |
1847 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Den Propheten Jesaia |
Stöckhardt, G.
(George); 1842-1913. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Die Briefe Des Petrus Und Judas |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1883 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Die Bücher Der Makkabäer |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1875 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Über Die Psalmen |
De Wette,
Wilhelm Martin Leberecht; 1780-1849. |
1811 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Zu Der Weissagung Des Propheten Obadja |
Johannes, Adolf. |
1885 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Zum Briefe an Die Hebräer: Mit Archäologischen Und
Dogmatischen Excursen Über Das Opfer Und Die Versöhnung |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1857 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Zum Buche Des Propheten Hoseas |
Scholz, Anton. |
1882 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Zum Buche Des Propheten Joel |
Scholz, Anton. |
1885 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Zum Buche Tobias |
Scholz, Anton. |
1889 |
German |
Bible |
Commentar Zur Genesis |
Gossrau, G. W. |
1887 |
German |
Bible |
Commentaries, Expository and Practical, on the First Epistle of
Paul to the Thessalonians, the Epistle of James, and the First Epistle of
John |
Alexander S. (Alexander Simpson); 1805-1885. |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
Commentarius Criticus in N.T: Quo Loca Graviora Et Difficiliora
Lectionis Dubiae Accurate Recensentur Et Explicantur |
Reiche, J. G.
(Johann Georg); b. 1794. |
1853 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius Exegetico-Philologicus in Hebraismos Novi
Testamenti, Seu, de Dictione Hebraica Novi Testamenti Graeci |
Schilling, D.
(David) |
1886 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Actus Apostolorum |
Camerlynck, A.
(Achille) |
1910 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Danielem Prophetam, Lamentationes Et Baruch |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1891 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Deuteronomium |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1901 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Duos Libros Machabaeorum |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1907 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Ecclesiasten Et Canticum Canticorum |
Gerhard; 1845-1912. |
1890 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Ecclesiasticum: Cum Appendice, Textus
"Ecclesiastici" Hebraeus, Descriptus Secundum Fragmenta Nuper
Reperta, Cum Notis Et Versione Litterali Latina |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1902 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Epistolam B. Pauli Apostoli Ad Hebraeos |
Pànek, Joannes. |
1882 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Epistolas Ad Thessalonicenses |
Jacques-M. (Jacques-Marie); 1883-1949. |
1917 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Exodum Et Leviticum |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1897 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Ezechielem Prophetam |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1890 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Genesim |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1895 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Ieremiam Prophetam |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1889 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Libros Ludicum Et Ruth |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1888 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Libros Samuelis, Seu, I Et II Regum |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1886 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Librum Iob |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1886 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Librum Iosue |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1903 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Librum Primum Paralipomenon |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1905 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Librum Sapientiae |
Rudolph; 1830-1908. |
1910 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Numeros |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1899 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Omnes S. Pauli Epistolas: Ad Usum Seminariorum
Et Cleri |
J.-A. van; d. 1913. |
1899 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Prophetas Minores |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1886 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Proverbia |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1910 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Quatuor S. Evangelia Domini N. Jesu Christi. I;
Evangelium Secundum S. Matthaeum |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1893 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Quatuor S. Evangelia Domini N. Lesu Christi. II;
Evangelium Secundum S. Marcum |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1894 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Quatuor S. Evangelia Domini N. Lesu Christi.
III; Evangelium Secundum Lucam |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1896 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Quatuor S. Evangelia Domini N. Lesu Christi. IV;
Evangelium Secundum Ioannem |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1898 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. I; Epistola Ad
Romanos |
Rudolph; 1830-1908. |
1896 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. III; Epistolae Ad
Corinthios Altera Et Ad Galatas |
Rudolph; 1830-1908. |
1909 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. IV; Epistolae Ad
Ephesios Ad Philippenses Et Ad Colossenses |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1912 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. Vepistolae Ad
Thessalonicenses, Ad Timotheum, Ad Titum Et Ad Philemonem |
Joseph; 1839-1911. |
1913 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas.II; Prior Epistola
Ad Corinthios |
Rudolph; 1830-1908. |
1909 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentarius in Vaticinium Michae |
Roorda, T.
(Taco); 1801-1874. |
1869 |
Latin |
Bible |
Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel: The Text, The |
Origen. |
1896 |
Greek |
Bible |
Commentary on Ecclesiastes: With Treatises on Song of Solomon,
Job, Isaiah, Sacrifices, Etc. |
Ernst Wilhelm; 1802-1869. |
1876 |
English |
Sacrifice |
Commentary on Paul's Epistle to Romans: With an Excursus on the
Famous Passage in James (Chap. II: 14-26) |
Miller, John;
1819-1895. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans |
Friedrich Adolph; 1809-1882. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans |
Godet, Frèdèric
Louis; 1812-1900. |
1883 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians |
Godet, Frèdèric
Louis; 1812-1900. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles |
Summers, Thomas
O. (Thomas Osmond); 1812-1882. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. |
Veil, Charles
Marie de; d. 1690. |
1851 |
English |
Commentary on the Book of Deuteronomy |
Jordan, W. G.
(William George); 1854-1939. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Book of Job |
Barton, George
A. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Book of Job: With Translation |
Ewald, Heinrich;
1803-1875. |
1882 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Book of Joshua |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1857 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Books of Kings. Translated by James Murphy;
Supplemented by Commentary on the Books of Chronicles, by Ernst Bertheau,
Translated by James Martin. |
Keil, Carl
Friedrich; 1807-1888. |
1857 |
English |
Commentary on the Epistle of James |
Winkler, Edwin
T. (Edwin Theodore); 1823-1883. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians |
Bacon, Benjamin
Wisner; 1860-1932. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Colossians |
Dargan, Edwin
Charles; 1852-1930. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians |
Smith, J. A.
(Justin Almerin); 1819-1896. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians |
Hovey, Alvah;
1820-1903. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Kendrick, A. C.
(Asahel Clark); 1809-1895. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians |
Pidge, John B.
Gough; (John Bartholomew Gough) |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans |
Hodge, Charles;
1797-1878. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans |
Arnold, A. N.
(Albert Nicholas); 1814-1883. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans: Embracing the Latest
Results of Criticism |
Brown, David;
1803-1897. |
1860 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistles of John |
Sawtelle, Henry
A. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistles of Jude |
Williams, N. M.
(Nathaniel Marshman) |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistles of Peter |
Williams, N. M.
(Nathaniel Marshman) |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistles to the Corinthians |
Gould, Ezra P.
(Ezra Palmer); 1841-1900. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia:
Revelation LI. LLL. |
Trench, Richard
Chenevix; 1807-1886. |
1872 |
English |
Seven churches |
Commentary on the Epistles to the Thessalonians |
Stevens, William
Arnold; 1839-1910. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel According to Luke: Giving Critical,
Exegetical and Applicative Notes, and Illustrations Drawn From Life and
Thought in the East: With the Common Version, 1611, and the Revised Version,
1881 (American Readings and... |
Rice, Edwin
Wilbur; 1831-1929. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew |
Robertson, A. T.
1863-1934. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew: Giving Critical
and Exegetical Notes: With Illustrations From Oriental Life and the Text of
the Common Version, 1611, and the Revised Version, 1881 (American Readings
and Renderings) |
Rice, Edwin
Wilbur; 1831-1929. |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel According to S. John |
Cyril; Saint,
Patriarch of Alexandria; ca. 370-444. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of John |
Tholuck, August;
1799-1877. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of John |
Hovey, Alvah;
1820-1903. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of John: With an Historical and
Critical Introduction |
Godet, Frèdèric
Louis; 1812-1900. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke |
Bliss, George R.
(George Ripley) |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of Mark |
Clarke, William
Newton; 1841-1912. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of Mark |
Weidner, Revere
Franklin; 1851-1915. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew |
Broadus, John
Albert; 1827-1895. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Gospel of St. John |
Ernst Wilhelm; 1802-1869. |
1865 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the New Testament |
Godbey, W. B.
(William Baxter); 1833-1920. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the New Testament. Acts-Romans |
Whedon, D. D.
(Daniel Denison); 1808-1885. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the New Testament. I. Corinthians-II. Timothy |
Whedon, D. D.
(Daniel Denison); 1808-1885. |
1875 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the New Testament. Titus-Revelation |
Whedon, D. D.
(Daniel Denison); 1808-1885. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles, First and Second Timothy
and Titus, and the Epistle to Philemon |
Harvey, H.
(Hezekiah); 1821-1893. |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Pentateuch |
Krebs, Franz. |
1860 |
German |
Bible |
Commentary on the Psalms |
Plumer, William
S. (William Swan); 1802-1880. |
1851 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Psalms |
Ewald, Heinrich;
1803-1875. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Revelation |
Smith, J. A.
(Justin Almerin); 1819-1896. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Commentary on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1877 |
English |
Bible |
Commenting and Commentaries: Lectures Addressed to the Students
of the Pastor's College, Metropolitan Tabernacle: With a List of the Best
Biblical Commentaries and Expositions: Also, a Lecture on Eccentric
Preachers: A Complete List of All… |
Spurgeon, C. H.
(Charles Haddon); 1834-1892. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Comments on the Revelation, and Other Prophecies |
Case, Ira. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Common Tradition of the Synoptic Gospels in the Text of the
Revised Version, The |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Commonly Received Version of the New Testament of Our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ: With Several Hundred Emendations, The |
1850 |
English |
Communications on the Case of Professor Robertson Smith:in the
General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, Held at Glasgow in 1878 |
Moncreiff, Henry
Wellwood; Sir; 1809-1883. |
1879 |
English |
Smith, W.
Robertson |
Communion Wine and Bible Temperance: Being a Review of Dr. Thos.
Laurie's Article in the Bibliotheca Sacra, of January 1869 |
Thayer, William
Makepeace; 1820-1898. |
1870 |
English |
Lord's Supper |
Companion to the Bible |
Barrows, E. P.
(Elijah Porter); 1807-1888. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
Companion to the Greek Testament: Designed for the Use of
Theological Students, and the Upper Forms in Schools |
Barrett, A. C.
(Arthur Charles) |
1890 |
English |
Bible |
Companion to the Revised Old Testament |
Chambers, Talbot
W. (Talbot Wilson); 1819-1896. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Companion to the Revised Version of the New Testament:
Explaining the Reasons for the Changes Made on the Authorized Version |
Alexander; 1826-1901. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Companions of St. Paul, The |
Howson, J. S.
(John Saul); 1816-1885. |
1871 |
English |
Paul |
Companions of the Lord: Chapters on the Lives of the Apostles,
The |
Reed, Charles E.
B. (Charles Edward Baines) |
1883 |
English |
Apostles |
Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula,
The |
Ritter, Karl;
1779-1859. |
1866 |
English |
Bible |
Complete Index to the Expositor's Bible: Topical and Textual |
Ayres, S. G.
(Samuel Gardiner) |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Complete Paradigms of the Samaritan Verbs: Regular and
Irregular. |
Young, Robert;
1822-1888. |
1800 |
Samaritan |
Samaritan Aramaic
language |
Composition and Historical Value of Ezra-Nehemiah, The |
Torrey, Charles
Cutler; 1863-1956. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Composition of the Book of Genesis: With English Text and
Analysis, The |
Fripp, Edgar
Innes. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Composition of the Book of Isaiah in the Light of History and
Archaeology, The |
Kennett, R. H.
(Robert Hatch); 1864-1932. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
Composition of the Four Gospels: A Critical Inquiry, The |
Wright, Arthur;
b. 1843. |
1890 |
English |
Synoptic problem |
Composition of the Hexateuch: An Introduction With Select Lists
of Words and Phrases, The |
Carpenter, J.
Estlin; (Joseph Estlin); 1844-1927. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Concerning the Date of the Bohairic Version: Covering a Detailed
Examination of the Text of the Apocalypse and a Review of Some of the
Writings of the Egyptian Monks |
Hoskier, H. C.
(Herman Charles); b. 1864. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Concerning the Genesis of the Versions of the N.T: Remarks
Suggested by the Study of P and the Allied Questions as Regards the Gospels |
Hoskier, H. C.
(Herman Charles); b. 1864. |
1910 |
English |
Bible |
Concordantiae Librorum Novi Testamenti Domini Nostri Jesu
Christi Juxta Vulgatam Editionem: Jussu Sixti V, Pontificis Max., Recognitam |
Legrand, C. |
1889 |
Latin |
Bible |
Concordantiae Veteris Testamenti Graecae: Ebraeis Vocibus
Respondentes...Simvl Enim et Lexicon Ebraicolatinum, Ebraicograecum,
Graecoebraicum: Genuinam Vocabulorum Significationem, Ex Septuaginta
Duorum...Interpretum...Translatione Petitam… |
Kircher, Konrad;
d. ca. 1624. |
1607 |
Greek |
Bible |
Confèrences de Saint-Etienne: (Ecole Pratique D'etudes
Bibliques) 1909-1910. |
1910 |
French |
Bible |
Conlatio Critica Codicis Sinaitici Cum Textu Elzeviriano:
Vaticani Quoque Codicis Ratione Habita |
Constantin von; 1815-1874. |
1869 |
Greek |
Codex Sinaiticus |
Connexion and Harmony of the Old and New Testaments: Being an
Inquiry Into the Relation, Literary and Doctrinal, in Which These Two Parts
of the Sacred Volume Stand to Each Other, The |
William Lindsay; 1808-1884. |
1841 |
English |
Bible |
Considerations on the Pentateuch |
Taylor, Isaac;
1787-1865. |
1863 |
English |
Colenso, John
William |
Consistency of the Divine Conduct in Revealing the Doctrines of
Redemption: Being the Hulsean Lectures for theYear 1841, The |
Alford, Henry;
1810-1871. |
1843 |
English |
Redemption |
Constantin Tischendorf in Seiner Fünfundzwanzigjährigen
Schriftstellerischen Wirksamkeit: Literar-Historische Skizze |
Volbeding, Joh.
Ernst; (Johann Ernst) |
1862 |
German |
Constantin von |
Constitution and Polity of the New Testament Church |
Weston, Henry G.
(Henry Griggs); 1820-1909. |
1895 |
English |
Church polity |
Construction of the Bible, The |
Adeney, Walter
F. (Walter Frederic); 1849-1920. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Constructive Studies in John: The Gospel for the Christian
(Twenty-Six Studies) for Use in Schools and Bible Classes |
Gregory, D. S.
(Daniel Seeley); 1832-1915. |
1908 |
English |
Bible |
Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New
Testaments |
Hall, Joseph;
1574-1656. |
1871 |
English |
Bible |
Contendings of the Apostles. Vol. II; the English Translation:
Being the Histories of the Lives and Martyrdomsand Deaths of the Twelve
Apostles and Evangelists, The |
1901 |
English |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Contents and Origin of the Acts of the Apostles, Critically
Investigated, The |
Zeller, Eduard;
1814-1908. |
1876 |
English |
Bible |
Continuity of Scripture: As Declared by the Testimony of Our
Lord and of the Evangelists and Apostles, The |
Wood, W. P.
(William Page); 1801-1881. |
1869 |
English |
Bible |
Contrast Between Good and Bad Men: Illustrated by the Biography
and Truths of the Bible, The |
Gardiner; 1785-1873. |
1855 |
English |
Bible |
Contrast: Or a Prophet and a Forger |
Abbott, Edwin
Abbott; 1838-1926. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Contributions to a New Revision, or, A Critical Companion to the
New Testament: Being a Series of Notes on the Original Text, With the View of
Securing Greater Uniformity in Its English Rendering, Including the Chief
Alterations of the "Revis... |
Young, Robert;
1822-1888. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Contributions to the Apocryphal Literature of the New Testament |
1865 |
English |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Contributions to the Criticism of the Greek New Testament: Being
the Introduction to an Edition of the Codex Augiensis and Fifty Other
Manuscripts |
Frederick Henry Ambrose; 1813-1891. |
1859 |
English |
Bible |
Contributions Towards the Exposition of the Book of Genesis |
Candlish, Robert
Smith; 1806-1873. |
1843 |
English |
Bible |
Conversations on the Bible: Its Statements Harmonized and
Mysteries Explained |
Pond, Enoch;
1791-1882. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Co-Operative Revision of the New Testament: Notes of the Method
and Progress of the Work, and of the Share of the American Committee Therein |
Lee, Alfred;
1807-1887. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Coptic (Sahidic) Version of Certain Books of the Old Testament:
From a Papyrus in the British Museum, The |
1908 |
Coptic |
Coptic |
Coptic Apocryphal Gospels: Translations Together With the Texts
of Some of Them |
1896 |
English |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt |
1912 |
Coptic |
Coptic language |
Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect:
Otherwise Called Memphitic and Bohairic, With Introduction, Critical
Apparatus, and Literal English Translation., The |
1898 |
Coptic |
Bible |
Corinthians: Introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version,
With Notes, Index, and Map |
Massie, John;
1842-1925. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Corrected English New Testament: A Revision of the
"Authorised" Version (by Nestle's Resultant Text), The |
1905 |
English |
Corrections of Mark Adopted by Matthew and Luke, The |
Abbott, Edwin
Abbott; 1838-1926. |
1901 |
English |
Bible |
Count Your Blessings: A Record of Bible Promise and of Answered
Prayer |
1900 |
English |
Bible |
Course in the English Bible: Lectures III. and IV., Creation:
With Questions on Four Lectures |
Carroll, B. H.
(Benajah Harvey); 1843-1914. |
1902 |
English |
Creation |
Course of Hebrew Study Adapted to the Use of Beginners |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1830 |
English |
Hebrew philology |
Creation and the Fall: A Defence and Exposition of the First
Three Chapters of Genesis |
Donald. |
1856 |
English |
Creation |
Creation of the Bible |
Adams, Myron;
1841-1895. |
1892 |
English |
Bible |
Creation, Story of Genesis I: A Sumerian Theogony and Cosmogony,
The |
Radau, Hugo; b.
1873. |
1902 |
English |
Creation |
Credibility of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles: Being the
Hulsean Lectures for 1900-1901, The |
Chase, F. H.
(Frederic Henry); 1853-1925. |
1902 |
English |
Bible |
Credibility of the Evangelical History Illustrated: With
Reference to the Leben Jesu of Dr. Strauss, The |
Tholuck, August;
1799-1877. |
1844 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Crisis Hupfeldiana: Being an Examination of Hupfeld's Criticism
on Genesis: As Recently Set Forth in Bishop Colenso's Fifth Part |
Kay, W.
(William) |
1865 |
English |
Hupfeld, Hermann |
Critica Biblica, or, Critical Notes on the Text of the Old
Testament Writings |
Cheyne, T. K.
(Thomas Kelly); 1841-1915. |
1903 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Epistle to the
Ephesians |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Epistle to the
Galatians |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Epistle to the Romans |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Epistles to the
Corinthians |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Epistles to the
Philippians and Colossians, and to Philemon |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Epistles to Timothy and
Titus |
Huther, Joh. Ed.
(Johann Eduard); 1807-1880. |
1885 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Gospel of John |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Gospel of Matthew |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Hand Book to the Gospels of Mark and
Luke |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1884 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Acts of the Apostles |
Meyer, Heinr.
Aug. Wilh. (Heinrich August Wilhelm); 1800-1873. |
1889 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistles of St. Paul to
the Thessalonians |
Gottlieb; 1819-1894. |
1880 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistles of St. Paul to
Timothy and Titus |
Huther, Joh. Ed.
(Johann Eduard); 1807-1880. |
1881 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the General Epistles of
James, Peter, John, and Jude |
Huther, Joh. Ed.
(Johann Eduard); 1807-1880. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the General Epistles of
Peter and Jude |
Huther, Joh. Ed.
(Johann Eduard); 1807-1880. |
1893 |
English |
Bible |
Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Revelation of John |
Friedrich; 1822-1906. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Critical Handbook of the Greek New Testament, The |
Mitchell, E. C.
(Edward Cushing); 1829-1900. |
1896 |
English |
Bible |
Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1845 |
English |
Bible |
Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon |
Stuart, Moses;
1780-1852. |
1872 |
English |
Bible |
Critical Notes on the Authorised English Version of the New
Testament: Being a Companion to the Author's New Testament, Translated From
Griesbach's Text |
Sharpe, Samuel;
1799-1881. |
1867 |
English |
Bible |
Critical Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons From
the Pentateuch for 1887 (January 2-June 26) |
Driver, S. R.
(Samuel Rolles); 1846-1914. |
1887 |
English |
hypothesis (Pentateuchal criticism) |
Critical Notes on the New Testament: Supplementary to the
"Treatise on the Grammar of the New Testament Dialect" |
Green, Thomas
Sheldon. |
1867 |
English |
Greek language,
Biblical |
Critical Remarks on Dr. Tregelles' Greek Text of the Revelation
and His Two English Versions Compared With the Received Text and Authorised
Translation |
Tomlin, J.
(Jacob); 1793-1880. |
1865 |
English |
Tomlin, J |
Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures: Corresponding With a
New Translation of the Bible |
Alexander; 1737-1802. |
1800 |
English |
Bible |
Criticism of the Fourth Gospel: Eight Lectures on the Morse
Foundation, Delivered in the Union Seminary, New York in October and
November, 1904, The |
Sanday, W.
(William); 1843-1920. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Criticism of the Fourth Gospel: Eight Lectures on the Morse
Foundation, Delivered in the Union Seminary, New York, in October and
November, 1904, The |
Sanday, W.
(William); 1843-1920. |
1905 |
English |
Bible |
Criticism of the New Testament: St. Margaret's Lectures |
1903 |
English |
Bible. N.T |
Cromwell's Soldier's Bible: Being a Reprint, in Facsimile, of
"the Souldier's Pocket Bible," Compiled by Edmund Calamy, and
Issued for the Use of the Commonwealth Army in 1643: With a Bibliographical
Introduction and a Preface |
1895 |
English |
Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament, The |
Eberhard; 1836-1908. |
1885 |
English |
literature |
Customs and Traditions of Palestine: Illustrating the Manners of
the Ancient Hebrews |
Ermete. |
1864 |
English |
Bible |
D. Martin Luthers Deutsche Bibel |
Reichert, O. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Danger Lines in the Deeper Life |
Simpson, A. B.
(Albert B.) |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Dangers of the Apostolic Age |
Moorhouse, J.
(James); 1826-1915. |
1891 |
English |
Christianity |
Daniel |
Tiefenthal, Fr.
Salesius. |
1895 |
Latin |
Bible |
Daniel and His Prophecies |
Wright, Charles
H. H. (Charles Henry Hamilton); 1836-1909. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Daniel and Its Critics: Being a Critical and Grammatical
Commentary |
Wright, Charles
H. H. (Charles Henry Hamilton); 1836-1909. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Daniel and John, or, The Apocalypse of the Old and That of the
New Testament |
Desprez, Philip
S. (Philip Soulbien); d. 1879. |
1878 |
English |
Bible |
Daniel in the Critics' Den: A Reply to Dean Farrar's 'Book of
Daniel' |
Robert; Sir; 1841-1918. |
1895 |
English |
Farrar, Frederic
William |
Daniel in the Critic's Den: A Reply to Professor Driver of
Oxford and the Dean of Canterbury |
Robert; Sir; 1841-1918. |
1901 |
English |
Driver, S. R |
Daniel the Beloved |
Taylor, William
M. (William Mackergo); 1829-1895. |
1878 |
English |
Daniel |
Daniel the Prophet: Nine Lectures Delivered in the Divinity
School of the University of Oxford, With Copious Notes |
Pusey, E. B.
(Edward Bouverie); 1800-1882. |
1868 |
English |
Bible |
Daniel Und Die Griechische Gefahr |
Alfred; 1868-1951. |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Daniel: An Exposition of the Historical Portion of the Writings
of the Prophet Daniel |
Payne Smith, R.
(Robert); 1818-1895. |
1887 |
English |
Bible |
Daniel: His Life and Times |
Deane, H.
(Henry); 1838-1894. |
1888 |
English |
Daniel |
Daniels Bok |
1894 |
Swedish |
Bible |
Daniel's Great Prophecy: The Eastern Question: The Kingdom |
West, Nathaniel;
1826-1906. |
1898 |
English |
Bible |
Danielstudien |
Bayer, Edmund;
b. 1881. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Daniyel, Ezra U-nehìemieh;libri Danielis, Ezrae, Et Nehemiae:
Textum Masoreticum Accuratissime Expressit E Fontibus Masorae Codicumque
Varie Illustravit Adumbrationem Chaldaismi Biblici Adjecit |
1882 |
Hebrew |
Das Abendmahl Im Neuen Testament |
Reinhold; 1859-1935. |
1907 |
German |
Lord's Supper |
Das Abendmahl Im Neuen Testament |
Koch, Wilhelm;
Professor. |
1911 |
German |
Lord's Supper |
Das Alte Testament Bei Johannes: Ein Beitrag Zur Erklärung Und
Beurtheilung Der Johanneischen Schriften |
Franke, A. H.
(August Hermann); 1853-1891. |
1885 |
German |
Johannine school |
Das Alte Testament Im Evangelischen Religionsunterricht |
Friedrich. |
1895 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alte Testament Im Lichte Der Neuesten
Assyrisch-Babylonischen Endeckungen |
Müller, Alois;
1835-1901. |
1896 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alte Testament Im Lichte Des Alten Orients: Handbuch Zur
Biblisch-Orientalischen Altertumskunde |
Alfred; 1864-1935. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alte Testament Im Neuen Testament: Ueber Die Citate Des
Alten Testaments Im Neuen Testament: Und Ueber Den Opfer-Und Priesterbegriff
Im Alten Und Neuen Testamente: Zwei Beilagen Zu Dem Kommentar Über Den Brief
an Die Hebräer |
Tholuck, August;
1799-1877. |
1861 |
German |
Sacrifice in the
Bible |
Das Alte Testament in Der Johanneischen Apokalypse |
Schlatter, Adolf
von; 1852-1938. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alte Testament in Der Mischna |
Aicher, Georg. |
1906 |
German |
Mishnah |
Das Alte Testament in Predigten Und Bibelstunden. I. Das Erste
Buch Mose |
Gustav; 1826-1890. |
1892 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alte Testament Und Der Christliche Glaube: Ein Wort Zur
Verständigung |
Wilke, Fritz; b.
1879. |
1911 |
German |
Christianity |
Das Alte Testament Und Die Kritik, Oder, Die Hauptprobleme Der
Alttestamentlichen Forschung |
Gasser, Joh.
Conrad; (Johann Conrad); 1870-1951. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alte Testament Und Die Nächstenliebe |
Nikel, Johannes;
1863-1924. |
1913 |
German |
Charity |
Das Alte Testament: Seine Entstehung Und Seine Geschichte |
Thomsen, Peter;
1875-1954. |
1918 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alter Des Menschengeschlechts Nach Der Heiligen Schrift, Der
Profangeschichte Und Der Vorgeschichte |
Schanz, Paul;
1841-1905. |
1896 |
German |
Man |
Das Älteste Evangelium: Ein Beitrag Zum Verständnis Des
Markus-evangeliums Und Der Ältesten Evangelischen Überlieferung |
Weiss, Johannes;
1863-1914. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Das Älteste Evangelium: Kritische Untersuchung Der
Zusammensetzung, Des Wechselseitigen Verhältnisses, Des Geschichtlichen
Werths Und Des Ursprungs Der Evangelien Nach Matthäus Und Marcus |
Johannes Henricus; 1811-1885. |
1869 |
German |
Bible |
Das Alttestamentliche Zinsverbot: Im Lichte Der Ethnologischen
Jurisprudenz Sowie Des Altorientalischen Zinswesens |
Hejcl, Johann. |
1907 |
German |
Interest |
Das Aposteldecret Nach Seiner Ausserkanonischen Textgestalt |
Resch, Gotthold;
b. 1864. |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Das Aposteldekret |
Rudolf. |
1911 |
German |
Apostles |
Das Apostolische Zeugniss Von Christi Person Und Werk: Nach
Seiner Geschichtlichen Entwicklung |
Gess, Wolfgang
Friedrich; 1819-1891. |
1878 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Assyrische Weltreich Im Urteil Der Propheten |
Staerk, Willy;
1866-1946. |
1908 |
German |
Assyria in the
Bible |
Das Batanäische Giebelgebirge: Excurs Über Ps. 68, 16 Zu
Delitzsch' Psalmencommentar (Aufl. 4. 1883) |
Wetzstein, J. G.
(Johann Gottfried); 1815-1905. |
1884 |
German |
Mountains in the
Bible |
Das Buch Baruch: Geschichte Und Kritik, Übersetzung Und
Erklärung: Auf Grund Des Wiederhergestellten Hebräischen Urtextes: Mit Einem
Anhang Über Den Pseudepigraphischen Baruch |
Kneucker, J. J.
(Johann Jacob); 1840-1909. |
1879 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel |
Ferdinand; 1807-1875. |
1850 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel |
Rudolph. |
1868 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel |
Behrmann, Georg;
1846-1911. |
1894 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel |
Marti, Karl;
1855-1925. |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel Und Die Neuere Geschichtsforschung: Ein Vortrag
Mit Anmerkungen |
Adolf. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel: Nach Der Septuaginta Hergestellt |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Daniel: Text-Kritische Untersuchung |
Riessler, Paul;
1865-1935. |
1899 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Der Jubiläen: Oder, Die Kleine Genesis: Unter Beifügung
Des Revidirten Textes Der in Der Ambrosiana Aufgefundenen Lateinischen
Fragmente |
1874 |
German |
Bible. O.T.
Apocryphal books. Book of Jubilees |
Das Buch Der Psalmen in Neuer Und Treuer Uebersetzung: Nach Der
Vulgata, Mit Fortwährender Berücksichtigung Des Urtextes |
1889 |
German |
Das Buch Der Richter Und Ruth |
Bertheau, Ernst;
1812-1888. |
1883 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Der Richter. Erster Band: Mit Besonderer Rücksicht Auf
Die Geschichte Seiner Auslegung Und Kirchlichen Verwendung |
Johannes. |
1868 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Der Weisheit |
Constantin; 1837-1928. |
1874 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Der Weisheit |
Heinisch, Paul;
1878-1956. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Der Weisheit Des Jesus Sirach (Josua Ben Sira) in
Seinem Verhältniss Zu Den Salomonischen Sprüchen Und Seiner Historischen
Bedeutung |
Caesar; b. 1860. |
1883 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Des Propheten Daniel |
Rohling, August;
1839-1931. |
1876 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Des Propheten Ezechiel |
Cornill, Carl
Heinrich; 1854-1920. |
1886 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Des Propheten Habackuk |
Happel, Otto;
1866-1932. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Des Propheten Sophonias |
Lippl, Joseph;
1876-1935. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Ester: Nach Der Septuaginta Hergestellt, Übersetzt Und
Kritisch Erklärt |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Esther: Auf Seine Geschichtlichkeit |
Jampel, Sigmund. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Exodus |
Eerdmans, B. D.
(Bernardus Dirk); 1868-1948. |
1910 |
German |
hypothesis (Pentateuchal criticism) |
Das Buch Ezechiel |
Richard. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Ezechiel |
Schmalzl, Peter. |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Ezechiel: Auf Grund Der Septuaginta Hergestellt |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Genesis Der Vulgata Und Des Hebräischen Textes |
Neteler, B.
(Bernhard) |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Habakuk: Text, Übersetzung Und Erklärung |
Duhm, Bernhard;
1847-1928. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Henoch |
August; 1823-1894. |
1853 |
German |
Ethiopic book of
Enoch |
Das Buch Henoch: Àthiopischer Text |
1902 |
Ethiopic |
Das Buch Henoch: Aus Dem Aethiopischen in Die Ursprùnglich
Hebràische Abfassungssprache |
1892 |
Hebrew |
Ethiopic book of
Enoch |
Das Buch Henoch: Sein Zeitalter Und Sein Verhältniss Zum
Judasbriefe: Ein Beitrag Zur Neutestamentlichen Isagogik: Nebst Einem Anhange
Über Judä V. 9 Und Dis Mosesprophetie |
Ferdinand. |
1868 |
German |
Ethiopic book of
Enoch |
Das Buch Hesekiel |
Alfred; 1868-1951. |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Hiob |
Ferdinand; 1807-1875. |
1874 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Hiob |
Ernst Wilhelm; 1802-1869. |
1875 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Hiob |
Duhm, Bernhard;
1847-1928. |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Hiob |
Budde, Karl. |
1913 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Hiob: Nach Sienem Inhalt, Seiner Kunstgestaltung Und
Religiösen Bedeutung |
Ley, Julius;
1822-1901. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Jeremia |
Duhm, Bernhard;
1847-1928. |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Jeremia |
1903 |
German |
Bible. O.T.
Jeremiah |
Das Buch Jeremia |
Cornill, Carl
Heinrich; 1854-1920. |
1905 |
German |
Prophets |
Das Buch Jeremia |
Friedrich; 1852-1910. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Jesaia |
Duhm, Bernhard;
1847-1928. |
1914 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Jesaja |
Marti, Karl;
1855-1925. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Jesaja: Erklärt |
Marti, Karl;
1855-1925. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Job |
Hermann; 1838-1920. |
1875 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Job Als Strophisches Kunstwerk Nachgewiesen |
Joseph; 1858-1929. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Job: Nach Anleitung Der Strophik Und Der Septuaginta |
1894 |
German |
Das Buch Josua |
Holzinger, H.
(Heinrich) |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Judith Als Geschichtliche Urkunde |
Wolff, O. |
1861 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Kohelet |
Zapletal, V.
(Vincenz); b. 1867. |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Kohelet Im Talmud Und Midrasch |
Schiffer, Sinai;
b. 1854. |
1884 |
German |
Midrash |
Das Buch Kohelet: Nach Der Auffassung Der Weisen Des Talmud Und
Midrasch Und Der Jüdischen Erklärer Des Mittelalters. Theil I; Von Der
Mischna Bis Zum Abschluss Des Babyl. Talmud Von 200-500 N. D. G. Z: Nebst
Zahlreichen Kritischen Note |
Schiffer, Sinai;
b. 1854. |
1884 |
German |
Midrash |
Das Buch Leviticus |
Eerdmans, B. D.
(Bernardus Dirk); 1868-1948. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Ruth in Der Midrasch-Litteratur: Ein Beitrag Zur
Geschichte Der Bibelexegese |
Hartmann, D.
(David) |
1901 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Tobias |
Reusch, F. H.
(Franz Heinrich); 1825-1900. |
1857 |
German |
Bible |
Das Buch Tobit |
Sengelmann, H. |
1857 |
German |
Bible |
Das Bundesbuch, Ex. XX, 22-XXIII, 33: Seine Ursprüngliche
Gestalt, Sein Verhältnis Zu Den Es Umgebenden Quellenschriften Und Seine
Stellung in Der Alt-Testamentlichen Gesetzgebung |
Baentsch, Bruno;
1859-1908. |
1892 |
German |
Bible |
Das Christentum Des Neuen Testaments |
Hartmann, Eduard
von; 1842-1906. |
1905 |
German |
Doctrinal |
Das Christliche Gottvertrauen Und Der Glaube an Christus: Eine
Dogmatische Untersuchung Auf Biblisch-theologischer Grundlage Und Unter
Berücksichtigung Der Symbolischen Litteratur |
Mayer, E. W.
(Emil Walter); b. 1854. |
1899 |
German |
Faith |
Das Christusbild Der Apostel Und Der Nachapostolischen Zeit |
Daniel; 1813-1885. |
1879 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Christusbild Des Paulus |
Juncker, Alfred. |
1906 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Deuteronomium |
Schultz, Fr. W.
(Friedrich Wilhelm); 1828-1888. |
1859 |
German |
Bible |
Das Deuteronomium Und Der Deuteronomiker: Untersuchungen Zur
Alttestamentlichen Rechts-Und Literaturgeschichte |
Kleinert, Paul;
1837-1920. |
1872 |
German |
Bible |
Das Deuteronomium: Eine Literarkritische Untersuchung |
Puukko, A.
Filemon; (Antti Filemon); b. 1875. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Das Deuteronomium: Eine Schutzschrift Wider Modern-Kritisches
Unwesen |
Zahn, Adolf;
1834-1900. |
1890 |
German |
Bible |
Das Deuteronomium: Sein Inhalt Und Seine Literarische Form: Eine
Kritische Studie |
Staerk, Willy;
1866-1946. |
1894 |
German |
Jewish law |
Das Dodekapropheton |
Marti, Karl;
1855-1925. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Dritte Buch Esdras Und Sein Verhältnis Zu Den Büchern
Esra-Nehemia |
Bayer, Edmund;
b. 1881. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Das Erste Buch Der Bibel: Nach Seiner Inneren Einheit Und
Echtheit |
Naumann, O. |
1890 |
German |
Bible |
Das Erste Pontificalschreiben Des Apostelfürsten Petrus:
Wissenschaftliche Und Praktische Auslegung Des Ersten Briefes Des Heil.
Petrus Im Geiste Der Kirche Und Im Hinblick Auf Den Geist Der Zeit: Eine
Festschrift Zur Erinnerung an Das Fuì |
Ludwig Joseph. |
1873 |
German |
Bible |
Das Erste Sendschreiben Des Apostel Paulus an Die Korinthier |
Heinrici, C. F.
Georg; (Carl Friedrich Georg); 1844-1915. |
1880 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Des Johannes: Nach Der Syrischen Im Sinaikloster
Gefundenen Palimpsesthandschrift |
Merx, Adalbert;
1838-1909. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Des Markus |
Gustav; 1862-1917. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Des Markus: Der Hausgemeinde Ausgelegt |
Wenger, R.
(Rudolf); 1831-1899. |
1886 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Des Paulus |
Holsten, Carl;
1825-1897. |
1898 |
German |
Paul |
Das Evangelium Des Petrus: Das Kürzlich Gefundene Fragment
Seines Textes |
Zahn, Theodor;
1838-1933. |
1893 |
German |
Gospel of Peter |
Das Evangelium Jesu Und Das Evangelium Von Jesus (Nach Den
Synoptikern): Ein Beitrag Zur Lösung Der Frage in Drei Vorlesungen |
Schaeder, Erich;
1861-1936. |
1906 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Evangelium Johannis |
Julius; 1844-1918. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Lucae |
Julius; 1844-1918. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Marci |
Julius; 1844-1918. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Marcions in Seiner Ursprünglichen Gestalt: Nebst
Dem Vollständigsten Beweise Dargestellt, Dass Es Nicht Selbstständig, Sondern
Ein Verstümmeltes Und Verfälschtes Lukas-Evangelium War, Den Freunden Des
Neuen Testaments |
Hahn, August;
1792-1863. |
1823 |
German |
Marcion |
Das Evangelium Marcions: Text Und Kritik Mit Rücksicht Auf Die
Evangelien Des Märtyrers Justin, Der Clementinen Und Der Apostolischen Väter:
Eine Revision Der Neuern Untersuchungen Nach Den Quellen Selbst Zur
Textesbestimmung Und Erkla |
Volkmar, Gustav;
1809-1893. |
1852 |
German |
Marcion |
Das Evangelium Matthaei |
Julius; 1844-1918. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Matthaei Vor Dem Forum Der Bibel Und Des Talmud |
Lippe, K.
(Karpel); 1830-1915. |
1889 |
German |
literature |
Das Evangelium Matthaeus: Nach Der Syrischen Im Sinaikloster
Gefundenen Palimpsesthandschrift |
Merx, Adalbert;
1838-1909. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Nach Johannes |
Lange, J. P.
(Johann Peter); 1802-1884. |
1868 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Nach Lukas: Nebst Einleitenden Bemerkungen Zur
Evangelischen Geschichte |
Nast, Wilhelm;
1807-1899. |
1871 |
German |
Bible |
Das Evangelium Und Die Apokalypse Des Petrus: Die Neuentdeckten
Bruchstùcke |
1893 |
Greek |
Gospel of Peter |
Das Evangelium Und Die Briefe Johannis |
Adolf; 1823-1907. |
1849 |
German |
Bible |
Das Fragmententhargum: (Thargum Jeruschalmi Zum Pentateuch) |
1899 |
German |
Bible |
Das Fünfte Evangelium (Das Heilige Land) |
Martin; b. 1868. |
1910 |
German |
Palestine in the
Bible |
Das Galiläa Bei Jerusalem: Eine Biblische Studie: Ein Beitrag
Zur Palästinakunde |
Resch, Alfred;
1835-1912. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Das Gebet Bei Paulus |
Juncker, Alfred. |
1905 |
German |
Prayer |
Das Gebet: Nach Den Paulinischen Schriften |
Friedrich; 1855-1919. |
1887 |
German |
Prayer |
Das Geheimnis Der Frömmigkeit Und Die Gottmenschheit Christi:
Ein Beitrag Zur Deutung Des Schluffes Von 1. Tim. 3 |
Walther. |
1906 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Gesetz Des Herrn, Oder, Die Heiligen Zehn Gebote |
Seeberg, P. |
1867 |
German |
Ten commandments |
Das Gesetz Und Christus Im Evangelium: Zur Revision Der
Kirklichen Lehre "De Lege Et Evangelio" |
Bugge, Chr. A.
(Christian August); 1853-1928. |
1903 |
German |
Law and gospel |
Das Gesetzesfreie Evangelium Des Paulus: Nach Seinem Werdegang |
Feine, Paul;
1859-1933. |
1899 |
German |
Paul |
Das Gespräch Jesu Mit Dem Samariterin |
Steinmeyer, F.
L. (Franz Ludwig); 1811-1900. |
1887 |
German |
Bible |
Das Gleichnis Vom Verlorenen Sohn: Lukas 15, 11-32 |
Kögel, Julius;
1871-1928. |
1909 |
German |
Prodigal son
(Parable) |
Das Göttliche Reich Als Weltreich: Nach Der Heiligen Schrift |
Julius. |
1869 |
German |
Kingdom of God |
Das Hauptproblem Der Evangelienfrage Und Der Weg Zu Seiner
Lösung: Eine Akademische Vorlesung: Nebst Exkursen |
Ewald, Paul;
1857-1911. |
1890 |
German |
Synoptic problem |
Das Hebräer-Evangelium: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Und Kritik
Des Hebräischen Matthäus |
Rudolf; 1841-1929. |
1888 |
German |
Gospel according
to the Hebrews |
Das Heilige Evangelium Des Iohannes: Syrisch in Harklensischer
Uebersetzung: Mit Vocalen Und Den Puncten Kuschoi Und Rucoch Nach Einer
Vaticanischen Handschrift |
1853 |
Syriac |
Das Heilige Schriftwerk Kohelet Im Lichte Der Geschichte: Neue
Forschung Über Ecclesiastes Nebst Text, Uebersetzung Und Kommentar |
Leimdörfer, D.
(David); 1851-1923. |
1892 |
German |
Bible |
Das Heiligkeits-Gesetz: Lev. XVII-XXVI: Eine
Historisch-Kritische Untersuchung |
Baentsch, Bruno;
1859-1908. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Das Heiligthum Und Die Wahrheit |
Gfrörer, A. Fr.
(August Friedrich); 1803-1861. |
1838 |
German |
Church |
Das Hohe Lied |
Ferdinand; 1807-1875. |
1855 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohe Lied Salomonis |
Theodor. |
1881 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohe Lied: Ein Vortrag Nebst Einer Mit Anmerkungen
Versehenen Übersetzung Des Hohen Liedes |
Rothstein, J. W.
(Johann Wilhelm); 1853-1926. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1851 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied |
Feilchenfeld, W.
(Wolf) |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied Salomo's Bei Den Jüdischen Erklärern Des
Mittelalters: Nebst Einem Anhange, Erklärungsproben Aus Handschriften |
Siegmund; b. 1843. |
1879 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied Salomos: Eine Biblische Weissagung Auf Das Moderne
Babel |
Jäger, Adolf. |
1903 |
German |
Seven churches |
Das Hohelied: Auf Grund Arabischer Und anderer Parallelen |
Jacob, Georg;
1862-1937. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied: Aus Dem Hebräischen Originaltext In's Deutsche
Übertragen: Wie Auch Sprachlich Und Sachlich Erläutert Und Mit Einer
Umfassenden Einleitung |
Kaempf, S. I.
(Saul Isaac); 1818-1892. |
1884 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied: Kritisch Und Metrisch Üntersucht |
Zapletal, V.
(Vincenz); b. 1867. |
1907 |
German |
Bible |
Das Hohelied: Kurz Erklärt Von Th. Harms. |
Harms, Theodor;
1819-1885. |
1870 |
German |
Bible |
Das Ich Der Psalmen |
Balla, Emil; b.
1885. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Das Johanneische Evangelium Nach Seiner Eigenthümlichkeit |
Luthardt, Chr.
Ernst; (Christoph Ernst); 1823-1902. |
1876 |
German |
Bible. N.T. John |
Das Johannesevangelium |
Oskar; 1859-1934. |
1887 |
German |
Bible |
Das Johannes-Evangelium |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Das Johannesevangelium Als Einheitliches Werk |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Das Johannes-Evangelium Als Quelle Der Geschichte Jesu |
Friedrich; 1852-1924. |
1910 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Johannes-Evangelium Nach Der Paraphrase Des Nonnus
Panopolitanus |
1903 |
Greek |
Das Johannesevangelium: Eine Untersuchung Seiner Entstehung Und
Seines Geschichtlichen Wertes |
Wendt, Hans
Hinrich; 1853-1928. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Das Johannesevangelium: Seine Echtheit Und Glaubwürdigkeit |
Dausch, Petrus;
b. 1864. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Das Johannesevangelium: Studien Zur Kritik Seiner Erforschung |
Overbeck, Franz;
1837-1905. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Das Königsideal Des Alten Testaments: Rede Zur Akademischen
Feier Des Geburtstages Sr. Majestät Des Kaisers Und Königs Wilhelms II. Am
27. Januar 1899 |
Oettli, Samuel;
1846-1911. |
1899 |
German |
Kings and rulers |
Das Lateinische Neue Testament in Afrika Zur Zeit Cyprians: Nach
Bibelhandschriften Und Väterzeugnissen: Mit Unterstützung Des Kgl.
Preussischen Historischen Instituts |
Soden, Hans Otto
Arthur Maria Roderich Ulrich; Freiherr von; 1881-1945. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Das Leben Jesu Im Zeitalter Der Neutestamentlichen Apokryphen |
Bauer, Walter;
1877-1960. |
1909 |
German |
Apocryphal books
(New Testament) |
Das Leben Jesu in Seinen Neueren Darstellungen: Fünf Vorträge |
Gerhard; 1826-1901. |
1892 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Leben Nach Dem Tode: Nach Den Vorstellungen Des Alten Israel
Und Des Judentums Einschliesslich Des Volksglaubens Im Zeitalter Christi,
Eine Biblisch-Theologische Untersuchung |
Friedrich; 1863-1919. |
1892 |
German |
Future life |
Das Letzte Passamahl Christi Und Der Tag Seines Todes: Nach Den
in Übereinstimmung Gebrachten Berichten Der Synoptiker Und Des Evangelium
Johannis: Nebst Einem Anhang, Das Verhältniss Der Pharisärer, Sadducäer Und
Der Juden Überhau |
Khvolʹson, D.
A. (Danì„il Avraamovich); 1819-1911. |
1892 |
German |
Last Supper |
Das Lied Moses: Deut. 32, 1-43 |
Adolf. |
1862 |
German |
Bible |
Das Literarische Rätsel Des Hebräerbriefs: Mit Einem Anhang Über
Den Literarischen Charakter Des Barnabasbriefes |
Wrede, William;
1859-1906. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Das Lukasevangelium |
Meinertz, Max. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Das Lukasevangelium Und Die Apostelgeschichte: Werke Desselben
Verfassers |
Friedrich, J.
(Johann); 1836-1917. |
1890 |
German |
Bible |
Das Marcusevangelium Und Seine Synoptischen Parallelen |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1872 |
German |
Bible |
Das Markusevangelium Nach Seinem Ursprung Und Charakter: Nebst
Einem Anhang Über Das Evangelium Marcion's |
Baur, Ferdinand
Christian; 1792-1860. |
1851 |
German |
Synoptic problem |
Das Markusevangelium: Eine Untersuchung Über Die Form Der
Petruserinnerungen Und Die Geschichte Der Urgemeinde |
Erbt, Wilhelm;
b. 1876. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Das Markusevangelium: Nach Seinem Quellenwerthe Für Die
Evangelische Geschichte |
August; 1837-1915. |
1867 |
German |
Bible |
Das Markus-Evangelium: Nach Seiner Composition, Seiner Stellung
in Der Evangelien-literatur, Seinem Ursprung Und Charakter |
Adolf; 1823-1907. |
1850 |
German |
Bible |
Das Matthäusevangelium |
Pölzl, Franz X.
(Franz Xaver); 1840-1914. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Das Matthäus-Evangelium |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1898 |
German |
Bible |
Das Matthäusevangelium Und Seine Lucas-Parallelen |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1876 |
German |
Synoptic problem |
Das Messianische BewusstseInjesu |
Völter, Daniel;
b. 1855. |
1907 |
German |
Son of Man |
Das Messiasgeheimnis in Den Evangelien: Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zum
Verständnis Des Markusevangeliums |
Wrede, William;
1859-1906. |
1901 |
German |
Messianic secret
(Bible) |
Das Muratorische Fragment Und Die Monarchianischen Prologe Zu
Den Evangelien |
Lodovico Antonio; 1672-1750. |
1908 |
Latin |
Monarchianism |
Das Nachapostolische Zeitalter in Den Hauptmomenten Seiner
Entwicklung |
Albert; 1819-1857. |
1846 |
German |
literature, Early |
Das Nachtgespräch Jesu Mit Dem Nikodemus |
Steinmeyer, F.
L. (Franz Ludwig); 1811-1900. |
1889 |
German |
Bible |
Das Neu Gefundene Hebräische Stück Des Sirach: Der Glossator Des
Griechischen Sirach Und Seine Stellung in Der Geschichte Der Jüdischen
Theologie |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Das Neue Testament Um Das Jahr 200: Theodor Zahn's Geschichte
Des Neutestamentlichen Kanons, Erster Band, Erste Hälfte |
Harnack, Adolf
von; 1851-1930. |
1889 |
German |
Zahn, Theodor |
Das Neue Testament Unsres Herrn Und Heilandes Jesu Christi: In
Übersichtlicher Nebeneinanderstellung Des Urtextes, Der Vulgata Und
Luther-Uebersetzung, So Wie Der Wichtigsten Varianten Der Vornehmsten
Deutschen Uebersetzungen Für Den Prak |
1875 |
German |
Das Nordhebräische Sagenbuch, Die Elohimquelle |
Procksch, Otto;
1874-1947. |
1906 |
German |
hypothesis (Pentateuchal criticism) |
Das Paulinische Evangelium: Kritische Untersuchung Des
Evangeliums Nach Lucas Und Seines Verhältnisses Zu Marcus, Matthäus Und Der
Apostelgeschichte |
Johannes Henricus; 1811-1885. |
1881 |
German |
Bible |
Das Petrusevangelium: Synoptische Tabelle: Nebst Übersetzung Und
Kritischem Apparat |
Schubert, Hans
von; 1859-1931. |
1893 |
German |
Gospel of Peter |
Das Pferd, Der Esel Und Der Hund in Der Heiligen Schrift: Ein
Beitrag Zur Biblischen Archäologie |
Zeller, Alwin. |
1890 |
German |
Animals in the
Bible |
Das Priesterthum Des Alten Bundes |
Küper; Lic. |
1866 |
German |
Priesthood |
Das Problem Der Apokalypse: Nach Seinem Gegenwärtigen Stande |
Völter, Daniel;
b. 1855. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Das Problem Der Heilsgeschichte Nach Röm. 9-11: Ein Beitrag Zur
Historisch-Theologischen Würdigung Der Paulinischen Theodizee |
Weber, E.
(Emil); 1882-1950. |
1911 |
German |
Theodicy |
Das Problem Der Theodicee in Der Älteren Jüdischen
Religionsphilosophie. Teil I |
Goitein, H.
(Hirsch); 1863-1903. |
1890 |
German |
Theodicy |
Das Problem Des Hiobbuches: Vortrag, Gehalten Auf Dem
Theologischen Lehrkursus Für Feldgeistliche in Riga Am 13. März 1918 |
Sellin, Ernst;
1867-1945. |
1919 |
German |
Bible |
Das Prophetische Schrifttum |
Budde, Karl. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Das Rätsel Des Deuterojesajanischen Buches |
Sellin, Ernst;
1867-1945. |
1908 |
German |
Servant of Jehovah |
Das Rätsel Des Fünfbuches Mose Und Seine Falsche Lösung: Eine
Reihe Kritischer Einzeluntersuchungen Und Zeugnisse: Ein Beitrag Zur Lösung
Einer Brennenden Biblischen Zeitfrage Mit Eingehender Berücksichtigung Der
Quellenscheidung V |
Eduard. |
1894 |
German |
Strack, Hermann
Leberecht |
Das Rätsel Des Leidens: Eine Einführung in Das Buch Hiob |
Köberle, Justus. |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Das Reich Gottes in Der Heiligen Schrift |
Bernhard; 1860-1938. |
1912 |
German |
Kingdom of God |
Das Reich Gottes Nach Altem Und Neuem Testament, Oder,
Weissagung Und Erfüllung: Eine Biblisch-Theologische Untersuchung Zum Erweise
Dessen, Dass Jesus Von Nazareth Der Von Den Israelitischen Propheten
Geweissagte Messias Israels Und Das Vo |
Theologen. |
1897 |
German |
Kingdom of God |
Das Reich Gottes: Nach Den Synoptischen Evangelien: Eine
Untersuchung Zur Neutestamentlichen Theologie |
Wilhelm; 1867-1938. |
1895 |
German |
Kingdom of God |
Das Schreien Der Steine, Oder, Hieroglyphen, Keilinschrift Und
Bibelwort |
Finke, G. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Das Schriftprinzip Der Lutherischen Kirche. I. Banddie
Vorgeschichte, Das Erbe Des Mittelalters: Geschichtliche Und Dogmatische
Untersuchungen |
Friedrich; 1875-1917. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Das Trostschreiben Des Apostels Paulus an Die Hebräer |
Biesenthal, J.
H. R. (Johann Heinrich Raphael); 1800-1886. |
1878 |
German |
Bible |
Das Verhältnis Des Deuteronomiums Zu 2. Kön. 22. 23. Und Zur
Prophetie Jeremia |
Bötticher, Otto;
b. 1882. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Das Verhältnis Des Deuteronomiums Zu 2. Kön. 22. 23. Und Zur
Prophetie Jeremia. |
Bötticher, Otto;
b. 1882. |
1906 |
German |
Das Verhältnis Des Menschenopfers Zur Israelitischen Religion |
Adolf. |
1896 |
German |
Sacrifice |
Das Verhältniss Der Massora Zur Septuaginta Im Jeremia |
Kühl, Ernst; b.
1861. |
1882 |
German |
Bible |
Das Verhältniss Des Jakobus, Bruder Des Herrn, Zu Jakobus Alphäi |
Schaff, Philip;
1819-1893. |
1842 |
German |
James |
Das Verständnis Der Oden Salomos |
Wilhelm; b. 1868. |
1911 |
German |
Odes of Solomon |
Das Vierte Buch Esra: Auf Seine Quellen |
Richard; b. 1868. |
1889 |
German |
Bible |
Das Vierte Evangelium Gegenüber Den Drei Ersten |
Schmiedel, Paul
Wilh. (Paul Wilhelm); 1851-1935. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Das Vorexilische Buch Der Urgeschichte Israels Und Seine
Erweiterungen: Ein Beitrag Zur Pentateuch-Kritik |
Kayser, August;
1821-1885. |
1874 |
German |
Bible |
Das Weihnachts-Evangelium Auf Ursprung Und Geschichte |
Gressmann, Hugo;
1877-1927. |
1914 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Wesen Der Kirche Nach Lehre Und Geschichte Des Neuen
Testamentes: Mit Vornehmlicher Rücksicht Auf Die Streitfrage Zwischen
Protestantismus Und Katholicismus |
Köstlin, Julius;
1826-1902. |
1872 |
German |
Church |
Das Wort Gottes Und Die Apokryphen Des Alten Testaments: Eine
Streitschrift Wider Prof. Dr. Hengstenberg |
Keerl, Philipp
Friedrich. |
1853 |
German |
Hengstenberg, E. W |
Das Wort Gottes: Gegen D. Volck Und D. Von Oettingen |
Dieckhoff, A. W.
(August Wilhelm); 1823-1894. |
1888 |
German |
Bible |
Das Wort Jesu |
Schlatter, Adolf
von; 1852-1938. |
1909 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Das Zeichen Des Menschensohnes Und Der Doppelsinn Des
Jonäzeichens |
Runze, Georg;
1852-1938. |
1897 |
German |
Symbols in the
Bible |
Das Zweite Pontificalschreiben Des Apostelfürsten Petrus:
Wissenschaftliche Und Praktische Auslegung Des Zweiten Briefes Des Heil.
Petrus Im Geiste Der Kirche Und Im Hinblick Auf Den Geist Der Zeit: Eine
Festschrift Zur Feier Der Erhebung |
Ludwig Joseph. |
1878 |
German |
Bible |
Das Zweite Sendschreiben Des Apostel Paulus an Die Korinthier |
Heinrici, C. F.
Georg; (Carl Friedrich Georg); 1844-1915. |
1887 |
German |
Bible |
Date of Our Gospels in the Light of the Latest Criticism, The |
Curtiss, Samuel
Ives; 1844-1904. |
1881 |
English |
Waite, Charles B |
Date of St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, The |
Round, Douglass. |
1906 |
English |
Bible |
Date of the Acts and of the Synoptic Gospels, The |
Harnack, Adolf
von; 1851-1930. |
1911 |
English |
Bible |
Dated Events of the Old Testament: Being a Presentation of Old
Testament Chronology, The |
Beecher, Willis
J. (Willis Judson); 1838-1912. |
1907 |
English |
Bible |
Dates of Genesis: A Comparison of the Biblical Chronology With
That of Other Ancient Nations: With an Appendixon Chronological Astronomy,
The |
Jones, F. A.
(Frederick Augustus) |
1909 |
English |
Bible |
David the King: A Historical Inquiry |
Marcel; 1844-1920. |
1902 |
English |
David |
David, Roi, Psalmiste, Prophète: Avec Une Introduction Sur La
Nouvelle Critique |
Guillaume Renè; cardinal; 1817-1896. |
1889 |
French |
David |
David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King |
Meyer, F. B.
(Frederick Brotherton); 1847-1929. |
1895 |
English |
David |
David's Blessed Man, or, A Short Exposition on the First Psalm:
Directing a Man to True Happiness |
Smith, Samuel;
1588-1665. |
1868 |
English |
Smith, Samuel |
David's Harp in Song and Story |
Clokey, Joseph
W. (Joseph Waddell); 1890-1960. |
1896 |
English |
Psalmody |
Davids Psalmer |
1885 |
Norwegian |
De Alexandrijnsche Vertaling Van Het Dodekapropheton |
Stekhoven, J. Z. |
1887 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Aramaismis Libri Ezechielis |
Fridericus. |
1890 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Ark Gods: Het Oud-Israèlitische Heiligdom |
Sevensma, T. P.
(Tietse Pieter); b. 1879. |
1908 |
Dutch |
Ark of the
Covenant |
De Bergrede |
Oort, H.
(Henricus); 1836-1927. |
1905 |
Dutch |
Sermon on the
mount |
de Bergrede En andere Synoptische Fragmenten: Een
Historisch-Kritisch Onderzoek Met Een Inleiding Over Enkele Leemten in de
Methode Van de Kritiek Der Evangelièn |
Pierson, A.
(Allard); 1831-1896. |
1878 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgatae Editionis Graecitate |
Saalfeld, G. A.
(Gùnther Alexander); 1852-1911. |
1891 |
Latin |
Latin language |
De Brief Aan de Romeinen |
Manen, W. C.
van; (Willem Christiaan); 1842-1905. |
1891 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Brief Van Jacobus: Een Bijdrage Tot de Kennis Der
Oud-Christelijke Literatuur En Leer |
Blom, A. H.
(Abraham Herman); 1815-1885. |
1869 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Brieven Aan de Korinthiers |
Manen, W. C.
van; (Willem Christiaan); 1842-1905. |
1896 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Criticae Sacrae Argumento E Linguae Legibus Repetito: Ratione
Ducta Maxime Geneseos Capp. 1-11 Eius Historiam, Naturam, Vim |
Kònig, Eduard;
1846-1936. |
1879 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Dienst Der Baàlim in Israèl: Naar Aanleiding Van Het
Geschrift Van Dr. R. Dozy "De Israèlieten Te Mekka" |
Oort, H.
(Henricus); 1836-1927. |
1864 |
Dutch |
Baal (Deity) |
De Eerste Vier Verzen Van Den Zestienden Psalm; Nog Eens, de
Eerste Vier Verzen Van Psalm 16 |
Wildeboer, G.
(Gerrit); 1855-1911. |
1891 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Enuntiatis Finalibus Apud Graecorum Rerum Scriptores
Posterioris Aetatis |
Diel, Heinrich. |
1895 |
Latin |
Greek language |
De Estherae Libro Et Ad Eum Quae Pertinet VaticinIIs Et Psalmis:
Libri Tres |
Nickes, Johannes
Anselm; 1825-1866. |
1858 |
Latin |
Bible |
De EvangelIIs |
Francesco Saverio; 1797-1881. |
1853 |
Latin |
Jesus Christ |
De Fidei Notione Ethica Paulina |
Georg; b. 1852. |
1880 |
Latin |
Faith |
De Fire Evangeliers Harmoni, Eller, Jesu Historie Efter de Fire
Evangelier I Kronologisk Sammenstilling |
1896 |
Norwegian |
Bible |
De Foederis Notione Jeremiana: Commentatio Theologica |
Guthe, Hermann;
1849-1936. |
1877 |
Latin |
Covenants |
de Gentibus Et FamilIIs Judaeis Quae 1. Chr. 2. 4. Enumerantur |
Julius; 1844-1918. |
1870 |
Latin |
Genealogy in the
Bible |
De Godspraken Van Amos |
Gunning, J. H.
1858-1940. |
1885 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Gordel Der Waarheid: Leerrede Over Efezen 6:14A:
Afscheids-Preek |
Boer, G. E.
(Geert Egberts); 1832-1904. |
1876 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Habacuci Prophetae: Vita Atque Aetate: Commentatio
Historico-isagogica, Cum Diatriba de Pseudodorothei Et PseudepiphanII Vitis
Prophetarum |
Franz; 1813-1890. |
1842 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Handelingen Der Apostelen |
Manen, W. C.
van; (Willem Christiaan); 1842-1905. |
1890 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Hebraeorum Leviratu |
Ferdinand. |
1835 |
Latin |
Levirate |
De Historia Textus Actorum Apostolorum |
Honoratus. |
1902 |
Latin |
Bible |
de Historie-Beschouwing Van Den Deuteronomist: Met de Berichten
in Genesis-Numeri Vergeleken |
Kosters, Willem
Hendrik; 1843-1897. |
1868 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Inspiratione Scripturae Sacrae Quid Statuerint Patres
Apostolici Et Apologetae Secundi Saeculi: Commentatio Dogmatico-Historica |
Johannes. |
1872 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Interpretatione Scripturarum Sacrarum |
Francesco Saverio; 1797-1881. |
1844 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Johanneiska Smaìšbrefvens Ursprung: Undersòkt Med Sàrskild
Hànsyn Till Presbyterhypotesen: Akademisk Afhandling |
Hjelt, Arthur;
1868-1931. |
1901 |
Swedish |
Bible |
De Lagarde's Ausgabe Der Arabischen Übersetzung Des Pentateuchs
(Cod. Leiden Arab. 377) |
Hughes, J.
Caleb; (John Caleb); b. 1881. |
1914 |
German |
Lagarde, Paul de |
de Leer Van Het Messiasrijk Bij de Eerste Christenen: Volgens de
Handelingen Der Apostelen: Eene Bijdrage Tot de Bijbelsche Theologie |
Blom, A. H.
(Abraham Herman) |
1863 |
Dutch |
Messiah |
De Leidsche Vertaling Van Het Oude Testament |
Oort, H.
(Henricus); 1836-1927. |
1908 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De L'histoire de La Vulgate En France: Lecìon D'ouverture |
Berger, Samuel;
1843-1900. |
1887 |
French |
Bible |
de Lis, Quae in Testamento Vetere Commemorantur, Prophetarum
Societatibus |
Rudolph. |
1861 |
Latin |
Prophets |
De L'universalitè Du Dèluge |
Schoebel, C.
(Charles); 1813-1888. |
1858 |
French |
Deluge |
De Mente Dogmatica Loci Paulini Ad Rom. 5, 12 Sq. |
Fricke, G. A.
(Gustav Adolf) |
1880 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Mozàsche Oorsprong Van de Wetten in de Boeken Exodus,
Leviticus En Numeri: Lezingen Over de Moderne Schrift-Critiek Des Ouden
Testaments |
Hoedemaker, Ph.
J. (Philippus Jacobus). |
1895 |
Dutch |
Bible |
de Natura Fidei Apud Paulum Apostolum: Mysticane in Ea
Contineantur Elementa, Necne |
Vernes, Maurice;
1845-1923. |
1871 |
French |
Paul |
De Notione Subiectivae Fidei Quae Exstat in Quatuor EvangelIIs.
Fasciculus Primus |
Maximilianus; b. 1846. |
1871 |
Latin |
Subjectivity |
De Oudste Getuigenissen Aangaande de Schriften Des Nieuwen
Testaments |
Johannes Henricus; 1811-1885. |
1866 |
Dutch |
Greek literature |
De Pentateuch: Naar Zijne Wording Onderzocht: Proeve Van Studie
Op Het Gebied Der Oud-Israelitische Lettern |
Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus; 1854-1922. |
1892 |
Dutch |
Bible |
de Pentateucho Samaritano Ejusque Cum Versionibus Antiquis Nexu |
Kohn, Samuel;
1841-1912. |
1865 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Phrynicho Sophista |
Kaibel, George;
1849-1901. |
1899 |
Latin |
Greek language |
de Profetie Van Amos |
Elhorst, Hendrik
Jan; 1861-1924. |
1900 |
Dutch |
Bible |
de Profetie Van Micha |
Elhorst, Hendrik
Jan; 1861-1924. |
1891 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Profetische Boeken Des Ouden Verbonds |
Kuenen, Abraham;
1828-1891. |
1889 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Pronominibus, Pars Generalis |
Dyscolus; 2nd cent. |
1911 |
Greek |
Greek language |
de Proverbiorum Quae Dicuntur Aguri Et Lemuelis Origine Atque
Indole |
Mùhlau, F.
(Ferdinand) |
1869 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Quattuor Evangeliorum Codicibus Origenianis |
Ernestus; b. 1883. |
1907 |
Latin |
Origen |
De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum. |
Lowth, Robert;
1710-1787. |
1761 |
Latin |
De Scriptura Sacra |
Bainvel, J. V.
(Jean Vincent); 1858-1937. |
1910 |
Latin |
Bible |
de Tekst Der Brieven Van Paulus Aan de Romeinen, de Corinthièrs
En de Galatièrs Als Voorwerp Van de Conjecturaalkritiek Beschouwd |
Baljon, J. M. S.
(Johannes Marinus Simon) |
1884 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Testamenten Der Twaalf Patriarchen |
Hengel, W. A.
van; (Wessel Albertus) |
1860 |
Dutch |
Testaments of the
Twelve Patriarchs |
De Trognas Frihet Ifraìšn Lagen |
Rosenius, C. O.
(Carl Olof); 1816-1868. |
1874 |
Swedish |
Law and gospel |
De Tweederlei Gerechtigheid: Naar Aanleiding Van Rom. 10:4-10 |
Meulen, Jakob
van der. |
1877 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Veritate Historica Libri Judith: AlIIsque SS. Scripturarum
Locis Specimen Criticum Exegeticum |
Domenico; 1829-1909. |
1886 |
Latin |
Bible |
de Veteris Latinae Ecclesiastici Capitibus I-XlIII: Una Cum
Notis Ex Eiusdem Libri Translationibus Aethiopica, Armeniaca, Copticis,
Latina Altera, Syro-Hexaplari Depromptis |
Herkenne, Henr.
(Heinrich); b. 1871. |
1899 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Veteris Testamenti Locis a Paulo Apostolo Allegatis |
Kautzsch, E.
(Emil); 1841-1910. |
1869 |
Latin |
Bible |
De Vi Ac Notione Vocabuli Elpis in Novo Testamento |
Zòckler, Otto;
1833-1906. |
1856 |
Latin |
Elpis (The Greek
word) |
De Vi Et Usu Praepositionum Epi, Meta, Para, Peri, Pros, Hupo
Apud Aristophanem |
Iltz, Johannes;
b. 1868. |
1890 |
Latin |
Greek language |
De Vita Et Scriptis Sancti Jacobi, Batnarum Sarugi in
Mesopotamia Episcopi: Cum Ejusdem Syriacis Carminibus Duobus Integris Ac
Aliorum Aliquot Fragmentis, Necnon GeorgII Ejus Discipuli Oratione Panegyrica |
Abbeloos, Jean
Baptiste; 1836-1906. |
1867 |
Latin |
Jacob |
De Volmaking Der Gemeente: Leerrede Over 2 Corinthen 13:9B |
Hulst, L. J.
(Lammert J.) |
1885 |
Dutch |
Bible |
De Waarde Der Syrische Evangelièn: Door Cureton Ontdekt En
Uitgegeven |
Wildeboer, G.
(Gerrit); 1855-1911. |
1880 |
Dutch |
Bible |
Death of the Verbal Theory and the Unveiling of Christ, or, The
Bible a "Sufficient Witness" to the "Self-Evidencing
Christ", The |
George. |
1894 |
English |
Bible |
Deathless Book, The |
Mears, David O.
(David Otis); 1842-1915. |
1888 |
English |
Bible |
Decalogue and Criticism, or, The Place of the Decalogue in the
Development of the Hebrew Religion, The |
Robinson, George
L. (George Livingstone); 1864-1958. |
1899 |
English |
Ten commandments |
Deciding Voice of the Monuments in Biblical Criticism, The |
Kyle, Melvin
Grove; 1858-1933. |
1912 |
English |
Bible |
Deep Things of the Bible: A Compiled Exegesis of Scripture
Texts, and an Exposition of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible |
Farmer, H. A. |
1886 |
English |
Bible |
Deity of Jesus Christ According to the Gospel of John, The |
Pratt, S. W.
(Samuel Wheeler); 1838-1910. |
1907 |
English |
Jesus Christ |
Deluge in the Izdubar Epic and in the Old Testament, The |
Kellner, Max;
(Maximilian) |
1888 |
English |
Deluge |
Demonic Possession in the New Testament: Its Relations
Historical, Medical, and Theological |
William Menzies; 1858-1929. |
1902 |
English |
possession |
Demonism of the Ages: Spirit Obsessions So Common in Spiritism,
Oriental and Occidental Occultism, The |
Peebles, J. M.
(James Martin); 1822-1922. |
1904 |
English |
Demonomania |
Demonstration of the Truth of the Christian Religion |
Alexander; 1791-1880. |
1855 |
English |
Christianity |
Den Gammeltestamentlige Skriftoverlevering: I. Kanons Historie,
Li. Tekstens Historie |
Buhl, Frants;
1850-1932. |
1885 |
Danish |
Bible |
Der "Geschichtliche Christus" Und Die Synoptischen
Evangelien: Ein Vortrag |
Ewald, Paul;
1857-1911. |
1892 |
German |
Jesus Christ |
Der Abendländische Text Der Apostelgeschichte Und Die
Wir-Quelle: Eine Studie |
Pott, August; b.
1870. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Der Acht Und Sechzigste Psalm: Ein Denkmal Exegetischer Noth Und
Kunst Zu Ehren Unsrer Ganzen Zunft |
Reuss, Eduard;
1804-1891. |
1851 |
German |
Bible |
Der Achtundsechzigste Psalm: Mit Besonderer Rücksicht Auf Seine
Alten Übersetzer Und Neueren Ausleger |
Grill, Julius;
1840-1930. |
1883 |
German |
Bible |
Der Ältere Prophetismus: Bis Auf Die Heldengestalten Von Elia
Und Elisa |
König, Eduard;
1846-1936. |
1905 |
German |
Prophecy |
Der Alttestamentliche Kanon Der Antiochenischen Schule |
Dennefeld, L.
(Ludwig) |
1909 |
German |
Antiochian school |
Der Alttestamentliche Unterbau Des Reiches Gottes |
Boehmer, Julius;
b. 1866. |
1902 |
German |
Kingdom of God |
Der Angebliche Turmbau Zu Babel, Der Erlebnisse Der Familie
Abrahams Und Die Beschneidung |
Johann. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Der Apostel Johannes |
Krenkel, Max. |
1871 |
German |
John |
Der Apostel Paulus |
Wilhelm; 1865-1920. |
1906 |
German |
Paul |
Der Apostel Paulus Und Sein Evangelium Als Autorität Für Den
Glauben |
öhler, Theodor. |
1907 |
German |
Paul |
Der Aufbau Der Amosreden |
Eberhard; b. 1871. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Der Ausgang Der Prophetie |
Haller, Max; b.
1879. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Der Babel-Bibel-Streit Und Die Offenbarungsfrage: Ein Verzicht
Auf Verständigung |
Kittel, Rudolf;
1859-1929. |
1903 |
German |
Revelation |
Der Barnabasbrief |
Weiss, Johannes;
1863-1914. |
1888 |
German |
Epistle of
Barnabas |
Der Begriff Der Heiligkeit Im Neuen Testament: Eine Von Der
Haager Gesellschaft Zur Verteidigung Der Christlichen Religion Gekrönte
Preisschrift |
Issel, Ernst. |
1887 |
German |
Holiness |
Der Begriff Der Wahrheit in Dem Evangelium Und Den Briefen Des
Johannes |
Friedrich; 1883-1945. |
1911 |
German |
Truth (Christian
theology) |
Der Betende Gerechte Der Psalmen: Historischkritische
Untersuchung Als Beitrag Zu Einer Einleitung in Den Psalter |
Thaddaeus. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Der Biblische Bericht Über Die Stiftshütte: Ein Beitrag Zur
Geschichte Der Composition Und Diaskeue Des Pentateuch |
Popper, Julius. |
1862 |
German |
Tabernacle |
Der Biblische Samson |
Zapletal, V.
(Vincenz); b. 1867. |
1906 |
German |
Samson |
Der Biblische Schöpfungsbericht (Gen. 1, 1 Bis 2, 3) |
Kaulen, Franz;
1827-1907. |
1902 |
German |
Creation |
Der Biblische Schöpfungsbericht: Ein Exegetischer Versuch |
Hummelauer, Fr.
von; (Franz); 1842-1914. |
1877 |
German |
Creation |
Der Biblische Urgeschichte |
Nikel, Johannes;
1863-1924. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Der Hebräer |
Kurtz, J. H.
(Johann Heinrich); 1809-1890. |
1869 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Colosser |
Klöpper, Albert. |
1853 |
German |
Paul |
Der Brief an Die Epheser |
Klöpper, Albert. |
1891 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Epheser Als Lehre Von Der Gemeinde Für Die
Gemeinde |
Stier, R.
(Rudolf); 1800-1862. |
1859 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Galater |
Friedrich. |
1899 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Hebräer |
Moll, Carl
Bernhard; 1806-1878. |
1865 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Hebräer |
Zill, Leonhard;
1825-1879? |
1879 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Hebräer |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Hebräer |
Eduard; 1861-1927. |
1913 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Hebräer: Ein Ermunterungsschreiben an Zagende
Christen |
Eduard; 1861-1927. |
1916 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Hebräer: In Sechs Und Dreissig Betrachtungen |
Stier, R.
(Rudolf); 1800-1862. |
1862 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief an Die Römer |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1899 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Apostels Paulus an Die Philipper |
Klöpper, Albert. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Jacobus |
Willibald; 1823-1900. |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Jacobus: In Vierzig Predigten |
Immanuel; 1814-1895. |
1874 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Jakobus |
Lange, J. P.
(Johann Peter); 1802-1884. |
1866 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Jakobus |
Friedrich; 1852-1924. |
1896 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Jakobus: In Fünfundzwanzig Predigten |
Kögel, Rudolf;
1829-1896. |
1889 |
German |
Sermons, German |
Der Brief Des Paulus an Die Philipper |
Ewald, Paul;
1857-1911. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Des Paulus an Die Römer |
Kühl, Ernst; b.
1861. |
1913 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Jakobi: In Berichtigter Lutherscher Uebersetzung |
Neander, August;
1789-1850. |
1850 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Jakobi: In Zwei Und Dreissig Betrachtungen |
Stier, R.
(Rudolf); 1800-1862. |
1845 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Judä, Des Bruders Des Herrn: Als Prophetische Mahnung
Allen Gläubigen Unsrer Zeit, Die Sich Bewahren Wollen |
Stier, R.
(Rudolf); 1800-1862. |
1850 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Judae Des Apostels Und Bruders Des Herrn |
Rampf, M. F. |
1854 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Pauli an Die Galater |
Schmoller, Otto. |
1865 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Pauli an Die Galater |
Johannes. |
1897 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Pauli an Die Philipper: In Berichtigter Lutherscher
Uebersetzung |
Neander, August;
1789-1850. |
1849 |
German |
Bible |
Der Brief Pauli an Die Philipper:ein Beitrag Zu Dem
Religionsunterricht in Den Oberen Klassen |
Hörich, Ludwig. |
1881 |
German |
Religion in the
public schools |
Der Brief Pauli an Die Römer: Forschenden Bibellesern Durch
Umschreibung Und Erläuterung Erklärt Und Mit Specieller Einleitung, Sowie Mit
Den Nötigen Historischen, Geographischen Und Antiquarischen Anmerkungen |
Couard, Hermann. |
1895 |
German |
Bible |
Der Chacham Kohelet Als Philosoph Und Politiker: Ein Kommentar
Zum Biblischen Buche Kohelet, Zugleich Ein Studie Zu Religiösen Und
Politischen Entwicklung Des Volkes Israel Im Zeitalter Herodes Des Grossen |
Gerson, Adolf. |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Der Christliche Gottesglaube: Seine Vorgeschichte Und
Urgeschichte |
Oskar; 1859-1934. |
1905 |
German |
God |
Der Christus Des Glaubens Und Der Jesus Der Geschichte: Eine
Kritik Des Schleiermacher'schen Lebens Jesu |
Strauss, David
Friedrich; 1808-1874. |
1865 |
German |
Friedrich |
Der Chronograph Aus Dem Zehnten Jahre Antonins |
Schlatter, Adolf
von; 1852-1938. |
1894 |
German |
literature, Early |
Der Codex Arabicus Monacensis Aumer 238: Eine Spanisch-Arabische
Evangelienhandschrift |
Ròmer, Karl. |
1905 |
Arabic |
Staatsbibliothek |
Der Codex Boernerianus: Der Briefe Des Apostels Paulus (Msc.
Dresd. A 145b) in Lichtdruck Nachgebildet |
1911 |
Greek |
Manuscripts, Greek |
Der Codex D in Der Apostelgeschichte: Textkritische Untersuchung |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1899 |
German |
Bible |
Der Commentar Marqah's Des Samaritaners (Bücher I, II, IV Und
Auszüge Aus Bb. III Und VI.): In Der Hebräischen Quadratschrift Nebst
Einleitung, Übersetzung, Noten, Und Appendices |
Marqah. |
1896 |
German |
Bible |
Der Daniel Der Römerzeit: Ein Kritischer Versuch Zur Datierung
Einer Wichtigen Urkunde Des Spätjudentums |
Eduard. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Der Dekalog. Teil 1, Der Dekalog Im Hexateuch: Eine Kritische
Studie |
Meisner, Oskar. |
1893 |
German |
Ten commandments |
Der Eid Im Alten Testament: Vom Standpunkte Der Vergleichenden
Religionsgeschichte Aus |
Happel, Julius. |
1893 |
German |
Oaths in the Bible |
Der Einfluss Babyloniens Auf Das Verständnis Des Alten
Testamentes |
Alfred; 1864-1935. |
1908 |
German |
literature |
Der Einfluss Der Bibelkritik Auf Das Christliche Glaubensleben:
Vortrag |
Stave, Erik. |
1903 |
German |
Bible |
Der Einfluss Philos Auf Die Älteste Christliche Exegese
(Barnabas, Justin Und Clemens Von Alexandria): Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der
Allegorisch-Mystischen Schriftauslegung Im Christlichen Altertum |
Heinisch, Paul;
1878-1956. |
1908 |
German |
Philo |
Der Eingang Des Johannesevangeliums (Kapitel 1, V. 1-18): In
Meditationen |
Friedrich Adolph; 1809-1882. |
1866 |
German |
Bible |
Der Engels-Und Teufelsglaube Des Apostels Paulus |
Kurze, Georg; b.
1887. |
1915 |
German |
Angels |
Der Epheserbrief Des Apostels Paulus |
Belser, Joh.
Evang. (Johannes Evangelist); 1850-1916. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Brief an Die Korinther |
Heinrici, C. F.
Georg; (Carl Friedrich Georg); 1844-1915. |
1896 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Brief Johannis |
Rothe, Richard;
1799-1867. |
1878 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Brief Johannis: In Berichtigter Lutherscher
Uebersetzung |
Neander, August;
1789-1850. |
1851 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Brief Petri |
Schott, Theodor;
1835-1899. |
1861 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Korintherbrief |
Weiss, Johannes;
1863-1914. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Petrusbrief Und Die Neuere Kritik |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Petrusbrief: Seine Entstehung Und Stellung in Der
Geschichte Des Urchristentums |
Völter, Daniel;
b. 1855. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Thessalonicherbrief |
Schmidt, Paul
Wilhelm; 1845-1921. |
1885 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Und Zweite Petrusbrief Und Der Judasbrief |
Gustav; 1862-1917. |
1915 |
German |
Bible |
Der Erste Und Zweite Thessalonicherbrief |
Gustav; 1862-1917. |
1909 |
German |
Bible |
Der Ezechielische Tempel: Eine Exegetische Studie Über Ezechiel
40 FF. |
Richter, Georg;
b. 1860. |
1912 |
German |
Temple of
Jerusalem (Jerusalem) in the Bible |
Der Freie Formelhafte Infinitiv Der Limitation Im Griechischen |
Grünenwald, L.
(Lukas); b. 1858. |
1888 |
German |
Greek language |
Der Fund Von Tell-Amarna Und Die Bibel |
Vogel, August;
1817-1889. |
1898 |
German |
Tell el-Amarna
tablets |
Der Galaterbrief |
Adolf; 1823-1907. |
1852 |
German |
Bible |
Der Galaterbrief Im Feuer Der Neuesten Kritik Besonders Des
Prof. Dr. Loman in Amsterdam Sowie Des Prof. Rudolf Steck in Bern: Ein
Versuch |
Schmidt, Paul
Viktor; b. 1847. |
1892 |
German |
Loman, A. D |
Der Galaterbrief: Nach Seiner Echtheit Untersucht: Nebst
Kritischen Bemerkungen Zu Den Paulinischen Hauptbriefen |
Steck, Rudolf;
1842-1924. |
1888 |
German |
Bible |
Der Ganze Prolog Des Johannesevangeliums in Satzfolge
Und-Gliederung Wörtliches Citat Aus Jesaia: Eine Studie Des Christusbildes
Nach Der Aneinanderhaltung Beider Testamente |
Steinführer, W. |
1904 |
German |
Bible |
Der Gebrauch Des Alten Testamentes in Den Neutestamentlichen
Schriften |
Clemen, August. |
1895 |
German |
Bible |
Der Gebrauch Des Imperativischen Infinitivs Im Griechischen |
Wagner, Richard;
1860-1927? |
1891 |
German |
Greek language |
Der Gegenwärtige Kampf Um Das Alte Testament: Vortrag |
Oettli, Samuel;
1846-1911. |
1896 |
German |
Bible |
Der Geist Des Hohen Liedes: Geschichte, Kritik Und Uebersetzung |
Altschul, Jakob. |
1874 |
German |
Bible |
Der Geist Gottes Und Die Verwandten Erscheinungen Im Alten
Testament Und Im Anschliessenden Judentum |
Volz, Paul;
1871-1941. |
1910 |
German |
Holy Spirit |
Der Glaube Nach Der Anschauung Des Alten Testamentes: Eine
Untersuchung Über Bedeutung Von He-êemin Im Alttestamentlichen Sprachgebrauch |
Bach, Ludwig; b.
1875. |
1900 |
German |
He-'emin (The
Hebrew word) |
Der Griechisch-Syrische Text Des Matthäus: E 351 Im Verhältnis
Zu Tatian Ssc Ferrar |
Pott, August; b.
1870. |
1912 |
German |
Bible |
Der Hebräerbrief |
Friedrich; 1793-1859. |
1868 |
German |
Bible |
Der Hebräerbrief |
Windisch, Hans;
1881-1935. |
1913 |
German |
Bible |
Der Hebräerbrief |
Nikel, Johannes;
1863-1924. |
1914 |
German |
Bible |
Der Hebräerbrief in Zietgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1910 |
German |
Bible |
Der Heilige Geist in Der Heilsverkündigung Des Paulus: Eine
Biblisch-Theologische Untersuchung |
Gloèl, Johannes. |
1888 |
German |
Paul |
Der Jakobusbrief Und Die Johannisbriefe: Ausgelegt Für
Bibelleser |
Schlatter, Adolf
von; 1852-1938. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Der Jakobusbrief Und Die Neuere Kritik |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1904 |
German |
Grafe, Eduard |
Der Jakobusbrief Und Sein Verfasser in Schrift Und Überlieferung |
Meinertz, Max. |
1905 |
German |
Bible |
Der Jakobusbrief: Nach Lehranschauungen Und
Entstehungsverhältnissen |
Feine, Paul;
1859-1933. |
1893 |
German |
Bible |
Der Johanneische Lehrbegriff in Seinem Verhältnisse Zur
Gesammten Biblisch-Christlichen Lehre |
Frommann, Karl. |
1839 |
German |
Bible |
Der Johanneische Lehrbegriff in Seinen Grundzùgen |
Weiss, Bernhard;
1827-1918. |
1862 |
English |
Bible |
Der Johanneische Ursprung Des Vierten Evangeliums |
Luthardt, Chr.
Ernst; (Christoph Ernst); 1823-1902. |
1874 |
English |
Bible |
Der Judasbrief: Seine Echtheit, Abfassungszeit Und Leser: Ein
Beitrag Zur Einleitung in Die Katholischen Briefe |
Friedrich; 1883-1957. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kampf Um Die Schrift in Der Deutsch-Evangelischen Kirche Des
Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts |
Gennrich, Paul;
b. 1865. |
1898 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kampf Um Römer Kapitel 7: Eine Historisch-Exegetische Studie |
Engel, M. R. |
1902 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kanon Des Alten Testaments Zur Zeit Des Ben Sira |
Andreas. |
1911 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kanon Des Alten Testaments: Ein Abriss |
Budde, Karl. |
1900 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kanon Des Alten Testaments: Nach Den Überlieferungen in
Talmud Und Midrasch |
Fürst, Julius;
1805-1873. |
1868 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kanon Des Alten Testaments: Nach Den Überlieferungen in
Talmud Und Midrasch: Neue Untersuchungen Über Namen, Eintheilung, Verfasser,
Sammlung, Umfang Und Religiösen Charakter Der Alttestamentlichen Schriften
Sowie Über Geschichte |
Fürst, Julius;
1805-1873. |
1868 |
German |
Der Kanon Des Neuen Testamentes |
Dausch, Petrus;
b. 1864. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kanon Des Neuen Testaments |
Ewald, Paul;
1857-1911. |
1906 |
German |
Bible |
Der Kanon Und Die Kritik Des Neuen Testaments in Ihrer
Geschichtlichen Ausbildung Und Gestaltung: Nebst Herstellung Und Beleuchtung
Des Muratorischen Bruchstücks |
Adolf; 1823-1907. |
1863 |
German |
Bible |
Der Knecht Gottes Bei Deuterojesaja |
Sellin, Ernst;
1867-1945. |
1901 |
German |
Servant of Jehovah |
Der Knecht Gottes in Isaias Kap. 40-55 |
Feldmann, Franz;
1866-1944. |
1907 |
German |
Servant of Jehovah |
Der Knecht Jahves Des Deuterojesaia |
Friedrich; 1852-1910. |
1902 |
German |
Servant of Jehovah |
Der Knecht Jahve's Im Jesajabuche |
Orelli, C. v.
(Conrad); 1846-1912. |
1908 |
German |
Servant of Jehovah |
Der Knecht Jehova's Im Deuterojesaia: Eine Exegetisch-Kritische
Studie |
Oehler, Victor
Friedrich. |
1865 |
German |
Servant of Jehovah |
Der Lehrbegriff Der Apokalypse: Und Sein Verhältniss Zum
Lehrbegriff Des Evangeliums Und Der Episteln Des Johannes |
Hermann. |
1873 |
German |
Bible |
Der Lehrgehalt Des Jacobus-Briefes: Ein Beitrag Zur
Neutestamentlichen Theologie |
Woldemar Gottlob; 1836-1888. |
1869 |
German |
Bible |
Der Leib Christi...Eine Untersuchung Zum Urchristlichen
Gemeindegedanken |
Traugott. |
1919 |
German |
Church |
Der Leidende Und Der Sterbende Messias Der Synagoge Im Ersten
Nachchristlichen Jahrtausend |
Dalman, Gustaf;
1855-1941. |
1888 |
German |
Messiah |
Der Leipziger Papyrusfragmente Der Psalmen |
1903 |
Greek |
Bible |
Der Leserkreis Des Galaterbriefes: Ein Beitrag Zur
Urchristlichen Missionsgeschichte |
Alphons. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Der Litterarische Charakter Der Neutestamentlichen Schriften |
Heinrici, C. F.
Georg; (Carl Friedrich Georg); 1844-1915. |
1908 |
German |
Bible |
Der Lukiantext Des Oktateuch |
Hautsch, Ernst;
b. 1883. |
1909 |
German |
Lucian |