*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.
Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.
Source Type | ISSN / ISBN | Publication Name | Publisher | Indexing and Abstracting Start | Indexing and Abstracting Stop | Full Text Start | Full Text Stop | Full Text Delay (Months) | Peer-Reviewed | PDF Images (full page) | Country | Availability* | MID |
Classic Book | | 'Doc.' Gordon | Authors & Newspapers Association | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28TV |
Book / Monograph | 9780415049283 | 'Improper' Feminine | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/03/1992 | 10/03/1992 | 09/03/1992 | 10/03/1992 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 145O |
Classic Book | | 100%: The Story of a Patriot | Upton Sinclair | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27IN |
Classic Book | | 1492 by Mary Johnston | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DMN |
Essay | | 1Q84 | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDBT |
Book / Monograph | | 2001: A Texas Folklore Odyssey | Texas Folklore Society | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W1L |
Essay | | 2666 | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDFG |
Classic Book | | 30,000 Dollar Bequest & Other Stories | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1872 | 01/31/1872 | 01/01/1872 | 01/31/1872 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27IY |
Book / Monograph | 9780893047849 | 5,000 Bells | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538H |
Book / Monograph | 9780893040321 | 50 Dutch & Flemish Novelists | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538I |
Classic Book | | 54-40 or Fight | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27IZ |
Classic Book | | A Lieutenant at Eighteen | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85UF |
Book / Monograph | 9780813542638 | A Long Way from Home | Rutgers University Press | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61FG |
Book / Monograph | 9780826452481 | A. S. Byatt's Possession: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GA7 |
Biography | | A.R. Ammons: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BARD |
Classic Book | | Aaron Trow | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27J0 |
Classic Book | | Aaron's Rod | T. Seltzer | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27J1 |
Book / Monograph | 9789766401078 | Abandoning Dead Metaphors: The Caribbean Phase of Derek Walcott's Poetry | University of the West Indies Press | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 533I |
Classic Book | | Abbeychurch | James Burns | 01/01/1844 | 01/31/1844 | 01/01/1844 | 01/31/1844 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27J2 |
Classic Book | | Abbot | Bernard Lintott | 01/01/1832 | 01/31/1832 | 01/01/1832 | 01/31/1832 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27J3 |
Classic Book | | Abbotsford & Newstead Abbey | John B. Alden | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27J4 |
Classic Book | | Abducted to Oz | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27J6 |
Book / Monograph | 9780986533808 | Able Muse Anthology | Able Muse Review | 07/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | 07/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | H0K5 |
Magazine | 2168-0426 | Able Muse Review | Able Muse Review | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | FZSY |
Classic Book | | Aboriginal American Authors | Daniel G. Brinton | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27J7 |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln & the Union: A Chronicle of the Embattled North | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | Ireland | Available Now | 27J9 |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln by George Haven Putnam | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JA |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln by James Russell Lowell | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JB |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln by John Drinkwater | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JC |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address | Public Domain | 03/04/1861 | 03/31/1861 | 03/04/1861 | 03/31/1861 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JF |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address | Public Domain | 03/04/1865 | 03/31/1865 | 03/04/1865 | 03/31/1865 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JG |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln, Volume I | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JD |
Classic Book | | Abraham Lincoln, Volume II | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JE |
Classic Book | | Absalom's Hair | William Heinemann Ltd. | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JH |
Classic Book | | Absentee | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JI |
Book / Monograph | 9780893047993 | Absinthe Then Love | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538J |
Classic Book | | Academica | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JJ |
Database | | Academy of American Poets -- Biographies of American Poets (1,024 biographies) | Academy of American Poets | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2011 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HTT |
Classic Book | | Account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha, or Red Jacket, & His People, 1750-1830 | Joel Munsell's Sons | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JK |
Book / Monograph | | Account: Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca's Relacion | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8W5G |
Classic Book | | Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation & Use | Charles Griffin & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JL |
Classic Book | | Acharnians | J. M. Dent & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JM |
Book / Monograph | 9780826490841 | Achebe's Things Fall Apart | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A3 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820441450 | Achievement of Gerald Warner Brace | Peter Lang Group | 08/01/1999 | 08/31/1999 | 08/01/1999 | 08/31/1999 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3D4O |
Classic Book | | Acres of Diamonds (Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 864P |
Classic Book | | Across India: Or, Live Boys in the Far East | Lee & Shepard Publishers | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JN |
Book / Monograph | 9780934770965 | Across the Great River | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/1989 | 04/30/1989 | 04/01/1989 | 04/30/1989 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2C |
Classic Book | | Across the Plains | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JO |
Classic Book | | Across the Years | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JP |
Classic Book | | Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation | Rue & Jones | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JQ |
Classic Book | | Actions & Reactions | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JR |
Classic Book | | Active Service | Frederick A. Stokes Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JS |
Classic Book | | Acton's Feud: A Public School Story | George Newnes, Limited | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JT |
Book / Monograph | 9780567082190 | Acts in its Ancient Literary Context | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A4 |
Book / Monograph | | Adam Bede (American Antiquarian Society Collections) | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVFB |
Academic Journal | 1755-0637 | Adaptation | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 52ZM |
Book / Monograph | 9780823207114 | Added Dimension | Fordham University Press | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HN5 |
Classic Book | | Address to the Inhabitants of the Colonies | Richard Johnson | 01/01/1794 | 01/31/1794 | 01/01/1794 | 01/31/1794 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27JV |
Classic Book | | Adela Cathcart, Volume 1 | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JW |
Classic Book | | Adela Cathcart, Volume 2 | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JX |
Classic Book | | Adela Cathcart, Volume 3 | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27JY |
Classic Book | | Adieu | George Barrie & Son | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27JZ |
Book / Monograph | 9789766401337 | Adolphus, A Tale (Anonymous) & the Slave Son: A Tale & the Slave Son | University of the West Indies Press | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 533J |
Classic Book | | Adonais | Clarendon Press | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27K0 |
Classic Book | | Adopting an Abandoned Farm | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27K1 |
Book / Monograph | | Adrian Castro | Coffee House Press | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EMP |
Book / Monograph | | Adrift: The Cuban Raft People | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOC |
Classic Book | | Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27K2 |
Classic Book | | Adventure | Regent Press | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27K3 |
Classic Book | | Adventure Of Elizabeth Morey, of New York | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85XH |
Classic Book | | Adventure of Living: A Subjective Autobiography | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27K4 |
Classic Book | | Adventure of the Devil's Foot | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27K6 |
Classic Book | | Adventure with a Genius | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27K8 |
Classic Book | | Adventures Among Books | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27K9 |
Classic Book | | Adventures of a Boy Reporter | World Syndicate Publishing Company | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KA |
Classic Book | | Adventures of a Despatch Rider | William Blackwood & Sons | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27KB |
Classic Book | | Adventures of a Forty-Niner an Historic Description of California, with Events & Ideas of San Francisco & Its People in Those Early Days | Weed, Parsons & Co. | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KC |
Classic Book | | Adventures of a Special Correspondent | J. W. Lovell | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KD |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Bobby Orde | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85Z3 |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains & the Far West | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KE |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Captain Horn | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KF |
Book / Monograph | 9781558852976 | Adventures of Don Chipote | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/2000 | 04/30/2000 | 04/01/2000 | 04/30/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2D |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom -- Complete | Jenson Society | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KG |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Jimmie Dale | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KI |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Joel Pepper | Lothrop Publishing Company | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KJ |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Louis De Rougemont | George Newnes, Limited | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KK |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Major Gahagan (Release Date: 10/1/1999) | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27KL |
Classic Book | | Adventures of My Cousin Smooth | Miller, Orton & Mulligan | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KN |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Odysseus & the Tales of Troy | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27KO |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Peregrine Pickle | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27KP |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Pinocchio | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KQ |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Robin Hood | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KR |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Roderick Random | Johnson Society | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KS |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Sally | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KT |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves | Jenson Society | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27KV |
Classic Book | | Adventures of Ulysses | Ginn & Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KX |
Classic Book | | AE in the Irish Theosophist | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KY |
Classic Book | | Aeneid | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27HR |
Classic Book | | Aeneid English | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27KZ |
Classic Book | | Aeroplane Boys Flight: A Hydroplane Roundup | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27L0 |
Classic Book | | Aeroplane Boys on the Wing: Aeroplane Chums in the Tropics | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27L1 |
Classic Book | | Aeroplanes | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27L2 |
Classic Book | | Aesop's Fables | G. Routledge & Sons | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27L3 |
Classic Book | | Aesop's Fables; a New Translation | Avenel Books | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27L4 |
Classic Book | | Aesthetic Poetry | Public Domain | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27L5 |
Classic Book | | Aesthetical Essays of Frederich Schiller | F.A. Niccolls & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27L6 |
Classic Book | | Affair in Araby | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27L7 |
Classic Book | | Affaire Sougraine | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85V8 |
Classic Book | | Affairs of State | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27L8 |
Classic Book | | Afloat & Ashore: A Sea Tale | W. A. Townsend & Company | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LA |
Classic Book | | Afoot in England | A. A. Knopf | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LB |
Classic Book | | African & European Addresses | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27LC |
Academic Journal | 1062-4783 | African American Review | Johns Hopkins University Press | 03/01/1992 | | 03/01/1992 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AAV |
Academic Journal | 0001-9933 | African Arts | MIT Press | 03/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AFA |
Classic Book | | African Camp Fires | Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd. | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27LD |
Book / Monograph | 9780415164450 | African Identities: Race, Nation & Culture in Ethnography, Pan-Africanisms & Black Literatures | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 04/09/1998 | 05/09/1998 | 04/09/1998 | 05/09/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13V1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415237512 | African Literature, Animism & Politics | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/22/2001 | 03/24/2001 | 02/22/2001 | 03/24/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NZ |
Classic Book | | African Millionaire Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay | Edward Arnold | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LE |
Book / Monograph | 9780820440842 | African Novel & the Modernist Tradition | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GTK |
Book / Monograph | | African Passions & Other Stories | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOD |
Academic Journal | 0002-0184 | African Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | 18 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 35L |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751068 | Afro American Novel 1965 - 1975: A Descriptive Bibliography of Primary & Secondary Material | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8ULY |
Academic Journal | 0278-8969 | Afro-Hispanic Review | Afro-Hispanic Review | 03/01/2000 | | 03/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6MB |
Classic Book | | After a Shadow & Other Stories | Sheldon & Company | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LF |
Classic Book | | After Dark | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LG |
Classic Book | | After House | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LI |
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Classic Book | | After Long Years & Other Stories | A.S. Barnes & Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LK |
Essay | | After the Fire, A Still Small Voice | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820478388 | After the Pain: Critical Essays on Gayl Jones | Peter Lang Group | 06/01/2006 | 06/30/2006 | 06/01/2006 | 06/30/2006 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3D4P |
Classic Book | | After the Rain: How the West Lost the East | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27LL |
Classic Book | | Aftermath | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27LM |
Classic Book | | Afterwhiles | Bowen-Merrill Company | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LN |
Classic Book | | Against Apion | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LO |
Classic Book | | Against Home Rule (1912): The Case for the Union | F. Warne | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27LP |
Essay | | Against the Day | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754700 | Against the Disappearance of Literature | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780819512147 | Against the Evidence | Wesleyan University Press | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D2N |
Classic Book | | Against the Grain by J.-K. Huysmans | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DMO |
Classic Book | | Agamemnon of Aeschylus Translated into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notes | G Allen & Unwin | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27LQ |
Biography | 9781429807845 | Agatha Christie | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1X1Y |
Classic Book | | Agatha Webb | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LR |
Book / Monograph | | Agatha's Husband: A Novel (American Antiquarian Society Collections) | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVF9 |
Classic Book | | Age of Innocence (Release Date: 5/1/1996) | Windsor Editions | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LS |
Classic Book | | Age of Invention: A Chronicle of Mechanical Conquest | Yale University Press | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LU |
Book / Monograph | 9780804757775 | Age of Melodrama: Family, Gender, & Social Hierarchy in the Turn-of-the-Century Japanese Novel | Stanford University Press | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8OLG |
Classic Book | | Age of Shakespeare | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27LV |
Book / Monograph | 9780853230168 | Age of the Catholic Monarchs, 1474-1516: Literary Studies in Memory of Keith Whinnom | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54C5 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753956 | Agee & Actuality: Artistic Vision in His Work | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH3 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754656 | Agee: Selected Literary Documents | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH4 |
Academic Journal | 0002-0796 | Agenda | Agenda Journal | 05/01/2013 | | 05/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B2GD |
Classic Book | | Agesilaus | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LW |
Classic Book | | Agnes Bernauer | Poet Lore Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27EN |
Classic Book | | Agnes Grey | Thomas Cautley Newby, Publishers | 01/01/1847 | 01/31/1847 | 01/01/1847 | 01/31/1847 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27LX |
Magazine | 1046-218X | AGNI | AGNI Magazine | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UIX |
Classic Book | | Air Ship Boys: Or, the Quest of the Aztec Treasure | Reilly & Britton Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27LZ |
Classic Book | | Airlords of Han | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1927 | 01/31/1927 | 01/01/1927 | 01/31/1927 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 863A |
Academic Journal | 0303-1896 | Akroterion | Akroterion | 12/01/2004 | | 12/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | TH4 |
Book / Monograph | 9780934770477 | Al Partir | Arte Publico Press | 05/01/1986 | 05/31/1986 | 05/01/1986 | 05/31/1986 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2E |
Academic Journal | 0002-4341 | Alabama Review | University of Alabama Press | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7IU |
Classic Book | | Aladdin & the Magic Lamp | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M1 |
Classic Book | | Aladdin O'Brien | Century Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M2 |
Classic Book | | Alaeddin & the Enchanted Lamp | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M3 |
Book / Monograph | 9780826453280 | Alan Warner's Morvern Callar: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GA8 |
Classic Book | | Alarms & Discursions | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M4 |
Book / Monograph | 9781555915551 | Alaska Reader: Voices from the North | Chicago Review Press | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 31VS |
Classic Book | | Albany Depot: A Farce | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M5 |
Book / Monograph | 9789042012301 | Albert Camus & the Philosophy of the Absurd | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | AYJB |
Biography | 9781429806213 | Albert Camus (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HE3 |
Classic Book | | Albert Durer | Duckworth & Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27M6 |
Book / Monograph | | Albert P. Clark | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3F9S |
Classic Book | | Albert Savarus | George Barrie & Son | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M7 |
Classic Book | | Alcestis | Hamersley & Co. | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M8 |
Classic Book | | Alchemist | De La More Press | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27M9 |
Classic Book | | Alcibiades I | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MA |
Classic Book | | Alcibiades II | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MB |
Classic Book | | Alcools | Gallimard | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27G6 |
Classic Book | | Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872: A Typographic Art Journal | James Sutton & Company | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MC |
Biography | 9781429806466 | Aldous Huxley | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HFN |
Book / Monograph | 9780415006651 | Alexander Pope: Selected Poetry & Prose | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/05/1988 | 06/04/1988 | 05/05/1988 | 06/04/1988 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1471 |
Classic Book | | Alexander's Bridge | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27MD |
Classic Book | | Alexandria & Her Schools: Four Lectures Delivered at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1854 | 01/31/1854 | 01/01/1854 | 01/31/1854 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27MF |
Biography | 9781429806251 | Alexis de Tocqueville (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HE7 |
Classic Book | | Alfred Tennyson | William Blackwood & Sons | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27MG |
Biography | 9781429806312 | Alfred, Lord Tennyson | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HED |
Book / Monograph | 9780415134545 | Algernon Swinburne | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13YK |
Classic Book | | Algonquin Indian Tales | Fleming H. Revell | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27MH |
Classic Book | | Algonquin Legends of New England | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MI |
Classic Book | | Algonquin Maiden: A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada | J. W. Lovell | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MJ |
Classic Book | | Alias the Lone Wolf | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27MK |
Classic Book | | Alice Adams (Doubleday, Page & Company) | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ML |
Classic Book | | Alice of Old Vincennes | Bowen-Merrill Company | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MM |
Biography | | Alice Oswald: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BARE |
Classic Book | | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: HTML Edition | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27MN |
Book / Monograph | 9780826417541 | Alice's Adventures: Lewis Carroll in Popular Culture | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 12/01/2004 | 12/31/2004 | 12/01/2004 | 12/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GA9 |
Book / Monograph | | Alicia Maria Gonzalez | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3F9T |
Academic Journal | 1110-8673 | Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics | Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, AUC | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | 38LT |
Classic Book | | Alkahest | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MO |
Classic Book | | All Around the Moon | David McKay | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27MQ |
Classic Book | | All for a Scrap of Paper | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 861H |
Classic Book | | All for Love | J. Bell | 01/01/1792 | 01/31/1792 | 01/01/1792 | 01/31/1792 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MR |
Classic Book | | All on the Irish Shore: Irish Sketches | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27MS |
Classic Book | | All Roads Lead to Calvary | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27MT |
Classic Book | | All Saints' Day & Other Sermons | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company | 01/01/1878 | 01/31/1878 | 01/01/1878 | 01/31/1878 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27MU |
Classic Book | | All the Brothers Were Valiant | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 861Q |
Classic Book | | All the Year Round: Contributions | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MW |
Classic Book | | All Things Considered by G. K. Chesterton | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DOF |
Classic Book | | All's Well That Ends Well | Dana Estes & Company | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MZ |
Classic Book | | Allan Quatermain | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27MX |
Book / Monograph | | Allen Appel | Coffee House Press | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EMS |
Biography | 9781429802765 | Allen Ginsberg (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DCB |
Classic Book | | Allen House | John E. Potter & Company | 01/01/1860 | 01/31/1860 | 01/01/1860 | 01/31/1860 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27MY |
Book / Monograph | | Allison Adelle Hedge Coke | Coffee House Press | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EMT |
Classic Book | | Allison Bain: By a Way She Knew Not | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85VH |
Classic Book | | Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27N0 |
Classic Book | | Almoran & Hamet | C. Say for H. Payne & W. Cropley | 01/01/1761 | 01/31/1761 | 01/01/1761 | 01/31/1761 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27N1 |
Academic Journal | 1933-0103 | ALN: The American Literary Naturalism Newsletter | Eric Link | 05/01/2007 | 01/31/2015 | 05/01/2007 | 01/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 515Y |
Classic Book | | Alone by Norman Douglas | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27N3 |
Classic Book | | Alone in London | Religious Tract Society | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27N4 |
Classic Book | | Along the Shore | Ticknor & Fields | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27N5 |
Classic Book | | Altar Fire | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27N7 |
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Classic Book | | Altar Steps | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27N9 |
Book / Monograph | 9780813555003 | Alternative Aloctt by Louisa May Alcott | Rutgers University Press | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/1988 | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/1988 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61FK |
Book / Monograph | 9780415287234 | Alternative Shakespeares | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/23/2002 | 06/22/2002 | 05/23/2002 | 06/22/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13KK |
Book / Monograph | 9780415134866 | Alternative Shakespeares: Volume 2 | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/26/1996 | 10/26/1996 | 09/26/1996 | 10/26/1996 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13YA |
Book / Monograph | 9780826477606 | Alternative Worlds in Fantasy Fiction | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 11/01/2001 | 11/30/2001 | 11/01/2001 | 11/30/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAA |
Book / Monograph | | Altfranzösiches Übungsbuch, Sechste Auflage | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1973 | 01/31/1973 | 01/01/1973 | 01/31/1973 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AXUK |
Classic Book | | Alton Locke, Tailor & Poet: An Autobiography | J.F. Taylor & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NA |
Classic Book | | Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius | D & J Sadlier & Co. | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NB |
Book / Monograph | 9780980081411 | Always the Trains | New Academia Publishing LLC | 12/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 12/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 839F |
Classic Book | | Amanda -- a Daughter of the Mennonites | George W. Jacobs & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NC |
Classic Book | | Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ND |
Classic Book | | Amateur Army | Jenkins | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NE |
Classic Book | | Amateur Gentleman | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NF |
Classic Book | | Amateur Poacher | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27NG |
Classic Book | | Amaury | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85ZT |
Essay | | Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDD |
Classic Book | | Amazing Interlude | Review of Reviews Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NH |
Classic Book | | Ambassadors | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NI |
Book / Monograph | 9780813586632 | Amber Gods & Other Stories | Rutgers University Press | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61FL |
Magazine | 0002-6972 | Ambit | Ambit | 12/01/2014 | 10/31/2022 | 12/01/2014 | 10/31/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8J2 |
Classic Book | | Ambitious Man | W. B. Conkey Company | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780972228961 | Ambrose Bierce's 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge': An Annotated Critical Edition | Robert C. Evans | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2QVR |
Classic Book | | Amelia -- Complete | William Heinemann Ltd. | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27NK |
Classic Book | | America To-day, Observations & Reflections | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NL |
Classic Book | | America's War for Humanity | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27OB |
Classic Book | | America, Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat | Frederick A. Stokes Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NM |
Classic Book | | American | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NN |
Book / Monograph | 9781558853959 | AmeRican (978-1-55885-395-9) | Arte Publico Press | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2003 | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N7P |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751679 | American Actors, 1861-1976: An Annotated Bibliography | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH5 |
Classic Book | | American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27NO |
Academic Journal | 1073-9300 | American Art | University of Chicago Press | 06/01/1997 | | 06/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ART |
Academic Journal | 0737-6650 | American Asian Review | Center of Asian Studies | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2003 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2003 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6MK |
Magazine | 0149-9408 | American Book Review | University of Nebraska Press | 11/01/2002 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2EP |
Classic Book | | American Child | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NP |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752799 | American Critics at Work: Examinations of Contemporary Literary Theories | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH6 |
Academic Journal | 1061-0057 | American Drama | American Drama Institute | 01/01/2006 | 07/31/2007 | 01/01/2006 | 07/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QT4 |
Classic Book | | American Eloquence, Volume 2 Studies in American Political History (1896) | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NS |
Classic Book | | American Eloquence, Volume 3 Studies in American Political History (1897) | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NT |
Classic Book | | American Eloquence, Volume 4 Studies in American Political History (1897) | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NU |
Book / Monograph | 9780878755042 | American Episodes Involving Charles Dickens | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH7 |
Classic Book | | American Fairy Tales | George M. Hill Company | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NV |
Book / Monograph | 9780893044541 | American Ghost / Americki duh | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538L |
Book / Monograph | | American GI Forum | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOE |
Book / Monograph | 9780826415950 | American Gothic Fiction | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 11/01/2004 | 11/30/2004 | 11/01/2004 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAB |
Classic Book | | American Hero-Myths: A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent | H. C. Watts & Co. | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NX |
Classic Book | | American Idyll: The Life of Carleton H. Parker | Atlantic Monthly Press | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27NY |
Academic Journal | 0095-182X | American Indian Quarterly | University of Nebraska Press | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AIQ |
Classic Book | | American Indian Stories | Hayworth Publishing House | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27NZ |
Book / Monograph | 9780893567576 | American Indians (Ready Reference series) | Salem Press | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1G41 |
Classic Book | | American Institutions & Their Influence | John Allyn Publishers | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O0 |
Academic Journal | 0882-1127 | American Journalism | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QDS |
Magazine | 1067-8654 | American Journalism Review | University of Maryland | 07/01/1993 | 04/30/2013 | 07/01/1993 | 04/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WJR |
Magazine | 1049-7153 | American Letters & Commentary | American Letters & Commentary, Inc. | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2013 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | S3R |
Academic Journal | 0896-7148 | American Literary History | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7IY |
Academic Journal | 0065-9142 | American Literary Scholarship | Duke University Press | 06/01/2003 | 01/31/2022 | 06/01/2014 | 01/31/2022 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6YW |
Academic Journal | 0002-9831 | American Literature | Duke University Press | 03/01/1929 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ALI |
Classic Book | | American Men of Action | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27O1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780853237464 | American Mythologies: Essays on Contemporary Literature | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 05/01/2005 | 05/31/2005 | 05/01/2005 | 05/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54C6 |
Classic Book | | American Negro Slavery: A Survey of the Supply, Employment & Control of Negro Labor As Determined by the Plantation Regime | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O2 |
Classic Book | | American Newspaper | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O3 |
Classic Book | | American Notes | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O4 |
Academic Journal | 0003-0171 | American Notes & Queries | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1962 | 08/31/1986 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KTN |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751396 | American Notes & Queries Supplement. Volume 1: Studies in English & American Literature | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751402 | American Notes & Queries Supplement. Volume II: First Person Female American | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1980 | 01/31/1980 | 01/01/1980 | 01/31/1980 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UH9 |
Classic Book | | American Papyrus: 25 Poems | Chestnut Hills Press | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1990 | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27O5 |
Essay | | American Pastoral | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC3 |
Magazine | 1089-8409 | American Poet | Academy of American Poets | 09/01/2005 | | 09/01/2005 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HTK |
Magazine | 0360-3709 | American Poetry Review | American Poetry Review, whose principal place of business is at Old City Publishing | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | POR |
Classic Book | | American Poetry, 1922 | Harcourt, Brace & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 862S |
Database | | American Reference Library - Biographies (9,641 biographies) | Western Standard Publishing Company | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9FV |
Academic Journal | 0272-2011 | American Review of Canadian Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7J0 |
Magazine | 0003-0937 | American Scholar | Phi Beta Kappa Society | 12/01/1974 | | 12/01/1974 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now‡ | AMS |
Classic Book | | American Senator | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | 01/01/1877 | 01/31/1877 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O6 |
Classic Book | | American Spirit in Literature: A Chronicle of Great Interpreters | Yale University Press | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O7 |
Magazine | 8750-3255 | American Theatre | Theatre Communications Group | 01/01/1995 | 05/31/2020 | 01/01/1995 | 05/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | THR |
Magazine | 8750-3255 | American Theatre Magazine | Theatre Communications Group | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NM2N |
Classic Book | | American Union Speaker | Thompson, Bigelow & Brown | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27O8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751983 | American Woman Playwright: A View of Criticism & Characterization | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UK9 |
Book / Monograph | 9780893040727 | American Women Poets / Amerikali kadin sairler | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538M |
Book / Monograph | 9780819565471 | American Women Poets in the 21st Century: Where Lyric Meets Language | Wesleyan University Press | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D2S |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753796 | American Writing Today | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHA |
Book / Monograph | 9780820439785 | American Young Adult Novels & Their European Fairy-Tale Motifs | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GPW |
Academic Journal | 1841-1487 | American, British & Canadian Studies | Sciendo | 11/01/2010 | | 11/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B865 |
Classic Book | | Americanism of Washington | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27O9 |
Classic Book | | Americans & Others | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27OA |
Magazine | 0379-0940 | Americas | Organization of American States | 05/01/1990 | 05/31/2012 | 05/01/1990 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AMC |
Book / Monograph | 9781400823208 | Americas of Asian American Literature | Princeton University Press | 01/31/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 8VJI |
Magazine | 1042-6213 | Americas Review | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1993 | 09/01/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ACA |
Classic Book | | Amiable Charlatan | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OC |
Classic Book | | Amiel's Journal | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OD |
Classic Book | | Amona; The Child; & The Beast | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85XW |
Classic Book | | Among My Books: Second Series | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OE |
Classic Book | | Among the Millet & Other Poems | J. Durie & Son | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 27OF |
Classic Book | | Amos Kilbright; His Adscititious Experiences | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OG |
Classic Book | | Amours De Voyage | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OH |
Classic Book | | Amphitryon | Librairie des Bibliophiles | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OI |
Essay | | Amsterdam | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC4 |
Classic Book | | Amy Foster | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OJ |
Classic Book | | An Old Man's Love | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85V9 |
Academic Journal | 1554-8953 | An Sionnach: A Review of Literature & Culture & the Arts | Creighton University Press | 03/01/2005 | 03/31/2009 | 03/01/2005 | 03/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16X4 |
Classic Book | | Anabasis | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1839 | 01/31/1839 | 01/01/1839 | 01/31/1839 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OK |
Academic Journal | 1219-2589 | Anachronist | Anachronist | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | 7N3 |
Classic Book | | Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) | J. B. Alden | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OL |
Classic Book | | Analysis of Mind | G Allen & Unwin | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OM |
Classic Book | | Analytical Studies | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ON |
Classic Book | | Anarchism & Other Essays | Mother Earth Publishing Association | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OO |
Book / Monograph | 9780893041328 | Anatomy of a Moment | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538N |
Classic Book | | Anatomy of Melancholy | J.C. Nimmo | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OP |
Classic Book | | Ancien Regime | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27OQ |
Classic Book | | Ancient Allan | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OR |
Classic Book | | Ancient China Simplified | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OS |
Classic Book | | Ancient Church: Its History, Doctrine, Worship, & Constitution | Anson D. F. Randolph & Company | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OT |
Classic Book | | Ancient Egypt by George Rawlinson | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DP2 |
Classic Book | | Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge | D. Nutt | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OU |
Classic Book | | Ancient Nahuatl Poetry: Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature Number VII | Daniel G. Brinton | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27OV |
Academic Journal | 1568-3532 | Ancient Narrative | Barkhuis Publishing | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 95N2 |
Classic Book | | Ancient Poems, Ballads, & Songs of the Peasantry of England | Griffin, Bohn, & Company | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OW |
Classic Book | | Ancient Rome: From the Earliest Times down to 476 A. D. | Allyn & Bacon | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OX |
Classic Book | | And Even Now | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27OY |
Book / Monograph | 9789768100146 | And I Remember Many Things | Ian Randle Publishers | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 54KF |
Book / Monograph | 9780823218219 | And the Risen Bread | Fordham University Press | 05/01/1998 | 05/31/1998 | 05/01/1998 | 05/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HLD |
Classic Book | | Andersen's Fairy Tales | J. W. Lovell | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27OZ |
Classic Book | | Andersonville | National Tribune | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27P0 |
Classic Book | | Andivius Hedulio Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27P1 |
Book / Monograph | 9788439968115 | André Malraux's Espoir: The Propaganda/ Art Film & the Spanish Civil War | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N0K |
Classic Book | | Andrea Delfin | Manzsche | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27P2 |
Classic Book | | Andreas Hofer | A. L. Fowle Publisher | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27P3 |
Classic Book | | Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27P4 |
Book / Monograph | | Andrei Codrescu | Coffee House Press | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EMU |
Classic Book | | Andrew Golding: A Tale of the Great Plague | T. Woolmer | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27P5 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415134149 | Andrew Marvell | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13Z0 |
Classic Book | | Andrew the Glad | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27P6 |
Book / Monograph | | Andrew the Savoyard | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1836 | 01/31/1836 | 01/01/1836 | 01/31/1836 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUTC |
Classic Book | | Androcles & the Lion | Brentano's | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27P7 |
Classic Book | | Andromeda & Other Poems | J. W. Parker & Son | 01/01/1858 | 01/31/1858 | 01/01/1858 | 01/31/1858 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27P8 |
Biography | 9781429802925 | Andy Warhol | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DCR |
Classic Book | | Anecdotes for Boys | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1851 | 01/31/1851 | 01/01/1851 | 01/31/1851 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85TX |
Classic Book | | Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27P9 |
Classic Book | | Angel & the Author, & Others | Hurst & Blackett, Limited | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PA |
Classic Book | | Angel in the House | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1863 | 01/31/1863 | 01/01/1863 | 01/31/1863 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27PB |
Classic Book | | Angel of Lonesome Hill: A Story of a President | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PC |
Classic Book | | Angel over the Right Shoulder: The Beginning of a New Year | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1858 | 01/31/1858 | 01/01/1858 | 01/31/1858 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27PD |
Book / Monograph | | Angel Vigil | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3F9U |
Book / Monograph | 9780820433783 | Angelic Sins of Jones Very | Peter Lang Group | 03/01/1999 | 03/31/1999 | 03/01/1999 | 03/31/1999 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3D4Q |
Classic Book | | Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love & the Divine Wisdom | Massachusetts New-Church Union | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PE |
Classic Book | | Angels of Mons the Bowmen & Other Legends of the War | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PF |
Book / Monograph | 9780820441603 | Anger, Guilt & the Psychology of the Self in 'Clarissa' | Peter Lang Group | 09/01/1999 | 09/30/1999 | 09/01/1999 | 09/30/1999 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3D4R |
Academic Journal | 1438-2091 | Angermion | De Gruyter | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | B1TK |
Book / Monograph | 9780893042561 | Angles & Chambers | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1990 | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538O |
Classic Book | | Angling Sketches | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27PG |
Magazine | 0972-9666 | Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Book Reviews | Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Book Reviews | 01/01/2007 | 07/01/2015 | 01/01/2007 | 07/01/2015 | | | | India | Available Now | 38K7 |
Essay | | Anil's Ghost | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC5 |
Classic Book | | Animal Heroes | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PH |
Book / Monograph | 9780826415745 | Anita Diamant's The Red Tent: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAC |
Biography | 9781429821568 | Anita Rose - A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2007 | | 08/01/2007 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 44T5 |
Book / Monograph | | Ankiza | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOF |
Classic Book | | Ann Veronica, a Modern Love Story | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27PI |
Classic Book | | Anna Christie | Modern Library | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PJ |
Classic Book | | Anna Karenina | Kelmscott Press | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PK |
Classic Book | | Anna Liisa; Kotoa Pois | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27FW |
Classic Book | | Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress, | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PL |
Classic Book | | Annals & Reminiscences of Jamaica Plain | Riverside Press | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PM |
Classic Book | | Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27PN |
Classic Book | | Annals of the Parish; or, the Chronicle of Dalmailing During the Ministry of the Rev. Micah Balwhidder | M. Carey & Sons | 01/01/1821 | 01/31/1821 | 01/01/1821 | 01/31/1821 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PO |
Academic Journal | 1224-7588 | Annals of the University of Oradea, Romanian Language & Literature Fascicule / Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Seria Filologie, Fascicula Limba şi Literatura Română | University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | EUTY |
Biography | 9781429812313 | Anne Bradstreet | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TID |
Classic Book | | Anne Bradstreet & Her Time | D. Lothrop & Co. | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PP |
Biography | 9781429804028 | Anne Frank | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2005 | 09/30/2005 | 09/01/2005 | 09/30/2005 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 1DJ3 |
Classic Book | | Anne of Avonlea | L.C. Page & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27PQ |
Classic Book | | Anne of Green Gables | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PR |
Classic Book | | Anne of the Island | Page Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27PS |
Classic Book | | Anne Severn & the Fieldings | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27PT |
Classic Book | | Anne's House of Dreams | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PU |
Book / Monograph | | Annette; or, the Lady of the Pearls | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1863 | 01/31/1863 | 01/01/1863 | 01/31/1863 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUUD |
Book / Monograph | 9780853235477 | Annie Ernaux: The Return to Origins | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 06/01/2001 | 06/30/2001 | 06/01/2001 | 06/30/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54C8 |
Classic Book | | Annie Kilburn: A Novel | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PV |
Book / Monograph | 9780826452337 | Annie Proulx's The Shipping News: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAD |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752010 | Annotated Bibliography of Modern Anglo-Irish Drama | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHB |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752348 | Annotated Bibliography of Technical & Specialized Dictionaries in Spanish | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHF |
Book / Monograph | 9780878750153 | Annotated Bibliography of the Novels of the Mexican Revolution 1910-1917 in English & Spanish | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1972 | 01/31/1972 | 01/01/1972 | 01/31/1972 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHC |
Book / Monograph | 9781558854727 | Año de Nuestra Revolución | Arte Publico Press | 05/01/2006 | 05/31/2006 | 05/01/2006 | 05/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N3D |
Book / Monograph | 9781558852129 | Año Que Viene Estamos en Cuba | Arte Publico Press | 09/01/1997 | 09/30/1997 | 09/01/1997 | 09/30/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N3E |
Book / Monograph | 9780804758406 | Anonymous Life: Romanticism & Dispossession | Stanford University Press | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8OLH |
Classic Book | | Another Study of Woman | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27PW |
Classic Book | | Another World: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah | Samuel Tinsely | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27PX |
Academic Journal | 0895-769X | ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes & Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1988 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QNA |
Classic Book | | Anson's Voyage Round the World: The Text Reduced | Rivingtons | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27PY |
Classic Book | | Antarctic Mystery | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27PZ |
Classic Book | | Anthem | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q0 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752720 | Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Plays 1970-1982 | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHD |
Classic Book | | Anthology of Massachusetts Poets | Small, Maynard & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752157 | Anthology of Modern Belgian Theater: Maurice Maeterlinck, Fernand Crommelynck, Michel de Ghelderode | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHE |
Book / Monograph | 9780893047016 | Anthology of Modern Swedish Literature | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538P |
Academic Journal | 1053-8615 | Anthology of New England Writers | New England Writers | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJ1 |
Book / Monograph | | Anthony D. Fredericks | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3F9X |
Biography | 9781429824897 | Anthony Joyette: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 04/01/2008 | | 04/01/2008 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 65E3 |
Biography | 9781429824903 | Anthony Lewis: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 04/01/2008 | | 04/01/2008 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 65E4 |
Biography | 9781429806336 | Anthony Trollope | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HEF |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Crusade; a Chronicle of the Gathering Storm | Yale University Press | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q6 |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus Part 5 of 5 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F5P |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F5Q |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 2 of 4 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F5R |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F5S |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F5T |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery Harp | W. W. Brown | 01/01/1848 | 01/31/1848 | 01/01/1848 | 01/31/1848 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q7 |
Classic Book | | Anti-Slavery, Labor & Reform, Complete from Volume III., the Works of Whittier: Anti-Slavery Poems & Songs of Labor & Reform | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780853234180 | Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction & Its Precursors | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54C9 |
Magazine | 0003-5661 | Antigonish Review | Antigonish Review | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2021 | 01/01/2005 | 09/10/2010 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | FVI |
Magazine | 0003-5769 | Antioch Review | Antioch Review, Inc. | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ARV |
Academic Journal | 0893-5580 | Antipodes | Wayne State University Press | 11/01/2006 | | 11/01/2006 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 13D5 |
Classic Book | | Antiquary -- Complete | Estes & Lauriat | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q3 |
Classic Book | | Antiquities of the Jews | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q4 |
Classic Book | | Antiquity of Man | J. M. Dent & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27Q5 |
Academic Journal | 0003-603X | Antitrust Bulletin | Sage Publications | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ATT |
Biography | 9781429812344 | Anton Chekhov (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TIG |
Classic Book | | Antonina | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Q9 |
Book / Monograph | | Antonio Hernandez Madrigal | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3F9Y |
Book / Monograph | 9780853235507 | Antonio Machado's Writings & the Spanish Civil War | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 10/01/1995 | 10/31/1995 | 10/01/1995 | 10/31/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CA |
Classic Book | | Antwerp to Gallipoli: A Year of the War on Many Fronts--and Behind Them | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QB |
Book / Monograph | 9780976764229 | Any Old Wolf | Murray Silverstein / Sixteen Rivers Press | 04/01/2006 | 04/30/2006 | 04/01/2006 | 04/30/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 52HV |
Book / Monograph | | Anything But Love | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOG |
Magazine | 0890-6408 | Apalachee Review | Apalachee Press | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UGT |
Classic Book | | Apartment Next Door | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27QC |
Book / Monograph | 9781558851276 | Aplauso Hispanic Children's Theatre | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2F |
Classic Book | | Apocolocyntosis | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QD |
Magazine | 2372-0131 | Apogee Journal | Apogee Journal | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HR4R |
Classic Book | | Apology by Plato | Clarendon Press | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QF |
Classic Book | | Apology by Xenophon | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QE |
Classic Book | | Apology for Atheism: Addressed to Religious Investigators of Every Denomination by One of Its Apostles | J. Watson | 01/01/1846 | 01/31/1846 | 01/01/1846 | 01/31/1846 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QG |
Classic Book | | Apology of the Augsburg Confession | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QH |
Classic Book | | Apology, Crito, & Phaedo of Socrates | Harvard University Press | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27QI |
Academic Journal | 0363-2318 | Appalachian Heritage | University of North Carolina Press | 07/01/2008 | 07/31/2016 | 07/01/2008 | 07/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4UFD |
Academic Journal | 0090-3779 | Appalachian Journal | Appalachian Journal | 11/01/2005 | | 11/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJ3 |
Classic Book | | Appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QJ |
Classic Book | | Appreciations, with an Essay on Style | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QK |
Academic Journal | 0169-0523 | Approaches to Translation Studies | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2009 | 06/28/2019 | 01/01/2009 | 06/28/2019 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B0HM |
Classic Book | | April Hopes | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QL |
Book / Monograph | 9780955457081 | April Renga | Dream Catcher | 06/01/2012 | 06/30/2012 | 06/01/2012 | 06/30/2012 | | | | United Kingdom | Coming Soon | EUUG |
Classic Book | | Apu Ollantay a Drama of the Time of the Incas | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QM |
Book / Monograph | 9781889441184 | Aquí se imprimen libros: Cervantine Studies in Honor of Tom Lathrop | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N1I |
Academic Journal | 0271-3519 | Arab Studies Quarterly | Pluto Journals | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AQT |
Classic Book | | Arabian Nights Entertainments | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QN |
Classic Book | | Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01 | Pickering & Chatto | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QO |
Classic Book | | Arabian Nights Entertainments -- Volume 02 | Pickering & Chatto | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QQ |
Classic Book | | Arabian Nights Entertainments -- Volume 03 | Pickering & Chatto | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QR |
Classic Book | | Arabian Nights Entertainments -- Volume 04 | Pickering & Chatto | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QS |
Academic Journal | 1366-6169 | Arabic & Middle Eastern Literatures | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | 07/31/2001 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 35N |
Academic Journal | 0570-5398 | Arabica | Brill Academic Publishers | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | C0W |
Classic Book | | Arachne -- Complete | Appleton & Co. | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QT |
Classic Book | | Aran Islands | J. W. Luce & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QU |
Biography | | Aravind Adiga - A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 10/01/2008 | 10/31/2008 | 10/01/2008 | 10/31/2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 874U |
Book / Monograph | 9781889441177 | Árbol de imágenes: Nueva historia de la poesía hispanoamericana | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N1H |
Book / Monograph | | Arbol de la Vida | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOH |
Magazine | 1910-3239 | Arc Poetry Magazine | ARC: Canada's National Poetry Magazine | 12/01/2005 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | BGAO |
Essay | | Arcadia | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC6 |
Academic Journal | 0003-7982 | Arcadia -- International Journal for Literary Studies | De Gruyter | 07/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BN0 |
Classic Book | | Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich | John Lane Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QW |
Book / Monograph | 9780765612601 | Archetypes & Motifs in Folklore & Literature: A Handbook | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E49 |
Classic Book | | Archibald Malmaison | Funk & Wagnalls Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27QX |
Academic Journal | | Arden Shakespeare Dictionaries | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 04/01/2014 | | 04/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5LI |
Classic Book | | Are Women People? a Book of Rhymes for Suffrage Times | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27QY |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753444 | Arena Theatre: Dimensions for the Space Age | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHG |
Classic Book | | Areopagitica a Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27QZ |
Classic Book | | Argentina from a British Point of View | Wertheimer, Lea & Co. | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27R0 |
Classic Book | | Argonautica | William Heinemann Ltd. | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27R1 |
Classic Book | | Argosy: Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 1891 | R. Bentley | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27R2 |
Classic Book | | Aria Da Capo | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27R3 |
Book / Monograph | | Ariana Harner | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FA0 |
Classic Book | | Arizona Nights | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27R4 |
Classic Book | | Arizona Sketches | Grafton Press | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27R5 |
Book / Monograph | 9780893048525 | Ark Upon the Number | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538Q |
Academic Journal | 1075-4008 | Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies | Arkansas Review | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KQA |
Classic Book | | Armadale | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27R6 |
Classic Book | | Armenian Literature | Colonial Press Co. | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27R7 |
Classic Book | | Armies of Labor a Chronicle of the Organized Wage-Earners | Yale University Press | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27R8 |
Classic Book | | Armourer's Prentices | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27R9 |
Classic Book | | Arms & the Man | Brentano's | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RA |
Classic Book | | Arms & the Woman | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RB |
Classic Book | | Army Boys in the French Trenches or, Hand to Hand Fighting with the Enemy | World Syndicate Publishing Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RC |
Classic Book | | Army Boys on German Soil | World Syndicate Publishing Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RD |
Book / Monograph | 9780691015088 | Around Proust | Princeton University Press | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8VIF |
Classic Book | | Around the World in 80 Days | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85UM |
Classic Book | | Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume 1 from San Francisco to Teheran | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RF |
Classic Book | | Around the World on a Bicycle Volume II. from Teheran to Yokohama | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RG |
Classic Book | | Arrow of Gold | T. Fisher, Unwin | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27RI |
Academic Journal | 1043-3848 | Ars Lyrica: Journal of the Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations | Lyrica Society | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1746 |
Classic Book | | Arsene Lupin | W.R. Caldwell & Co. | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753499 | Art & Architecture in the Poetry of Robert Browning. Volume I: Compendium | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHH |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754670 | Art & Architecture in the Poetry of Robert Browning. Volume II | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHI |
Book / Monograph | 9780878755615 | Art & Architecture in the Poetry of Robert Browning: Volume III | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780898796339 | Art & Craft of Poetry, Author Michael Bugeja | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UKA |
Book / Monograph | 9788449967214 | Art Alienated from Itself: Studies in Spanish American Modernism | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N0Y |
Classic Book | | Art of Fencing: The Use of the Small Sword | James Hoey | 01/01/1734 | 01/31/1734 | 01/01/1734 | 01/31/1734 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RK |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753048 | Art of Graphology | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1985 | 01/31/1985 | 01/01/1985 | 01/31/1985 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UKB |
Classic Book | | Art of Iugling or Legerdemaine | George Eld | 01/01/1614 | 01/31/1614 | 01/01/1614 | 01/31/1614 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RL |
Classic Book | | Art of Letters | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RM |
Classic Book | | Art of Poetry an Epistle to the Pisos Q. Horatii Flacci Epistola Ad Pisones, De Arte Poetica | T. Cadell | 01/01/1783 | 01/31/1783 | 01/01/1783 | 01/31/1783 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27RN |
Classic Book | | Art of Soul-Winning | Jennings & Pye; Eaton & Mains | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RO |
Classic Book | | Art of the Exposition | Paul Elder & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RP |
Classic Book | | Art of the Moving Picture | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27RQ |
Book / Monograph | 9781930974609 | Art of the One-Act: An Anthology | Western Michigan University, Department of English | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | FDWL |
Classic Book | | Art of the Story-Teller | Forgotten Books | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RR |
Classic Book | | Art of War (Release Date: 5/1/1994) | Luzac | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RS |
Classic Book | | Art of War (Release Date: 5/1/2004) | Luzac | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27I7 |
Classic Book | | Art of War by Baron Henri Jomini | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RT |
Classic Book | | Arte of English Poesie | Constable | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27RU |
Book / Monograph | 9781882528097 | Arte y Musica en Las Novelas De Blasco Ibanez | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 06/01/1994 | 06/30/1994 | 06/01/1994 | 06/30/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 55HB |
Classic Book | | Arthur a Short Sketch of His Life & History in English Verse of the First Half of the Fifteenth Century | N. Trubner & Company | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27G7 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415134521 | Arthur Hugh Clough | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13YL |
Book / Monograph | 9780826482693 | Arthur Hugh Clough (9780826482693) | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A5 |
Biography | 9781429802772 | Arthur Miller (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DCC |
Book / Monograph | 9780306813771 | Arthur Miller: His Life & Work | Perseus Books, LLC | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ECO |
Classic Book | | Arthurian Chronicles: Roman De Brut | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RV |
Academic Journal | 1078-6279 | Arthuriana | Arthuriana | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | 09/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 15LM |
Book / Monograph | 9780465015160 | Artificial White Man: Essays on Authenticity | Perseus Books, LLC | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EDY |
Academic Journal | 1648-1089 | Artistic Text: Understanding, Analysis, Interpretation / Meninis tekstas | Vytautas Magnus University | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2012 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 2QI2 |
Academic Journal | 1728-7723 | Arts Journal: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Literature, Art & Culture of Guyana & the Caribbean | Arawak Publications | 01/01/2007 | 09/30/2011 | 01/01/2007 | 09/30/2011 | | Y | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 3ATT |
Book / Monograph | 9781558853683 | Arturo Islas: the Uncollected Work | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/2003 | 04/30/2003 | 04/01/2003 | 04/30/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2G |
Book / Monograph | 9780826453273 | Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAE |
Classic Book | | As Farpas: Chronica Mensal Da Politica, Das Letras E Dos Costumes (1873-01/02) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27I0 |
Classic Book | | As Farpas: Chronica Mensal Da Politica, Das Letras E Dos Costumes (1873-03/04) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27I1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415096959 | As She Likes It | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 07/21/1994 | 08/20/1994 | 07/21/1994 | 08/20/1994 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 142M |
Classic Book | | As We Go | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RW |
Classic Book | | As We Were Saying | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RX |
Classic Book | | As You Like It | Ginn & Company | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27RY |
Book / Monograph | | Ashley Bryan | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FA2 |
Classic Book | | Ashton-Kirk, Investigator | Penn Publishing Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27RZ |
Magazine | 2153-1269 | Asian American Literary Review | Asian American Literary Review, Inc. | 03/01/2010 | | 03/01/2010 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BJMJ |
Academic Journal | 2154-2171 | Asian American Literature Discourse & Pedagogies | Asian American Literature Discourse & Pedagogies | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BGRF |
Academic Journal | 1882-6865 | Asian Ethnology | Nanzan University | 04/01/2008 | | 04/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | 77TL |
Academic Journal | 0385-2342 | Asian Folklore Studies | Nanzan University | 07/01/2000 | 03/31/2008 | 07/01/2000 | 03/31/2008 | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | AFL |
Academic Journal | 1035-7823 | Asian Studies Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SDR |
Academic Journal | 1985-3106 | Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language & Literature | Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language & Literature | 06/01/2008 | | 06/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | 5EWG |
Book / Monograph | | Ask A Policeman | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOI |
Classic Book | | Aslauga's Knight | Burns & Oates | 01/01/1841 | 01/31/1841 | 01/01/1841 | 01/31/1841 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27S0 |
Classic Book | | Aspects of Literature | A. A. Knopf | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27S1 |
Book / Monograph | 9781433105449 | Aspects of Robertson Davies' Novels | Peter Lang Group | 02/01/2009 | 02/28/2009 | 02/01/2009 | 02/28/2009 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBR7 |
Classic Book | | Aspern Papers | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27S2 |
Classic Book | | Aspirations of Jean Servien | John Lane Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27S3 |
Book / Monograph | 9781846310317 | Assia Djebar: Out of Algeria | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 10/01/2006 | 10/31/2006 | 10/01/2006 | 10/31/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CD |
Classic Book | | Assyrian Historiography | University of Missouri | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27S4 |
Classic Book | | Astonishing History of Troy Town | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27S5 |
Classic Book | | Astoria, or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains | J. B. Alden | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27S6 |
Classic Book | | At Agincourt | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27S7 |
Classic Book | | At Good Old Siwash | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 860Y |
Classic Book | | At Home & Abroad or, Things & Thoughts in America & Europe | Tribune Association | 01/01/1869 | 01/31/1869 | 01/01/1869 | 01/31/1869 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27S8 |
Book / Monograph | 9781572336560 | At Home & Abroad: Historicizing Twentieth-Century Whiteness in Literature & Performance | University of Tennessee on behalf of the University of Tennessee Press | 06/01/2009 | 06/30/2009 | 06/01/2009 | 06/30/2009 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | BO0S |
Book / Monograph | 9781584651932 | At Home on This Earth: Two Centuries of U.S. Women's Nature Writing | University Press of New England | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3D2T |
Classic Book | | At Large | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27S9 |
Classic Book | | At Last | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27SA |
Classic Book | | At Plattsburg | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8617 |
Classic Book | | At Sunwich Port, Complete Includes Etexts #10871-10875 | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27SB |
Classic Book | | At the Back of the North Wind | David McKay | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27SC |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754809 | At the Crossroads: Ethical & Religious Themes in the Writings of Walker Percy | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHK |
Classic Book | | At the Earth's Core | Doubleday & McClure Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27SD |
Classic Book | | At the Foot of the Rainbow | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27SE |
Classic Book | | At the Mercy of Tiberius | G. W. Dillingham Co. | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27SF |
Classic Book | | At the Sign of the Cat & Racket | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27SG |
Classic Book | | At the Villa Rose | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 27SH |
Classic Book | | At Whispering Pine Lodge | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27SI |
Classic Book | | Atalanta in Calydon | Chatto & Windus | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27SJ |
Academic Journal | 0885-6079 | Atenea | Atenea | 06/01/2004 | 12/31/2013 | 06/01/2004 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | Puerto Rico | Available Now | 7DW |
Classic Book | | Atheist's Mass | J. M. Dent & Company | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27SK |
Magazine | 1073-9696 | Atlanta Review | Poetry Atlanta, Inc. | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJ7 |
Magazine | 0276-9077 | Atlantic (0276-9077) | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 04/01/1981 | 10/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 10/31/1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATL |
Classic Book | | Atlantic Book of Modern Plays | Atlantic Monthly Press | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27SL |
Magazine | 1072-7825 | Atlantic Monthly | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 11/01/1993 | | 11/01/1993 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 161I |
Academic Journal | 0210-6124 | Atlantis (0210-6124) | Departament de Llengues i Literatures Modernes i d'Estudis Anglesos | 06/01/2003 | | 06/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | VSM |
Classic Book | | Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27UR |
Academic Journal | 1078-3377 | ATQ | University of Rhode Island | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATQ |
Classic Book | | Attaché or, Sam Slick in England -- Complete | R. Bentley | 01/01/1843 | 01/31/1843 | 01/01/1843 | 01/31/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27US |
Book / Monograph | 9780853238287 | Attending Daedalus: Gene Wolfe, Artifice & the Reader | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CE |
Classic Book | | Attic Philosopher in Paris -- Complete | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27UT |
Classic Book | | Aucassin & Nicolete | D. Nutt | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27UU |
Classic Book | | Auchensaugh Renovation of the National Covenant & Solemn League & Covenant | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27UV |
Magazine | 1063-0244 | AudioFile | AudioFile Publications, Inc. | 04/01/2011 | | 04/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3E97 |
Classic Book | | Audrey | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27UW |
Essay | | August Osage County | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC7 |
Biography | 9781429806244 | August Strindberg | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HE6 |
Classic Book | | Auguste Comte & Positivism | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27UX |
Classic Book | | Augustus Does His Bit | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27UY |
Academic Journal | 0001-2793 | AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian University of Modern Language Association | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2T4 |
Classic Book | | Aunt Jane's Nieces | Reilly & Britton Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27UZ |
Classic Book | | Aunt Madge's Story | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85UN |
Book / Monograph | | Aurora Floyd: A Novel | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1841 | 01/31/1863 | 01/01/1841 | 01/31/1841 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DUTX |
Classic Book | | Aus Kroatien: Skizzen Und Erzählungen | Eckstein | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27EO |
Essay | | Austerlitz | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDC8 |
Academic Journal | 0810-4123 | Australasian Drama Studies | Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama & Performance Studies | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | VWK |
Classic Book | | Australia Felix | W. W. Norton & Co. Inc. | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27V0 |
Magazine | 0155-2864 | Australian Book Review | Australian Book Review | 07/01/2008 | 06/30/2017 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 05P |
Academic Journal | 0726-8602 | Australian Journal of Linguistics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 35P |
Classic Book | | Australian Legendary Tales: Folklore of the Noongahburrahs As Told to the Piccaninnies | D. Nutt | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27V1 |
Academic Journal | 0004-9697 | Australian Literary Studies | Australian Literary Studies | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | 12 | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | AUL |
Book / Monograph | 9781433115080 | Authentic Blackness / Real Blackness | Peter Lang Group | 05/01/2011 | 05/31/2011 | 05/01/2011 | 05/31/2011 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBR8 |
Classic Book | | Author of Beltraffio | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27V2 |
Classic Book | | Author's Craft | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27V4 |
Book / Monograph | 9780823227877 | Author-Cat: Clemens's Life in Fiction | Fordham University Press | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | FDW6 |
Classic Book | | Authoritative Life of General William Booth | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27V3 |
Classic Book | | Authors of Greece | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27V5 |
Book / Monograph | | Authorship: A Tale | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1830 | 01/31/1830 | 01/01/1830 | 01/31/1830 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUSU |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754663 | Autobiographies by Americans of Color, 1980-1994: An Annotated Bibliography | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHL |
Book / Monograph | 9780878755400 | Autobiographies by Americans of Color, 1995-2000: An Annotated Bibliography | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHM |
Book / Monograph | 9780415186353 | Autobiography | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/22/2001 | 04/21/2001 | 03/22/2001 | 04/21/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13T5 |
Book / Monograph | 9780853236597 | Autobiography & Independence: Selfhood & Creativity in Postcolonial African Writing in French | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 04/01/2005 | 04/30/2005 | 04/01/2005 | 04/30/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CF |
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Classic Book | | Autobiography by Catherine Helen Spence | State Librarian State Library of S. A. | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27V6 |
Classic Book | | Autobiography by John Stuart Mill | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | 01/01/1874 | 01/31/1874 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27V7 |
Classic Book | | Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I | Grant Richards | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27V9 |
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Classic Book | | Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief | Golden Book Press | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27VB |
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Classic Book | | Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man | Sherman, French & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27VF |
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Book / Monograph | 9780465021789 | Autobiography of Medgar Evers: A Hero's Life & Legacy Revealed Through his Writings, Letters & Speeches | Perseus Books, LLC | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EE0 |
Classic Book | | Autobiography, Letters & Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27VN |
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Classic Book | | Aventures De Monsieur Pickwick, Vol. I | Librairie Hachette | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27G8 |
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Classic Book | | Awful Disclosures Containing, Also, Many Incidents Never Before Published | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1836 | 01/31/1836 | 01/01/1836 | 01/31/1836 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27VX |
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Classic Book | | Ayrshire Legatees, or, the Pringle Family | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27W1 |
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Classic Book | | Bag of Diamonds | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85VI |
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Magazine | 0733-0308 | Bamboo Ridge | Bamboo Ridge Press | 06/01/2003 | 09/30/2010 | 06/01/2003 | 09/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UFK |
Classic Book | | Ban & Arriere Ban | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27WX |
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Classic Book | | Bar-20 Days | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27WZ |
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Classic Book | | Barbara's Heritage: Young Americans Among the Old Italian Masters | W. A. Wilde Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27X2 |
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Classic Book | | Barchester Towers (Release Date: 9/1/2002) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1857 | 01/31/1857 | 01/01/1857 | 01/31/1857 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27X5 |
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Academic Journal | 0347-772X | Barnboken: Tidskrift för Barnlitteraturforskning | Barnboken: Tidskrift for Barnlitteraturforskning | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Sweden | Available Now | FXO5 |
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Classic Book | | Basil | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27XI |
Classic Book | | Bat | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27XJ |
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Classic Book | | Bataille De Dames | D. C. Heath & Co., Publishers | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27XL |
Academic Journal | 1942-0846 | Battered Suitcase | Vagabondage Press | 02/01/2011 | 06/30/2011 | 02/01/2011 | 06/30/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B8HH |
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Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 1, No. 1, January, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27XT |
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Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 1, No. 4, April, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 04/01/1884 | 04/30/1884 | 04/01/1884 | 04/30/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27XW |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 1, No. 5, May, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 05/01/1884 | 05/31/1884 | 05/01/1884 | 05/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27XX |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 1, No. 6, June, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 06/01/1884 | 06/30/1884 | 06/01/1884 | 06/30/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27XY |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 2, No. 1, October, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 10/01/1884 | 10/31/1884 | 10/01/1884 | 10/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27XZ |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 2, No. 2, November, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 11/01/1884 | 11/30/1884 | 11/01/1884 | 11/30/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y0 |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 2, No. 3, December, 1884 | John N. McClintock & Company | 12/01/1884 | 12/01/1884 | 12/01/1884 | 12/01/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y1 |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 2, No. 4, January, 1885 | John N. McClintock & Company | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y2 |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 2, No. 5, February, 1885 | John N. McClintock & Company | 02/01/1885 | 02/28/1885 | 02/01/1885 | 02/28/1885 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y3 |
Classic Book | | Bay State Monthly -- Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885 | John N. McClintock & Company | 03/01/1885 | 03/31/1885 | 03/01/1885 | 03/31/1885 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y4 |
Classic Book | | Bay: A Book of Poems | Beaumont Press | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61Y3 |
Book / Monograph | | Beach Conger | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FA7 |
Classic Book | | Beacon Lights of History | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y5 |
Classic Book | | Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story & Adventure, Vol. I, No. 1. Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to Manhood | Beadle & Adams | 12/14/1881 | 12/14/1881 | 12/14/1881 | 12/14/1881 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y6 |
Book / Monograph | 9780979808036 | Bear Stories | Calamari Press | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 82AL |
Classic Book | | Bears I Have Met--and Others | Drexel Biddle | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y7 |
Classic Book | | Beasley's Christmas Party | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 10/01/1909 | 10/01/1909 | 10/01/1909 | 10/01/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y8 |
Classic Book | | Beast in the Jungle | Martin Secker | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27Y9 |
Classic Book | | Beasts & Super-Beasts | John Lane Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27YA |
Classic Book | | Beasts of Tarzan | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 860Z |
Classic Book | | Beasts, Men & Gods | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27YB |
Book / Monograph | 9781433106033 | Beat Generation & Counterculture | Peter Lang Group | 05/01/2009 | 05/31/2009 | 05/01/2009 | 05/31/2009 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBRB |
Classic Book | | Beatrice | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27YC |
Classic Book | | Beatrix | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27YD |
Classic Book | | Beatrix of Clare | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27YE |
Classic Book | | Beautiful & Damned | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YF |
Book / Monograph | 9780691090535 | Beautiful Death | Princeton University Press | 01/31/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 8VIG |
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Classic Book | | Beautiful Joe: An Autobiography of a Dog | Jarrold | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27YG |
Classic Book | | Beautiful Lady | McClure, Phillips | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YH |
Book / Monograph | 9781558850262 | Beautiful Señoritas & Other Plays | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/1991 | 04/30/1991 | 04/01/1991 | 04/30/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2I |
Classic Book | | Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare | Weathervane Books | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27YI |
Classic Book | | Beauty & the Beast | Forgotten Books | 01/01/1756 | 01/31/1756 | 01/01/1756 | 01/31/1756 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YJ |
Classic Book | | Beauty & The Beast & Tales From Home | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85UJ |
Classic Book | | Beauty & the Beast, & Tales of Home | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YK |
Classic Book | | Beauty & the Bolshevist | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27YL |
Classic Book | | Beaux & Belles of England Mrs. Mary Robinson, Written by Herself, with the Lives of the Duchesses of Gordon & Devonshire | Grolier Society | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YM |
Classic Book | | Beaux-Stratagem | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1707 | 01/31/1707 | 01/01/1707 | 01/31/1707 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5DZN |
Classic Book | | Bebee | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YN |
Classic Book | | Becket & Other Plays | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27YO |
Book / Monograph | 9781558850064 | Becky & Her Friends | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/1990 | 04/30/1990 | 04/01/1990 | 04/30/1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2J |
Book / Monograph | 9781847250469 | Becoming Jane Austen | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A6 |
Classic Book | | Bedford-Row Conspiracy (Release Date: 12/1/1999) | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YP |
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Book / Monograph | 9780826412508 | Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Shakespeare | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 06/01/2001 | 06/30/2001 | 06/01/2001 | 06/30/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GC8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780826411167 | Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Sherlock Holmes | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 11/01/1998 | 11/30/1998 | 11/01/1998 | 11/30/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GC9 |
Book / Monograph | 9780826486752 | Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Virginia Woolf & Bloomsbury | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A7 |
Classic Book | | Bee-Man of Orn & Other Fanciful Tales | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YT |
Classic Book | | Beechcroft at Rockstone | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27YR |
Classic Book | | Beechenbrook: A Rhyme of the War | Kelly & Piet, Publishers | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27YS |
Classic Book | | Bees in Amber a Little Book of Thoughtful Verse | American Tract Society | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YU |
Classic Book | | Beetle | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YV |
Classic Book | | Before Adam | McKinlay, Stone & MacKenzie | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YW |
Classic Book | | Beggar's Opera | De La More Press | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YY |
Classic Book | | Beggars Bush: From the Works of Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher (Volume 2 of 10) | George Bell & Sons | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27YX |
Book / Monograph | 9780819567963 | Begum's Millions | Wesleyan University Press | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D27 |
Classic Book | | Behind the News: Voices from Goa's Press | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27YZ |
Book / Monograph | 9780826495297 | Being & Event | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAG |
Academic Journal | 0005-8076 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur | De Gruyter | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 1VQY |
Classic Book | | Bel Ami | French Library Syndicate | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z0 |
Essay | | Bel Canto | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDCB |
Classic Book | | Beldonald Holbein | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27Z1 |
Classic Book | | Belfry | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27Z2 |
Classic Book | | Belgian Twins | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z3 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820444567 | Belgian Women Poets: An Anthology | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GPZ |
Classic Book | | Belinda | Samuel French | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z4 |
Classic Book | | Bell in the Fog & Other Stories | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z5 |
Classic Book | | Belles of Canterbury: A Chaucer Tale out of School | Samuel French | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z6 |
Magazine | 0734-2934 | Bellingham Review | Bellingham Review | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJB |
Magazine | 0005-8661 | Beloit Poetry Journal | Beloit Poetry Journal Foundation Inc. | 12/01/2003 | | 12/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UFJ |
Classic Book | | Beltane the Smith | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z7 |
Classic Book | | Belton Estate | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 27Z8 |
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Book / Monograph | 9780415134170 | Ben Jonson (9780415134170) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | 11/09/1995 | 12/09/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13YZ |
Academic Journal | 1079-3453 | Ben Jonson Journal | Edinburgh University Press | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2QD6 |
Book / Monograph | 9780933951914 | Ben Jonson's Major Plays: Summaries of Modern Monographs | Robert C. Evans | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2QVS |
Classic Book | | Ben's Nugget: A Boy's Search For Fortune | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85V1 |
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Classic Book | | Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions | Johns Hopkins Press | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27Z9 |
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Classic Book | | Beowulf (1/1/2006) | Ginn & Company | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZB |
Classic Book | | Beowulf (Release Date 7/1/1997) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZC |
Book / Monograph | 9780878755653 | Beowulf In Faithful Verse | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHN |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754557 | Beowulf: A Student's Edition | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHO |
Classic Book | | Bergrichters Erdenwallen | A. Schall | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27EP |
Magazine | 1081-5430 | Berkeley Poetry Review | Berkeley Poetry Review | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K2LK |
Classic Book | | Berlin & Sans-Souci; or Frederick the Great & His Friends | McClure, Phillips | 01/01/1867 | 01/31/1867 | 01/01/1867 | 01/31/1867 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZD |
Classic Book | | Bernard Shaw's Preface to Androcles & the Lion | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZE |
Classic Book | | Bernard Shaw's Preface to Major Barbara | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZF |
Classic Book | | Bertha | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZG |
Classic Book | | Bertha Garlan | S. Fischer | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 27ZH |
Classic Book | | Bertram Cope's Year | Ralph Fletcher Seymour | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZI |
Biography | 9781429812511 | Bertrand Russell | Great Neck Publishing | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TJH |
Classic Book | | Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZJ |
Classic Book | | Bessie Bradford's Prize | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZK |
Classic Book | | Best American Humorous Short Stories | Boni & Liveright | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZL |
Book / Monograph | 9781555914240 | Best American Novels of the Twentieth Century: Still Readable Today | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 31VX |
Classic Book | | Best British Short Stories of 1922 | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZM |
Classic Book | | Best Letters of Charles Lamb | McClurg | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27ZN |
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Biography | 9781429805346 | Betty Friedan | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2005 | | 09/01/2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DRT |
Classic Book | | Betty Vivian: A Story of Haddo Court School | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 862I |
Classic Book | | Betty Wales, Sophomore | Penn Publishing Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZT |
Book / Monograph | | Betty Wetzel | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FA9 |
Classic Book | | Betty Zane | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ZU |
Classic Book | | Betty's Bright Idea; Deacon Pitkin's Farm; & the First Christmas of New England | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | 01/01/1876 | 01/31/1876 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27ZV |
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Book / Monograph | 9780878751693 | Between Two Worlds: The American Novel in the 1960's | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1980 | 01/31/1980 | 01/01/1980 | 01/31/1980 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHP |
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Book / Monograph | 9780853239406 | Beyond Suspicion: New American Fiction Since 1960 | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CL |
Book / Monograph | 9780826416261 | Beyond the Gray Flannel Suit: Books from the 1950s that Made American Culture | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 10/01/2004 | 10/31/2004 | 10/01/2004 | 10/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAH |
Classic Book | | Beyond the Rocks: A Love Story | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2803 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820428611 | Beyond Understanding: Appeals to the Imagination, Passions & Will in Mid-Nineteenth-Century American Women's Fiction | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GTH |
Classic Book | | Bible Period by Period: A Manual for the Study of the Bible by Periods | Baylor University Press | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2804 |
Classic Book | | Bible Stories & Religious Classics | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2805 |
Classic Book | | Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 31: Ezechiel. the Challoner Revision | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2806 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 10: 2 Samuel | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2808 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 11: 1 Kings | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2809 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 12: 2 Kings | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280A |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 13: 1 Chronicles | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280B |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 14: 2 Chronicles | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280C |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 15: Ezra | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280D |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 16: Nehemiah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280E |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 17: Esther | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280F |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 18: Job | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280G |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 19: Psalms | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280H |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 1: Genesis | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2807 |
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Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 21: Ecclesiastes | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280L |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 22: Song of Solomon | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280M |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 23: Isaiah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280N |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 24: Jeremiah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280O |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 25: Lamentations | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280P |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 26: Ezekiel | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280Q |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 27: Daniel | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280R |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 28: Hosea | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280S |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 29: Joel | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280T |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 2: Exodus by Anonymous | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280I |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 30: Amos | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280V |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 31: Obadiah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280W |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 32: Jonah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280X |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 33: Micah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280Y |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 34: Nahum | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280Z |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 35: Habakkuk | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2810 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 36: Zephaniah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2811 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 37: Haggai | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2812 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 38: Zechariah | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2813 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 39: Malachi | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2814 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 3: Leviticus | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 280U |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 40: Matthew | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2816 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 41: Mark | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2817 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 42: Luke | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2818 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 43: John | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2819 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 44: Acts | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281A |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 45: Romans | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281B |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 46: 1 Corinthians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281C |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 47: 2 Corinthians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281D |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 48: Galatians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281E |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 49: Ephesians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281F |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 4: Numbers | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2815 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 50: Philippians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281H |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 51: Colossians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281I |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 52: 1 Thessalonians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281J |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 53: 2 Thessalonians | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281K |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 54: 1 Timothy | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281L |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 55: 2 Timothy | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281M |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 56: Titus | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281N |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 57: Philemon | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281O |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 58: Hebrews | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281P |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 59: James | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281Q |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 5: Deuteronomy | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281G |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 60: 1 Peter | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281S |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 61: 2 Peter | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281T |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 62: 1 John | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281U |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 63: 2 John | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281V |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 64: 3 John | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281W |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 65: Jude | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281X |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 66: Revelation | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281Y |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 6: Joshua | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281R |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 7: Judges | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 281Z |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 8: Ruth | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2820 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Book 9: 1 Samuel | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2821 |
Classic Book | | Bible, King James Version, Complete Contents | Robert Barker | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | 01/01/1611 | 01/31/1611 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2822 |
Classic Book | | Bible. O. T. Apocryphal Books. English | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2823 |
Academic Journal | 0927-2569 | Biblical Interpretation | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | C1F |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751099 | Bibliography of Books of the Short Story | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8ULU |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753130 | Bibliography of Evelyn Waugh | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1986 | 01/31/1986 | 01/01/1986 | 01/31/1986 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751150 | Bibliography of Modern British Novelists | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8ULV |
Book / Monograph | 9780878750078 | Bibliography of Novels Related to American Frontier & Colonial History | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1971 | 01/31/1971 | 01/01/1971 | 01/31/1971 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGK |
Book / Monograph | 9788449928095 | Bibliography of Old French Lyrics | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N0O |
Book / Monograph | 9780878750085 | Bibliography of the Thoreau Society Bulletin Bibliographies 1941-1969 | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1971 | 01/31/1971 | 01/01/1971 | 01/31/1971 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGL |
Book / Monograph | 9780878750641 | Bibliography of William Cullen Bryant & His Critics, 1808-1972 | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1975 | 01/31/1975 | 01/01/1975 | 01/31/1975 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGM |
Classic Book | | Bicycle of Cathay | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2824 |
Classic Book | | Bicyclers & Three Other Farces | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2825 |
Classic Book | | Big & Little Sisters | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2826 |
Classic Book | | Big Drum: A Comedy in Four Acts | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 860O |
Classic Book | | Big People & Little People of Other Lands | American Book Company | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2827 |
Classic Book | | Big Timber: A Story of the Northwest | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2828 |
Classic Book | | Big-Town Round-Up | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2829 |
Academic Journal | 0094-5366 | Bilingual Review | University of Texas, San Antonio, College of Education & Human Development | 07/01/1990 | 05/31/2017 | 07/01/1990 | 04/30/2000 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BLG |
Book / Monograph | | Bill Hosokawa | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAA |
Classic Book | | Billie Bradley & Her Inheritance: The Queer Homestead at Cherry Corners | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282A |
Book / Monograph | | Billy Ferguson | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAB |
Classic Book | | Biltmore Oswald: The Diary of a Hapless Recruit | Frederick A. Stokes Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282B |
Classic Book | | Bimbi | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282C |
Classic Book | | Biographia Literaria | Holt & Williams | 01/01/1872 | 01/31/1872 | 01/01/1872 | 01/31/1872 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282D |
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Classic Book | | Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men | Ticknor & Fields | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282F |
Classic Book | | Biographies of Working Men | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282G |
Classic Book | | Biography of a Grizzly | Century Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282H |
Classic Book | | Biography of a Slave Being the Experiences of Rev. Charles Thompson | United Brethren Publishing House | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282I |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752027 | Biography of James Parker, Colonial Printer, 1715-1770 | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGN |
Classic Book | | Biography of Robert Murray M'Cheyne | Zondervan Publishing House | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282J |
Classic Book | | Biography of Sidney Lanier | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282K |
Academic Journal | 0162-4962 | Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly | University of Hawai'i | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7OF |
Classic Book | | Birch Bark Legends of Niagara | Journal Print Company | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | 01/01/1884 | 01/31/1884 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282L |
Book / Monograph | 9780893048037 | Bird & I | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1980 | 01/31/1980 | 01/01/1980 | 01/31/1980 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538T |
Classic Book | | Bird's-Eye View of the Bible: Second Edition | Monfort & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282P |
Classic Book | | Birds by Aristophanes | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DOW |
Classic Book | | Birds in Town & Village | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 282N |
Classic Book | | Birds of Prey | Ward, Lock | 01/01/1867 | 01/31/1867 | 01/01/1867 | 01/31/1867 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 282O |
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Classic Book | | Birth-Time of the World & Other Scientific Essays | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 282T |
Classic Book | | Birthright: A Novel | Century Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282S |
Classic Book | | Bishop's Shadow | Fleming H. Revell | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 282U |
Classic Book | | Bit O' Love | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 282V |
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Classic Book | | Black Beauty | Barse & Hopkins | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2832 |
Classic Book | | Black Beauty, Young Folks' Edition | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2833 |
Classic Book | | Black Beetles in Amber | Western Authors Publishing Company | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2834 |
Classic Book | | Black Box | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2835 |
Book / Monograph | 9781889441030 | Black Butterfly: Concepts of Spanish Romanticism | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N16 |
Classic Book | | Black Caesar's Clan: A Florida Mystery Story | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2836 |
Classic Book | | Black Cat: A Play in Three Acts | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2837 |
Book / Monograph | 9780765600332 | Black Clouds Over the Isle of Gods & Other Modern Indonesian Short Stories | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E4A |
Classic Book | | Black Creek Stopping-House | William Briggs | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2838 |
Book / Monograph | | Black Cuban, Black American | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOJ |
Classic Book | | Black Dwarf | Archibald Constable & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2839 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820451596 | Black Family (Dys)Function in Novels by Jessie Fauset, Nella Larsen & Fannie Hurst | Peter Lang Group | 07/01/2003 | 07/31/2003 | 07/01/2003 | 07/31/2003 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3D6B |
Magazine | 1522-0524 | Black Issues Book Review | Target Market News | 07/01/1999 | 06/30/2007 | 07/01/1999 | 06/30/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5MZ |
Classic Book | | Black Man's Place in South Africa | Juta & Co., LTD. | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 283A |
Book / Monograph | 9780820486376 | Black Outlaws | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2010 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBRG |
Classic Book | | Black Oxen | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8636 |
Classic Book | | Black Prophet: A Tale of Irish Famine. Traits & Stories of the Irish Peasantry, the Works of William Carleton, Volume Three | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 283B |
Magazine | 1089-3148 | Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire | Institute of African-American Affairs | 06/01/2003 | 01/31/2019 | 05/01/2008 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8A6 |
Classic Book | | Black Robe | Chatto & Windus | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283C |
Book / Monograph | 9780893042417 | Black Silence: The Lety Survivors Speak | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538W |
Classic Book | | Black Tulip | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 283D |
Magazine | 0193-6301 | Black Warrior Review | Black Warrior Review | 09/01/2003 | | 09/01/2007 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJF |
Book / Monograph | | Black Widow's Wardrobe | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOK |
Book / Monograph | 9781584656340 | Black Women's Intellectual Traditions | University Press of New England | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D2J |
Classic Book | | Black-Bearded Barbarian: The Life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa | Missionary Education Movment of the United States & Canada | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 283E |
Book / Monograph | 9780893040109 | Blacklines Scrawl | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1976 | 01/31/1976 | 01/01/1976 | 01/31/1976 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538X |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 56, No. 346, August, 1844 | William Blackwood & Sons | 08/01/1844 | 08/31/1844 | 08/01/1844 | 08/31/1844 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283S |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 01/01/1843 | 01/31/1843 | 01/01/1843 | 01/31/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283F |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 02/01/1843 | 02/28/1843 | 02/01/1843 | 02/28/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283G |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 53, No. 329, March, 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 03/01/1843 | 03/31/1843 | 03/01/1843 | 03/31/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283H |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 04/01/1843 | 04/30/1843 | 04/01/1843 | 04/30/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283I |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 53, No. 331, May, 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 05/01/1843 | 05/31/1843 | 05/01/1843 | 05/31/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283J |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 53, No. 332, June, 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 06/01/1843 | 06/30/1843 | 06/01/1843 | 06/30/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283K |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 07/01/1843 | 07/31/1843 | 07/01/1843 | 07/31/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283L |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 54, No. 335, September 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 09/01/1843 | 09/30/1843 | 09/01/1843 | 09/30/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283M |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 55, No. 339, January, 1844 | William Blackwood & Sons | 01/01/1844 | 01/31/1844 | 01/01/1844 | 01/31/1844 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283N |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 55, No. 340, February, 1844 | William Blackwood & Sons | 02/01/1844 | 02/28/1844 | 02/01/1844 | 02/28/1844 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283O |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844 | William Blackwood & Sons | 03/01/1844 | 03/31/1844 | 03/01/1844 | 03/31/1844 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283P |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844 | William Blackwood & Sons | 04/01/1844 | 04/30/1844 | 04/01/1844 | 04/30/1844 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283Q |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 56, No. 345, July, 1844 | William Blackwood & Sons | 07/01/1844 | 07/31/1844 | 07/01/1844 | 07/31/1844 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283R |
Classic Book | | Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843 | William Blackwood & Sons | 11/01/1843 | 11/30/1843 | 11/01/1843 | 11/30/1843 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283T |
Classic Book | | Blazed Trail | McClure, Phillips | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 283U |
Classic Book | | Bleak House (Release Date: 8/1/1997) | Bradbury & Evans | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 283W |
Essay | | Blind Assassin | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDE |
Classic Book | | Blind Love | Chatto & Windus | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 283X |
Classic Book | | Blindfolded | A. Wessels Company | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 283Y |
Essay | | Blindness | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDCC |
Classic Book | | Blix | International Association of Newspapers & Authors | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 283Z |
Classic Book | | Blockade Runners | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2840 |
Classic Book | | Blood Brothers: A Medic's Sketch Book | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2841 |
Book / Monograph | 9780896087415 | Blood on the Border: A Memoir of the Contra War | South End Press | 11/01/2005 | 11/30/2005 | 11/01/2005 | 11/30/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25SR |
Book / Monograph | 9780878752768 | Blood on the Harp: Irish Rebel History in Ballad | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1983 | 01/31/1983 | 01/01/1983 | 01/31/1983 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHR |
Classic Book | | Blot in the 'Scutcheon | James R. Osgood & Company | 01/01/1869 | 01/31/1869 | 01/01/1869 | 01/31/1869 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2842 |
Classic Book | | Blotting Book | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2843 |
Book / Monograph | 9780893048129 | Blue Apple | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538Y |
Classic Book | | Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2844 |
Classic Book | | Blue Fairy Book | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2845 |
Classic Book | | Blue Flower | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2846 |
Essay | | Blue Flower (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDF |
Classic Book | | Blue Lagoon: A Romance | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2847 |
Magazine | 1042-2951 | Blue Mesa Review | Blue Mesa Review | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJH |
Magazine | 0197-7016 | Blue Unicorn | Blue Unicorn | 10/01/2003 | | 10/01/2006 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJI |
Classic Book | | Bluebeard; a Musical Fantasy | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2848 |
Classic Book | | Bluebell: A Novel | Samuel Tinsely | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2849 |
Book / Monograph | | Bluestown Mockingbird Mambo | Arte Publico Press | 02/01/1990 | 02/01/1990 | 02/01/1990 | 02/01/1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2L |
Classic Book | | Blunderer | F. Rullman | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284A |
Classic Book | | Boats of the 'Glen Carrig' | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284B |
Classic Book | | Bob Chester's Grit: From Ranch to Riches | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284C |
Classic Book | | Bob Cook & the German Spy | Barse & Hopkins | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284D |
Classic Book | | Bob the Castaway | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284E |
Classic Book | | Bob, Son of Battle | Doubleday & McClure Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284F |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins at Meadow Brook | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284G |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins at School (Release Date: 12/1/1996) | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284H |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins at School (Release Date: 7/1/2004) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284I |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284J |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins at the County Fair | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284K |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284L |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins in a Great City | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284M |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins in the Country | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284N |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins in the Great West | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284O |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins in Washington | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284P |
Classic Book | | Bobbsey Twins on a Houseboat | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284Q |
Classic Book | | Bobby of the Labrador | McClelland & Stewart, Ltd. | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284R |
Book / Monograph | | Body Bee Calling from the 21st Century | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8W5E |
Classic Book | | Boer in Peace & War | John Long | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284S |
Classic Book | | Bohemian Society | Hunter, Rose & Co. | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284T |
Classic Book | | Bolshevism: The Enemy of Political & Industrial Democracy | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284U |
Magazine | 0743-3204 | Bomb | New Art Publications | 10/01/2003 | 12/18/2019 | 06/01/2009 | 12/18/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QTH |
Classic Book | | Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Tale of Fontenoy & Culloden | Blackie & Son | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 284V |
Classic Book | | Bontoc Igorot | Bureau of Public Printing | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284W |
Academic Journal | 1098-7371 | Book History (Johns Hopkins University Press) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | B6JB |
Academic Journal | 1098-7371 | Book History (Pennsylvania State University Press) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GL6 |
Magazine | 1055-4742 | Book Links | American Library Association / Booklist Publications | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2022 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2022 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BOO |
Classic Book | | Book of American Negro Poetry | Harcourt, Brace & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 284X |
Classic Book | | Book of Dreams & Ghosts | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 284Y |
Classic Book | | Book of Exposition | Harcourt, Brace & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 284Z |
Classic Book | | Book of Golden Deeds | Mershon Company | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2850 |
Classic Book | | Book of Joyous Children | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2851 |
Classic Book | | Book of Missionary Heroes | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2852 |
Classic Book | | Book of Nonsense (Release Date: 10/8/2004) | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2854 |
Classic Book | | Book of Nonsense (Release Date: 7/1/1997) | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2853 |
Classic Book | | Book of Old Ballads -- Complete | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2855 |
Classic Book | | Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, & Their Music | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2856 |
Classic Book | | Book of Remarkable Criminals | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2857 |
Classic Book | | Book of Scoundrels | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2858 |
Essay | | Book of Secrets | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDG |
Classic Book | | Book of Snobs (Release Date: 5/25/2006) | Bradbury & Evans | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2859 |
Classic Book | | Book of Tea | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285B |
Book / Monograph | 9780415045391 | Book of the Thousand & One Nights (Vol 1) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1461 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415045407 | Book of the Thousand & One Nights (Vol 2) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1460 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415045414 | Book of the Thousand & One Nights (Vol 3) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 145Z |
Book / Monograph | 9780415045421 | Book of the Thousand & One Nights (Vol 4) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | 09/04/1986 | 10/04/1986 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 145Y |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 01 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285C |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 02 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285D |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 03 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285E |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 04 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285F |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 05 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285G |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 06 | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285H |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 08 | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285I |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 09 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285J |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 10 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285K |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 11 [Supplement] | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285L |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 12 [Supplement] | Privately Printed by the Burton Club | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 285M |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 13 | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285N |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 14 | Public Domain | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285O |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night -- Volume 15 | Casanova Society | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | | | Y | France | Available Now | 285P |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & One Night, Volume I | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285Q |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & One Night, Volume II | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285R |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & One Night, Volume III | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285S |
Classic Book | | Book of the Thousand Nights & One Night, Volume IV | H. S. Nichols & Co | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285T |
Classic Book | | Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes: Historical, Literary, & Humorous--a New Selection | Burns & Oates | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 285U |
Classic Book | | Book of Were-Wolves | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 285V |
Classic Book | | Book of Wonder | Boni & Liveright | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285W |
Lesson Plan | | Book Report Alternative: Book Trailer | Salem Press | 05/01/2019 | 05/31/2019 | 05/01/2019 | 05/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M58Z |
Lesson Plan | | Book Report Alternative: Graphic Novel | Salem Press | 05/01/2019 | 05/31/2019 | 05/01/2019 | 05/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M590 |
Lesson Plan | | Book Report Alternative: Letter to the Editor | Salem Press | 05/01/2019 | 05/31/2019 | 05/01/2019 | 05/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M591 |
Academic Journal | 0741-6148 | Book Research Quarterly | Springer Nature | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/1990 | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/1990 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 24U |
Essay | | Book Thief | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDH |
Classic Book | | Book with the Yellow Cover | Public Domain | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 285X |
Classic Book | | Book-Bills of Narcissus: An Account Rendered by Richard Le Gallienne | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 285Y |
Magazine | 1081-3209 | Book/Mark | Book/Mark | 12/01/2002 | 03/31/2015 | 03/01/2007 | 03/31/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UXX |
Academic Journal | 0006-7377 | Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature (Johns Hopkins University Press) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 8X08 |
Academic Journal | 0006-7377 | Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature (University of Toronto Press) | University of Toronto Press | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | 6N7 |
Biography | 9781429812597 | Booker T. Washington | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | | 08/01/2017 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TJQ |
Magazine | 0006-7385 | Booklist | American Library Association / Booklist Publications | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BLL |
Classic Book | | Books & Bookmen | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 285Z |
Classic Book | | Books & Culture | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2860 |
Magazine | 0376-6039 | Books Ireland | Wordwell Limited | 07/01/2014 | | 07/01/2014 | | | | Y | Ireland | Available Now | BAK7 |
Trade Publication | 0006-7539 | Bookseller | Bookseller Media Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 08/15/2011 | 01/01/2002 | 08/15/2011 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IYR |
Classic Book | | Booming of Acre Hill & Other Reminiscences of Urban & Suburban Life | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2861 |
Book / Monograph | 9781558854055 | Border Crossing (978-1-55885-405-5) | Arte Publico Press | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N7Q |
Magazine | 0831-2559 | Border Crossings | Border Crossings | 08/01/2005 | | 08/01/2005 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | FWA |
Classic Book | | Border Legion | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2862 |
Book / Monograph | | Border Patrol Ate My Dust | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOL |
Book / Monograph | | Borders | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1986 | 01/31/1986 | 01/01/1986 | 01/31/1986 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2M |
Book / Monograph | 9780893040239 | Borders/Grenzen | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 538Z |
Classic Book | | Bores | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2863 |
Classic Book | | Boris Godunov: A Drama in Verse | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2864 |
Book / Monograph | | Boris Kondratieff | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAE |
Classic Book | | Born in Exile | A. & C. Black | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2865 |
Classic Book | | Borough | Bradford & Inskeep | 01/01/1810 | 01/31/1810 | 01/01/1810 | 01/31/1810 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2866 |
Classic Book | | Boss & the Machine; a Chronicle of the Politicians & Party Organization | Yale University Press | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2867 |
Classic Book | | Boss of Little Arcady | Lothrop Publishing Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2868 |
Magazine | 0734-2306 | Boston Review | Boston Review | 10/01/2004 | | 10/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T0K |
Classic Book | | Botanic Garden a Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: The Economy of Vegetation | Jones & Company | 01/01/1825 | 01/31/1825 | 01/01/1825 | 01/31/1825 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2869 |
Classic Book | | Botanic Garden. Part II. Containing the Loves of the Plants. a Poem. with Philosophical Notes | J. Johnson | 01/01/1790 | 01/31/1790 | 01/01/1790 | 01/31/1790 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286A |
Classic Book | | Botchan (Master Darling) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286B |
Magazine | 0885-9337 | Boulevard | OpoJaz, Inc. | 04/01/2004 | | 04/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UF1 |
Classic Book | | Bound to Rise | New York Book Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286C |
Academic Journal | 0190-3659 | Boundary 2 | Duke University Press | 09/01/1972 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BOU |
Classic Book | | Bouvard & Pecuchet: A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85Y9 |
Classic Book | | Bouvard Et Pécuchet | Bibliotheque Charpentier | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27GA |
Classic Book | | Bow of Orange Ribbon: A Romance of New York | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 286D |
Classic Book | | Box with Broken Seals | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286E |
Classic Book | | Boy Allies at Jutland | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286F |
Classic Book | | Boy Allies Under the Sea | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 286G |
Classic Book | | Boy Allies Under Two Flags | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286H |
Classic Book | | Boy Allies with the Victorious Fleets: The Fall of the German Navy | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 286I |
Classic Book | | Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286J |
Classic Book | | Boy Aviators in Africa | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286K |
Classic Book | | Boy Aviators' Polar Dash or Facing Death in the Antarctic | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286L |
Classic Book | | Boy Aviators' Treasure Quest | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286M |
Classic Book | | Boy Blue & His Friends | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286N |
Classic Book | | Boy Captives | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286O |
Essay | | Boy in the Striped Pajamas | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDI |
Classic Book | | Boy Life: Stories & Readings | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85ZH |
Classic Book | | Boy Scout Camera Club, or, the Confession of a Photograph | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286P |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts in a Submarine: Or, Searching an Ocean Floor | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286Q |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts in an Airship; or, the Warning from the Sky | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286R |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts in Mexico; or on Guard with Uncle Sam | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286S |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts in Southern Waters | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 286T |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts in the North Sea | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 860P |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island | Reilly & Britton Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286U |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts of the Eagle Patrol | Burt, Hutchinson & Abbey | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286V |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts of the Flying Squadron | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286W |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts of the Geological Survey | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286X |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts on Motorcycles with the Flying Squadron | M. A. Donague & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286Y |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts on Picket Duty | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 286Z |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts Patrol | A. L. Chatterton | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2870 |
Classic Book | | Boy Scouts with the Motion Picture Players | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2871 |
Classic Book | | Boy Tar | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85U6 |
Classic Book | | Boy with the U.S. Census | Lee & Shepard Publishers | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2872 |
Classic Book | | Boy's Ride | McClurg | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2878 |
Classic Book | | Boy's Will | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2879 |
Classic Book | | Boyhood | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2873 |
Classic Book | | Boys & Girls from Thackeray | Duffield | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2874 |
Book / Monograph | 9781433105746 | Boys Club | Peter Lang Group | 07/01/2011 | 07/31/2011 | 07/01/2011 | 07/31/2011 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBRI |
Classic Book | | Boys of Bellwood School | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2877 |
Classic Book | | Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln | Century Company | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2875 |
Classic Book | | Boys' Life of Mark Twain | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2876 |
Classic Book | | Bracebridge Hall, or the Humorists | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1857 | 01/31/1857 | 01/01/1857 | 01/31/1857 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287A |
Classic Book | | Bracelets | Jacob Johnson | 01/01/1804 | 01/31/1804 | 01/01/1804 | 01/31/1804 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287B |
Biography | | Bradley Hathaway - A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 07/01/2008 | 07/31/2008 | 07/01/2008 | 07/31/2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82AU |
Classic Book | | Brain & the Voice in Speech & Song | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287C |
Classic Book | | Brain, a Decoded Enigma | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287D |
Biography | 9781429806558 | Bram Stoker | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1HFX |
Book / Monograph | 9781883846305 | Bram Stoker: Author of Dracula | Morgan Reynolds Inc. | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QAS |
Book / Monograph | 9780819510181 | Branch Will Not Break: Poems | Wesleyan University Press | 01/01/1963 | 01/31/1963 | 01/01/1963 | 01/31/1963 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D0K |
Book / Monograph | 9781558852273 | Brand New Memory | Arte Publico Press | 03/01/1998 | 03/31/1998 | 03/01/1998 | 03/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2N |
Classic Book | 0006-9078 | Branding Iron | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 861R |
Classic Book | | Brandon of the Engineers | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8610 |
Classic Book | | Brass Bowl | Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287E |
Classic Book | | Brave & Bold: The Fortunes of Robert Rushton | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287F |
Classic Book | | Brave Tom: The Battle That Won | John C. Winston Company | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287G |
Classic Book | | Bravo | Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley | 01/01/1831 | 01/31/1831 | 01/01/1831 | 01/31/1831 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 287H |
Classic Book | | Bravo of Venice; a Romance | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287I |
Classic Book | | Brazilian Sketches | Baptist World Publishing Co. | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287J |
Book / Monograph | | Break-In | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOM |
Classic Book | | Breaking Point | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287K |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754359 | Breaking Through to the Other Side: Essays on Realization in Modern Literature | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHS |
Book / Monograph | 9780893042691 | Breath of Bengal | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5390 |
Book / Monograph | 9789042022126 | Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intertextual & Intermedial Reworkings of Jane Eyre | Brill / Rodopi | 05/01/2007 | 05/31/2007 | 05/01/2007 | 05/31/2007 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | BDA1 |
Classic Book | | Bred in the Bone | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287L |
Book / Monograph | | Brenda Coultas | Coffee House Press | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EMY |
Book / Monograph | | Brenda Peterson (Fulcrum Publishing) | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAF |
Classic Book | | Bressant | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287N |
Book / Monograph | 9780826452450 | Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAI |
Classic Book | | Brethren | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287O |
Classic Book | | Brewster's Millions | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287P |
Biography | | Brian Turner: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BARF |
Magazine | 1550-0926 | Briar Cliff Review | Briar Cliff Review | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2023 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2023 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UXY |
Classic Book | | Brick Moon & Other Stories | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287Q |
Book / Monograph | 9780934770910 | Brick People | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2O |
Magazine | 0382-8565 | Brick: A Literary Journal | Brick: A Literary Journal | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | BCPO |
Classic Book | | Bricks Without Straw | Fords, Howard & Hulbert | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287R |
Classic Book | | Bride | C. E. Goodspeed | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287S |
Classic Book | | Bride of Fort Edward | S. Colman | 01/01/1839 | 01/31/1839 | 01/01/1839 | 01/31/1839 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287U |
Classic Book | | Bride of Lammermoor | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1858 | 01/31/1858 | 01/01/1858 | 01/31/1858 | | | | Germany | Available Now | 287V |
Classic Book | | Bride of Messina, & on the Use of the Chorus in Tragedy | John Bohn | 01/01/1841 | 01/31/1841 | 01/01/1841 | 01/31/1841 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287W |
Classic Book | | Bride of the Mistletoe | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 287X |
Classic Book | | Bride of the Nile -- Complete | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 287Y |
Book / Monograph | 9780893044268 | Bridge (9780893044268) | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1987 | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1987 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 53BR |
Classic Book | | Bridge Builders | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 287Z |
Classic Book | | Brief History of Panics & Their Periodical Occurrence in the United States | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2880 |
Classic Book | | Brief History of the United States | American Book Company | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2881 |
Classic Book | | Brief Memoir with Portions of the Diary, Letters, & Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham, England | Association of Friends for the Diffusion of Religious & Useful Knowledge | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2882 |
Essay | | Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDJ |
Book / Monograph | 9789766372873 | Bright Road to El Dorado | Ian Randle Publishers | 05/01/2007 | 05/31/2007 | 05/01/2007 | 05/31/2007 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 54KZ |
Classic Book | | Brimming Cup | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2883 |
Academic Journal | 1754-3754 | British & Irish Contemporary Poetry | Liverpool University Press / Journals | 03/01/2008 | 03/31/2008 | 03/01/2008 | 03/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6CRD |
Book / Monograph | 9780826487322 | British Fiction Today | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415286022 | British Folk Tales & Legends | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/01/2002 | 08/31/2002 | 08/01/2002 | 08/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13KN |
Classic Book | | British Highways & Byways from a Motor Car Being a Record of a Five Thousand Mile Tour in England, Wales & Scotland | C. L. Page & Company | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2884 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753185 | British Poetry & the American Revolution: A Bibliographical Survey of Books & Pamphlets, Journals & Magazines, Newspapers, & Prints 1755-1800 | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/1988 | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/1988 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8ULW |
Book / Monograph | 9789042018570 | British Romanticism & Italian Literature: Translating, Reviewing, Rewriting | Brill / Rodopi | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | BDA2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753703 | British Women Poets 1660-1880: An Anthology | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1990 | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHT |
Classic Book | | Broad Grins | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1802 | 01/31/1802 | 01/01/1802 | 01/31/1802 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85TO |
Classic Book | | Broad Highway | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2885 |
Magazine | 2993-8961 | Broad River Review | Gardner-Webb University | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K2J3 |
Classic Book | | Broken Road | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2886 |
Book / Monograph | 9780813568065 | Broken Silences | Rutgers University Press | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61FY |
Classic Book | | Broken Soldier & the Maid of France | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2887 |
Academic Journal | 1474-8932 | Bronte Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PK5 |
Classic Book | | Bronze Bell | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2888 |
Classic Book | | Bronze Eagle | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 860Q |
Classic Book | | Brook Kerith: A Syrian Story | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2889 |
Classic Book | | Brother & Sister | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288A |
Book / Monograph | | Brother Jonathan: or, the New Englanders | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1825 | 01/31/1825 | 01/01/1825 | 01/31/1825 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUSV |
Classic Book | | Brother of Daphne | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288B |
Classic Book | | Brotherhood of Consolation | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288C |
Classic Book | | Brotherly Love Shewing That As Merely Human It May Not Always Be Depended Upon | Darton, Harvey & Co. | 01/01/1851 | 01/31/1851 | 01/01/1851 | 01/31/1851 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 288D |
Classic Book | | Brothers of Pity & Other Tales of Beasts & Men | E. & J. B. Young & Co. | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | 01/01/1888 | 01/31/1888 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288E |
Classic Book | | Brothers-In-Law: A Tale Of The Equatorial Islands; & The Brass Gun of The Buccaneers | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85XI |
Classic Book | | Brought Home | Houlston & Sons | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 288F |
Classic Book | | Brown Fairy Book | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288G |
Classic Book | | Brown Study | Doubleday & McClure Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288H |
Classic Book | | Brown Wolf & Other Jack London Stories Chosen & Edited by Franklin K. Mathiews | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288I |
Classic Book | | Brownies & Other Tales | E. & J. B. Young & Co. | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288J |
Classic Book | | Browning As a Philosophical & Religious Teacher | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288K |
Classic Book | | Browning's Shorter Poems | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288L |
Classic Book | | Bruce | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288M |
Book / Monograph | | Bruce C. Paton, M.D. | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAG |
Book / Monograph | 9780893041229 | Brush & The Sword | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8X8A |
Book / Monograph | 9780813337531 | Brutal Truths, Fragile Myths: Power Politics & Western Adventurism in the Arab World | Perseus Books, LLC | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EE9 |
Classic Book | | Bruvver Jim's Baby | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288N |
Academic Journal | 1523-5734 | Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature | Bryn Mawr College | 01/01/2007 | 09/30/2013 | 01/01/2007 | 09/30/2013 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1WQ1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780893047818 | Bubbemeises & Babbaluci | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5391 |
Classic Book | | Buccaneers & Pirates of Our Coasts | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288O |
Classic Book | | Buch Der Lieder | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27EQ |
Classic Book | | Bucky O'Connor | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288P |
Classic Book | | Bucolics & Eclogues | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27HS |
Classic Book | | Bucolics & Eclogues by Virgil (Release Date: 3/1/1995) | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | Ireland | Available Now | 288Q |
Academic Journal | 2669-0403 | Būdas (Habitus) | Lithuanian National Culture Center | 02/01/2019 | | 02/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | MC7X |
Essay | | Buddha in the Attic | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDK |
Book / Monograph | | Buffalo Nickel | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2P |
Classic Book | | Building a State in Apache Land | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 288R |
Classic Book | | Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2YSU |
Classic Book | | Bundle of Ballads | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288T |
Classic Book | | Bundle of Letters | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 288U |
Classic Book | | Bunker Bean | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 288V |
Classic Book | | Bunner Sisters (Release Date: 8/1/1995) | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288X |
Classic Book | | Bunny Brown & His Sister Sue | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 288Y |
Classic Book | | Bunny Brown & His Sister Sue at Camp Rest-a-While | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 288Z |
Classic Book | | Bunny Brown & His Sister Sue in the Big Woods | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2890 |
Classic Book | | Bunny Brown & His Sister Sue on an Auto Tour | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2891 |
Classic Book | | Bunny Brown & His Sister Sue Playing Circus | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2892 |
Classic Book | | Bunyan Characters (1st Series) | Presbyterian Board of Publication & Sabbath-School Work | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2893 |
Classic Book | | Bunyan Characters (2nd Series) | Oliphants | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2894 |
Classic Book | | Bunyan Characters (3rd Series) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2895 |
Academic Journal | 0954-0970 | Bunyan Studies | Northumbria University | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3JBE |
Classic Book | | Bureaucracy | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2896 |
Classic Book | | Burglar & the Blizzard a Christmas Story | Hearsts International Library Co. | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2897 |
Classic Book | | Burgomaster's Wife -- Complete | W. S. Gottsbergerand Company Publishers | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | 01/01/1882 | 01/31/1882 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2898 |
Classic Book | | Burial of the Guns | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2899 |
Classic Book | | Buried Alive: A Tale of These Days | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | Germany | Available Now | 289A |
Classic Book | | Burke | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 289B |
Classic Book | | Burned Bridges | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289D |
Academic Journal | 1480-6320 | Burney Journal | Burney Society | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GXMR |
Classic Book | | Burning Spear | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | 01/01/1923 | 01/31/1923 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289G |
Book / Monograph | 9789766370442 | Busha's Mistress or Catherine the Fugitive | Ian Randle Publishers | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 54L0 |
Classic Book | | Bushido, the Soul of Japan | Teibi Publishing Company | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289H |
Classic Book | | Bushman -- Life in a New Country | R. Bentley | 01/01/1847 | 01/31/1847 | 01/01/1847 | 01/31/1847 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 289I |
Magazine | 1878-5301 | Bustan: The Middle East Book Review (Brill Academic Publishers) | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/2010 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/2010 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B4YI |
Academic Journal | 1878-5301 | Bustan: The Middle East Book Review (Pennsylvania State University Press) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KITO |
Classic Book | | Buttered Side Down | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8601 |
Classic Book | | Buttered Side down: Stories | Frederick A. Stokes Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289J |
Classic Book | | By Advice of Counsel | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289K |
Classic Book | | By Still Waters: Lyrical Poems Old & New | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289L |
Classic Book | | By the Ionian Sea | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289M |
Classic Book | | By Water to the Columbian Exposition | Ernst Knauer | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289N |
Classic Book | | Bylow Hill | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289O |
Classic Book | | Byron | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289P |
Book / Monograph | 9780853230267 | Byron & the Limits of Fiction | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 03/01/1988 | 03/31/1988 | 03/01/1988 | 03/31/1988 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CO |
Academic Journal | 0301-7257 | Byron Journal | Liverpool University Press / Journals | 11/01/2008 | | 11/01/2008 | 06/22/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3DEP |
Classic Book | | Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1 | John Murray | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 289Q |
Book / Monograph | 9780826486035 | C Day-Lewis | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47A9 |
Book / Monograph | 9781433106620 | C.P. Snow's Strangers & Brothers as Mid-Twentieth-Century History | Peter Lang Group | 05/01/2009 | 05/31/2009 | 05/01/2009 | 05/31/2009 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBRJ |
Biography | 9781429803038 | C.S. Lewis | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DD7 |
Classic Book | | Cab of the Sleeping Horse | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289R |
Classic Book | | Cabbages & Kings | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289S |
Book / Monograph | | Cactus Blood | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATON |
Classic Book | | Caesar & Cleopatra | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289T |
Classic Book | | Caesar Dies | Hutchinson & Company | 01/01/1934 | 01/31/1934 | 01/01/1934 | 01/31/1934 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289U |
Classic Book | | Caesar or Nothing | A. A. Knopf | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289V |
Magazine | | Cafe in Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal | Paul Herron - Sky Blue Press | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6BCW |
Classic Book | | Caged Lion | Appleton & Co. | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | 01/01/1870 | 01/31/1870 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 289W |
Magazine | 0440-7237 | Cahiers de L'Herne | Editions de L'Herne | 03/01/2009 | | 03/01/2009 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | 8NES |
Academic Journal | 2300-4681 | Cahiers ERTA | Jagiellonian University Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | HCHK |
Classic Book | | Caleb Williams: Things As They Are | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 289X |
Classic Book | | Calendar of Sonnets | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289Y |
Classic Book | | California & the Californians | Whitaker & Ray Company | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 289Z |
Classic Book | | California, 1849-1913; or, the Rambling Sketches & Experiences of Sixty-Four Years' Residence in That State | DeWitt & Snelling Company | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A0 |
Book / Monograph | 9781846310287 | Calixthe Beyala: Performances of Migration | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 10/01/2006 | 10/31/2006 | 10/01/2006 | 10/31/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CQ |
Book / Monograph | 9780691138442 | Call It English | Princeton University Press | 01/31/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 8VIH |
Book / Monograph | | Call Me Consuelo | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOO |
Book / Monograph | 9781558851245 | Call No Man Master | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | 04/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2Q |
Classic Book | | Call of the Canyon | Walter J. Black Inc. | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A1 |
Classic Book | | Call of the North | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A2 |
Classic Book | | Call of the Twentieth Century: An Address to Young Men | American Unitarian Association | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A3 |
Book / Monograph | 9788439973522 | Call to Authenticity: The Essays of Ezequiel Martínez Estrada | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N0J |
Classic Book | | Calling of Dan Matthews | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A5 |
Biography | 9781429821544 | Calum Kerr - A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2007 | | 08/01/2007 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 44T3 |
Classic Book | | Calvary Alley | Century Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A6 |
Book / Monograph | 9789768123834 | Calypso Trilogy | Ian Randle Publishers | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 54L1 |
Classic Book | | Cambridge Essays on Education | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A7 |
Classic Book | | Cambridge Pieces | Floating Press | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A8 |
Academic Journal | 0008-199X | Cambridge Quarterly | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BHP |
Classic Book | | Cambridge Sketches | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28A9 |
Classic Book | | Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AA |
Classic Book | | Camille | Wrightson & Company | 01/01/1857 | 01/31/1857 | 01/01/1857 | 01/31/1857 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AB |
Classic Book | | Camp Fire Girls at Long Lake: Bessie King in Summer Camp | Saalfield Publishing Co. | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AC |
Classic Book | | Camp Fire Girls on the Farm or, Bessie King's New Chum | Saalfield Publishing Co. | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AD |
Classic Book | | Camp-Fire & Cotton-Field: Southern Adventure in Time of War. Life with the Union Armies, & Residence on a Louisiana Plantation | Blelock & Co. | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AF |
Classic Book | | Campaign of 1760 in Canada: A Narrative Attributed to Chevalier Johnstone | Morning Chronicle Offic | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AE |
Classic Book | | Canada & Other Poems | Hunter, Rose & Co. | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AG |
Magazine | 1189-2102 | Canada & the World Backgrounder | Canada & the World | 01/01/1996 | 06/30/2019 | 01/01/1996 | 06/30/2019 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | BCK |
Classic Book | | Canadian Crusoes | C.S. Francis & Company | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AH |
Classic Book | | Canadian Dominion; a Chronicle of Our Northern Neighbor | Yale University Press | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AI |
Academic Journal | 0008-3496 | Canadian Ethnic Studies | Canadian Ethnic Studies | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | CES |
Academic Journal | 0008-4360 | Canadian Literature | Canadian Literature | 06/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | Canada | Available Now‡ | CLI |
Book / Monograph | 9780415068253 | Cancelled Words | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/05/1992 | 12/05/1992 | 11/05/1992 | 12/05/1992 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 144R |
Book / Monograph | 9781558854499 | Cancion del Colibri | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/2006 | 04/30/2006 | 04/01/2006 | 04/30/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N4P |
Book / Monograph | | Candace Christiansen | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAJ |
Classic Book | | Candida | Constable | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28AJ |
Classic Book | | Candidate: A Political Romance | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85YG |
Book / Monograph | | Candlewick Press: Author Biographies | Candlewick Press | 12/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | 12/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 908R |
Classic Book | | Candy Country | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85XC |
Book / Monograph | | Candy Vendor's Boy & Other Stories | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOP |
Book / Monograph | 9781558853119 | Cantares: Canticles & Poems | Arte Publico Press | 11/01/2000 | 11/30/2000 | 11/01/2000 | 11/30/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2R |
Classic Book | | Canterbury Pieces | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AK |
Classic Book | | Canterbury Pilgrims | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AL |
Classic Book | | Canterbury Tales, & Other Poems | W.P. Nimmo | 01/01/1879 | 01/31/1879 | 01/01/1879 | 01/31/1879 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28AM |
Book / Monograph | 9780828314299 | Canterville Ghost | Branden Publishing | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | YLZ |
Book / Monograph | 9780893041571 | Canticle for a Memory | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5393 |
Classic Book | | Canyons of the Colorado | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AN |
Classic Book | | Cap & Gown: A Treasury of College Verse | L.C. Page & Company | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AO |
Classic Book | | Cap'n Dan's Daughter | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AT |
Classic Book | | Cap'n Eri | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AU |
Classic Book | | Cap'n Warren's Wards | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AV |
Classic Book | | Cape Cod Ballads, & Other Verse | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AP |
Classic Book | | Cape Cod Stories | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28AQ |
Book / Monograph | | Capital Books: Author Biographies | Capital Books | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 908S |
Classic Book | | Capitalistic Musings | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AR |
Classic Book | | Capitola the Madcap | Hurst & Company | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AS |
Classic Book | | Cappy Ricks | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AW |
Classic Book | | Cappy Ricks Retires | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AX |
Classic Book | | Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85W2 |
Classic Book | | Captain Blood (Release Date: 11/1/1999) | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28AY |
Classic Book | | Captain Brassbound's Conversion | Brentano's | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28B0 |
Classic Book | | Captain Fracasse | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28B1 |
Classic Book | | Captain Horace | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85W1 |
Classic Book | | Captain January | Dana Estes & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28B2 |
Book / Monograph | | Captain Paul | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1846 | 01/31/1846 | 01/01/1846 | 01/31/1846 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUTS |
Classic Book | | Captain's Toll-Gate | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28B9 |
Classic Book | | Captains All & Others | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28B5 |
Classic Book | | Captains Courageous (Release Date:5/1/2000) | Century Company | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28B6 |
Classic Book | | Captains Courageous (Release Date:6/1/2000) | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 28B7 |
Classic Book | | Captains of the Civil War; a Chronicle of the Blue & the Gray | Yale University Press | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28B8 |
Classic Book | | Captiva & the Mostellaria | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BA |
Classic Book | | Captives | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BB |
Classic Book | | Card, a Story of Adventure in the Five Towns | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1924 | 01/31/1924 | 01/01/1924 | 01/31/1924 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BC |
Classic Book | | Carette of Sark | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BD |
Book / Monograph | 9789766401504 | Caribbean Culture: Soundings on Kamau Brathwaite | University of the West Indies Press | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 5DCT |
Book / Monograph | 9780813923727 | Caribbean Literature & the Environment: Between Nature & Culture | University of Virginia Press | 11/01/2005 | 11/30/2005 | 11/01/2005 | 11/30/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1UEJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780325002521 | Caribbean Novel in English: An Introduction | Ian Randle Publishers | 11/01/2001 | 11/30/2001 | 11/01/2001 | 11/30/2001 | | | Y | Jamaica | Available Now | 54LI |
Academic Journal | 0008-6495 | Caribbean Quarterly | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YSM |
Magazine | 1018-2926 | Caribbean Review of Books | Media & Editorial Projects Ltd | 01/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | 01/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | | | Y | Trinidad & Tobago | Available Now | 1X4N |
Book / Monograph | 9780415255844 | Caribbean-English Passages | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/13/2001 | 01/12/2002 | 12/13/2001 | 01/12/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13MF |
Classic Book | | Carita del Prossimo | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85UC |
Book / Monograph | 9780916379889 | Carlos Alberto Trujillo: Una Voz Poética de América del Sur | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 52SJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780853236030 | Carlos Fuentes, Mexico & Modernity | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 05/01/1998 | 05/31/1998 | 05/01/1998 | 05/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CR |
Academic Journal | 1074-2670 | Carlyle Studies Annual | Carlyle Studies Annual | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BC26 |
Classic Book | | Carmen | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28BE |
Classic Book | | Carmilla | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BF |
Classic Book | | Carnac's Folly, Complete | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BH |
Classic Book | | Carnacki, the Ghost Finder | Paul R. Reynolds | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BG |
Biography | | Carol Ann Duffy: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BARG |
Book / Monograph | | Carol Cozart | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAL |
Book / Monograph | | Carol J. Fuhler | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAN |
Book / Monograph | 9780826452498 | Carol Shield's The Stone Diaries: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAJ |
Classic Book | | Carolina Chansons: Legends of the Low Country | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28BJ |
Magazine | 0008-6797 | Carolina Quarterly | Carolina Quarterly | 06/01/2005 | | 06/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJP |
Book / Monograph | 9781558850644 | Carreta Made A U-Turn | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N4Q |
Classic Book | | Casanova's Homecoming | T. Seltzer | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BK |
Classic Book | | Case & the Girl | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BL |
Classic Book | | Case of General Opel | J. W. Lovell | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BM |
Classic Book | | Case of Jennie Brice | Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BN |
Book / Monograph | 9780815332640 | Case of Peter Rabbit | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 10/07/1999 | 11/06/1999 | 10/07/1999 | 11/06/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13HH |
Classic Book | | Case of Richard Meynell | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BO |
Classic Book | | Case of Summerfield | Paul Elder & Company | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BP |
Classic Book | | Cash Boy | New York Book Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BQ |
Classic Book | | Cashel Byron's Profession | Modern Press | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BR |
Classic Book | | Cast Adrift | J.M. Stoddart | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | 01/01/1873 | 01/31/1873 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BS |
Classic Book | | Cast upon the Breakers | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BT |
Classic Book | | Castel Gavone: Storia del Secolo XV | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85UQ |
Classic Book | | Castle Craneycrow | Herbert S. Stone & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BU |
Classic Book | | Castle Inn | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28BV |
Classic Book | | Castle Nowhere | James R. Osgood & Company | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28BW |
Classic Book | | Castle of Otranto | William Bathoe | 01/01/1766 | 01/31/1766 | 01/01/1766 | 01/31/1766 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BX |
Classic Book | | Castle Rackrent | Century Company | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28BY |
Classic Book | | Castle Richmond | John Lane Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28BZ |
Classic Book | | Castles in the Air | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28C0 |
Book / Monograph | 9781558850347 | Casualty Report | Arte Publico Press | 04/01/1991 | 04/30/1991 | 04/01/1991 | 04/30/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2S |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751716 | Catalogue Checklist of English Prose Fiction: 1750-1800 | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGO |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751945 | Catalogue of the Evelyn Waugh Collection at the Humanities Research Center | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | 01/01/1981 | 01/31/1981 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGP |
Classic Book | | Categories | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28C2 |
Classic Book | | Catharine | Ticknor & Fields | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28C3 |
Classic Book | | Cathedral by Sir Hugh Walpole | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28C4 |
Classic Book | | Cathedral J.-K. Huysmans | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28C5 |
Classic Book | | Cathedral Singer | Century Company | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28C8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780823230600 | Cathedrals of Bone: The Role of the Body in Contemporary Catholic Literature | Fordham University Press | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FDW8 |
Classic Book | | Cathemerinon. English | J. M. Dent & Company | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28C9 |
Academic Journal | 1045-9871 | Cather Studies | University of Nebraska Press | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7OG |
Classic Book | | Catherine de' Medici | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CA |
Classic Book | | Catherine Furze | G Allen & Unwin | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CB |
Book / Monograph | 9781846310706 | Catholic Sensationalism & Victorian Literature | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 05/01/2007 | 05/31/2007 | 05/01/2007 | 05/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CT |
Classic Book | | Catriona | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28CD |
Classic Book | | Cattle Brands: A Collection of Western Camp-Fire Stories | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CE |
Classic Book | | Caught in the Net | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28CF |
Classic Book | | Cavalier | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CG |
Classic Book | | Cave in the Mountain a Sequel to in the Pecos Country / by Lieut. R. H. Jayne | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1804 | 01/31/1804 | 01/01/1804 | 01/31/1804 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28CH |
Classic Book | | Cavour | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | 01/01/1861 | 01/31/1861 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CI |
Classic Book | | Cecil Rhodes: Man & Empire-Maker | Funk & Wagnalls Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CJ |
Classic Book | | Cecilia; or, Memoirs of an Heiress -- Volume 1 | George Bell & Sons | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CK |
Classic Book | | Cecilia; or, Memoirs of an Heiress -- Volume 2 | George Bell & Sons | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CL |
Classic Book | | Cecilia; or, Memoirs of an Heiress -- Volume 3 | George Bell & Sons | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CM |
Classic Book | | Celebrated Crimes (Complete) | L.C. Page & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28CN |
Classic Book | | Celebrity, the -- Complete | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CO |
Classic Book | | Celibates by George Moore | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CP |
Classic Book | | Celibates by Honore de Balzac | Gebbie & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CQ |
Classic Book | | Cell of Self-Knowledge: Seven Early English Mystical Treatises Printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521 | Duffield | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CR |
Classic Book | | Celsissimus | Schaff | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27ER |
Book / Monograph | | Celso | Arte Publico Press | 02/01/1985 | 02/01/1985 | 02/01/1985 | 02/01/1985 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2T |
Classic Book | | Celt & Saxon -- Complete | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CS |
Classic Book | | Celtic Literature | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CT |
Classic Book | | Celtic Twilight | A.H. Bullen | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CU |
Book / Monograph | 9781563246807 | Censored by Confucius: Ghost Stories by Yuan Mei | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E4C |
Book / Monograph | 9780893564445 | Censorship (Ready Reference series) | Salem Press | 04/01/1997 | 04/30/1997 | 04/01/1997 | 04/30/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1G42 |
Classic Book | | Census in Moscow | Thomas Y. Crowell & Company | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CV |
Classic Book | | Census of Population & Housing, 1990 | U.S. Deptartment of Commerce, Economics & Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CW |
Classic Book | | Centaur | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28CX |
Book / Monograph | 9781558851658 | Centaur of the North | Arte Publico Press | 09/01/1996 | 09/30/1996 | 09/01/1996 | 09/30/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N2U |
Book / Monograph | 9780819567970 | Centenarian Or, Two Beringhelds | Wesleyan University Press | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D2C |
Academic Journal | | Center: A Journal of the Literary Arts | Curators of the University of Missouri on behalf of Center-A Journal of the Literary Arts | 01/01/2000 | 04/30/2010 | 01/01/2000 | 04/30/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 633T |
Book / Monograph | 9780853237440 | Centre & Periphery in Modern British Poetry | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CV |
Classic Book | | Century of Negro Migration | Russell & Russell | 01/01/1969 | 01/31/1969 | 01/01/1969 | 01/31/1969 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CY |
Classic Book | | Century of Roundels | R. Worthington | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28CZ |
Classic Book | | Century of Wrong | Review of Reviews Office | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28D0 |
Classic Book | | Ceres' Runaway & Other Essays | Burns & Oates | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28D1 |
Classic Book | | Certain Hour | R.M. Mcbride & Co. | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28D2 |
Classic Book | | Certain Noble Plays of Japan from the Manuscripts of Ernest Fenollosa | Dendrum, the Cuald Press | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28D3 |
Academic Journal | 0277-6995 | Cervantes | Cervantes Society of America | 08/01/2007 | | 08/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1WQ2 |
Book / Monograph | | Cesarine Dietrich | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUTL |
Classic Book | | Ceylon: An Account of the Island -- Volume 1 (of 2) | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28D4 |
Book / Monograph | | Chad P. Dawson | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAR |
Classic Book | | Chair on the Boulevard | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28D5 |
Classic Book | | Chamber Music by James Joyce | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DNA |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 418 Volume 17, New Series, January 3, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28D6 |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 419 Volume 17, New Series, January 10, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28D7 |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 420 Volume 17, New Series, January 17, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28D8 |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 421 Volume 17, New Series, January 24, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28D9 |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 422 Volume 17, New Series, January 31, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DA |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 423 Volume 17, New Series, February 7, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DB |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 424 Volume 17, New Series, February 14, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DC |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 425 Volume 17, New Series, February 21, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DD |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 426 Volume 17, New Series, February 28, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DE |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 429 Volume 17, New Series, March 20, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DF |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 431 Volume 17, New Series, April 3, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DG |
Classic Book | | Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 432 Volume 17, New Series, April 10, 1852 | W&R Chambers | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DH |
Classic Book | | Champdoce Mystery | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28DI |
Classic Book | | Chance & Luck | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28DJ |
Classic Book | | Chance by Joseph Conrad | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DOH |
Classic Book | | Changed Man; & Other Tales | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DK |
Academic Journal | 1358-684X | Changing English: Studies in Culture & Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 16AD |
Academic Journal | 1358-684X | Changing English: Studies in Reading & Culture | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/1998 | 12/31/2004 | 10/01/1998 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0UY |
Classic Book | | Channings | T. Nelson & Sons | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DL |
Classic Book | | Chantecler: Play in Four Acts | Duffield | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DM |
Classic Book | | Chanticleer: A Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family | B.B. Mussey & Co. | 01/01/1850 | 01/31/1850 | 01/01/1850 | 01/31/1850 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85TV |
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Classic Book | | Chaperon | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DO |
Classic Book | | Chaplet of Pearls | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28DP |
Classic Book | | Chapters on Jewish Literature | Jewish Publication Society | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28DQ |
Classic Book | | Character | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1872 | 01/31/1872 | 01/01/1872 | 01/31/1872 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DR |
Book / Monograph | 9780813922928 | Character & Conversion in Autobiography: Augustine, Montaigne, Descartes, Rousseau, & Sartre | University of Virginia Press | 11/01/2004 | 11/30/2004 | 11/01/2004 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1UEK |
Classic Book | | Characters from 17th Century Histories & Chronicles | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DS |
Classic Book | | Characters of Shakespeare's Plays | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28DT |
Magazine | 0098-9452 | Chariton Review | Chariton Review | 04/01/2004 | 09/30/2018 | 04/01/2004 | 09/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UI6 |
Classic Book | | Charlemont; or, the Pride of the Village: A Tale of Kentucky | Belford, Clarke & Company | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28DV |
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Book / Monograph | 9780878754441 | Charles Dickens & His Chicago Relatives: A Documentary Narrative | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | 01/01/1994 | 01/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHU |
Classic Book | | Charles Dickens & Music | Charles H. Kerr & Company | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28DW |
Biography | 9781429812696 | Charles Dickens (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | | 08/01/2017 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TK0 |
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Book / Monograph | 9780878752553 | Charles Dickens' Quarrel with America | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHV |
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Classic Book | | Charles Duran or, the Career of a Bad Boy by the Author of 'the Waldos' | Lane & Scott | 01/01/1850 | 01/31/1850 | 01/01/1850 | 01/31/1850 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28DX |
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Classic Book | | Charles Philip Yorke, Fourth Earl of Hardwicke, Vice-Admiral R.N. -- a Memoir | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28E0 |
Classic Book | | Charles the Bold Last Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477 | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28E1 |
Biography | 9781429803014 | Charlotte Bronte (Great Neck Publishing) | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DD3 |
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Classic Book | | Charlotte Temple | Charles E. Merrill Co. | 01/01/1824 | 01/31/1824 | 01/01/1824 | 01/31/1824 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28E2 |
Classic Book | | Charlotte's Inheritance | Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28E3 |
Classic Book | | Charmides | American Book Company | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28E4 |
Classic Book | | Charmides & Other Poems | Methuen | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28E5 |
Classic Book | | Charred Wood | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28E6 |
Classic Book | | Chase of Saint-Castin & Other Stories of the French in the New World | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28E7 |
Academic Journal | 0145-8973 | Chasqui (01458973) | Chasqui | 08/01/2008 | | 08/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DA1 |
Academic Journal | 1390-1079 | Chasqui (13901079) | Ciespal | 07/01/2001 | | 07/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | 2IR |
Classic Book | | Chastelard, a Tragedy | Chatto & Windus | 01/01/1878 | 01/31/1878 | 01/01/1878 | 01/31/1878 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28E8 |
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Academic Journal | 0009-2002 | Chaucer Review | Pennsylvania State University Press | 11/01/2003 | | 11/01/2003 | 06/25/2012 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CHV |
Classic Book | | Chaucer's Official Life | George Banta Publishing Co. | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EB |
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Classic Book | | Cheerful Cricket & Others | Small, Maynard & Company | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EC |
Classic Book | | Cheerful--by Request | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28ED |
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Academic Journal | 1380-7811 | Chiasma | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2009 | 06/28/2019 | 01/01/2009 | 06/28/2019 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B0HR |
Magazine | 0009-3696 | Chicago Review | Chicago Review | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CRV |
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Classic Book | | Child Christopher & Goldilind the Fair | Kelmscott Press | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EF |
Classic Book | | Child Life In Town & Country | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85Z5 |
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Classic Book | | Child of the Dawn | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EG |
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Classic Book | | Child's Anti-Slavery Book Containing a Few Words About American Slave Children & Stories of Slave-Life | American Tract Society | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | 01/01/1859 | 01/31/1859 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28F0 |
Classic Book | | Child's Garden of Verses | Longmans, Green & Company | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | 01/01/1885 | 01/31/1885 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28F1 |
Classic Book | | Child's Garden of Verses: Verse 130 | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85YH |
Classic Book | | Child's Garden of Verses: Verse 142 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85YI |
Classic Book | | Child's Garden of Verses: Verse 154 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85YJ |
Classic Book | | Child's Garden of Verses: Verse 158 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85YK |
Classic Book | | Child's History of England | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F14 |
Book / Monograph | 9780813919096 | Child, the State, & the Victorian Novel | University of Virginia Press | 12/01/1999 | 12/31/1999 | 12/01/1999 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1UEL |
Classic Book | | Child-World | Bowen-Merrill Company | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28F2 |
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Classic Book | | Childhood by Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DOB |
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Classic Book | | Children by Alice Christiana Thompson Meynell | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DNQ |
Classic Book | | Children of the Bush | Angus & Robertson | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EJ |
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Classic Book | | Children of the Ghetto a Study of a Peculiar People | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28EL |
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Classic Book | | Children of the Mist | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28EN |
Classic Book | | Children of the New Forest | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EO |
Classic Book | | Children of the Night | R. G. Badger | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EP |
Classic Book | | Children of the Whirlwind | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EQ |
Classic Book | | Children of the Wild | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28ER |
Classic Book | | Children's Classics in Dramatic Form | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28ES |
Classic Book | | Children's Classics in Dramatic Form: Book Two | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28ET |
Classic Book | | Children's Edition of Touching Incidents: & Remarkable Answers to Prayer | S.B. Shaw | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EU |
Classic Book | | Children's Hour with Red Riding Hood & Other Stories | Platt & Munk Co. | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EV |
Book / Monograph | 9780765603449 | Children's Literature in China: From Lu Xun to Mao Zedong | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E4B |
Academic Journal | 0045-6713 | Children's Literature in Education | Springer Nature | 09/01/1993 | | 09/01/1993 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CLE |
Book / Monograph | 9780878750948 | Children's Literature: A Historical & Contemporary Bibliography | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/1977 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHW |
Classic Book | | Children's Own Longfellow | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EW |
Classic Book | | Children's Pilgrimage | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | 01/01/1883 | 01/31/1883 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EX |
Classic Book | | Children's Rights & Others | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28EY |
Classic Book | | Children's Six Minutes | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | 01/01/1922 | 01/31/1922 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28EZ |
Academic Journal | 1069-5834 | China Review International | University of Hawai'i | 03/01/2004 | 07/31/2020 | 03/01/2004 | 07/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7SR |
Book / Monograph | 9781555532079 | Chinaberry Tree | University Press of New England | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3D10 |
Classic Book | | Chinese Classics -- Prolegomena | N. Trubner & Company | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28F3 |
Classic Book | | Chinese Folk-Lore Tales | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85ZI |
Academic Journal | 2151-4399 | Chinese Literature Today | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 08/29/2016 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BAVJ |
Classic Book | | Chinese Literature: Comprising the Analects of Confucius, the Sayings of Mencius, the Shi-King, the Travels of Fâ-Hien, & the Sorrows of Han | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28F4 |
Classic Book | | Chinese Nightingale & Other Poems | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28F5 |
Academic Journal | 2996-8593 | Chinese Studies International | University of Hawai'i | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NLZ5 |
Classic Book | | Chink in the Armour | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28F6 |
Magazine | 1046-8897 | Chiron Review | Chiron Review | 09/01/2009 | | 09/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJV |
Classic Book | | Chita: A Memory of Last Island | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28F7 |
Classic Book | | Chitra, a Play in One Act | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28F8 |
Classic Book | | Chivalry | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28F9 |
Academic Journal | 0168-9878 | Chloe: Beihefte zum Daphnis | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2009 | 02/28/2013 | 01/01/2009 | 02/28/2013 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | NEX |
Classic Book | | Choice Specimens of American Literature, & Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers | Sheldon & Company | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | 01/01/1875 | 01/31/1875 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FA |
Classic Book | | Choir Invisible | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28FB |
Classic Book | | Chopin: The Man & His Music | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FC |
Classic Book | | Chosen Few: Short Stories | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85WF |
Classic Book | | Chosen People a Compendium of Sacred & Church History for School-Children | Pott & Amery | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | 01/01/1868 | 01/31/1868 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FD |
Classic Book | | Chouans | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28FE |
Classic Book | | Christ in Flanders | Ralph Fletcher Seymour | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FF |
Book / Monograph | 9780972323109 | Christening the Dancer | John Amen | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5005 |
Classic Book | | Christian Home | G. & F. Bill | 01/01/1860 | 01/31/1860 | 01/01/1860 | 01/31/1860 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FG |
Classic Book | | Christian Life: Its Course, Its Hindrances, & Its Helps | Lindsay & Blakiston | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FH |
Classic Book | | Christian Mysticism | Metheun & Co., Ltd. | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FI |
Book / Monograph | | Christian Spirituality | Salem Press | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/1988 | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/1988 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8ZNM |
Classic Book | | Christian Year | E. H. Butler & Co. | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FJ |
Classic Book | | Christianity & Islam | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FK |
Academic Journal | 0148-3331 | Christianity & Literature | Johns Hopkins University Press | 06/01/1995 | 12/31/2023 | 06/01/1995 | 12/31/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GA9 |
Classic Book | | Christie Johnstone | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FL |
Classic Book | | Christie, the King's Servant | Religious Tract Society | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FM |
Book / Monograph | | Christina Balit | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAW |
Classic Book | | Christmas Dinner | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FP |
Classic Book | | Christmas Eve | Roycrofters | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FQ |
Classic Book | | Christmas Eve on Lonesome & Other Stories | Archibald Constable & Company | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FR |
Classic Book | | Christmas Garland | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | Y | Ireland | Available Now | 28FS |
Classic Book | | Christmas in Legend & Story: A Book for Boys & Girls | Lee & Shepard | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FT |
Classic Book | | Christmas Mystery: The Story of Three Wise Men | John Lane Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28FU |
Classic Book | | Christmas Sermon | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FV |
Classic Book | | Christmas with Grandma Elsie | Dodd, Mead & Company | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | 01/01/1886 | 01/31/1886 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FW |
Classic Book | | Christopher Columbus & the New World of His Discovery -- Complete | E. Grant Richards | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28FX |
Book / Monograph | | Christopher Longest Lectures | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AXUN |
Biography | 9781429812733 | Christopher Marlowe | Great Neck Publishing | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | 08/01/2017 | 08/31/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TK5 |
Biography | | Christopher Nolan: A Biography | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | 09/01/2010 | 09/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BARH |
Classic Book | | Chronicle & Romance (the Harvard Classics Series) | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28FY |
Classic Book | | Chronicle of the Canons Regular of Mount St. Agnes | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28FZ |
Classic Book | | Chronicle of the Cid | D. Bixby | 01/01/1846 | 01/31/1846 | 01/01/1846 | 01/31/1846 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28G0 |
Classic Book | | Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada | Thomas Y. Crowell & Company | 01/01/1851 | 01/31/1851 | 01/01/1851 | 01/31/1851 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28G1 |
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Essay | | Chronicles of Narnia | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDL |
Classic Book | | Chronicles of the Canongate | Carey, Lea & Carey | 01/01/1827 | 01/31/1827 | 01/01/1827 | 01/31/1827 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28G4 |
Book / Monograph | | Chuck Henning | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAY |
Classic Book | | Churches of Coventry: A Short History of the City & Its Medieval Remains | George Bell & Sons | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28G6 |
Classic Book | | Cicero's Orations | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27HT |
Classic Book | | Cidade e as Serras | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 85XJ |
Magazine | 0009-6849 | Cimarron Review | Cimarron Review | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UFR |
Academic Journal | 0883-9816 | Cincinnati Romance Review | University of Cincinnati, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B95G |
Classic Book | | Cinderella: & Other Stories | Charles Scribner's Sons | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28G8 |
Classic Book | | Cinderella; or, the Little Glass Slipper | Addey & Co. | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | 01/01/1852 | 01/31/1852 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28G9 |
Classic Book | | Cinema Murder | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GA |
Classic Book | | Cinq Mars -- Complete | D.C. Heath & Co. | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GB |
Book / Monograph | | Circe; or, Three Acts in the Life of an Artist | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1867 | 01/31/1867 | 01/01/1867 | 01/31/1867 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUTY |
Book / Monograph | 9780823219933 | Circuitous Journeys | Fordham University Press | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HLS |
Classic Book | | Circular Staircase | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GC |
Classic Book | | Circus Comes to Town | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28GD |
Classic Book | | Citation & Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, & Silas Gough, Clerk | Chatto & Windus | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28GE |
Book / Monograph | 9780977195718 | Cite It Right | SourceAid | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 395J |
Classic Book | | City & the World & Other Stories | Extension Press | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | 01/01/1919 | 01/31/1919 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GF |
Classic Book | | City of Delight: A Love Drama of the Siege & Fall of Jerusalem | Grosset & Dunlap Publishers | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28GG |
Classic Book | | City of Dreadful Night | T.B. Mosher | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GH |
Classic Book | | City of the Sun | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | 01/01/1893 | 01/31/1893 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28GI |
Classic Book | | City That Was; a Requiem of Old San Francisco | B. W. Huebsch | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GJ |
Classic Book | | Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DO1 |
Classic Book | | Civilization & Beyond Learning from History | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GK |
Classic Book | | Civilization of Illiteracy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GL |
Classic Book | | Claim Jumpers | McClure, Phillips | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28GM |
Classic Book | | Clairvoyance & Occult Powers | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28GN |
Classic Book | | Clara Hopgood | T. Fisher, Unwin | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28GO |
Book / Monograph | | Clara Howard; or, the Enthusiasm of Love | American Antiquarian Society Collections | 01/01/1827 | 01/31/1827 | 01/01/1827 | 01/31/1827 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUT0 |
Classic Book | | Clarence | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28GP |
Classic Book | | Clarion | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28GQ |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 1 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GR |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 2 | G. Woodfall | 01/01/1820 | 01/31/1820 | 01/01/1820 | 01/31/1820 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28GS |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 3 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GT |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 4 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GU |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 5 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GV |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 6 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GW |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 7 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GX |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 8 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GY |
Classic Book | | Clarissa Harlowe; or the History of a Young Lady -- Volume 9 | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28GZ |
Book / Monograph | 9780820451626 | Clarissa's Narrators | Peter Lang Group | 11/01/2001 | 11/30/2001 | 11/01/2001 | 11/30/2001 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3D4U |
Book / Monograph | | Clark Secrest | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FAZ |
Essay | | Clash of Kings | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDBU |
Classic Book | | Classic Myths | Rand, McNally & Co. | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28H0 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415106474 | Classical & Christian Ideas in English Renaissance Poetry | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/08/1994 | 01/07/1995 | 12/08/1994 | 01/07/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 141Q |
Academic Journal | 0009-837X | Classical Philology | University of Chicago Press | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1993 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CPL |
Book / Monograph | 9780853238676 | Claude Simon: A Retrospective | Liverpool University Press 2004 Limited | 06/01/2002 | 06/30/2002 | 06/01/2002 | 06/30/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 54CZ |
Book / Monograph | | Claudia Johnson | Fulcrum Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FB0 |
Classic Book | | Claverings | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | 01/01/1866 | 01/31/1866 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28H1 |
Academic Journal | 1481-4374 | CLCWeb: Comparative Literature & Culture: A Web Journal | Purdue University Press | 03/01/2003 | | 03/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UJW |
Classic Book | | Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces | Cassell & Company, Limited | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28H2 |
Classic Book | | Clementina | Frederick A. Stokes Company | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28H3 |
Book / Monograph | 9788439927914 | Cleomades: Study in Architectonic Patterns | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/1974 | 01/31/1974 | 01/01/1974 | 01/31/1974 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AXUE |
Classic Book | | Cleopatra -- Complete | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28H4 |
Classic Book | | Cleopatra by H. Rider Haggard | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | | Germany | Available Now | 28H5 |
Classic Book | | Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28H6 |
Classic Book | | Clerambault: The Story of an Independent Spirit During the War | Henry Holt & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28H7 |
Book / Monograph | 9780465054916 | Clever Maids: The Secret History of the Grimm Fairy Tales | Perseus Books, LLC | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3EEE |
Classic Book | | Clever Woman of the Family | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | 01/01/1865 | 01/31/1865 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 28H8 |
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Classic Book | | Clotel; or, the President's Daughter | Partridge & Oakey, Paternoster Row | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | 01/01/1853 | 01/31/1853 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28HG |
Classic Book | | Clotelle: A Tale of the Southern States | J. Redpath | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28HH |
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Book / Monograph | 9780823211944 | Coleridge & Christian Doctrine | Fordham University Press | 11/01/1987 | 11/30/1987 | 11/01/1987 | 11/30/1987 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HLX |
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Classic Book | | Collected Poems 1897 - 1907 | T. Nelson & Sons | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | 01/01/1907 | 01/31/1907 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28HP |
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Classic Book | | Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce -- Volume 2: In the Midst of Life: Tales of Soldiers & Civilians | Neale Publishing | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28HT |
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Academic Journal | 0169-0078 | Collection Monographique Rodopi en Littérature Française Contemporaine | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2009 | 07/31/2011 | 01/01/2009 | 07/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B0HU |
Classic Book | | Collection of Antiquities | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28HW |
Classic Book | | Collection of Ballads | Chapman & Hall | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28HX |
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Classic Book | | Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 1 | Wyman & Sons | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28HZ |
Classic Book | | Collection of Scotch Proverbs | R.D. | 01/01/1663 | 01/31/1663 | 01/01/1663 | 01/31/1663 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28I0 |
Classic Book | | Collection of Stories | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28I1 |
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Classic Book | | Collections & Recollections | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28I2 |
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Academic Journal | 0093-3139 | College Literature | Johns Hopkins University Press | 02/01/1990 | | 02/01/1990 | 09/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | COL |
Classic Book | | Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. | Reeves & Turner | 01/01/1878 | 01/31/1878 | 01/01/1878 | 01/31/1878 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28I4 |
Academic Journal | 1325-9490 | Colloquy: Text Theory Critique | Monash University, Faculty of Arts | 05/01/2004 | | 05/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | E17 |
Classic Book | | Colomba | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | 01/01/1901 | 01/31/1901 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28I5 |
Classic Book | | Colonel Carter of Cartersville | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28I6 |
Classic Book | | Colonel Chabert | Roberts Brothers | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | 01/01/1898 | 01/31/1898 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28I7 |
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Magazine | 1046-3348 | Colorado Review | Center for Literary Publishing | 09/01/2003 | 09/01/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | UFG |
Classic Book | | Colored Regulars in the United States Army | A.M.E. Book Concern | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28I9 |
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Classic Book | | Comedy of Masks: A Novel | William Heinemann Ltd. | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28IH |
Classic Book | | Comic History of England | Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Ltd. | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | 01/01/1864 | 01/31/1864 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28II |
Classic Book | | Coming Conquest of England | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28IJ |
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Classic Book | | Coming of Bill | B. Tauchnitz | 01/01/1937 | 01/31/1937 | 01/01/1937 | 01/31/1937 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 28IK |
Classic Book | | Coming of Cuculain | Metheun & Co., Ltd. | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28IL |
Classic Book | | Coming of the Friars | T. Fisher, Unwin | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28IM |
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Academic Journal | 0069-6412 | Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval & Renaissance Studies | University of California at Los Angeles, Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies | 10/01/2005 | | 09/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TIY |
Magazine | 0010-2601 | Commentary | Commentary, Inc. | 09/01/1990 | | 09/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CMM |
Classic Book | | Commentary on Galatians | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28IO |
Classic Book | | Commission in Lunacy | McKinlay, Stone & MacKenzie | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | 01/01/1915 | 01/31/1915 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28IP |
Book / Monograph | 9781889441108 | Committed Word: Studies in Spanish American Poetry | University of Mississippi, Department of Modern Languages | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N1C |
Magazine | 2160-1216 | Common | Common Magazine | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BGE0 |
Classic Book | | Common Edition: New Testament | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28IQ |
Classic Book | | Common People of Ancient Rome: Studies of Roman Life & Literature | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | 01/01/1912 | 01/31/1912 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28IR |
Magazine | 1535-4784 | Common Review | Great Books Foundation | 12/01/2002 | 10/31/2011 | 01/01/2007 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UY6 |
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Magazine | 0010-3330 | Commonweal | Commonweal Foundation | 05/04/1990 | | 05/04/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWL |
Book / Monograph | 9781558850354 | Communion | Arte Publico Press | 07/01/1991 | 07/31/1991 | 07/01/1991 | 07/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N31 |
Classic Book | | Communistic Societies of the United States from Personal Visit & Observation | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28IT |
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Academic Journal | 0010-4132 | Comparative Literature Studies | Pennsylvania State University Press | 11/01/2003 | | 11/01/2003 | 06/25/2012 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CPT |
Classic Book | | Compilation of the Messages & Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (of 2) of Supplemental Volume: Theodore Roosevelt, Supplement | Bureau of National Literature & Art | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | 01/01/1903 | 01/31/1903 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28IV |
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Classic Book | | Complete Prose Works Specimen Days & Collect, November Boughs & Goodbye My Fancy | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JO |
Classic Book | | Complete Short Works | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JP |
Classic Book | | Complete Works of Artemus Ward -- Part 7: Miscellaneous | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JQ |
Classic Book | | Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, the -- Complete | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JR |
Classic Book | | Complete Works of Whittier | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | 01/01/1894 | 01/31/1894 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JS |
Classic Book | | Complete Works of William Shakespeare | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JT |
Essay | | Complicated Kindness | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDBV |
Academic Journal | 1522-7502 | Composition Forum | Composition Forum | 01/01/2002 | | 09/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UY7 |
Book / Monograph | | Computer Is Down | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1987 | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1987 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOR |
Academic Journal | 0010-4817 | Computers & the Humanities | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2000 | 11/30/2004 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CHM |
Classic Book | | Comrade in White | Fleming H. Revell | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JU |
Classic Book | | Comrades of the Saddle: The Young Rough Riders of the Plains | Cupples & Leon Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JV |
Academic Journal | 1729-6897 | Concentric: Literacy & Cultural Studies | National Taiwan Normal University, Department of English | 03/01/2009 | | 03/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | 87WL |
Classic Book | | Concerning Cats My Own & Some Others | Lowe & B. Hould Publishers | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 01/31/1900 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28JW |
Classic Book | | Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DOI |
Classic Book | | Concerning the Spiritual in Art | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JX |
Academic Journal | 1068-5359 | Concord Saunterer | Thoreau Society | 10/01/2003 | | 10/01/2003 | | 3 | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | UJZ |
Book / Monograph | 9780878751648 | Concordance to the Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | 01/01/1979 | 01/31/1979 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGR |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753321 | Concrete Poetry: An Annotated International Bibliography, with an index of poets & poems | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHY |
Classic Book | | Condensed Novels | James R. Osgood & Company | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | 01/01/1871 | 01/31/1871 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JY |
Classic Book | | Condensed Novels: New Burlesques | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28JZ |
Classic Book | | Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 with a Preface Written in 1892 | Swan Sonnenschein & Company | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28K0 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415030915 | Condition of Women in France | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/13/1990 | 01/12/1991 | 12/13/1990 | 01/12/1991 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 146K |
Classic Book | | Conditions of Existence As Affecting the Perpetuation of Living Beings | E.P. Dutton & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28K1 |
Classic Book | | Conference of the Powers | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28K2 |
Classic Book | | Confessio Amantis, or, Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins | G. Routledge & Sons | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | 01/01/1889 | 01/31/1889 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28K3 |
Classic Book | | Confession | George H. Doran Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28K4 |
Classic Book | | Confession De Minuit Roman | Mercure de France | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27GC |
Classic Book | | Confession of a Child of the Century -- Complete | Current Literature Publishing Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28K5 |
Book / Monograph | 9780893043056 | Confession of Faith | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/1991 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5394 |
Classic Book | | Confession, or, the Blind Heart; a Domestic Story | Redfield | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | 01/01/1856 | 01/31/1856 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28K6 |
Book / Monograph | 9780893048112 | Confessions | Cross-Cultural Communications | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | 01/01/1982 | 01/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5395 |
Classic Book | | Confessions & Criticisms | Ticknor & Fields | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | 01/01/1887 | 01/31/1887 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28K7 |
Classic Book | | Confessions of a Young Man (Release Date:3/1/2004) | T. Werner Laurie, Ltd. | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | 01/01/1904 | 01/31/1904 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28K8 |
Classic Book | | Confessions of a Young Man (Release Date:5/1/2004) | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28K9 |
Classic Book | | Confessions of an English Opium-Eater | A.L. Burt Company | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | 01/01/1890 | 01/31/1890 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KA |
Classic Book | | Confessions of Harry Lorrequer -- Complete | W. Curry | 01/01/1839 | 01/31/1839 | 01/01/1839 | 01/31/1839 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KB |
Classic Book | | Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, the -- Complete | Garnier Freres | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | 01/01/1891 | 01/31/1891 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KC |
Classic Book | | Confessions of Nat Turner: The Leader of the Late Insurrections in Southampton, Va. | Thomas R. Gray, Lucas & Deaver | 01/01/1831 | 01/31/1831 | 01/01/1831 | 01/31/1831 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KD |
Classic Book | | Confessions of St. Augustine | P. F. Collier | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KE |
Classic Book | | Confidence | Houghton, Osgood | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | 01/01/1880 | 01/31/1880 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KF |
Classic Book | | Confidences: Talks with a Young Girl Concerning Herself | Forbes & Company | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KG |
Classic Book | | Conflict (D. Appleton & Company) | D. Appleton & Company | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | 01/01/1911 | 01/31/1911 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KH |
Book / Monograph | | Conflicts of Interest | Arte Publico Press | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATOS |
Academic Journal | 1933-0057 | Confluence: The Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies | Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs | 04/01/2007 | | 04/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5DLZ |
Academic Journal | 0888-6091 | Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura | Confluencia | 09/01/2004 | | 09/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TDQ |
Magazine | 0010-5716 | Confrontation | Confrontation Magazine | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2020 | 09/01/2006 | 03/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27U |
Classic Book | | Confutatio Pontificia | Wartburg Publishing House | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | 01/01/1917 | 01/31/1917 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KI |
Classic Book | | Congo & Other Poems | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28KJ |
Classic Book | | Coningsby | Century Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KK |
Classic Book | | Coniston -- Complete | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | 01/01/1906 | 01/31/1906 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28KL |
Classic Book | | Conjure Woman | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KM |
Classic Book | | Connor Magan's Luck & Other Stories | D. Lothrop & Co. | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | 01/01/1881 | 01/31/1881 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KO |
Academic Journal | 0939-5482 | Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate | Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate | 10/01/2009 | | 10/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 6EYV |
Classic Book | | Conqueror | Macmillan & Company | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | 01/01/1902 | 01/31/1902 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28KP |
Classic Book | | Conquest of America: A Romance of Disaster & Victory | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | 01/01/1916 | 01/31/1916 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KQ |
Classic Book | | Conquest of Canaan | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | 01/01/1905 | 01/31/1905 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KR |
Classic Book | | Conquest of Fear | Doubleday, Page & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KS |
Classic Book | | Conquest of New France a Chronicle of the Colonial Wars | Yale University Press | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | 01/01/1918 | 01/31/1918 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KT |
Academic Journal | 1872-1737 | Conrad Studies | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B0HV |
Book / Monograph | 9780826489340 | Conrad's Heart of Darkness | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47AA |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753161 | Conrad's Mythology | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1987 | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1987 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UHZ |
Academic Journal | 0951-2314 | Conradian | Joseph Conrad Society (UK) | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BAVH |
Academic Journal | 0010-6356 | Conradiana | Texas Tech University Press | 09/01/2003 | 09/30/2010 | 09/01/2003 | 09/30/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27T |
Classic Book | | Conscience -- Complete | R. Worthington | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KU |
Classic Book | | Conscience by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DOP |
Book / Monograph | 9780878755110 | Consciousness of Techniques in 'Let Us Now Praise Famous Men' | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UGS |
Classic Book | | Conservation of Races | American Negro Academy | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KV |
Classic Book | | Considerations on Representative Government | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | 01/01/1909 | 01/31/1909 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KW |
Classic Book | | Consolation of Philosophy | Elliot Stock | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28KX |
Classic Book | | Conspiracy of Catiline & the Jurgurthine War | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1860 | 01/31/1860 | 01/01/1860 | 01/31/1860 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28KZ |
Classic Book | | Conspiracy of the Carbonari | F. Tennyson Meely | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | 01/01/1896 | 01/31/1896 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28L0 |
Classic Book | | Constance Dunlap | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | 01/01/1913 | 01/31/1913 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28L1 |
Book / Monograph | 9780878753536 | Constantly Risking Absurdity: Essays on the Writings of Lawrence Ferlinghetti | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | 01/01/1989 | 01/31/1989 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UI0 |
Classic Book | | Constituional History of England from 1760 to 1860 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F5Y |
Book / Monograph | 9780813586649 | Constructions of the Self | Rutgers University Press | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61GA |
Classic Book | | Constructive Imperialism | National Review Office | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | 01/01/1908 | 01/31/1908 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28L2 |
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Book / Monograph | 9780820442983 | Contemporary American Indian Writing: Unsettling Literature | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GTL |
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Book / Monograph | 9781590843314 | Contemporary Folklore | Mason Crest Publishers | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NF8 |
Academic Journal | 1740-9292 | Contemporary French & Francophone Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W19 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820474298 | Contemporary Latina/o Performing Arts of Moraga, Tropicana, Fusco & Bustamante | Peter Lang Group | 02/01/2009 | 02/28/2009 | 02/01/2009 | 02/28/2009 | | | | Switzerland | Coming Soon | DBRQ |
Book / Monograph | | Contemporary Literary Scene 1973 | Salem Press | 01/01/1974 | 01/31/1974 | 01/01/1974 | 01/31/1974 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8ZNN |
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Academic Journal | 0010-7484 | Contemporary Literature | University of Wisconsin Press | 01/01/1975 | | 01/01/1975 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CYL |
Book / Monograph | 9780820424156 | Contemporary Mexican-American Women Novelists: Toward a Feminist Identity | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GTI |
Magazine | 0010-7565 | Contemporary Review | Contemporary Review Company Ltd. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2012 | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CRY |
Academic Journal | 1048-6801 | Contemporary Theatre Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1992 | | 01/01/1992 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7VS |
Academic Journal | 1754-1476 | Contemporary Women's Writing | Oxford University Press | 12/01/2007 | | 12/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 52ZT |
Classic Book | | Contes à Ninon | William Heinemann Ltd. | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | 01/01/1897 | 01/31/1897 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27GD |
Classic Book | | Contes Bruns | Canel - Guyot | 01/01/1832 | 01/31/1832 | 01/01/1832 | 01/31/1832 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 27GE |
Classic Book | | Contest in America | Little, Brown & Company | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | 01/01/1862 | 01/31/1862 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28L4 |
Book / Monograph | 9780820437798 | Contextualizing Transition: Interviews with Contemporary Russian Writers & Critics | Peter Lang Group | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | 1GQ4 |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28L5 |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. V, May, 1862 Devoted to Literature & National Policy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28L6 |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862 Devoted to Literature & National Policy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28L7 |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly, Vol. I. February, 1862, No. II. Devoted to Literature & National Policy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28L8 |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly, Vol. I., No. IV., April, 1862 Devoted to Literature & National Policy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28L9 |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly, Vol. II. July, 1862. No. 1. | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LA |
Classic Book | | Continental Monthly, Vol. IV. October, 1863, No. IV. Devoted to Literature & National Policy | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LB |
Encyclopedia | 9780826415172 | Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2003 | 02/27/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 02/27/2003 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | YQ8 |
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Academic Journal | | Continuum Literary Studies | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47AU |
Academic Journal | | Continuum Reception Studies | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 03/01/2009 | 01/31/2011 | 03/01/2009 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 47AV |
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Classic Book | | Contrast | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LC |
Academic Journal | 0010-8146 | Convergence | International Council for Adult Education | 03/01/1990 | 05/31/2009 | 03/01/1990 | 05/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | CVG |
Book / Monograph | | Copper Canyon Press: Author Biographies | Copper Canyon Press | 01/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 908U |
Classic Book | | Copper Streak Trail | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | 01/01/1921 | 01/31/1921 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LD |
Classic Book | | Copy-Cat & Other Stories | Harper & Brothers | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1914 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LE |
Classic Book | | Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean | J.F. Shaw | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | 01/01/1892 | 01/31/1892 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LF |
Classic Book | | Cords of Vanity: A Comedy of Shirking | Mcbride | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LG |
Classic Book | | Corea or Cho-Sen the Land of the Morning Calm | William Heinemann Ltd. | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | 01/01/1895 | 01/31/1895 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28LH |
Academic Journal | 2333-3073 | Cormac McCarthy Journal | Pennsylvania State University Press | 10/01/2011 | 01/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BN89 |
Book / Monograph | 9780826452467 | Cormac McCarthy's All The Pretty Horses: A Reader's Guide | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GAP |
Classic Book | | Cornelli | J.B. Lippincott & Company | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1920 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LI |
Classic Book | | Corporal Sam & Other Stories | Smith, Elder | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | 01/01/1910 | 01/31/1910 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 28LJ |
Classic Book | | Corpus of a Siam Mosquito | Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28LK |
Essay | | Corrections | Great Neck Publishing | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | HDDM |
Book / Monograph | 9780878754939 | Correspondence Between Hart Crane & Waldo Frank | SJK Publishing Industries, Inc. | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8UKF |
Classic Book | | Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle & Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I | Houghton Mifflin & Company | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | 01/01/1899 | 01/31/1899 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 28LL |
Book / Monograph | 9781558853140 | Corrido de Dante | Arte Publico Press | 09/01/2006 | 09/30/2006 | 09/01/2006 | 09/30/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8N3F |
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Academic Journal | 0975-6396 | Creative Forum | Bahri Publications | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 95X2 |
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