Melbourne , Victoria, Australia

9 - 11 July 2024

Join EBSCO events and our partners at VALA2024!

Image of Melbourne, Australia skyline, with 3 icons: a lock, an increasing line chart, and a checklist. Three logos included: EBSCO, OpenAthens, and ereserve plus.

Tuesday | Lunch & Learn: SaaS Solutions for Future Libraries

Understand library authentication and browser privacy changes from OpenAthens, ensure copyright compliance and student engagement with eReserve, and learn from EBSCO about data graphs, generative AI and future bibliographic description. Tuesday, 9 July, 12:30pm - 2:00pm | Storey Hall, RMIT

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Wednesday | Evening Cocktails with EBSCO & APA

EBSCO & APA (American Psychological Association) are pleased to co-host a cocktails and networking event. We invite you all to join us for a wonderful evening after the sessions conclude on day two of VALA. Wednesday, 10 July, 5:30pm - 8:00pm | The Oxford Scholar Hotel, Melbourne

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Laptop with shield on the screen and icons around it: wifi signal, chat bubble, lock, password, and key

Thursday | Show us your tech: Privacy, Security and Browser Changes

OpenAthens will present at a Show us your tech session at VALA to reinforce the importance of increasing security and privacy by modernising library authentication. Thursday, 11 July, 2:30pm - 3:00pm | Brain Room, Storey Hall, RMIT

Meet our partners at our events or at our booth #23.