In addition to the many shapes you can access by searching LibraryAware’s images, you will find several new shapes to customize within the drag and drop editor, including a starburst, an arrow, and quote and thought bubbles.  You’ll find Shapes along the left side of the drag and drop menu, directly under Images, as shown here:

Any shape can be rotated, colored, resized, positioned precisely, or moved to the front or the back of your canvas to craft the perfect message for your audience. Here’s how you can use them: 

  1. Adjust your shape’s color
  2. Position your shape precisely, or adjust the height, width or rotation manually
  3. Move your shape to the front or back of the canvas
  4. Delete the shape
  5. Use the arrow to rotate your shape

I can’t wait to see how you use LibraryAware’s new shapes in your book displays, flyers, posters, widgets and, well, everything you create in the drag and drop editor! Share your creations, or contact us with questions and feedback, any time via LibraryAware chat or via email at

Jenny Schafer is a Senior Product Manager for NoveList.