We created LibraryAware for busy library professionals like you who need to promote your collections, build audiences for your programming, and keep patrons informed about what’s happening at the library — all while you’re plowing through the long list of other things that need to get done. With LibraryAware, you can create a flyer, print a sign for a book display, post a book list to social media, or send a newsletter in just a few minutes. And we want it to get even easier and faster to do what you need to do. 

With that goal in mind, and in response to feedback from customers, we’re introducing a new homepage for LibraryAware next month. We hope it will inspire you to create lots of new designs. 

Jump Right In

A major focus in building the homepage was making it as quick as possible for you to get started when you see a template you like. Each item on the homepage features a large preview image, and all you need to do is click to start editing right away. We even made it simple to save your new design into an existing promotion folder — or create a new promotion — within the editor.  

Browse What’s New

The New Releases section of the homepage showcases the ten newest templates designed by our team. Our professional designers create dozens of new library-specific templates every month, adding to the 7500+ templates already at your fingertips. 

Pick Up Where You Left Off

In My Starred Items on the homepage, you’ll find *your* ten most recently created or edited documents. You can get back to work in one click!


Nab One of Our Faves

The LibraryAware Staff Picks section will feature ten can’t-miss templates selected by our team. There you’ll find templates about hot topics, template collections, book display ideas and more.

Check Out Trending Templates

Have you ever wondered what other libraries are creating? The Trending Now section of the homepage features the ten most popular templates across all LibraryAware users over the past seven days.  

The LibraryAware homepage will be made available to customers the last week of March. We’d love to know what you think! You can send homepage feedback and questions to libraryaware@ebsco.com or via chat support in LibraryAware.  

Jenny Schafer is a Product Manager for NoveList.