Do you have a go-to strategy for helping readers with relationship fiction? Whether your readers are fans of upbeat stories of bouncing back or sardonic looks at family dysfunction — let NoveList and LibraryReads break down the best relationship fiction has to offer your readers — from unlikely friendships to witty comedies of manners.
Join as they cover:
- Why readers choose relationship fiction
- History of relationship fiction
- Classics, new titles/authors to watch, and awards to know
- Subgenres and crossovers
- NoveList insider information on genre headings, themes, appeal terms, and more

Rebecca Vnuk is the Executive Director of LibraryReads. She has an MLIS from Dominican University and worked as a public librarian for a decade before becoming the editor for Collection Management and Library Outreach at Booklist magazine. Rebecca is the author of three reference books on the topic of Women’s Fiction, as well as a best-selling book on weeding library collections. She was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker in 2010 and was the 2010 PLA Allie Beth Martin Award Winner for distinguished Readers Advisory Service. She lives in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and two tween sons (both of whom still love to read, whew!).
Halle Eisenman leads the Editorial Content Team which oversees the creation of the lists, articles, book discussion guides, and all the other amazing and informative content you can find in NoveList. Prior to working at NoveList, she spent a dozen years working for a public library system in a variety of roles, but no matter what her job title, her favorite part of any day was suggesting books to patrons. When not at work, Halle can often be found walking her dogs (they get lots of exercise when she’s listening to a particularly riveting audiobook), binge-watching TV shows aimed at teenagers, baking, or sitting on her back porch with a book. She is currently serving on the RUSA CODES Reading List Council.
Kathy Stewart, Moderator: If you’ve heard about NoveList, you might have talked with Kathy. She loves sharing the good stuff about NoveList products with all interested, drawing upon her public librarian experience to help others match readers with books. Kathy’s background as a children’s librarian still informs her reading, from picture books that are read-aloud fodder to character-driven, ‘quiet’ books for older kids and teens.
Lori Reed is the Marketing Specialist for NoveList. She is currently reading Lean Out by Tara Henley.