To make it easier for you to compare stats across vendors and to meet current reporting standards, EBSCO has updated the reports available in EBSCOadmin, which includes NoveList usage reports. You’ll now have greater clarity in analyzing and comparing your usage data. Read more about the new reports and why changes were implemented.

Need step by-step instructions?
EBSCO has provided detailed tutorials and instructions as well as free training sessions. You can also see instructions specific to NoveList.

What’s different for NoveList customers?
For libraries that subscribed to both NoveList Plus and NoveList Select, the biggest change is that NoveList Select data has been separated from the standard usage reports in EBSCOadmin. You will now need to look at both EBSCOadmin for NoveList Plus reports and at your NoveList Select report, available separately. Previously, the data was mixed together in some reports, making it hard to distinguish between them. Now, all customers using the standard reports will see only NoveList Plus statistics. These reports will include the typical database metrics such as sessions and searches. If you need assistance running a usage report for your NoveList database, please email the EBSCO support teams.

What about NoveList Select usage data?
This is still available, but must be requested separately and will be emailed to you monthly. Since NoveList Select is catalog enrichment (and not a database), the metrics measured are different. The NoveList Select reports measure the number of clicks received on different elements displayed in the catalog environment. See this guide to understanding NoveList Select usage metrics. If you would like to request your NoveList Select report, simply email the NoveList Select support team.

Need help understanding usage numbers?
We understand that changes in metrics can be confusing, and you may notice big differences in the numbers previously reported compared to the current numbers. Please feel free to email the NoveList team for help understanding the data.

Want ideas for improving usage numbers?
If you’re interested in increasing your NoveList usage check out our Idea Center, especially our ideas for promoting reader services and tips for helping patrons find NoveList on your library website.

We also recommend taking a look at these Inspiring Stories from other customers who’ve implemented some creative ideas. 

Jennifer Lohmann is a NoveList Consultant.