Do you have a go-to strategy for helping readers with Adventure Stories and Westerns? Whether your readers are fans of a fast-paced, action-packed quest to save the world or a sweeping tale of survival on the frontier, let NoveList and LibraryReads break down the best Adventure Stories and Westerns have to offer your readers.
Join as they cover:
- Why readers choose Adventure Stories and Westerns
- History of the Adventure Stories and Westerns genres
- Classics, new titles and authors to watch, and trends to know
- Subgenres and crossovers
- NoveList insider information on genre headings, themes, appeal terms, and more

Jessica Trotter is an archivist by training but now works as a Collection Development Specialist for Capital Area District Libraries in Lansing, Michigan. She also works as Digital Selector for the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services OverDrive Consortium, serves on the Board for LibraryReads, and advocates for thoughtful and inclusive Readers’ Advisory. She presents regularly on Collections Maintenance, Readers’ Advisory, and Genealogy topics.
David Wright is a Reader Services librarian at the Seattle Public Library’s landmark downtown branch, where he counsels readers in person and online, as well as presenting the library’s popular Thrilling Tales storytime for adults, in person and via podcast. A founding member of LibraryReads and an erstwhile Readers' Advisory instructor at the University of Washington, he currently explores reprints and revivals as editor of Library Journal’s Classic Returns column, and reviews audiobooks for The Seattle Times. He misses you all terribly, whoever you are, and hopes we can all go out for drinks real soon.
Moderator Halle Eisenman leads the Content Team which oversees the creation of the lists, articles, NextReads newsletters, and read-alike recommendations. Prior to working at NoveList, she spent a dozen years working for a public library system in a variety of roles, but no matter what her job title, her favorite part of any day was suggesting books to patrons. When not at work, Halle can often be found walking her dogs (they get lots of exercise when she’s listening to a particularly riveting audiobook), binge-watching TV shows aimed at teenagers, baking, or sitting on her back porch with a book.
Jen Heuer Scott is Marketing Specialist for NoveList. She is currently reading All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, A Black Family Keepsake by Tiya Miles.