BiblioGraph NoveList Enrichment

Drive traffic to your catalog and help your library attract new users.

Use Data to Attract Users

With BiblioGraph + BiblioGraph NoveList Enrichment in place, you’ll have a powerful set of tools available to use. These tools can help you attract new users to your library and drive increased traffic to your catalog.

With linked data, libraries have the power to reach readers, patrons, and potential patrons in ways they never could before. If you're wondering where to start, we have a few suggestions.

Share with readers on your website 

Using the carousels from BiblioGraph NoveList Enrichment, you can share reading lists anywhere on your website. Use them to easily pull titles out of your catalog and highlight your collection as virtual displays. The Recommended Reads lists from BiblioGraph NoveList Enrichment make especially good reading lists to share.

Ask library partners to share on their website 

Carousels can also be shared with your partners to strengthen outreach and direct traffic to your website. Imagine your local science museum with a carousel of STEAM children's books, local daycares sharing carousels of picture books about starting school, or an animal rescue organization featuring a carousel of animal stories. These are all possible (and easy!) to create and share with BiblioGraph NoveList Enrichment.

Real-world ideas 

Recommended Reads lists that are part of BiblioGraph NoveList Enrichment include fun lists such as For Fans of, Best of the Year, Staff Faves — and our book experts have done all the heavy lifting.

These carousels will include only the titles you own, and they update automatically when your collection updates. So they stay current without you having to do extra work.

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