Noticed anything the last time you searched for a book in Google? Check out Becoming, by Michelle Obama (and read it, if you haven’t!). Over on the right side of the page, you'll see the what's called the knowledge panel. In that knowledge panel are the book jacket and information on where to purchase the book. Plus now you'll also see where to borrow the book in different formats. Library collections show up in that knowledge panel when they subscribe to NoveList's Linked Library Service.
You’re probably used to seeing the retail sources like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but this is the first time that physical collections owned by libraries are now also displayed as options. Your community will be able to choose their preferred format of the book and be taken directly to your catalog to put the book on hold. Nothing between you and your readers but a quick Google search. Clicking the 'borrow' link takes people right into your library catalog.

Want to know how many readers found you on Google? That information is available on your library's stats page, where you’ll be able to quickly see how many readers are finding you through Google, through your embedded linked data widgets, and through other integration partners like the Open Library. The stats page helps to measure how visible your library is in the community and is unique to the Linked Library Service.
Help your community turn a search for a book into a trip to the library. Learn more about Linked Library Service and Linked Library Enrichment.