Learning about medical procedures in a lecture hall is important, but reinforcing those lectures with video instruction can make the lesson even stronger. A study published in Nursing Times Learning presented five key results on the benefits of incorporating multimedia into nursing programs:

  1. Multimedia can engage students and enhance their learning experiences
  2. Multimedia can be used to introduce and develop essential nursing skills
  3. Nurse educators have an important role in developing innovative teaching approaches
  4. Video can be an integral part of a blended learning approach to skills
  5. Students value the use of multimedia

Online nursing education resources have become integral to colleges and universities that offer allied health and nursing programs. One such resource is Medcom, which provides hundreds of educational nursing videos that can be viewed in classroom settings or remotely. Test results are immediate, and scores are maintained in a centralized location, making it easy to monitor progress.

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Medcom provides high-quality online nursing education content to fulfill education and training needs of institutions and health systems around the world.