GOBI Library Solutions
GOBI Library Solutions is the leading provider of e-books, print books and workflow services to academic libraries worldwide. We have the people, tools and expertise to act as an extension of your library and fully support your unique collection development and acquisition needs.
How can GOBI Library Solutions help your library?
Acquire print books and e-books in one place
Streamline cataloging and book processing
Optimize collection development with our best-in-class proprietary metadata
Choose from multiple acquisition and access models
Demand-Driven Acquisitions (DDA): Acquire Books Based on Usage and Demand
Looking to optimize your e-book collection and budget? Or need to migrate an existing JSTOR DDA program? We can help. GOBI's DDA program streamlines workflows, reduces costs through automation and deduplication, and empowers users with faster access to a wider range of library materials, all supported by data-driven insights.
Innovation in Action: Frequently Asked Questions About Our New Book Ordering Solution Mosaic
Curious about Mosaic, our innovative book acquisition tool? We've compiled a comprehensive FAQ to address your queries regarding development progress, launch schedule, and current/future functionalities.
Get The GOBI Library Solutions Edge
Explore our comprehensive guide to learn about e-book acquisition models, collection development support services, platform partners and more ways GOBI can support e-book acquisition at your library.
Ready to learn more?
See how GOBI Library Solutions can help your library.
Already a GOBI customer?
Find, order and manage e-books and print books.