EBSCO eBooks
Build your ideal e-book collection with titles from top publishers and university presses.
Why Choose EBSCO eBooks?

Large Selection of E-Books
Choose from more than 2.4+ million e-books, including 450,000+ DRM-free titles.

Highly Curated Collections
Our team of librarians curate collections that meet your quality standards while saving you time.

Commitment to Libraries
EBSCO is committed to working with libraries to offer the most user-friendly e-book experience possible.

New 2025 Subject Sets Are Available Now
Meet researcher needs for new e-books on popular, high-interest topics with EBSCO eBooks Subject Sets. Each set contains frontlist books with perpetual access and is tailored by our team of librarians containing e-books published within the past 2 years with no duplication among current or past sets.
Popular 2025 sets include:
- American Political Science
- Fine Arts & Music
- Leadership & Management
- Pediatrics
- Urban Studies

Watch the Replay: An Introductory Tour of Mosaic by GOBI Library Solutions
Webinar Air Date: December 12, 2024
Did you miss our recent webinar offering an introductory tour of our new book acquisition platform Mosaic? Watch the replay to explore key features that are available now to support and enhance your library's acquisition journey. Ready to get started? Contact our team.

Is Your Library an EBSCO eBooks Subscription Customer? Join Our Notification Group.
Make sure you are aware of additions or removals to avoid dead links and ensure that your catalogue is current by joining our Subscription Notifications group via our customer support site, EBSCO Connect. We encourage all subscribers to create a Connect account, so you are able to access the group and stay informed of changes that may affect you. Watch our video for a brief tutorial and then go to EBSCO Connect to get started.

How to Cultivate a Thriving E-Book Collection with EBSCO eBook Manager
Webinar Air Date: November 7, 2024
Discover the essentials to building and managing a vibrant eBook collection that meets your library's needs and budget. In this engaging replay, Robin Corder, EBSCO eBooks Sales Specialist, guides you through the powerful features of EBSCO eBook Manager, sharing actionable strategies to optimize, nurture, and streamline your library's digital collection.
Ready to learn more?
Contact an EBSCO sales representative for title lists and other information.
Order now in ECM
Browse and order EBSCO eBooks and more in EBSCOhost Collection Manager (ECM).