EBSCO Mobile App — Research Anytime, Anywhere
Free and available to all EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) and EBSCOhost users, the EBSCO Mobile app gives users ubiquitous access to the library’s content, surfacing search results across the library’s EBSCO subscriptions. The EBSCO Mobile app expands the reach of the library by making research quickly available via an easy-to-use interface to users wherever they might be.

Leverage Mobile Technology
The EBSCO Mobile app allows users to take advantage of the inherent strengths of their mobile devices, such as sharing links via native iOS and Android tools, using facial recognition for login, voice-to-text searching, audio play of content and finding their library based on geolocation.
Get the most out the app with tutorials and guides on EBSCO Connect:
Find live courses about the app at EBSCO Academy and promote it to your organization's users with this kit!

Download and Read EBSCO eBooks on the EBSCO Mobile App
The EBSCO Mobile app provides library users with an easy way to download and read e-books from their library’s EBSCO eBooks collections.
In addition, the app enables you to download e-books and read them within the app without needing an Adobe ID or the Adobe Digital Editions app.