IPSWICH, Mass. — February 26, 2013 — EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) announces that CINAHL®, the world’s definitive research tool for nursing and allied health literature, will now provide even more content with the introduction of CINAHL® Complete™. The database will offer 71 percent more full-text journals than are available in CINAHL®Plus with Full Text.
CINAHL Complete is the most comprehensive set of nursing and allied health indexing with full text for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. With full-text coverage dating back to 1937, this authoritative file contains full text for more than 1,300 journals, many with no embargos, and over 1,460 journals with searchable cited references. Additionally, there is deep full text for many important titles with no embargoes such as titles from the American Diabetes Association.
EBSCO Publishing Senior Vice President of Product Management and Customer SatisfactionStratton Lloyd, says that CINAHL Complete will give nurses and allied health professionals access to an unprecedented amount of content. “CINAHL has long been the gold standard of nursing and allied health research resources.With the release of CINAHL Complete users will be able to access an incredible breadth of full-text sources at a superior value.”
Available only from EBSCO, CINAHL Complete is also compatible with the point-of-care tool, Nursing Reference Center™. For more information, visit http://www.ebscohost.com/nursing/products/cinahl-databases/cinahl-complete
About EBSCO Publishing
EBSCO Publishingis the world’s premier database aggregator, offering a suite of more than 350 full-text and secondary research databases. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals, magazines, books, monographs, reports and various other publication types from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all medical professionals (doctors, nurses, medical librarians, social workers, hospital administrators, etc.). The company’s product lines include proprietary databases such as CINAHL®, DynaMed™, Nursing Reference Center™, Patient Education Reference Center™, Rehabilitation Reference Center™, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source™ and SocINDEX™ as well as dozens of leading licensed databases such as MEDLINE®, PsycARTICLES® and PsycINFO®. Databases are powered by EBSCOhost®, the most-used for-fee electronic resource in libraries around the world. For more information, visit the EBSCO Publishing Web site at: www.ebscohost.com, or contact: information@ebscohost.com.
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