IPSWICH, Mass. — November 10, 2014 — Ergon Energy Corporation in Australia has implemented EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) to improve access to full-text resources and increase the exposure of both print and electronic materials to library users.
Ergon Energy is a high-performance energy business that supplies energy to more than 700,000 customers in Queensland, Australia. The company’s strong relationship with EBSCO led them to look at EDS and the ability to access quality information quickly made them realize EDS would be a good fit for their company.
Ergon Energy Information Resources Administrator, Jodie Scarfe says the ease-of-use paired with quality information makes EDS a valuable resource for their users. “EBSCO Discovery Service is extremely easy to navigate. Its excellent quality makes searching very easy and we get the results needed the first time. It is an excellent value for our users.”
EDS employs a multi-faceted relevance ranking methodology that is the foundation of the EDS platform. The ranking methodology ensures users not only find relevant results, but also the best possible results. “The relevance ranking in EDS is one of the key features we rely on,” says Scarfe. “We also use the search history strings and have integrated widgets to make the discovery experience unique to our needs.”
The company has also taken advantage of the array of customization options including branding the site with their company logo and images.
EBSCO Discovery Service creates a unified, customized index of an institution’s information resources, and an easy, yet powerful means of accessing all of that content from a single search box-searching made even more powerful because of the quality of its relevance and value ranking technology.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 6,000 discovery customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools serving millions of end users at tens of thousands of institutions. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 650,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594