IPSWICH, Mass. — December 7, 2020 — LibraryAware™, from NoveList®, a division of EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), is becoming a must-have marketing tool given the unique needs of libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic. These unique needs have led to unprecedented interest in LibraryAware as library staff are leveraging its 10,000+ ready-to-use templates, allowing staff to communicate with patrons and increase awareness of virtual programming, reopening, pick up plans, changes in hours, and more.
Library closings, reduced hours and limited in-person patron allowances are changing the way library staff operate and promote their resources to patrons. The pandemic has made it even more important for libraries to reach diverse members of their community with different strategies to emphasize ways the library can help. Because the library community is everywhere (online, getting curbside pick-up, visiting the library in person), libraries need their marketing to be everywhere — including emails, social media, newsletters, signage and more.
LibraryAware offers materials and ready-to-go templates available for channels important to libraries like social media, email, print, digital signage, NoveList Select and checkout stations. The LibraryAware team at NoveList is constantly creating new campaigns, initiatives and resources so that they can help libraries address the issues they are confronting during the pandemic. Some of these initiatives include reopening campaigns, reading campaigns, story time promotion, and digital resource awareness. Sarah Hart Coatsworth, Chatham-Kent Public Library’s Manager of Marketing Outreach and Programs says “LibraryAware’s templates made a tricky situation a little more manageable — there were several templates prepared for new things libraries were doing during the pandemic like curbside service (with corresponding graphics) and practical pieces like signage including COVID-19 precautions.”
LibraryAware combines its promotion and marketing tools with NoveList’s book expertise by creating templates, emails, and book widgets that enable virtual browsing. These resources make it easier to tell patrons about the resources and services available at their local library while relieving the pressure of creating marketing materials from library staff who are stretched thin during the pandemic.
Melissa Andrews, Collection Development Manager at Boston Public Library, says that when the Boston Public Library needed a new way to provide readers’ advisory virtually, they turned to the NextReads newsletters that are part of LibraryAware. She says they make it easy for libraries to send book recommendations on more than 20 topics and genres directly to patrons’ inboxes. “I have always wanted to offer booklist newsletters but COVID accelerated those plans. Most of our readers’ advisory was based around browsing in person, so we needed new ways to deliver those services, and the NextReads newsletters was an easy way to do that.”
Danielle Borasky, Vice President of NoveList, says LibraryAware was designed to work alongside libraries and help them with that essential business of raising awareness and that mission is even more important during COVID-19. “The pandemic has increased the importance of digital marketing for libraries and highlighted how essential increasing community awareness and engagement is to ensure the future success of libraries. It’s been amazing to see how creative libraries have been as they use LibraryAware to showcase their digital resources, promote their collections and engage their readers. Being a part of keeping libraries at the center of their community is something I’m proud we’re able to do.”
In 2006, NoveList launched NextReads, a subscription-based email readers' advisory service for libraries and their patrons. To offer librarians more tools and resources for marketing library services, NoveList created LibraryAware, which incorporated the NextReads newsletters. Today, LibraryAware is used by thousands of libraries to keep patrons informed and engaged with ready-to-use templates for email, social media, newsletters, and more.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries, Inc., a family owned company since 1944. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com.
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Celia Zampitella
Senior Communications Coordinator