TD: Talent Development
For more than 75 years, the award-winning TD magazine has heralded and even led the evolution of the profession from training and development to workplace learning and performance-with the purpose to deliver to its readers the emerging trends and proven best practices. Since its debut in 1947 as the Journal for Industrial Training, what is now called TD magazine has chronicled the issues and ideas, the pains and passions of a growing profession. The magazine's goals are to provide useful, how-to information on current best practices through case studies; share new technologies and their applications; report emerging trends; and address relevant and pivotal issues to the field. TD magazine has been the voice of the talent development profession, covering the art and science of developing people and the systems in which they work to produce results.
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Publisher: Association for Talent Development
ISSN: 2374-0663; 2374-0671
Categories: Business & Finance; Industry & Trade
* Not all titles are available in all markets.