Resources for Critical Analysis

Canadian Points of View Reference Source covers hundreds of topics, each with an Overview (objective background/description), Point (argument) and Counterpoint (opposing argument).

Each topic also features a Guide to Critical Analysis which helps the reader evaluate the controversy and enhances students’ ability to read critically, develop their own perspective on the issues and write or debate an effective argument on the topic.

Newest Topics Include:

  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Extreme Tourism
  • Nobel Prize
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Relevance of the Royal Family

Canadian Points of View Reference Source provides a balance of materials from all viewpoints, including:

  • Leading political magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Radio and television news transcripts
  • Primary source documents
  • Reference books
  • A series of titles from World Public Opinion

The database also offers related images and supplementary research guides for writing position papers, developing arguments and debating.

School Curriculum Support

Canadian Points of View Reference Source provides access to EBSCO's Curriculum Standards Module, which helps K-12 educators correlate EBSCO content quickly and easily to province-specific curriculum standards. The module provides browsing of specific benchmarks, many of which have recommended search strings for successful content retrieval.

Canadian Points of View Reference Source also features alternative content delivery options to support Individual Education Plans, such as text-to-speech for HTML articles. In addition, the database includes rich multimedia content, student research guides and citation help.


The deepest learning happens when students are discussing and engaging with each other using the language of the topic, using the evidence to defend their points.

Erin Dunn-Keefe, Literacy Coach, South Shore Regional School Board