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CINAHL Ultimate for Nursing and Allied Health Research
CINAHL Ultimate
The largest collection of leading nursing and allied health literature
CINAHL Ultimate supports the medical research needs of hospitals and academic institutions worldwide with users in 46 countries.
CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Top 5 Countries accessing CINAHL Ultimate
- United States
- Great Britain
- Ireland
- Australia
- Germany
Top 10 Most Searched Terms
- Mental health
- Dementia
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Psychology
- Covid-19
- Medication errors
- Anxiety
- Palliative care
- Pain management
PICO(T) Search Screen
Presents a way for nurses to precisely formulate a clinical question before starting a search
PICO(T) stands for Problem or Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time
- 138 Instructional Nursing Videos
- 1,815+ Active full-text journals and magazines
Did you know? CINAHL Ultimate includes:
- CEU modules, evidence-based care sheets, and quick lessons
- Full. Text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database
- Full-text coverage dating back to 1937
- Evidence-based & Peer reviewed content
- MeSH and CINAHL Subject Headings