Located in Chennai, India, the Institute for Financial Management and Research enrolls 450 students pursuing post-graduate degrees in management as well as doctoral degrees in finance, economics, and management subjects. To meet the research needs of its students and 30 faculty members, the library began subscribing to Business Source Complete, EBSCO's leading scholarly full-text business database.
Business Source Complete covers a vast number of publishers in a single platform. This is very useful to the business management user communities.
Business Source Complete covers a vast number of publishers in a single platform. This is very useful to the business management user communities.
According to Librarian M. Panduranga Swamy, one of the reasons the institution chose Business Source Complete is that it “covers a vast number of publishers in a single platform. This is very useful to the business management user communities.”
Swamy said end users rely on the database for its management-related content, company analysis, company reports, extensive journal articles, videos and more.
“Our students and faculty are happy with Business Source Complete,” he said.