Located in Mangalore, India, Yenepoya University offers 98 academic programs in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry and the allied health sciences. The Central Library of the Yenepoya University plays a vital role in the research and education programs of the University as well as the Yenepoya Medical College Hospital, a teaching hospital affiliated with the University. The Library supports and reflects the University’s mission to create an atmosphere for academic excellence in which meaningful research generates new ideas and contributes to the betterment of society.
The SPORTDiscus with Full Text database is one of the best comprehensive sources of full text for sports and sports medicine. Its coverage and content is vast and can help [users] make better decisions about patient care.
The SPORTDiscus with Full Text database is one of the best comprehensive sources of full text for sports and sports medicine. Its coverage and content is vast and can help [users] make better decisions about patient care.
Since the emergence of evidence-based practice to support patient care, Yenepoya University has aimed to provide its more than 3,000 faculty members, researchers and students with a robust collection of clinical information resources covering specific disorders, interventions, diagnostic practices and assessment methods. For many years, the Central Library has subscribed to MEDLINE® Complete, CINAHL® Plus with Full Text and Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source™ through EBSCO.
Recently, however, the Library began looking for a clinical information resource to better support faculty, students and researchers in its physiotherapy program.
“Health information is abundantly available in the 21stcentury,” said Chief Librarian Mrs. Mamatha Kumar. “The challenge is no longer to find or access information, but to locate and make use of good quality information or evidence and to deliver the best possible healthcare.”
In April 2016, the Library purchased SPORTDiscus™ with Full Text, EBSCO’s premier source of sports medicine journals with extensive coverage in the areas of fitness, health and sport studies. Following the launch, the Library conducted user orientation programs led by EBSCO training specialists to familiarize the University’s physiotherapy faculty, research scholars and post-graduate students with SPORTDiscus with Full Text. The database is also included in library orientation sessions held at the beginning of each academic year.
“The SPORTDiscus with Full Text database is one of the best comprehensive sources of full text for sports and sports medicine,” Mrs. Kumar said, citing journals in physical therapy, rehabilitation therapy, kinesiology and exercise sciences as especially valuable to physiotherapy professionals.
In addition, Mrs. Kumar praised the convenience of the EBSCOhost® Mobile App, which enables users to access the library’s EBSCO content from mobile devices both on and off campus. User authenticate via EZproxy® through the University’s website and e-learning portal.
“Healthcare professionals have time constraints as they are busy with teaching and patient care at the college and teaching hospital respectively,” Mrs. Kumar explained. “They find less time to access the library resources while on campus. Since the Yenepoya University campus is Wi-Fi enabled, users can access our e-resources at the library, college, hospital and from outside the campus.”
Improving the research experience, which can ultimately improve patient care, is an added benefit.
“Our users look forward to using SPORTDiscus with Full Text,” Mrs. Kumar said. “Its coverage and content is vast and can help them make better decisions about patient care.”