The John Cotton Dana (JCD) Award recognizes successful library public relations campaigns, whether a summer reading program, a year-long centennial celebration, fundraising for a new college library, an awareness campaign or an innovative partnership in the community. In recognition of their achievement, winners receive a cash award from the H.W. Wilson Foundation. Four recent award winners talk about their award-winning campaigns.
Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick, ME
In February 2020, Curtis Memorial Library received a grant to host an exhibit of Robert McCloskey’s original illustrations for Maine’s Bicentennial, but COVID-19 forced the library to close in March, limiting services to online programming. In 2023, to bring patrons back, the library planned and promoted the ROBERT McCLOSKEY: The Art of Wonder exhibit, featuring more than 80 original illustrations, author talks and workshops. The exhibit was a success, drawing more than 80,000 visitors from 50 states and 22 countries, nearly doubling pre-COVID door counts and library card sign-ups. The library, serving 25,000 people in Brunswick and Harpswell, became the first in Maine to win the John Cotton Dana Award. Joy Fehl, Development and Marketing Manager, says, “I’ve always been a bit intimidated to apply for what seemed like a stretch award for our smaller library. But we knew we had a great project and metrics.”

Spokane Public Library, Spokane, WA
Spokane Public Library aimed to reach one million residents with a campaign to educate, inform, and inspire the community about the library's transformational power. The "Be Your Best Self" campaign included a 30-second commercial on YouTube, Hulu, and Spotify, showcasing various library offerings, and was promoted through a landing page, ads, stickers, social media, and print pieces. It culminated in Library Learning Week, encouraging customers to learn new skills at the library. The campaign achieved 1.2 million impressions and won a John Cotton Dana Award. We need to celebrate the wins of our libraries, amplifying our success stories and advocating for the importance of marketing and communications in telling the story of libraries. Applying for and winning a John Cotton Dana Award emphasizes the important work of library communications and marketing not only for your library leadership but also your community.

Orange County Library System, Orlando, FL
On November 8, 2023, Orange County Library System celebrated its 100th anniversary with a yearlong series of events, activities, and promotions designed to engage the community and highlight the library's history and future. Despite concerns about the community's focus on tourist attractions over local history, the celebration was timed with a change in leadership, allowing the new director to introduce exciting initiatives. The "Proud Past, Bright Future" theme was integrated into all aspects of library service, from toddler events to partnerships with other organizations, and a marketing campaign that showcased stories from each decade. This comprehensive public relations effort, involving all levels of the library system, resulted in increased usage and engagement. The award not only legitimized their efforts but also boosted morale and provided recognition that could be shared with the community.

Applying for and winning a John Cotton Dana Award emphasizes the important work of library communications and marketing not only for your library leadership but also your community.
Applying for and winning a John Cotton Dana Award emphasizes the important work of library communications and marketing not only for your library leadership but also your community.
Richmond Hill Public Library, Ontario, Canada
Richmond Hill Public Library successfully rebranded with the campaign "Yes, at the Library," transforming community perceptions and showcasing the library as a vital, innovative, and inclusive hub for learning, connection, and creativity. The rebranding was implemented in three phases: a digital launch updating all online assets, gradual introduction of redesigned print materials, and ongoing updates to in-branch signage and collateral. Community-focused messaging, inspired by survey insights, drove engagement through geo-targeted ads and curated landing pages, resulting in significant increases in website visitors, social media engagement, and newsletter subscribers. The new logo, reflecting Richmond Hill’s rose-growing legacy, symbolizes growth, community, and innovation. The campaign's success was evident in increased program participation and positive patron feedback, reaffirming RHPL’s role as a trusted connector and a welcoming space.

Anchorage Public Library, Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage Public Library attributes their success in winning the John Cotton Dana award twice to thorough planning and research to determine needs and evaluate success, alongside their creative ideas. They created an engaging campaign called “Booch for Books” to promote Library Card Sign Up Month, partnering with local businesses and library champions to reestablish in-person community events for adults. The campaign included a custom library flavor of kombucha, a book tasting event, and cardholder benefits, resulting in $1,000 raised, 65 event attendees, and 1,000 new library cards in September. Winning the award not only boosted their limited marketing budget but also gave the community pride in their library and demonstrated to stakeholders the impact of marketing on library programs.