565 results
See what EBSCO has to offer at this year’s ALA Annual Conference in Washington D.C., the first ALA in person event since 2019.
EBSCO recently launched a new feature to integrate the EBSCONET Journal Renewal Service with Integrated Library Systems (ILS). Learn how the University of Washington Libraries is benefiting from the new feature.
Meet Quintard Taylor, professor emeritus at the University of Washington and founder of BlackPast, an award-winning website that produces content featured in a new free library database from EBSCO, Exploring Race in Society.
A library’s special collection gives more than just information— it provides a story. Read how the JSTOR Open Communities Collections is bringing special collections to the research community through EBSCO Discovery Service.
Learn how the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Spotlight Lists in GOBI were created in a Q&A with Gemma Doyle, Collection Development Manager, EBSCO Books, and Jenny Hudson, Senior Collection Development Manager and Profiling Team Lead, Western U.S., GOBI.
Read the EBSCO 2023 Serials Price Projection Report, produced to assist customers with budgeting and learn how serials pricing trends and influencers impact publisher costs.
The Library of Congress is migrating to the FOLIO Library Services Platform using EBSCO FOLIO services, as part of a plan to revolutionize the management of its collections.
Consider these elements when looking for a replacement for QUOSA for life sciences literature management.
View the newest and most recently updated Spotlight Lists in GOBI, containing specially curated, librarian-recommended selections of e-books and print books to help you save time while finding the right books for your library.
Hear from a member of EBSCO’s International Customer Training Services team, comprised of experts who provide training for librarians looking to help their end users utilize the tools and resources available at their library.