564 results
Check out the 2020 Serials Price Projection Report, which EBSCO produces to help customers with budgeting for the renewal season and read about factors that influence the scholarly information marketplace.
Donna Shaw, Director of Product Management at EBSCO Information Services, helped lead the development of EBSCO Faculty Select™. Find out more about her.
Inspire the next generation of innovators by starting a coding club in your library. Here are a few tools to help you get started with coding.
Dr. Tina Frühauf, Associate Executive Editor at Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), explains the history and evolution of music pedagogy.
Bowen Thagard, EBSCO Senior Vice President of Operations & Finance for the Subscription Services Division, offers questions to ask and topics to consider when assessing capabilities of subscriptions agents.
Stay informed with the latest updates to APA Databases on EBSCOhost. Our webinar demonstrates effective search strategies on the new EBSCOhost UI, discusses expanded video content in APA PsycTherapy, and an overview of APA PsycInfo research services.
Keep reading to learn how OpenAthens can help any organization with identity and access management (IAM) needs.
As the AI landscape evolves, staying up to date with the latest standards is essential to building and delivering AI tools into the research space.
Pop culture is an expansive subject with many different areas to discover. Magazine archives provide a unique lens through which researchers can learn about 20th century pop culture topics while benefiting from reliable journalistic accounts.
The 20th century featured many major historical events that impacted the entire world. Magazine archives serve as the perfect time capsules for getting a glimpse of what American life was like during those events.