Enhancing the discovery of open access research
EBSCO Discovery Service provides users with a single search box that makes in-depth research easy. EDS enables researchers to find quality open access content alongside subscription articles and books, leveraging subject indexing and other metadata, full-text searching, superior relevance ranking and high-quality linking in order to maximize usage.

Not only does EBSCO support [the Directory of Open Access Journals] with a generous financial donation every year, their EBSCO Discovery Service and EBSCOhost platforms generate a lot more referrals to DOAJ than any other online platform. EBSCO’s strong support of both open access and open source make them unique among library vendors worldwide.
— Lars Bjørnshauge, Managing Director
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Indexing key open access journal repositories and lists

A partnership of academic and research institutions collecting millions of open access titles

Jan Szczepanski maintains a robust list of scholarly open access journals from around the world