565 results
Indian Trails Public Library District in Illinois was one of two recipients of the 2017 EBSCO Solar grant. Find out about their story and their advice for libraries looking to apply for this year EBSCO Solar grant.
Wendy DeGroat, librarian at Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies in Richmond, Virginia, discusses nurturing curiosity and connecting students with resources that reflect multiple perspectives.
We interviewed Whatcom County Library System’s Community Relations Coordinator Lizz Roberts and Red Rokk Marketing Director Sherri Huleatt about how their “My Modern Library” campaign led to taking home one of the eight grants provided by H.W. Wi...
Learn how Parkway Schools’ Library Support Specialist Kim Lindskog works with district librarians to promote the broad reach of their school library programs using the latest digital tools.
Learn how school districts are combining technology with education by providing students with their own laptop computers, specifically Google Chromebooks.
Digital information is how we consume information, but how do we know when information is false and improve our media and information literacy skills?
Still have some print journal subscriptions? You’re not alone. Learn how many librarians handle the tasks associated with the delivery of print issues, such as check in, claiming and reporting.
Research and development tools are a substantial, but necessary, investment. Learn how to enhance their use.
Measuring the value of the corporate library can be a challenge. Find out how corporate librarians can measure and increase their impact on business (IOB).
Learn how Educational Testing Service (ETS) has streamlined processes by using EBSCO as a one-stop information provider for educational research.