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By working with leading publishers, EBSCO makes high-quality content available through its easy-to-use research platforms. EBSCO allows libraries and institutions to build their own e-book collections from a growing selection of best-selling and award-winning titles across a wide range of subjects and genres.
E-Book Publisher Benefits
Increase the usage of your titles and maximize your revenue. Let us help you reach new users worldwide. Publisher benefits include:
- Unparalleled sales force and market reach
- Multiple e-book formats to optimize accessibility
- Flexible data submission format options for publishers
- Various sales models that increase library purchasing potential
- Enhanced services to increase visibility and sales, including EBSCO Discovery Service
Various Distribution Models
EBSCO eBooks offers multiple distribution models to meet any publisher’s needs and expectations. Our models include:
- Single-user model
- Multi-user model
- Subscription Model
- Concurrent access model
- Consortia pricing model
- Patron driven acquisition (with embargo)
- Lease (with embargo)