Featured Databases
Research Databases
Business Source Corporate Plus is a customizable business research solution for a wide range of markets and applications. It offers the most curated full-text business information for today's companies, including business magazines, journals and trade publications from top publishers, plus company information and critical news content.
HR Source is a database that supports the career development needs of human resource (HR) professionals. It includes articles from a wide range of industries, providing insights into best practices across the discipline.
This database contains more than two million descriptive summaries of papers and titles that NTIS (National Technical Information Service) has received from the government since 1964.
Polymer Library is the world's largest abstracts database dedicated to plastics, rubber, polymer composites and adhesives. Published by the expert team at WTI-Frankfurt-digital, this database contains information from journals, conference proceedings, books and reports.
This bibliographic database provides records covering essential areas related to shock and vibration. Topics include noise, vibration technologies, seismology, experimental mechanics, engineering and other relevant areas.
Sustainability Reference Center is a robust full-text database covering all aspects of sustainability, including environmental stewardship, corporate social responsibility and federal, state and local regulations. It includes full text journals, magazines, books and trade publications, plus expert analyses, benchmarks and best practices for sustainability initiative management.
This full-text database covers the scientific and technological aspects of textile production and processing. Formerly the Institute of Textile Technology's Textile Technology Digest, this resource traces the body of knowledge in textile science and technology back to the early 20th century.
An essential tool for both academic and professional researchers, Vente et Gestion provides full-text access to a wide variety of content relevant to business and related subjects, sourced from top French language business journals.
Distinguished by its international coverage of scientific, trade, technical and economic publications, this bibliographic database covers decades of information relating to developments and innovations in the textile industry.